Exceptions 2101-2200


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

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Telephone: 613-580-2940

Exception Number
Applicable Zones
Exception Provisions - Additional Land Uses Permitted
Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
  • A minimum rear yard setback of 5 metres is required for any building within 20 metres of a lot line abutting Stittsville Main Street.
  • minimum width of landscaped buffer along a lot line abutting a residential zone: 3 m
  • Sub-clause 186(9)(c)(ii) and sub-clause 186(9)(h) do not apply to an existing garden centre and existing building supply outlet
  • convenience store
  • detached dwelling
  • residential care facility
  • school

All uses except:

  • artist studio
  • community health and resource centre
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • office
  • personal service business
  • retail store
  • A detached dwelling is subject to a minimum lot area of 555 square metres and the provisions of the R1WW subzone.
  • A residential care facility is limited to a maximum of 15 residents.
  • clauses 189(1)(b) and (c) do not apply
  • total maximum permitted gross leasable floor area of all non-residential use occupancies: 1000 m2
  • maximum building height: 8 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 4 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for a non-residential use building from that portion of a lot line abutting a non-residential zone: 1.2 m
  • Subclause 189(3)(h)(ii) applies, but may be reduced to 1 metre where a minimum 1.4 metre high opaque screen is provided.
  • For the purposes of this exception, the permission to establish a retail store does not include permission to establish a convenience store.
2105 - 2106 Reserved for Future Use      
  • planned unit development
  • In the area located within 20 metres of Guigues Avenue and 20 metres from King Edward Avenue, the following applies:
  1. non-residential uses are prohibited
  2. maximum building height: 14.5 m
TM[2108] S317    
  • Despite Table 197(e) and subsection 197(4)(d), no additional setback of 2 metres is required from the front and corner side lot lines, for any part of the building at or above the fourth storey or 15 metres, whichever is less.
  • Despite Section 65, canopies, awnings and balconies may project to within 0.4 metres of a lot line.
  • Maximum building heights are as per Schedule 317.
Order File #PL140303,
issued March
20, 2015)
R5L[2109] H(19)    
  • where a building height is greater than four storeys or 14.5 metres, whichever is the lesser, a building must be setback a minimum of 1.5 metres more than the provided front yard setback from the front lot line as set out in Table 164A – R5 Subzone Provisions, Subzone L, Column VIII
Order File #PL140303,
issued March
20, 2015)
TM13[2110] H(14.5)    
  • the maximum height is 11m for the following residential uses:
    detached dwelling, duplex dwelling, secondary dwelling unit, semi-detached dwelling, three-unit dwelling, townhouse dwelling
  • parking garage
  • The following provisions apply to a parking garage:
  1. minimum required width of an aisle or driveway within a parking garage: 6 m
  2. minimum front yard setback: 0 m
  3. minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  4. minimum easterly interior side yard setback: 0.2 m
  5. minimum westerly interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  6. maximum permitted building height: 11 m
  7. Subsections 109(11) and (12) do not apply
  • The following provision applies to all uses other than a parking garage:
  1. minimum setback from the lot line abutting Second Avenue is 1.5 metres
  2. maximum setback from the lot line abutting Second Avenue is 3 m
Order File #PL140303,
issued March
20, 2015)
R5L[2112] H(19)
  • restaurant
  • minimum front yard: 2.0 m
  • minimum setback from a park: 4.5 m
  • no part of a building on a lot with a rear lot line abutting an R1, R2, R3, of R4 Zone may project above a 45 degree angular plane measured at a height of 14.5 metres from a point 7.5 metres from the rear lot line, projecting upwards towards the front lot line
  • no part of a building on a lot with an interior lot line abutting an L1 Zone may project above a 45 degree angular plane measured at a height of 14.5 metres from a point 4.5 metres from the interior lot line, projecting upwards towards another interior lot line
Order File #PL140260,
20, 2015
  • office limited to a diplomatic mission
  • minimum lot width: 14 m
  • minimum lot area: 464 m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 0.71m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 0.32 m
  • minimum westerly interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • minimum easterly interior side yard setback: 1.52 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6 m
  • Balconies and staircases may project up to a lot line.
  • A double traffic lane driveway providing access to a parking garage may have a minimum width of 3.45 metres, which may be further reduced to 3.05 metres for a distance of 1 metre at the entrance to the parking garage.
  • An aisle providing access to bicycle parking may be a minimum of 1 metre in width.
