Tree Dedication Program (former Commemorative Trees Program)
The new Tree Dedication Program was approved by Council in June 2024 and replaces the former Commemorative Tree Program. It offers residents with options for dedications such as births, anniversaries, and other milestones. The tree planting site can now be selected from pre-determined locations in various City parks. The applicant has a choice of tree species based on the site conditions.
Plant Your Place!
Trees play a vital role in our city. They:
- Absorb rainwater and improve air quality
- Capture carbon and combat climate change
- Keep neighbourhoods cool in the summer
- Lower heating and cooling costs
- Add beauty and character to our communities
With 40% of Ottawa’s urban area on private property, there’s a major opportunity to expand our urban canopy.
Now, there’s an easy way to get involved.
The City of Ottawa’s new Plant Your Place! program makes it simple for residents to plant trees on their private residential properties. Through the new Plant Your Place! program, trees are available free of charge through two streams:
- City-Wide Tree Distribution
- Full-Service Tree Planting in neighbourhoods with low canopy cover.
The program launches at 9:00am on March 31st, and trees will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Approved participants will be invited to pick up their trees at a Tree Distribution Event this spring and will receive guidance on proper planting and care.
Want to learn more about eligibility, planting requirements, and available tree species Visit EnviroCentre - Plant your Place!(link is external) for full details.
The Plant Your Place! program is a City of Ottawa program delivered in partnership with EnviroCentre.
Parks and streetscape tree planting
Do you know the perfect spot for a tree?
The City of Ottawa is committed to planting trees for the enhancement of our city parks, facilities, and streets. We are taking a proactive approach to the identification of tree planting opportunities on a citywide basis.
The City of Ottawa’s Forestry Services will work with your community group to determine appropriate locations for trees within your community. Project development will include opportunities for input from the public and other city departments, utility clearance checks, appropriate species selection, and an implementation plan for the planting and maintenance of the trees.
Whether in the urban core area, along suburban streets, or rural roadsides, Forestry Services will work with your community group to enhance city streetscapes through the planting of new trees. Projects may include restoring urban streetscapes, rehabilitation of traffic islands on cul-de-sacs, tree planter rehabilitation, or tree planting in rural villages.
Parks and Facilities tree planting
Forestry Services will partner with your community group to identify new tree planting opportunities within City of Ottawa parks and at city-owned facilities. Projects may include such initiatives as the placement of trees around play structures or benches, the creation of windbreaks, or the planting of trees for shade.
Should you require more information on how your community group may submit tree planting locations to enhance our city streets, parks and facilities, please contact 3-1-1.
Green Acres - Ottawa's rural reforestation program
The City of Ottawa's Green Acres program is looking to transform empty idle fields into thriving green woodlands. The program offers landowners with guidance and support in developing effecting planting plans for their properties.
Subsidies are provided to incentivize tree planting and keep costs low for landowners. The program is delivered in two ways:
- Full-Service
Applicants must be rural property owners with land suitable for planting within City of Ottawa boundaries. Land size requirements are as follows:
- Rideau Valley/Mississippi Valley (0.62 acres, minimum 500 trees)
- South Nation (1.25 acres, minimum 1,000 trees)
- Over the Counter
- Tree sale is available for smaller properties that do not qualify for the full-service tree plant (100 trees minimum)
Full-Service Program
The Full-Service program includes professional and technical forestry staff providing landowners with guidance and site visits to discuss tree planting opportunities on private property. For landowners participating in a full-service planting project, the available subsidies match the landowner’s cash and in-kind contribution towards the project. The Full-Service program also offers follow up tending and refill options to further guarantee successful establishment of trees on rural properties.
Over the Counter
For landowners who wish to purchase trees and plant them on their own, the program offers an Over-the-Counter service. The subsidy varies based on available funding.
Applicants must agree to cover the subsidized cost of the tree seedlings, site preparation, planting and tending as well as agreeing to reasonably protect the plantation. The program will provide applicants with:
- Subsided tree seedlings
- Advice and assistance in setting up a proper planting plan
- Assistance caring for the trees after they are planted
The funding is provided to a maximum of 50% on a cost shared basis. Applicants must contact the RVCA Landowner Resource Centre (Ian Cochrane opens email application)) to verify that the proposed project is located in the eligible area and meets the funding guidelines.
Watch this information video on the program and its benefits(link is external)(link is external).
For more information contact:
Ian Cochrane
RVCA LandOwner Resource Centre is external)(link is external) (link opens email application)(link opens email application)
Schoolyard Tree Planting Grant Program
Application deadline
Applications must be received by the City by June 1. Applications that are approved will be planted or funding awarded for spring season the following year. A minimum of one site visit with a City representative is required as part of the grant review process and must be completed between June 1 and December 1 of the application year.
Application form(link is external)
Typical project timeline
June 1 Year X | ? | December 1 Year X | February 1 Year X+1 | March 1 Year X+1 | Summer Year X+1 | ? | May 1 Year X+2 |
Submit application on or before June 1 | Review of application | Site visit with City representative required by December 1 | Final approval by property owner by February 1 | Final approval by City | Project completion and receipts submission | Care of trees | Final report due by May 1 following installation |
Eligible projects
Tree planting projects on school property within the City of Ottawa are eligible to apply for the Schoolyard Tree Planting Grant Program. Applications will be accepted from Student or Parent Councils, environmental/garden clubs, or other groups/ individuals that can demonstrate a commitment to the tree planting project in partnership with the school. In addition to project coordination, applicants must demonstrate the ability to perform tree maintenance activities.
Funding will not be awarded for projects that have already been completed. Groups may receive funding in successive years however; priority will be given to those groups who have not received past funding. Groups receiving funding will not be eligible for funding for tree planting through other City of Ottawa grant programs within the same year.
Projects are eligible for funding to cover the purchase and installation of trees only. The following project elements are not eligible for funding:
- Site furnishings (benches, gazebos, play structures, etc.)
- Ponds
- Pathways
- Fencing
- Signage
- Planters
- Site preparation
- Cedar hedges
- Shrubs, perennials, grasses or other ground covers
- Other non-tree related item
Expenditures and reporting
Funding must be spent and projects completed within eighteen months (18) of grant approval. For projects which have received funding dollars, submission of receipts is required within 3 months of expenditures. The City reserves the right to reduce or reject a previously approved funding application if the required documentation is not submitted within three months of project completion.
A final project report is due by May 1 in the year following project installation and must include the number of trees planted, an evaluation of your tree maintenance program, and photographs of the new plantings. Recipients must acknowledge the City’s support from the Schoolyard Tree Planting Grant program in any news articles or related promotional material related to the project.
Follow-up inspections by Forestry Services staff may be conducted to verify the plant installation and use of appropriate maintenance techniques and to suggest appropriate measures if problems arise. After the tree is planted, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the trees are watered and maintained to ensure healthy growth and establishment and that the trees will remain in their planted location.
Grant Evaluation Report(link is external) (PDF)
Funding levels
The maximum grant funding level in any one year is $10,000. Grants may be awarded in funds (up to $500 per tree) or in trees supplied and planted by the City of Ottawa’s Forestry Services. No matching funding is required on the part of the applicant. The number of projects awarded each year is subject to the availability of City funds for this program. A limited number of schoolyard projects each planting season will be awarded with trees. The selection of these projects is at the discretion of Forestry Services.