Exceptions 1401-1500


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

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Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
1401 R3Z[1401]    
  • maximum lot coverage is 55% for a two-storey dwelling and 60% for a two-storey dwelling with a detached garage
  • minimum front yard setback for a private garage is 3.5 m where a sidewalk is present or proposed and 3.0 m where no sidewalk is present or proposed
  • minimum rear yard setback is 7.0 m for a two-storey dwelling
  • construction of buildings and structures, including accessory buildings and structures, is prohibited within 5 m of the abutting woodlot as defined by the EP zoning boundary
(OMB Order PL080959
issued on May 15, 2009)
  • restaurant limited to a café
  • retail store limited to the sale of beach accessories and convenience items
  • community centre limited to multi purpose meeting and community space
  • park may also include an interpretative centre, band shell and facilities for occasional overnight accommodation of visitors
  • the building containing the restaurant limited to a café, retail store limited to the sale of beach accessories and convenience items and the community centre limited to multipurpose meeting and community space may not exceed 380 m2 in gross floor area
1403 O1P[1403]
  • parking lot
  • parking for uses located at 205 Greenbank Road may be provided on these lands
GM1[1404] F(2.0) H(50)-h
  • hotel
  • Section 188(1)(a) does not apply
  • minimum front yard setback: 0.0m
  • the lands zoned GM1[1404] F(2.0) H(50) are considered one lot for zoning by-law compliance purposes
  • despite Schedule 1A the minimum number of parking spaces required will be calculated using the requirements of column III, Area B of Table 101
  • the holding symbol cannot be removed from the property until a servicing and traffic study that outlines measures that support the proposed development is submitted and is deemed satisfactory by the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development.
1405 R1W[1405]
  • residential care facility
  • the minimum number of parking spaces for a residential care facility will be required at the following rates:
  1. one parking space for each group of 3 or fewer residents, of which at least one must be designed to be an accessible parking space, and;
  2. 2 spaces for the primary residential use
  • parking spaces may be provided as tandem parking spaces including any accessible parking spaces
  • landscaped areas of 6.0 m in width on one side of the lot and 2.0 m in width on the other side of the lot are required between parking spaces and the interior lot lines.

(OMB Order No. 2743 issued on September 28, 2006)

1406 R3Y[1406]    
  • minimum lot area is 120 m2 per dwelling unit
  • minimum lot width is 5.5 m per dwelling unit
  • minimum front yard setback is 3 m
  • minimum rear yard setback is 6 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback is 2 m
  • the maximum permitted projection of a covered, unenclosed porch into the street yard is 1.5 m, but not closer than 1.75 m to the lot line.
  • minimum private amenity area per dwelling unit is 4.8 m in diameter.
  • minimum private amenity area setback is 1.2 m from institutional zones and 2.0 m from streets
  • minimum setback of a parking space from the curb is 2.25 m.

(OMB Decision 1611 issued June 01, 2006)

(OMB Decision 2619 issued Sept. 18, 2006)

1407 R3Y[1407]    
  • minimum lot area is 120 m2 per dwelling unit
  • minimum lot width is 5.5 m per dwelling unit
  • minimum rear yard setback is 6 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback is 3 m
  • maximum permitted projection of a covered, unenclosed porch into the front or corner side yard is 1.5 m.
  • minimum private amenity area per dwelling unit is 4.8 m in diameter.
  • minimum private amenity area setback is 2.0 m from a street

(OMB Decision 1611 issued June 01, 2006)

(OMB Decision 2619 issued Sept. 18, 2006)

1408 R3Y[1408]    
  • minimum lot area is 130 m2 per dwelling unit
  • minimum lot width is 5.5 m per dwelling unit
  • minimum front and corner side yard setback is 3 m
  • minimum setback of a parking space from the curb is 2.25 m
  • minimum private amenity area setback is 2.0 m from an institutional zone

(OMB Decision 1611 issued June 01, 2006)

(OMB Decision 2619 issued Sept. 18, 2006)

(By-law 2021-277)
  • no building is permitted within 10.0 m of the lot line adjacent to North Service Road
  • minimum required front yard for the end wall of a row dwelling is 4.0 m
  • minimum required front yard where garages face a public street is 6.0 m
  • minimum required front yard for all other buildings is 6.0 m
  • minimum required rear yard is 7.5 m
  • minimum required building spacing is 3.0 m
  • maximum permitted building height is 10 storeys
  • minimum required density is 75 units per hectare
  • maximum permitted density of lands other than those legally described as Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 4R-31527, is 100 units per hectare
  • minimum distance between the rear wall of a row dwelling and a O1 zone is 7.5 m
  • minimum distance between the end wall of a row dwelling and a O1 zone is 2.0 m
  • minimum distance between apartment dwellings under 7 stories in height and a O1 zone is 7.5 m
  • minimum distance between apartment dwellings 7 to 10 stories in height and a O1 zone is 10 m
  • minimum required western side yard abutting retaining wall for all buildings is 6.0 m
  • minimum required western side yard south of retaining wall for all buildings is 8.0 m;
  • the dwelling units and land in a row dwelling development may be divided or severed into separate, legally conveyable parts without each part meeting all of the requirements of this by-law as long as the overall development complies with the requirements of this by-law
  • subsection 109(3) does not apply
  • maximum permitted density for the property legally described as Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 4R-31527, is 150 units per hectare
1410 I1B[1410]    
  • minimum front yard setback is 8.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback abutting a residential zone is 20 m
1411 TM7[1411] H(14)    
  • no on-site parking required
  • minimum front yard setback is 1 m
  • minimum side yard setback is 0.8 m
IL7[1412] H(24)-h
  • retail store
  • minimum front and corner side yard setback is 3 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback is 2 m, which may be reduced to 0 m abutting an existing or future rapid transit corridor
  • no parking lot landscape buffer is required adjacent to an existing or future rapid transit corridor
  • the land zoned IL7[1412] H(24)-h is one lot for zoning purposes
  • subclause 204(7)(d)(ii) does not apply
  • minimum lot area for a retail store: no minimum
  • minimum rear yard setback: 3.0m
  • Row (e) – maximum lot coverage – of Tables 203B and 203C does not apply
  • minimum required parking rate for warehouse use: 4 spaces
  • minimum required loading rates for a warehouse: 0 spaces
  • minimum required bicycle parking rates for a warehouse: 0 spaces
  • a retail store with a gross floor area of 1,858 to 4,999 m2 is permitted only after the “h” holding symbol, as denoted on the Zoning Map, has been removed by City Council following City approval of a traffic study that identifies the roadway/intersection modifications required to support the scale of the proposed development
(Subject to