  • minimum parking space length: 5.1 m
  • A maximum of 50 per cent of the parking spaces may have a minimum width of 2.4 metres.
  • Despite Subsection 161(8), at least 25 per cent of the lot area must be landscaped. (see Order paragraph 3)
  • Subsection 109(3)(c) does not apply and the corner side yard, other than areas occupied by a driveway or walkway with a maximum width of 2.6 metres, may be hard landscaped.
  • Table 137(1)(IV) does not apply.
  • maximum of 3 spaces limited to diplomatic missions, with a cumulative total maximum gross floor area of 6,000 m2 in a maximum of 3 buildings
  • where residential uses, other than diplomatic mission residential use building, are built in this zone, only 1 office limited to a diplomatic mission permitted, and only 1 building not exceeding 3,000 m2 of gross floor area may be built to house that diplomatic mission
  • minimum parking space length: 3.89 m
  • minimum lot width: 4.5 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 3 m
  • despite Table 65, an air-conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the corner side yard and the front yard
  • minimum lot area: 80 m2
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 3 m
  • there is no required rear yard setback
  • despite Table 65, an air-conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the corner side yard and the front yard
  • despite Section 136, no more than twelve dwelling units are permitted in a townhouse dwelling
Order, File #PL130951,
issued June
14, 2016)
(Subject to

Order, File #PL130951,
27, 2014)
R3Q[2117] H(10.1)  
  • group home
  • planned unit development
  • three-unit dwelling
  • minimum front yard setback: 4.93m
  • The minimum required rear yard setback is to be calculated from the front lot line and must commence 20.65 metres from the front lot line.
  • No roof top patios or decks are permitted.
  • Despite Section 65, only the following may project into the front yard in accordance with that Section:
  1. eaves, eave-troughs, gutters;
  2. ornamental elements such as sills, belt courses, cornices, parapets and pilasters; and,
  3. steps, open stairways and ramps.
Order File #PL130951,
issued June
14, 2016)
Order, File #PL130951,
issued February 27, 2014)
R3Q[2118] H(9)  
  • group home
  • planned unit development
  • three-unit dwelling
  • minimum lot area: 185m2
  • No roof top patios or decks are permitted.
  • minimum setback to Colonel By Drive: 6.5 m
  • minimum setback to Downing Street: the average of the setbacks from Downing Street of the abutting buildings on the lots on either side
  • Except for eaves, sills and ornamental elements located above the first storey, no permitted projects may be located closer to the lot line abutting Colonel By Drive than a projection located on 9 Carlyle Avenue
  • The following applies to a planned unit development:
  1. minimum lot area: 644m2
  2. minimum front yard setback: 1.7m
  3. minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 1.2m
  5. maximum building height for semi-detached dwellings within a planned unit development: 11m
  6. minimum interior side yard setback for semi-detached dwellings within a planned unit development: 1.2m
  7. minimum interior side yard setback for townhouse dwellings within a planned unit development: 2m
  8. balconies are not permitted within the interior side yard
  9. despite table 65(6)(b) balconies may project to within 0.5m of a side lot line abutting a street
  10. despite table 65(6)(b) balconies may project to within 0m of a front lot line
  11. the lands zoned R3M[2119] are considered one lot for zoning purposes
  • retail store
  • retail store may only be located on the ground floor of a multi storey building and is subject to Section 203(2)
  • despite Section 203(2)(c), each use is not to exceed 400m2 of gross floor area
  • maximum cumulative gross floor area for retail uses is 1400m2

Exception Number
Applicable Zones
Exception Provisions - Additional Land Uses Permitted
Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
TM[2121] H(100)-h  
  • all uses, except those that existed on March 26, 2014 are prohibited until such time as the holding symbol is removed
  • maximum front yard setback: 6.5 m
  • minimum corner side yard setbacks: 1.5m for the ground floor and mezzanine; 1m between the second and fourth floor; and 4.5 metres at and above the fourth floor
  • minimum rear yard setback above 14 metres: 9.5m
  • required visitor parking space rate is 0.083
  • commercial parking spaces are not required
  • despite section 107, the minimum required width of a driveway providing access to parking garage and the minimum width of a parking aisle is 6m
  • vehicle loading spaces are not required
  • despite section 111A(b)(i), bicycle parking space rate is 1 per dwelling unit
  • despite section 111(8), bicycle parking space must have access from an aisle having a minimum width of 1.0m
  • table 111B does not apply
  • section 111(10) does not apply
  • despite section 111(11), bicycle parking spaces may be located within a vehicle parking space
  • despite Table 65(6)(b), balconies can project to the front lot line and side lot line abutting an interior side yard
  • the holding symbol may only be removed at such time as:
  1. an application for Site Plan Control has been approved; and which approval includes conditions relating to the following:
    1. Approval of the peer review of the geotechnical report, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
  • the following provisions dealing with a Section 37 authorization apply:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 8 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in 2 below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 8 of Part 19 hereof, the lot is subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue to be effective notwithstanding any subsequent release or discharge of all or any part of such agreement.
