Exceptions 901r-1000r


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions -
Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions -
Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
(By-law 2021-274)
  • minimum lot area: 0.56 hectares
  • minimum lot width:  42 m
(By-law 2021-329)
V2E[902r]-h   All uses until the holding symbol is lifted.
  • Despite Section 57, the size of required corner sight triangles will be as per the approved Plan of Subdivision.

Despite the provisions of Section 65, the following provisions shall apply to permitted projections:

1. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side or interior side yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line.

2. An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line, and may not be located in a front yard, except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse dwelling.

3. Steps attached to a porch may project 2.5 m into a front and corner side yard but may project no closer than 0.5 m from the property line and no closer than 0 m from a property line abutting a sight triangle.

  • Where access to a lot is provided by a street with sidewalks provided under the requirements of the plan of subdivision, the front yard setback for an attached garage will be measured from the garage to the nearest edge of the sidewalk, for a minimum setback of 5.5 m from the back edge of the sidewalk.
  • More than one detached dwelling is permitted on an existing lot of record for the purpose of serving as a model home, provided a draft plan of subdivision has been approved for the lot of record.
  • In the case of a home-based business operating within a semi-detached dwelling, the required parking space is only required if the business involves an outside employee.
  • Minimum lot area : 220 m2
  • Minimum lot width : 9 m
  • Minimum front yard setback : 3 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback : a total of 1.8 m, with a minimum of 0.6 m on one side.
  • Minimum corner side yard setback : 2.5 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback : 6 m
  • Maximum lot coverage : 65%

The holding symbol may only be lifted upon satisfactory completion of the following conditions :

  1. Demonstration of adequate sanitary, water, and stormwater servicing;
  2. Confirmation from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority that the floodplain mapping has been updated south of Ottawa Street;
  3. There is an established limit of development relating to the setback to watercourses; and
  4. Demonstration that the underside of all footingts will be located at or above the elevation of the spring line of the storm sewer.
(By-law 2021-329)
V3B[903r]-h   All uses until the holding symbol is lifted.
  • Despite Section 57 the size of required corner sight triangles will be as per the approved Plan of Subdivision.
  • Despite the provisions of Section 65, the following provisions shall apply to permitted projections:

1. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side or interior side yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line.

2. An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line, and may not be located in a front yard, except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse dwelling.

3. Steps attached to a porch may project 2.5 m into a front and corner side yard but may project no closer than 0.5 m from the property line and no closer than 0 m from a property line abutting a sight triangle.

  • Where access to a lot is provided by a street with sidewalks provided under the requirements of the plan of subdivision, the front yard setback for an attached garage will be measured from the garage to the nearest edge of the sidewalk, for a minimum setback of 5.5 m from the back edge of the sidewalk.
  • More than one detached dwelling is permitted on an existing lot of record for the purpose of serving as a model home, provided a draft plan of subdivision has been approved for the lot of record.

-In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, the required parking space is only required if the business involves an outside employee.

-Minimum landscaped area : no minimum.

-The following provisions apply to detached dwellings :

i. Minimum lot area: 220 m2

ii. Minimum lot width: 9 m

iii. Minimum front yard setback: 3 m

iv. Minimum interior side yard setback: a total of 1.8 m, with one side a minimum of 0.6 m

v. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m

vi. Minimum rear yard setback: 6 m

vii. Maximum lot coverage: 65%

The following provisions apply to townhouse dwellings:

i. Minimum lot area: 160 m2

ii. Minimum front yard setback: 3 m

iii. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m

iv. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m

v. Minimum rear yard setback: 6 m

vi. Maximum lot coverage: 70%

vii. Maximum building height: 12 m

-The following provisions apply to back-to-back townhouse dwellings:

i. Minimum lot area: 81 m2

ii. Minimum front yard setback: 3 m

iii. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m

iv. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m

v. Minimum rear yard setback: 0 m

vi. Maximum lot coverage: 85%

vii. Maximum building height: 14 m

-The holding symbol may only be lifted upon satisfactory completion of the following conditions:

i. Demonstration of adequate sanitary, water and stormwater servicing;

ii. Confirmation from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority that floodplain mapping has been updated south of Ottawa Street;

iii. There is an established limit of development relating to the setback of watercourses; and

iv. Demonstration that the underside of all footings will be located at or above the elevation of the spring line of the storm sewer.

(By-law 2021-329)
multiple   All uses until the holding symbol is lifted.

The holding symbol may only be lifted upon satisfactory completion of the following conditions:

  1. Demonstration of adequate sanitary, water and stormwater servicing;
  2. Confirmation from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority that the floodplain mapping has been updated south of Ottawa Street;
  3. There is an established limit of development relating to the setback to watercourses; and
  4. Demonstration that the underside of all footings will be located at or above the elevation of the spring line of the storm sewer.
(By-law 2021-326)
  • Maximum lot coverage: 25%
  • The setback to watercourses is 15 m from normal high water mark

Minimum rear yard setback:

  1. abutting any RG zone: 15 m
  2. all other cases: 10m
906r Reserved for Future Use      
(By-law 2021-407)
  • A garage and storage building of up to 375 m2 is permitted as a principal use until December 8, 2024.
(By-law 2022-43)
RG[908r]-h   -All uses until such time that the holding symbol is removed. -The holding symbol may not be removed until a site plan application is approved, including confirmation that an adequate water supply is available to service the proposed development
(By-law 2022-44)

-All uses until such time that the holding symbol is removed.