All uses other than:

  • bank
  • dwelling unit
  • day care
  • emergency service
  • hotel
  • library
  • medical facility
  • municipal service centre
  • office
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • place of worship
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • technology industry
  • the following uses are allowed only if they are located in the same building as a permitted use other than those listed herein: bank, personal service business, place of assembly, restaurant, retail food store, retail store
  • yard setback abutting a residential zone: 6 metres
  • minimum building height for residential and office developments is 4 storeys, in all other cases the minimum building height is 2 storeys
  • a maximum of 100 dwelling unites are permitted provided they are located in a building with ground floor office uses
IL6[1414] H(30)-h  

all uses other than the following:

  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • broadcasting studio
  • catering establishment
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • emergency service
  • heavy equipment and vehicles sales, rental and servicing
  • hotel
  • light industrial uses
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • office
  • park
  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • personal brewing facility
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • post office
  • printing plant
  • production studio
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • research and development center
  • restaurant
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • technology industry
  • training center
  • truck transport terminal
  • warehouse
  • the provisions of Section 203(2)(b),(c) and 203(4) do not apply
  • garden centres associated with a permitted use must be located at least 0.3 m above the regulatory flood plain
  • all storage must be concealed or enclosed
  • automobile-related retail stores cannot exceed a floor area equal to 25% of the area of the lot and are not permitted abutting Highway 417
  • the following provisions apply to retail stores and shopping centres:
  1. minimum lot area is 0.81 ha
  2. minimum lot width is 45 m
  3. minimum yard setbacks is 3 m
  4. maximum lot coverage is 45%
  5. maximum building height is 11 m
  6. a 6 m landscaped buffer must be provided between a parking lot or paved area and Highway 417 and Frank Nighbor Place
  7. maximum aggregate gross floor area of 19,773 m2 for all retail stores
  8. maximum floor space index- no limit
  9. retail store and shopping centre are not permitted until the ‘h’ symbol is removed by City Council following:
    1. City approval of the detailed design for the roadway modifications described in Exhibit 61 to the Ontario Municipal Board hearing regarding 15 Frank Nighbor Place and 737 and 777 Silver Seven Road, File numbers PL051066, PL060317 and PL060318
    2. conveyance to the City of all necessary road widenings to accommodate the roadway modifications noted above
    3. entering into a registered cost sharing agreement to construct the roadway modifications noted above between the owners of15 Frank Nighbor Place, 20 Frank Nighbor Place, 720 Silver Seven Road, 737Silver Seven Road and 777 Silver Seven Road and a copy provided to the City.
    4. provision to the City of an implementation plan including a construction schedule for the roadway modifications noted above .
    5. provision of a performance deposit to the City for the roadway modifications noted above .
  • maximum building height- 10 storeys and 105 m above sea level
  • for the calculation of density, lands located within exceptions [1363], [1364] and [1415] are considered as one lot for zoning purposes
  • maximum density is 150 units per hectare
  • minimum density is 50 units per hectar
  • for the calculation of density, lands located within exceptions [1363], [1364] and [1415] are considered as one lot for zoning purposes.
I2A[1416] F(1.5)
  • retail food store limited to a farmer’s market
  • the lands zoned I2A[1416] F(1.5), GM[1851] H(20), and TM7[1850] are considered on lot for zoning purposes
1417 R2F[1417]  
  • linked-detached
  • duplex
  • parking rate for all land uses is 3.2 spaces per 100 m2
  • for lots greater in area than 1250 m2 , 2% of the total area must be provided as outdoor communal space located at grade anywhere on the lot and such area can also be used towards complying with any amenity area requirements
GM[1419] H(18.5)  
  • all residential-use buildings
  • car wash