(By-law 2023-166)
Order File #PL140348, issued November 12, 2015)
R5B[2123] F(3.9) S319
  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • artist studio
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • catering establishment
  • community centre
  • community health and resource centre
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • drive-through facility
  • emergency service
  • funeral home
  • instructional facility
  • library
  • medical facility
  • municipal service centre
  • office
  • payday loan establishment
  • personal brewing facility
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • place of worship
  • post office
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • research and development centre
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • technology industry
  • training centre
  • maximum permitted building heights and minimum setbacks are as per Schedule 319
  • the south lot line along Laurier Avenue East is deemed to be the front lot line
  • required number of parking spaces for dwelling units: 40
  • required number of visitor parking spaces: 23
  • required residential visitor parking can be used to also fulfill the requirements of non-residential parking, and no further non-residential parking spaces need to be provided
  • despite Section 107, the minimum required width of a driveway providing access to parking garage and the minimum width of a parking aisle is 6 metres
  • an outdoor commercial patio is permitted within a residential zone
  • an outdoor commercial patio may be located in a yard facing or abutting a residential zone or abutting a yard or lane facing or abutting a residential zone and may be located within 30 metres of such abutting or facing residential zone but only if it is located along Laurier Avenue and/or along the corner side yard of the property known municipally as 281 Laurier Avenue
  • Table 113A does not apply; there are no requirements for a vehicle loading space
  • endnote 11 does not apply
  • subsection 163(12) does not apply
  • all additional land uses permitted in column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) are only permitted within a mixed use building
  • A maximum of 65% of the area of the front yard may be used as driveway.
  • In the R4M[2124] zone, the front yard is defined as that area measured from the front lot line to a depth of 32 metres.
  • minimum required rear yard setback for an apartment dwelling low-rise within a planned unit development: 3m
(By-law 2018-350)
  • The following uses are only permitted on the lands known municipally as 348 Whitby Avenue: detached dwelling, duplex dwelling, converted dwelling, linked-detached dwelling, park, semi-detached dwelling, three-unit dwelling, home-based day care
  • All uses except the following uses are prohibited on the lands known municipally as 348 Whitby Avenue: accessory parking lot to a use located at 364 Churchill Avenue, bed and breakfast, group home, planned unit development, retirement home, converted, townhouse dwelling, diplomatic mission,urban agriculture
  • minimum front yard setback: 1.8 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 1 m
  • minimum parking space rate for an animal hospital and an animal care establishment: 2 per 100 square metres of GFA
  • minimum width of a driveway intended for two-way traffic: 3.8 m
  • Table 187(h)(i) does not apply.
  • Outdoor refuse containers within a parking lot may be located within 0 metres of an interior lot line and do not require screening.
  • minimum width of a parking space: 2.44 m
  • The GM1[2125] zoned lands are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • A bed and breakfast, converted dwelling, detached dwelling, diplomatic mission, duplex dwelling, group home, linked-detached dwelling, park, planned unit development, retirement home, converted, semi-detached dwelling, three-unit dwelling, townhouse dwelling and urban agriculture are subject to the performance standards of the R3S zone.
  • On the lot known municipally as 348 Whitby Avenue, an animal hospital and an animal care establishment is permitted for a temporary period of three years from October 10th, 2018 to October 10th, 2021.
  • by maintaining the provisions applicable to a temporary animal hospital at 348 Whitby Avenue, which are as follow
  1. No parking required for an animal hospital
  2. minimum rear yard setback: 0.5 m
  3. minimum northerly interior side yard setback: 1.4 m
  4. minimum easterly interior side yard setback: 2.4 m
  5. maximum building height: 8 m
  6. minimum width of a landscaped area abutting a residential zone: 0.5 m
  7. minimum width of a landscaped area abutting a street is 3 metres, however a permitted projection may be located within the landscaped area
AM5[2126] S262
  • retirement home
  • carwash
  • drive-through facility
  • stacked dwelling
  • parking lot as a principal use
  • service and repair shop
  • The wall at grade facing a public street must have 50% of the façade comprised of windows and entrances, and in the case of corner lots, the entrance may be on an angled corner wall facing the street intersection.