-Animal hospital

-Automobile body shop


-Car wash

-Convenience store

-The holding symbol may not be removed until a site plan application is approved, including confirmation that an adequate water supply is available to service the proposed development.

-minimum interior side yard setback abutting the RU zone: 10 m

(By-law 2022-88)
AG[910r] -Heavy equipment and vehicles sales rental and servicing limited to farm vehicles or equipment -bed and breakfast
-cannabis production facility
-equestrian establishment
-environmental preserve and educational area
-forestry operation
-Minimum lot size of 0.98 hectares for an Agricultural related use
-Minimum rear yard setback of 6.5 m for an agricultural related use
-Agricultural related uses and heavy equipment and rental limited to farm vehicles or equipment to a maximum of:
a) 675 m2 building footprint; and,
b) 630 m2 outdoor storage area
(By-law 2022-103)
RR3[911r]     -Minimum lot width is 50 m.
(By-law 2022-118)
RU[912r]   -All uses except agricultural uses excluding livestock, forestry operation, and environmental preserve and education area. - No buildings or structures can have private water services.
(By-law 2022-158)
RU[913r]-h     -The holding provision may only be lifted upon satisfactory completion of a Risk Assessment Report and Slope Stability Report to demonstrate that the solid waste disposal site and unstable slope will not have any unacceptable adverse effects on the proposed development and will not pose any risks to human health and safety.
(By-law 2022-189)
AG6[914r]     -minimum lot width 58.44 m
(By-law 2022-189)
AG3[915r]     -minimum lot width 14.61 m
(By-law 2022-191)
RU[916r]   -all residential uses  
(By-law 2022-237)
RU[917r]     -Subsection 67(1) does not apply.
(By-law 2022-320)
AG[918r] -Equestrian Establishment   -Equestrian establishment only permitted as an accessory use
-Maximum area of accessory buildings: 3,712 m2
(By-law 2022-321)
AG[919r]     -minimum lot width: 20m
(By-law 2022-343)
O1[920r}   All uses except enviromental preserve and education area  

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
921r (By-law 2022-378) RU[921r]-h   All uses except for agriculture uses and forestry operation until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • The holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law when a Hydrogeological Assessment and Terrain Analysis, Slope Stability Report, and Environmental Impact Statement are completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development.
922r (By-law 2022-392) RU[922r]    
  • Subsection 67(1)(a) does not apply.
923r (By-law 2022-380 AG3[923r]    
  • An on-farm diversified use, limited to a place of assembly, can have a maximum combined floor area of 390 m2
  • A parking lot, in existence as of November 3, 2022, and associated with an on-farm diversified use, has a required minimum of front yard setback of 5m.
924r Reserved for future use      
925r (By-law 2023-61) V3I[925r]    
  • Minimum lot area per dwelling unit in an apartment dwelling, low rise: 87 m2
  • Minimum front yard setback: 6 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 6 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.8 m
926r (By-law 2023-290) RC2[926r]
  • detached dwelling
  • inimum lot width: 12m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6m
927r (By-law 2023-290) RC1[927r]
  • detached dwelling
  • minimum interior side yard setback for accessory structures: 2m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for a detached dwelling: 2.5m
928r (By-law 2023-335) AG1[928r]    
  • Minimum lot width: 27m  
  • Minimum lot size: 0.9ha
929r (By-law 2023-338) V3B[929r]    
  1. Minimum lot area: 170m2
  2. Minimum front yard setback: 4.5m
  3. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  5. Minimum rear yard setback: 5m
  6. Maximum lot coverage: 60%
  7. Minimum Landscaped area for lots less than 200m2: 20%
930r (By-law 2023-338) V3B[930r]    
  1. Minimum lot area: 170m2
  2. Minimum front yard setback: 4.5m
  3. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  5. Minimum rear yard setback: 5m
  6. Maximum lot coverage: 60%
  7. Minimum Landscaped area for lots less than 200m2: 20%
  8. No buildings, structures or site alterations are permitted within the required minimum rear yard setback of 5m, following the completion of subdivision works which may consist of grading, drainage, retaining walls and naturalization.
  9. No buildings, structures or site alterations are permitted within 5m of the interior side lot lines that abut the properties known municipally as 3746 Carp Road and 420 Donald B Munro Drive, following the completion of subdivision works which may consist of grading, drainage, retaining walls and naturalization.
931r (By-law 2023-338) V3B[931r]-h    
  1. Minimum lot area: 170m2
  2. Minimum front yard setback: 4.5m
  3. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  5. Minimum rear yard setback: 5m
  6. Maximum lot coverage: 60%
  7. Minimum Landscape area for lots less than 200m2: 20%
  8. The hold associated with this rural exception can only be lifted once it has been demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the City, that there is sufficient servicing capacity for the development.
932r (By-law 2023-338) V3I[932r]-h    
  1. Minimum front yard setback: 6m
  2. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.8m
  3. Minimum corner side yard setback: 6m
  4. Minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  5. Minimum lot area of 63m2 per dwelling unit
  6. Maximum lot coverage: 50%
  7. The hold associated with this rural exception can only be lifted once it has been demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the City, that there is sufficient servicing capacity for the development.
933r (By-law 2023-432) RG[933r]
  • agriculture
  • cannabis production facility
  • light industrial use, limited to a soil packaging plant
  • all land uses, including those permitted by the underlying zone, other than those permitted in Column III or V of this exception.
  • A leaf and yard waste composting facility, and a waste and processing transfer facility (non-putrescible) limited to leaf and yard waste composting is permitted as an ancillary use to a permitted light industrial use.  
  • A retail store limited to the sale of goods, services or materials provided by a permitted light industrial use is permitted.  
  • Outdoor storage is not permitted within 20m of any lot line and must be screened from abutting residential uses or zones and public streets by an opaque screen at least 1.8m in height from finished grade.  
  • Front yard setback of 11.3m for the existing office building. All other structures and buildings must comply with a 15m front yard setback.
934r (By-law 2023-433) RC1[934r]
  • Office
  • Bar
  • Restaurant is a permitted use only when a drive through facility is provided.
935r (By-law 2023-536) AG[935r]    
  • Minimum lot width: 11 m.
936r (By-law 2024-82) AG[936r]    
  • Maximum lot coverage for accessory structures: 7%
937r (By-law 2024-88 VM9[937r]
  • apartment dwelling, low-rise
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Maximum height: 12.6m
  • Minimum landscape buffer for a parking lot abutting a street: 1.3m
938r (By-law 2024-85) AG [938r]    
  • Maximum lot coverage for accessory structures: 6%
939r (By-law 2024-85) DR1[939r]
  • emergency service
940r (By-law 2024-238) RU[940r]    
  • Section 69 does not apply to any portion of a watercourse within 30 m of the northern most property lines of lands known municipally as 5494 and 5500 Boundary Road.