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
1421 GM3[1421] F(3.0) H(19)    
  • no front yard or corner side yard setback is required
1422 LC[1422]
  • place of worship
(By-law 2020-289)
  • Endnote 4 in Table 160B does not apply
(By-law 2020-289)
  • minimum lot width is 5 m
  • Endnote 4 in Table 160B does not apply
1425 MD[1425] S51, S56, S57, S58, S64    
  • parking garage may front on Nicholas Street provided that the building/structural design of any future construction of any future building allows for the future conversion to other uses along Nicholas Street frontage
GM21[1426] F(0.5) H(9)
  • detached dwelling
  • minimum lot area for the uses listed in clause 188(21)(b) is 4,100 square metres
1427 GM21[1427] F(0.5) H(9)    
  • minimum lot area is 2,400 m2
GM21[1428] F(0.5) H(9)    
  • minimum lot area is 3,250 m2
  • a free-standing animal care establishment and animal hospital is permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 3,250 m2
1429 R3Y[1429]    
  • minimum lot width is 5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback of 6 m
  • minimum lot area of 130 m2
1431 IL7 [1431]  
  • the uses listed in subsection 203(2), automobile dealership and automobile rental establishment until the “h” symbol in the IL7[307]-h zone has been lifted
  • minimum parking rate for automobile service station: 1 space per 20 m2 of gross floor area
  • minimum rear yard setback is 3.4 m
  • off-street parking spaces may encroach up to 6 m into the minimum required front yard
1432 MC[1432] H(34)  
  • all residential uses
  • minimum parking rate for automobile service station: 1 space per 20m2 of gross floor area
  • minimum rear yard setback is 3.4 m
  • off-street parking spaces may encroach up to 6 m into the minimum required front yard
1433 MC3 [1433]    
  • minimum number of required parking spaces for an instructional facility: 8 per classroom
MC[1434] H(45)-h1, h2, h3, h4    
  • the lot lines adjacent to Terry Fox Drive, Highway 417, Didsbury Road and Earl Grey Drive are all considered to be front lot lines
  • minimum front yard setbacks:
  1. 14.0 m from Highway 417 and Terry Fox Drive
  2. 3.0 m from Earl Grey Drive
  3. 3.0 m from Didsbury Road
  • retaining wall not permitted within the minimum front yard setback from Earl Grey Drive
  • maximum aggregate gross floor area of 4 999 m² for all retail store and retail food store uses
  • residential uses including low-rise apartment dwellings, group homes, mid-high rise apartment dwellings, multiple attached dwellings, planned unit development, retirement homes, rooming houses, shelters and stacked dwellings, are only permitted when included as part of a mixed-use development containing a minimum gross floor area of 2 000 m2 of non-residential uses
  • a building cannot be constructed within 20 metres of the Earl Grey Drive right-of-way prior to the conveyance of a temporary construction easement to the City, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, to facilitate the construction of the Earl Grey Drive underpass underneath Terry Fox Drive, and the extension of Earl Grey Drive west to intersect with Didsbury Road
  • all land zoned with the MC[1434] primary and exception symbols is considered one lot for the purposes of applying zone provisions, despite the lawful division of a lot pursuant to the Planning Act, the Condominium Act or any other similar legislation
  • Holding Symbols
  1. Where an "h1 " holding symbol is in place, retail store and retail food store uses are prohibited until the following conditions set out in a. and b. have been fulfilled and the holding symbol is removed;
  2. Where an "h2 " holding symbol is in place, the maximum building height is 13.5 metres for a building containing a hotel use until the following conditions set out in a. and b. have been fulfilled and the holding symbol is removed;
  3. Where an "h3 " holding symbol is in place, the maximum building height is 13.5 metres for a building containing an office use, or any other non-residential use except a hotel use, until the following conditions as set out in a. and b. have been fulfilled and the holding symbol is removed;
  4. Where an "h4 " holding symbol is in place, all residential uses including low-rise apartment dwellings, group homes, mid-high rise apartment dwellings, multiple attached dwellings, planned unit development, retirement homes, rooming houses, shelters and stacked dwellings are prohibited until the following conditions as set out in a. and b. have been fulfilled and the holding symbol is removed;
    1. a transportation impact assessment has been submitted and approved that identifies the roadway/intersection modifications required to support the development; and
    2. if the approved transportation impact assessment identifies that the Terry Fox Drive/Earl Grey Drive underpass or the widening of Terry Fox Drive from four to six lanes between Campeau Drive and Palladium Drive are required to support the proposed development, the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, must be satisfied that the construction of the underpass or road widening will be completed prior to occupancy of the development.
  • minimum of 124 off-street parking spaces required
  • minimum width between a parking lot of 4 or more spaces and a street: 4.5 m
  • no minimum required yard setbacks
  • minimum lot area is 4000 m2
  • minimum lot width is 30 m
  • minimum front yard setback is 7 m
  • minimum interior side yard width:
  1. abutting an OS1 zone: 1 m
  2. abutting an I1 zone: 1.5 m
  • maximum lot coverage is 40%
  • minimum building separation is 3 m
1438 IL1 [1438] F(2.0) H(13.5)
  • hotel
  • for a hotel, minimum front yard may be used for parking, storage or loading of vehicles provided that a continuous strip of landscaped open space, minimum width of 4.5 m measured from the front lot line, is provided along the entire length of the said yard.
MC[1439] F(2.0) H(23)  
  • apartment dwelling, low-rise
  • apartment dwelling, mid rise
  • apartment dwelling, high rise
  • dwelling units
  • group home
  • home-based business
  • instructional facility
  • townhouse dwelling
  • post-secondary educational institution
  • retirement home
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house
  • rooming house, converted
  • school
  • minimum separation space between parking area and transit corridor: 1m
  • maximum lot coverage:
  1. with parking surface: 60%
  2. with above or below grade parking structure: 80%
MC[1440] H(20)
  • funeral home
  • warehouse, limited to a self storage facility
  • does not include a crematorium or cemetery
  • minimum parking requirement for a warehouse, providing self-storage units: 5 spaces
  • The required parking for all other uses within a building containing a warehouse, limited to a self-storage facility is 24
  • minimum number of required loading spaces: 1
  • No oversized loading spaces are required for a warehouse, limited to a self-storage facility.
  • minimum drive-aisle width: 3 m
  • A maximum of 33 vehicular parking spaces are permitted within the provided front and corner side yards, but not closer than 3 metres to the lot lines.
  • earth-bin style waste and recycling containers are permitted 0.5 m from any lot line
  • earth-bin style waste and recycling containers do not have to be enclosed
  • maximum floor space index for a warehouse use: 2.0
  • maximum setback from the lot line abutting Strandherd Drive: 18 m
  • maximum setback from the lot line abutting McGarry Terrace: 15 m