  • Maximum building height and the minimum required front, corner side and interior side yard setbacks are as per Schedule 262.
  • One loading space may be located within a required side yard next to a residential zone.
  • Despite section 186(5)(e), no maximum parking rate applies.
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant, fast food
MC[2128] F(4.1) S129    
  • maximum building height, permitted projections and required setbacks as per Schedule 129
  • at least 50% of required parking spaces must be located below grade or in a structure
  • one or more of the following uses must:
  1. be located on the ground floor;
  2. be located along, and have their main entrance(s) facing Carling Avenue;
  3. have a minimum gross floor area of 185.5m2:
    1. artist studio
    2. bank
    3. bank machine
    4. bar
    5. cinema
    6. community centre
    7. community health and resource centre
    8. convenience store
    9. day care
    10. instructional facility
    11. library
    12. medical facility
    13. museum
    14. nightclub
    15. payday loan establishment
    16. personal service business
    17. post office
    18. recreational or athletic facility
    19. restaurant
    20. retail food store
    21. retail store
    22. service and repair shop
    23. theatre
  • minimum yard setback from the south lot line abutting Carling Avenue: 3.0 m
  • minimum yard setback from east lot line abutting the transit corridor of the O Train: 4.57m
  • minimum yard setback from west lot line abutting Champagne Street: 4.57 m
  • maximum height, except for an air-supported structure or dome covering a sports field: 15 m
  • maximum height for an air-supported structure or dome covering a sports field: 23.5 m
  • maximum building height: 15m
  • 22 required parking spaces may be used as parking spaces for any of the uses listed in 86(2), provided those uses are located on a lot other than the lot on which the place of worship is located.
R5B[2132] H(29) S322    
  • maximum number of storeys: 9
  • Despite Table 101, the minimum required number of parking spaces is 0.4 per dwelling unit.
  • Despite Table 102, the minimum required number of visitor parking spaces is 0.08 per dwelling unit after the first 12 units.
  • minimum required width of a driveway: 6 m
  • minimum required width of an aisle: 6 m
  • minimum required setbacks as per Schedule 322
  • Despite Table 65(3), ornamental elements are permitted to project to within 0.25 m of the westerly interior side lot line, instead of 0.6 m.
Order File #PL140185, issued March 9, 2015)
R5K[2133] H(20)  
  • residential care facility
  • shelter
  • utility installation
  • convenience store
  • minimum lot width for apartment dwelling, mid-high rise: 15m
  • minimum lot area for apartment dwelling, mid-high rise: 450m2
  • minimum side rear and rear yard setbacks for apartment dwelling, mid-high rise as per endnote 5 of Table 164B
  • where in endnote 3(b) of Table 164B an interior side yard setback is required for the first 21 metres back from the street the distance is reduced to 18 metres back from the street
  • despite the rear yard setback in endnote 5, where the rear lot line abuts the side lot line on the abutting lot, the minimum required rear yard setback is equal to the minimum required interior side yard setback of the abutting lot along each point of the shared lot line
  • the three metre yard required for the case stated in endnote 5(c) must be landscaped
  • rooming house limited to 50% of gross floor area of building
  • no additional parking required for a residential use building converted to another use of less than 4 dwelling units
  • bed and breakfast restricted to a maximum of three guest bedrooms
  • planned unit development
  • A Planned Unit Development is permitted and Section 131 applies with the following exceptions:
  1. a minimum of 6 visitor parking spaces must be provided
  2. minimum front yard setback: 4.5 metres
  3. minimum side yard setback from a public park: 4.5 metres
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5 metres
  5. maximum building height: 9 metres
  6. maximum number of units in a Planned Unit Development is 14
  • Where a Planned Unit Development is provided, Section 131 applies with the following exceptions:
  1. a minimum of 3 visitor parking spaces must be provided
  2. minimum front yard setback: 4.5 metres
  3. minimum side yard setback from a public park: 4.5 metres
  4. minimum side yard setback, other yards: 7.5 metres
  5. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5 metres
  6. balconies are not permitted on multi-storey buildings
  7. maximum building height for all uses: 9 metres.
