2009-302) |
RR5[341r] |
- minimum lot area: 3600 m2
2009-302) |
RR2[342r] |
- minimum setback from the boundary of the O1 zone: 10 m
2009-347) |
multiple |
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is no closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- minimum front yard setback for lots abutting watercourses or waterbodies: 3 metres
2009-347) |
RR11[344r] |
- minimum lot width of 30 m
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is no closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- minimum front yard setback for lots abutting watercourses or waterbodies: 3 metres
2009-347) |
RR16[345r] |
- despite Section 59-Frontage on a Public Street, development of the subject land is permitted
- required yard setbacks are determined by considering the lot line closest or parallel to the nearest street, or to an access lane in front of the lot, as the front lot line
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is not closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- minimum front yard setback for lots abutting watercourses or waterbodies: 3 metres
2009-347) |
VM[346r] |
- automobile service station
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is not closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
2009-347) |
RR5[347r] |
- minimum lot area of 3,500 m2
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is not closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- minimum front yard setback for lots abutting watercourses or waterbodies: 3 metres
2009-347) |
RC[348r] |
- despite the definition of marine facility, the storage, servicing, repair, or sale or rental of boats is allowed along with the sale of marine fuels, additionally an accessory restaurant is permitted
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is no closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- minimum front yard setback for lots abutting watercourses or waterbodies: 3 metres
2009-347) |
VM[349r] |
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is no closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
2009-347) |
V1H[350r] |
- minimum lot width: 45 m
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is no closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- minimum front yard setback for lots abutting watercourses or waterbodies: 3 metres
351r |
RU[351r] |
- minimum lot area is 0.4 hectares
- minimum lot width is 54 m
352r |
RU[352r] |
- minimum rear yard setback is 21 m
353r |
RU[353r] |
- minimum rear yard setback is 21 m
- minimum lot width is 30 m
2009-288) |
Reserved for future use
2009-17) |
RG[355r] |
- office
- research and development centre
- automobile body shop
- drive-through facility
- dwelling unit
- gas bar
- leaf and yard waste composting facility
- parking lot
- printing plant
- truck transport terminal
- waste processing and transfer facility (non-putrescible)
- A retail store may also include the sale of previously prepared materials used in the manufacturing, processing, assembly, packaging or delivery of finished parts, finished products or services of a permitted use on the same lot.
- An office is a conditional permitted use subject to the use being located on the same lot as a primary permitted use.
- All uses to be conducted entirely within an enclosed building or within an area which is screened or has a landscaped feature separating it from an RU zone.
356r |
T1B[356r] |
- detached dwelling
- home-based business
- park
All uses except additional permitted uses and the following:
- airport and related facilities
- a private aircraft hanger is not permitted without a detached dwelling unit
- in this zone, land that is legally transferable, but does not comply with the definition of a lot, will:
- be considered to have frontage if it fronts on a private street; and
- need to comply with all zone provisions as if it were a lot
- minimum lot area: 900 m2
- minimum lot width: 30 m
- maximum lot coverage: 30%
- minimum front yard setback:
- 3 m for detached dwelling unit;
- 6 m for single car garage.
- minimum interior side yard setback: 3 m
- minimum rear yard setback:
- 7.5 m for a detached dwelling unit;
- 5 or garage or private aircraft hanger;
- 1 m for accessory buildings.
- minimum corner side yard setback: 3 m
- maximum building height: 12 m
- minimum dwelling unit area:
- ground floor: 90 m2;
- entire dwelling: 130m2;
- minimum landscaping area: 30%
- minimum parking spaces:
- 2 for each dwelling unit;
- 1 for each home-based business.
- overhead doors for a private aircraft hanger must face a taxiway within an angle of 0 to 60 degrees
- maximum rear yard setback for a privateaircraft hanger: 15 metres
- the zone provisions for a communal aircraft hanger are:
- minimum yard setback: 2 m
- a minimum 2 m wide landscape strip is required in all yards, except for lot lines abutting taxiways;
- maximum building height: 12 m
- minimum parking spaces: 0.25 spaces for each aircraft based on capacity of communal hanger
357r |
T1B[357r] |
- detached dwelling
- home-based business
- park
All uses except additional permitted uses and the following:
- airport and related facilities
- in this zone, land that is legally transferable, but does not comply with the definition of a lot, will:
- be considered to have frontage if it fronts on a private street; and
- need to comply with all zone provisions as if it were a lot
- minimum lot area: 530 m2
- minimum lot width: 15 m
- maximum lot coverage: 40%
- minimum front yard setback:
- 4.0 m for detached dwelling unit;
- 6.0 m for a single car garage.
- minimum corner side yard setback: 4 m
- minimum rear yard setback: 7.5 m
- minimum interior side setback: 1.2 m
- maximum building height: 10 m
- minimum dwelling unit area:
- ground floor: 90 m2
- entire dwelling: 130 m2
- minimum landscaping area: 30%
- minimum parking spaces:
- 2 for each dwelling unit;
- 1 for each home-based business.
2012-334) |
T1B[358r] T1B[358r]-h |
- home-based business
- townhouse dwelling
- planned unit development
- All uses except for additional permitted uses
- in this zone, land that is legally transferable, but does not comply with the definition of a lot, will:
- be considered to have frontage if it fronts on a private street; and
- need to comply with all zone provisions as if it were a lot
- minimum lot area: 180 m2
- minimum lot width: 6.0 m
- maximum lot coverage: 60%
- minimum front yard setback:
- 4 metres for dwelling unit;
- 6 metres for garage.
- minimum corner side yard setback: 4 m
- minimum interior side yard setback for end units: 1.5 m
- minimum rear yard setback: 7.5 m
- maximum building height: 2 storeys
- minimum dwelling unit area: no minimum
- minimum landscaping area: 30%
- minimum parking spaces:
- 2 for each dwelling unit;
- 1 for each home-base business.
- on any lands zoned T1B[1565]-h, the holding symbol cannot be removed until such time as one of the following is met:
- the pit is exhausted and the licence surrendered; or
- an impact assessment study is completed which demonstrates that the mineral aggregate operation will not be negatively impacted by the proposed residential development.
359r |
O1[359r] |
- minimum front yard setback is 12 m
- minimum corner side yard setback is 12 m
- minimum building separation in 3 m
- maximum building height is 10 m
- minimum landscaped area is 50%
- no part of any parking space can be located closer than:
- 1.5 m to any street line;
- 4 m to any lot line that abuts a lot having a residential use situated there on
2009-347) |
V1H[360r] |
- minimum lot area and lot width as per existing lots
- additions and accessory structures, maximum 24 square metres in floor area as measured from the outside walls, are permitted within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies as long as the addition or accessory structure is no closer than the principal building to the water
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is not higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- uncovered, unenclosed features such as decks or platforms where the walking surface is higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade are permitted to project a maximum of 3 metres, but no closer than 1 metre from any lot line, from a principal building located within the 30 metre setback from watercourses and waterbodies
- minimum front yard setback for lots abutting watercourses or waterbodies: 3 metres