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
1441 MC[1441] H(20)    
  • minimum north interior side yard setback is 1 m
  • minimum rear yard setback is 4 m
1442 DR[1442]    
  • minimum lot area is 1 hectare
1443 AM[1443]    
  • the loading or unloading of materials, goods, wares or merchandise from a vehicle is not permitted within a corner side yard;
  • the storage of garbage is not permitted within a corner side yard;
  • outdoor storage is permitted;
  • a garden centre or other seasonal facility is not permitted within a corner side yard unless it is set back a minimum of 50 m from any lot line abutting a street;
  • the lands within this zone are considered to be one lot for zoning purposes
(By-law 2
  • automobile service station
  • gas bar
  • the lot line abutting Huntmar Road is considered to be the front lot line
  • minimum interior side yard setback abutting a residential zone is 10 m.
  • Clauses 186(7)(d), (e) and (f) do not apply to a car wash, automobile service station or gas bar.
  • automobile service station
  • gas bar
  • an automobile service station must be setback a maximum of 11 m from the front lot line
  • minimum rear yard setback is 5 m
  • Clauses 186(7)(d), (e) and (f) do not apply to a car wash, automobile service station or gas bar.
  • all lands within this zone are considered to be one lot for zoning purposes
  • a landscaped buffer with a minimum width of 10 m is required abutting the rear lot line
  • maximum building height of 11 m within 20 m of the rear lot line and 35 m in all other cases
  • a buffer strip is not required along a lot line adjacent to lands zoned O1R
  • retail food store
  • retail food store use is only permitted on the ground floor and only storage associated with that use is permitted in the basement of the building as it exists on July 11, 2007
  • Despite Table 101, no parking is required for a retail food store occupying the ground floor and basement of the building as it existed on July 11, 2007
  • customer entrance to the retail food store must only be from Somerset Street West
  • minimum lot width is 5 m
  • maximum building height is 3 storeys
  • clause 107(3)(b) does not apply
1449 R4Z[1449]
  • residential care facility
  • maximum height limit of 15 m does not apply
  • maximum building height is 6 storeys
  • minimum required lot width is 24 m
  • minimum required front yard and corner side yard setback is 4.5 m
  • minimum required interior side yard setback is 3.5 m
  • minimum required rear yard setback is 5.5 m
  • minimum required landscaped open space is 25% of the lot area
  • maximum permitted lot coverage is 60%
  • despite Section 101, the minimum parking space requirement for an apartment, residential care facility and retirement home is 0.35 spaces per rooming or dwelling unit.
  • the following ancillary uses are permitted in conjunction with the operation of an apartment, residential care facility and retirement home: place of worship, convenience store, restaurant, limited to a coffee shop, and personal service business
  • all land zoned R4Z[1449] and used for stacked-dwellings and apartments are considered one lot for zoning purposes
  • despite Section 126, one shuttle bus is permitted in the corner side yard.
1450 R1W[1450]    
  • the private amenity area requirement is 6.0 metres in diameter
R5A[1451] H(18)    
  • the amenity area requirement for a townhouse dwelling with:
  1. 3 bedrooms is 70m2; and
  2. more than 3 bedrooms is 90m2;
  • the allowable permitted projection for covered steps and balconies is 1.8metres into a street yard or exterior side yard provided that it is not located closer than 3.0 metres to the street lot line
  • General:
  1. the lands zoned R5D[1452] shall be considered as one lot for the purposes of applying the provisions of the zoning by-law, notwithstanding the future division of the land
  • For apartment dwelling, low rise, apartment dwelling, mid rise, apartment dwelling, high rise and retirement homes:
  1. minimum front yard setback along Landry Street is 6.0 metres;
  2. minimum yard setback abutting the Vanier Parkway is 9.5 metres;
  3. minimum yard setback abutting the westerly property line is 12.5 metres;
  4. minimum distance between an apartment dwelling or retirement home and a townhouse dwelling in the adjacent R5D[1114] zone is 20 metres;
  5. minimum distance between apartment dwellings or between an apartment dwelling and a retirement home is 20 metres;
  6. minimum distance between apartment dwellings that are above 9 storeys in height is 40 metres;
  7. the maximum number of dwelling units in an apartment dwelling permitted in the zone is 529 units with no single apartment dwelling containing more than 197 units;
  8. the maximum number of units in a retirement home is 203 provided that the total number of dwelling units in other buildings within the zone does not exceed 385 dwelling units;
  9. the maximum permitted height of building to be used as an apartment dwelling, mid-high rise or retirement home is 64 metres;
  10. the maximum permitted number of storeys in a building to be used as an apartment dwelling, mid rise, apartment dwelling, high rise or retirement home is 20 storeys, however an additional storey used only as a mechanical penthouse set in from the perimeter of the building is also permitted;
  11. a building within 40 metres of the lot line abutting Landry Street may not exceed a height of 28 metres;
  12. the minimum parking requirement for an apartment dwelling is 1 parking space per dwelling unit and for a retirement home is 1 parking space for every 6 units
  • minimum front yard setback is 4.5 m
  • in the case of a single detached dwelling or a semi-detached dwelling on a lot abutting West Ridge Drive:
  1. either a front yard or corner side yard must abut West Ridge Drive, and
  2. a rear yard cannot abut West Ridge Drive
  • in the case of a townhouse dwelling a abutting West Ridge Drive:
  1. a corner side yard may abut West Ridge Drive, and
  2. a front yard or rear cannot abut West Ridge Drive
  • for a single detached dwelling the following additional provisions apply:
  1. the minimum lot area is 360 m2,
  2. the minimum lot width is 12 m