  8. maximum number of units in a Planned Unit Development is 15
  • office
  • minimum aisle and driveway width: 6.4m
  • minimum number of loading spaces required: 1
(By-law 2020-289)
  • the minimum setback for a dwelling within a planned unit development:
  1. where the functional back of the building is facing the lot line: 6 m
  2. where the functional side of the building is facing the lot line: 3 m
  • minimum setback from a lot line abutting Fallowfield Road:
  1. where the functional back of the dwelling is facing the lot line: 6 m
  2. where the functional side of the dwelling is facing the lot line: 3 m
  • no driveways are permitted to cross the lot line abutting Fallowfield Road.
  • minimum lot width for a planned unit development: 12 m
GM[2138] S325  
  • Within Areas B and C all uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed, except in Area C on Schedule 325, where non-residential uses are permitted provided they are located in no more than two buildings with a total cumulative gross floor area of 4,200 square metres and with a maximum height of two storeys and 11 metres
  • No maximum FSI
  • minimum width of drive aisles is 6 m
  • Within Area A on Schedule 325:
  1. maximum front and corner side yard setback: 4 m
  2. For the purposes of this Exception, a tower means any part of a building above four storeys.
  3. A maximum of three towers are permitted.
  4. No tower may exceed a floor plate of 1,200 square metres.
  5. A minimum 21-metre separation distance must be provided between each tower.
  6. No tower is permitted to locate closer than 19 metres to the rear lot line.
  7. Maximum tower heights as follows:
    1. for the tower closest to Baseline: 13 storeys and 42 m
    2. for a central tower: 16 storeys and 49 m
    3. for a tower located on the southern portion of Area A: 10 storeys and 29.5 m
  8. Indoor amenity space may project above the height limit to a maximum of 4.5 metres.
  9. All non-residential uses are limited to the ground floor.
  • Within Area B on Schedule 325:
  1. Only one residential use building with a maximum permitted building height of eight storeys is permitted
  2. maximum corner side yard setback: 4 m
  • Within Area C on Schedule 325:
  1. Two non-residential use buildings accommodating only non-residential uses permitted in the GM zone with a maximum cumulative total GFA of 4,200 square metres and a height of two storeys (11 metres) for each building is permitted until the holding provision is removed as set out in e) below and where the maximum front and corner side yard setback is 4 metres.
  2. Development permitted in Area C on Schedule 325 as set out in 1 above will be subject to conditions 1 to 5 inclusive of the holding symbol, set out below
  • The holding symbol does not apply within Area A on Schedule 325
  • The holding symbol may be removed in whole or in part to provide for phased development, provided the development phases correspond to the Areas shown on Schedule 325 and where the following conditions have been met;
  1. A site plan, including building elevations, has received approval through a formal site plan approval process for the entire site that reflects an end state development for the entire site incorporating the design features and elements set out in iii and, where phased development is proposed, the site plan for a phase of development shall allow for an end state development that incorporates design features and elements set out in 3. The features set out in 3 are in addition to all other applicable City of Ottawa Design and Planning Guidelines as approved by City Council:
  2. Where phased development is pursued, for each phase of development proposed subsequent to approval of the site plan for the first phase, a revised site plan control application with all applicable studies shall be approved.
  3. The end state development and each phase of development where phased development is proposed shall provide for the following design features to be achieved:
    1. Buildings must have at least one public entrance on all facades facing a public street.
    2. No blank / uninterrupted walls may face streets, access drives, sidewalks, outdoor amenity spaces or other public use spaces. For purposes of this provision, public use spaces includes spaces that are useable by owners/occupants of the development.
    3. Outdoor circulation corridors within the site, which includes vehicular corridors and pedestrian circulation routes, and along public road ways shall incorporate elements that provide for animation through the design of the adjacent building facades and through the uses to be accommodated within adjacent buildings and provide for amenities within the corridor including sidewalks, hard and soft landscaping and lighting. The animation and amenities provided shall support the functioning of the corridors as dynamic outdoor places and spaces that provide for activity and interest for users of the corridors.
    4. Providing well defined direct pedestrian connections between all uses, existing and future on the site and from adjacent properties, and to the public right-of-way.
    5. Any commercial use located on the ground floor within a building must provide clear glass doorways and windows that provide for unobstructed views into the commercial space and from the commercial space to the outside.
    6. Any residential use located on the ground floor for podiums shall provide direct access from the outside to the unit.
  4. Details related to required site access have been confirmed and approved by the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development. These details will identify any roadway modifications that may be required as part of each phase of the development.
  5. The sanitary flows from the subject site cannot exceed 14 litres/second until such time that the capacity study has been completed for the West Nepean trunk sewer, after which the allowed flows to be permitted for development for the site are to be in accordance with determinations made through the above noted study.