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
941r (By-law 2024-401) AG[941r]     - Minimum lot width: 12m.
942r (By-law 2024-402) RU[942r]-h - Waste processing and transfer facility (non-‑putrescible), limited to the processing and transfer of inert soils. - All uses, including those permitted by the underlying zone, except those permitted in Column III of this exception
- Despite Clause 95(1)(g), a waste processing and transfer facility (non-putrescible) is permitted without direct access to a designated truck route.
- In this exception, “inert soils” means soils not contaminated with any harmful substances and does not change or cause change physically, chemically or biologically.
- The holding symbol applies to the construction of buildings and structures with private servicing and may only be removed upon demonstration of adequate servicing.
943r (By-law 2024-400) AG[943r]     - Minimum lot width: 10m.
944r (By-law 2024-439) V1C[944r]    
- Minimum lot width: 30m.
- Minimum front yard setback: 27m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback: 7.5m.
- Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
- Maximum lot coverage: 20%.
945r (By-law 2024-439) V1C[945r]    
- Minimum lot width: 30m.
- Minimum front yard setback: 15m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback: 2m.
-Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
-Maximum lot coverage: 20%.
946r (By-law 2024-439) V1C[946r]    
- Minimum lot width: 30m.
- Minimum front yard setback: 27m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback: 2m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback abutting the V1C[944r] zone: 7.5m.
- Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
- Maximum lot coverage: 20%.
947r (By-law 2024-439) V1C[947r]    
- Minimum lot width: 30m.
- Minimum front yard setback: 27m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback: 2m.
- Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
- Maximum lot coverage: 20%.
948r (By-law 2024-439) V1C[948r]    
- Minimum lot width: 30m.
-Minimum front yard setback: 27m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback: 2m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback abutting the V1E zone: 7.5m.
-Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
-Maximum lot coverage: 20%.
949r (By-law 2024-561) AG[949r]    
- Minimum lot width: 12m. - Minimum interior side yard setback: 3m.
950r (By-law 2025-043 RU[950r]     - Existing accessory buildings are permitted without a dwelling on the subject property.
951r (By-law 2025-041) RC[951r]     - The following provisions apply to an automobile dealership: i) Despite Clause (i) in Table 217:
a) For a maximum of 20% of the length of the side lot line abutting a street, elevated vehicle displays may be setback 1m.
b) For a maximum of 10% of the length of the front lot line, elevated vehicle displays must be setback 1m.
c) At grade vehicle displays may be setback 3m from the front lot line and the side lot line abutting a street.
d) For a minimum of 20% the length of the side lot line abutting a street, the required corner side yard must be soft landscaped.
e) For a minimum of 35% the length of the front lot line, the required front yard must be soft landscaped.