  3. the minimum interior side yard is 1.0 m
  • minimum density is 40 units/ha
  • all uses except single detached dwelling
  • a rear yard cannot abut West Ridge Drive
  • minimum lot area is 360 m2
  • minimum lot width is 12 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback is 1 m
  • minimum density is 40 units/ha
(By-law 2020-289)
  • Table 101 the minimum number of required parking spaces is 1 space per dwelling unit, except for townhouse dwellings on a rear lane where the lot abuts a public park or arterial road the minimum required parking spaces is then 2 per dwelling unit
  • exterior parking spaces will have a minimum length of 5.5 m and a minimum width of 2.7 m
  • no more than 60% of the area of any front yard may be used as a driveway or parking space
  • in the case of a home based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, the required parking space is only required if the business involves an outside employee
  • where access to a lot is provided by a street with sidewalks provided under the requirements of the plan of subdivision, the front yard setback for an attached garage will be measured from the garage to the nearest edge of the sidewalk, for a minimum setback of 6 m from the back edge of the sidewalk
  • the front wall of an attached garage may not be located more than 2 m closer to the front lot line than either the front wall of the main building or the leading edge of a roofed porch
  • minimum density is 29 units per net hectare
  • the minimum distance between a driveway for a townhouse dwelling on a public lane and an intersection of two street lines is 3.5 m measured at the street line.
  • outdoor amenity areas is permitted on top of garages in townhouse dwellings located on rear lanes
  • zone requirements for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 220 m2
  2. minimum lot width is 8.8 m
  3. minimum front yard setback is 3 m for the principle building and 3.5 m for an attached garage
  4. minimum combined interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on one side
  5. minimum corner side yard is 2.5 m
  6. maximum lot coverage is 55%
  • zone requirements for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 137 m2
  2. minimum lot area is 81 m2 for a townhouse dwelling on a rear lane,
  3. minimum lot width is 5.5 m, except for townhouse dwellings on a rear lane the minimum lot width for each principal dwelling unit is 4.4 metres
  4. minimum front yard setback is 3 m for the principle building and 3.5 m for an attached garage
  5. minimum corner side yard is 2.5 m
  6. minimum rear yard setback is 6 m, and for a townhouse dwelling on a rear lane is 0 m
  7. maximum lot coverage is 65% and in the case of townhouse dwellings fronting on a rear lane there is no maximum
  8. maximum building height is 12 m
  9. a minimum interior side yard of 1.2 m, and 0 m on the common lot line of townhouse dwellings
  • zone requirements for back-to-back townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 81 m2
  2. minimum lot width is 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback is 3 m
  4. minimum corner side yard is 2.5 m
  5. minimum interior side yard setback is 1.5 m and 0 m on the common lot line of attached buildings
  6. maximum building height is 12 m
  • a sill, belt course, cornices, eaves, gutters, chimneys, overhangs or pilasters may project 1 m into the required front and corner side yard and 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m, into the interior side yard
  • balconies may project 2 m, but no closer than 1 m from the property line and no closer than 0 m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into the front and corner side yard
  • open, roofed or unroofed porches and entrance features not exceeding one storey in height may project 2 m, but no closer than 1 m from the property line and no closer than 0 m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into the front and corner side yard, and 1 m into a rear yard
  • a deck may project 2 m, but no closer than 1 m from the property line, into a front and corner side yard; in a rear and interior side yard a deck may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line and an additional 0.3 m setback from every 0.3 m or portion thereof that is constructed above finished grade
  • steps attached to a porch may project 2.5 m, but no closer than 0.5 m from property line and no closer than 0 m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into a front and corner side yard
  • air conditioning units may project 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to the interior property line, into a corner, rear and interior side yard
  • corner sight triangle distance reduced from 6 m. to 2.75 m
  • section 136 does not apply
  • townhouse dwelling on a rear lane means a townhouse dwelling where each dwelling unit is located on either:
  1. a separate lot, where each such lot has the required lot width on a public street, but where vehicular access is provided from a rear lane, or
  2. a legally conveyable parcel of land that has a boundary line that abuts a public park and is at least as long as the required lot width, and where vehicular access is provided from a rear lane
  • rear lane means a public lane that provides either primary or secondary means of access from a public street to abutting properties
  • where access is via the rear lane, the minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 0.6 metres, and the width of the garage, carport or driveway may be the width of the entire rear yard
  • a minimum interior side yard of 1.2 m, and 0 m on the common lot line of townhouse dwellings
1456 GM[1456] H(18.3)    
  • the subject lands are considered as one lot for zoning purposes
1457 R4Z[1457]    
  • maximum density is 99 units/ha
Reserved for Future Use      
  • Notwithstanding Table 110(a), minimum width of landscaped buffer abutting a street: 0.98 m
  • Notwithstanding clause 110(3)(a), minimum setback of a refuse collection area within a parking lot from a lot line abutting a public street: 0.98 m
1460 R3P[1460]    
  • the minimum front yard setback is 1.5 m and the maximum front yard setback is 3 m

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
(By-law 2021-215)
R3M[1461] S218

The following additional uses are permitted within Area B of Schedule 218:

  • apartment
  • community centre
  • community health and social services centre, which cannot include a methadone clinic, supervised injection site, probation or parole services
  • cultural, social and counselling centre
  • daycare
  • library
  • office, limited to municipal services
  • museum
  • place of worship
  • retirement home
  • school
  • training centre, limited to job instruction or training associated with a school
  • the maximum number of dwelling units in an apartment building is 21
  • the minimum required landscape buffer between a parking lot and a street is 2.0 m
  • the minimum width of an interior side yard for a building containing any of the uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) is 4.5m
  • the maximum building height for a building containing any of the uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) is 11.0 metres
  • within Area C of Schedule 218, parking for the uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) is permitted within a front yard and a required corner side yard
  • the minimum front yard setback is 5.5 m
  • Section 63 also applies to buildings containing the uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted)
1462 R3M[1462]

The following additional uses are permitted within Area A of Schedule 220:

  • apartment
  • retirement home
  • school
  • community centre
  • community health and social services centre, not to include a methadone clinic,supervised heroin injection site, probation or parole services
  • cultural, social and counselling centre
  • day care
  • library
  • office, limited to municipal services
  • museum
  • place of worship
  • training centre, limited to job instruction or training associated with a school
  • Section 63 applies with all necessary modifications to the uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted)
  • a maximum of 10 parking spaces for the uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) may be located in the front yard
  • the maximum number of dwelling units in an apartment building is 40
  • the maximum building height for a building containing any of the uses permitted in Column II II (Applicable Zones) is 7.0 m
  • the maximum cumulative gross floor area of the uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) is 3,530m2
  • the minimum separation width between a parking lot and a public street or a residential zone is 1.0 m
  • a loading space is not required
  • minimum lot area is 175 m2 per dwelling unit
  • minimum lot frontage is 6.0 m per dwelling
  • maximum permitted density is 50 units per hectare
  • minimum front yard setback is 3.7 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback is 1.5 m on either side of the main building and0 m on the common side
  • the required parking area for visitor parking may be provided on a private street
1464 R3B[1464]    
  • despite Section 131, a house in a planned unit development is considered to have frontage if the land on which it is to be located after severance abuts a private way that is a minimum of 3.6 m wide and has frontage of at least 3.6 m
  • despite Section 131(2), the minimum setback from a private way is 1.1 m
  • the required interior side yard adjacent to an institutional use is 1.2 m for the first 21metres back from the street and a minimum of 4.2 m for the remainder
  • the required side yard adjacent to a dwelling accessory to a place of worship residence is 0.5 m
  • a landscaped area of a minimum of 3.0 m is not required adjacent to an ecclesiastical residence and its driveway
  • the required interior side yard adjacent to a place of worship is 4.3 m
  • the parking required for a place of worship is 3.7 spaces per 100 m2 of gross floor area
  • the minimum length of a required parking space is 4.8 m
1466 R3B[1466]    
  • despite Section 131, a house in a planned unit development is considered to have frontage if the land on which it is to be located after severance abuts a private way that is a minimum of 3.6 m wide and has frontage of at least 3.6 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback is 1.2 m for the first 21 m back from the street and 5.4 m for the remainder
  • the minimum corner side yard setback is 2.0 m
1467 R3Z[1467]-h    
  • Section 58 - Flood Plain Overlay does not apply
  • the following must be done prior to the removal of the holding symbol:
  1. approval of a Cut and Fill application by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and the City of Ottawa;
  2. draft approval of a plan of subdivision;
  3. the clearing of all conditions which affect the design of the plan of subdivision.
1468 R3Z[1468]-h    
  • the following must be done prior to the removal of the holding symbol:
  1. approval of a Cut and Fill application by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and the City of Ottawa;
  2. draft approval of a plan of subdivision;
  3. the clearing of all conditions which affect the design of the plan of subdivision.
1469 R3Z[1469]    
  • maximum lot coverage is 55%
  • maximum building height is 11.0 m
  • minimum rear yard abutting lands zone AG3 is 5.0 m
  • minimum side yard setback abutting a walkway is 3.0 m
  • a maximum projection of 2.5 m into the front, corner side or rear yard is permitted, provided it does not exceed a height greater than the horizontal distance to the affected front, corner side, or rear lot line; and a porch must not be located closer than 1m to the front, corner side or rear lot line
  • despite Section 65, a 0.6 m obstruction of the front yard or rear yard with respect to second storey space, and a 0.6 metres obstruction of side yards for side yards abutting 0.30 m reserves only, are permitted;
  • despite Section 65, an unenclosed covered porch, platform or landing is also permitted in side yards, restricted to those yards abutting 0.3 metres reserves;
  • the lands zoned R3Z[1469] are to be considered as one lot for zoning purposes pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended or any similar legislation. This provision does not apply if the severed lots comply with Table 160A
(By-law 2022-234)
(Subject to
GM16[1470] H(10)   -All uses except Bank, Office, Detached Dwelling, Dwelling Unit, Retail Store, Personal Service Business, Medical Facility, Artist Studio, and Restaurant.

-Minimum rear yard setback: 5.9 m


-Minimum interior side yard setback: 4.8 m

GM[1471]F (3.0)H(42)
  • amusement centre
  • cinema
  • hotel
  • parking lot
  • theatre
1472 IG5[1472]
  • retail store where products are displayed and stored for sale upon the premises
  • any single retail store permitted under Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) may occupy a minimum gross floor area of 140 square metres and a maximum gross floor area of 7500 square metres, and may not include the sale of food or pharmaceutical products
  • all other uses except for an 8 unit multiple attached dwelling and 10 storey apartment dwelling, mid-high rise planned unit development
  • a maximum of 8 planned unit development townhouse dwellings are permitted along the eastern portion of the site, and a 10-storey apartment building is permitted along the western portion of the site
    As per Schedule 234:
  • a minimum rear yard of 7.5 m must be provided between the planned unit development townhouse dwelling units and the abutting rear yards of the homes in the adjacent R2D zone;
  • a minimum yard depth of 4.1m must be provided between the planned unit development townhouse dwelling units and Karen Way;
  • a minimum yard depth of 4.58 m must be provided between the planned unit development townhouse dwelling units and southerly side yard;
  • the maximum building height for planned unit development townhouse dwelling units is 10.5 m;
  • the maximum building height of the 10-storey apartment building is 30 m;
  • the upper two floors of the 10-storey apartment building will be set back further a minimum of 4.0 m on the north and south sides of the building;
  • the minimum yard depth for the 10-storey apartment building abutting St. Laurent Blvd. is 4.6 m;
  • the minimum yard depth of 3.0 m must be provided between the 10-storey apartment building and Karen Way;
  • the minimum yard depth of 7.5 m must be provided between the 10-storey apartment building and the southerly side yard;
  • the minimum separation between the 10-storey apartment building and the rear lot line (being the easterly lot line0 is 62.0 m (OMB Order issued January 3, 2008)
  • the minimum front yard setback is 1.5 m and the maximum front yard setback is 3 m
  • planned unit development
  • the minimum front yard setback is 1.5 m and the maximum front yard setback is 3 m
  • automobile service station
  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • drive-through facility
IL[1477] S117-h2
  • place of worship

All uses other than:

  • bank
  • broadcasting studio
  • day care
  • community centre
  • community health and resource centre
  • light industrial uses
  • medical facility
  • municipal service centre
  • office
  • parking garage
  • personal service business
  • printing plant
  • production studio
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • research and development centre
  • restaurant, full service
  • restaurant, take-out
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • technology industry
  • the following uses are only permitted subject to being located on the ground floor of a building containing one or more of the other permitted uses not listed below:
  1. municipal service centre
  2. personal service business
  3. restaurant, full service
  4. restaurant, take-out
  5. retail food store
  6. retail store
  • the provisions of Subsection 203(3)(g) do not apply and following provisions apply:
  • a maximum of 60, 385 square metres of gross floor area is permitted;
  • subject to the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development confirming a transportation facility is under construction in the Alta Vista Parkway corridor, the –h2 symbol may be lifted, and an additional 23,225 square metres of gross floor area is permitted;
  • upon lifting of the -h1 and -h2 symbols, the cumulative total maximum gross floor area is 83,610 square metres;
  • maximum building height is in accordance with Schedule 117.
  • a place of worship is subject to 203(2)(g) or 205(2)(g), as applicable.
1478 IL[1478]
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • retail store and retail food store are permitted subject to:
  1. the total gross floor area not exceeding 25% of the lot area; and
  2. each individual use not exceeding a total gross floor area of 300 m2
  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • stacked dwelling
  • parking lot
  • A detached dwelling, duplex dwelling, linked-detached dwelling and semi-detached dwelling are subject to the provisions of the R2H subzone.
  • A townhouse dwelling, three-unit dwelling and stacked dwelling, are subject to the provisions of the R4N subzone.

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
1481 TM8[1481]
  • automobile service station excluding the retail sale of automobile fuels

all residential uses except:

  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • except for a detached dwelling, the minimum lot width of 17.5 m and minimum lot area of 413 m2 is required for permitted residential uses
  • except for detached dwelling, minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  • in the case of townhouse dwelling and planned unit development:
  1. a minimum side yard setback abutting a street of 3 m
  2. a minimum side yard setback abutting a pedestrian pathway or public lane of 1.2 m and,
  3. in all other cases, a minimum side yard setback of 0.5
  • except for detached dwelling a minimum rear yard setback: 6 m
1483 IH[1483]
  • all uses except for a buffer area and ancillary uses to the abutting solid waste disposal facility
TM9[1484] H(11)    
  • the required parking for the land use at 1532 Stittsville Main Street may be located on the abutting lands at 1534 Stittsville Main Street
  • minimum front yard setback 1.5 metres
  • maximum front yard setback 6.5 metres
  • minimum interior side yard setback 0 metres
1485 I1A[1485]    
  • no minimum separation distance applies from the group home to any other group home
1486 I1E[1486]    
  • despite Section 69, the minimum setback for any yard abutting an EP zone is 5 m
Reserved for Future Use      
1488 IL[1488] H(14)
  • hotel
  • community health and resource centre
  • the community health and resource centre is permitted subject to a maximum height limit of 9 metres and a maximum lot coverage of 30% of the lot area
  • maximum lot coverage: 52%
  • parking lot
R5A[1491] H(22), R5A[1491] H(18)
  • minimum front yard setback is 5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback is 5 m
R5A[1492] H(22),
  • detached, semi-detached, townhouse
  • minimum front yard setback is 5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback is 5 m
  • Setback requirements for a single or semi-detached dwelling:
  1. front yard setback is 3 m
  2. side yard setback is 1 m with no door in the facing wall and 1.2 m with a door in the facing wall
  3. rear yard setback is 6 m
  4. corner side yard setback is 3 m
  • Setback requirements for a townhouse dwelling:
  1. front yard setback is 5 m
  2. side yard setback is 1.0 m with no door in the facing wall and 1.2 m with a door in the facing wall
  3. rear yard setback is 6.0 m
  4. corner side yard setback is 3.0 m
  5. minimum density is 29 units per hectare
  • Permitted projection requirements:
  1. a covered but unenclosed porch, step, veranda or gazebo, and a uncovered step, ramp, deck or porch, all of which not being part of the main building foundation, may project:
    1. 1.5 m from the lot line if it abuts a street not less than 18 m in width
    2. 3.0 m from the lot line if it abuts a street not less than 14 m, but not greater than 17.5 m in width
  2. a balcony, bay window, belt courses, chimney breasts, cornices, eaves, gutters, pilastersor other similar architectural features and sills may project:
    1. 1.5 m from the lot line if it abuts a street not less than 18 m in width
    2. 3.0 m from the lot line if it abuts a street not less than 14 m, but not greater than 17.5 m in width
  3. an uncovered step, ramp, deck or porch, not being part of the main building foundation, that is erected on Sonotubes or some other self-supporting mechanism, except for a ramp designed to be used by persons with disabilities, where no minimum setback is required may project 1.5m on roadway width not less than 18m or 3.0m on roadway width not less than 14m not greater than 17.5m
1493 R1TT [1493], R1QQ [1493]    
  • maximum height limit is 8 m
1494 AM9[1494]-h
  • maximum gross floor area is 300m2
  • minimum front yard setback is 15 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback is 10 m
  • minimum rear yard setback is 15 m
  • minimum interior yard setback is 15 m
  • minimum front yard setback for a car wash is 40 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for a car wash is 10 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for a car wash is 5 m
  • minimum interior yard setback for a car wash is 40 m
  • minimum front yard landscaped buffer is 8 m
  • minimum corner yard landscaped buffer is 5 m
  • minimum interior yard landscaped buffer is 6 m
  • minimum front yard landscaped buffer is 5 m
  • Prior to lifting of the ‘h’, the following criterion must be met:
  1. the proponent will commit up to $25,000.00 to provide a landscaped gateway feature in the daylight triangle of the site. The daylight corner will have berming up to three fee complete with split rockery wall, shrubs and flower planting areas. The design will accommodate a municipal identification sign if deemed desirable by the municipality;
  2. upon approval of a landscape design concept for the south side of Hazeldean (as proposed in the June 2002 West Kanata Concept Plan), the minimum landscape buffer along Hazeldean Road be increased from 5 to 8 metres. The proponent will, at its expense, incorporate and maintain the design elements that will be standard for all other adjoining properties on the south side of Hazeldean Road;
  3. the west property 6 metres setback landscaped area will include a 2 metre landscaped berm, fencing as required for sound attenuation and plantings to shield the adjoining property as long as a residence; and
  4. the proponent will submit a site plan for review and consideration by the municipality substantially in keeping with the concept plan attacked to the staff report submitted to Planning and Development Committee dated 30 October 2002.
  • automobile service station

the uses listed in 189(1) are not permitted and only the following non-residential uses are permitted:

  • bank machine
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • drive-through facility
  • municipal service centre
  • personal service business
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • urban agriculture
  • convenience store is limited to 280m2
  • personal brewing facility
  • all non-residential uses except for a convenience store
  • drive through facility
  • a community health and resource centre, day care, instructional facility, medical office, animal care establishment and animal hospital are limited to a cumulative 185m2 of gross floor area
  • office
  • all non-residential uses are limited to the ground floor
  • single occupancy of a non-residential use must not exceed 200 square metres of gross leasable floor area
LC2[1499] S232
  • restaurant, take out
  • restaurant, take out limited to 45m2 gross floor area
1500 LC1[1500]    
  • retail store limited to 105m2