  6. For Area C on Schedule 325, the holding symbol may only be removed under the following circumstances:
    1. Where a rezoning application is submitted and approved for development proposed with a GFA greater than 4,200 square metres and/or with a height greater than two storeys and/or for residential uses and/or where site plan approval is obtained and where the proponent as part of such applications has demonstrated satisfactory to the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development that consideration has been given to possible opportunities to have a focal element established for the site that should also be a community focus that would be integrated with the overall development and the Sandcastle street environment. Opportunities to be considered include the provision for the southern portion of Area C of either an open space feature such as a parkette or a low profile building accommodating one or a combination of community focused uses such as a community centre, community health and resource centre, recreational and athletic facility.
    2. At the time of redevelopment of Area C, the application of Section 37 shall be determined on the basis of an as-of-right development intensity of a six-storey development within a GM H(18.5) zone that applied to the site prior to May 28th, 2014.
  • amusement centre
  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automobile service station
  • broadcasting studio
  • car wash
  • catering establishment
  • drive through facility
  • emergency service
  • funeral home
  • gas bar
  • hotel
  • production studio
  • research and development centre
  • sports arena
  • technology industry
  • urban agriculture
  • Each retail store and retail food store must not exceed a gross floor area of 2790 square metres.
  • The following provisions apply to back-to-back townhouses:
  1. Maximum number of attached units in a townhouse dwelling: 12
  2. An air conditioner condenser may be located in a front yard when units are attached back-to-back
  • despite section 59, a residential use building is considered to have frontage where the land on which it is located abuts a private way that serves as a driveway leading to a public street
  • the property line that abuts a private way is considered to be the front lot line

Exception Number
Applicable Zones
Exception Provisions - Additional Land Uses Permitted
Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
  • drive-through facility
  • nightclub
  • principal use parking garage
  • principal use parking lot
  • stacked dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • maximum building height: 57m
  • minimum building height: 20m
  • only 50% of the building envelope must comply with the minimum building height
  • total cumulative gross floor area for all uses on the lot: 28,270 square metres
  • 50% of the ground floor of a building containing dwelling units must be occupied by non-residential uses
  • no more than 12 parking spaces may be provided at grade
AM[2142] H(20)
  • automobile body shop
  • maximum gross floor area of an automobile body shop: 1600 square metres
(By-law 2020-301)
  • the lands zoned R5A[2144] S327 and O1[2143] are considered one lot for zoning purposes
  • Parking accessory to the buildings at 1131 and 1151 Teron Road is permitted.
(By-law 2020-301)
R5A[2144] S237    
  • minimum corner side yard setback is 6m
  • minimum rear yard setback is 4.5m
  • maximum building heights are as per Schedule 327 and no other building or part of a building, other than an accessory building or structure and a permitted projection, is permitted outside of areas A through E inclusive, on schedule 327
  • despite the requirements in subsection 109(3)(c) and 109(7) that all parts of the corner side yard not occupied by driveways, parking spaces, walkways and permitted projections must be soft landscaped, those areas of the corner side yard requiring soft landscaping may also be landscaped with hard landscaping
  • balconies are not permitted on that wall of a building abutting the rear yard
  • the lands zoned R5A[2144] S327 and O1[2143] are considered one lot for zoning purposes
  • A mixed-use building is permitted and is to be treated as an apartment building mid-rise for the purposes of applying zoning.
  • The following commercial uses are permitted: Bank, Bank Machine, Convenience store, Medical Facility, Office, Personal service business, Post office, Restaurant, Restaurant-take-out, Retail store, Retail food store, Service and repair shop
  • The commercial uses may only be located on the ground floor of the building, and have a maximum gross floor area of 900 m2
  • The applicable parking rate for commercial uses is 3.4 spaces per 100 m2 of gross floor area or the amount required under Section 101, whichever is less.
  • Despite the provisions of Table 113B, a loading space may be located in a required front yard, provided it is 4.7 m from the front lot line.
  • The 3 m landscaped buffer strip required under Table 110 for a parking lot containing more than 100 parking spaces may be reduced to 1.8 m for the segment between the building and the south property line.
  • The wall of an underground parking garage may extend 0.5 m above grade in any required yard.
  • Despite Table 65(8)(a), an air intake pipe for an underground parking garage may project no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line in any required yard.
  • for a detached dwelling, other than as described by the subsequent provision :
  1. minimum front yard setback: 3.75m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • for a detached dwelling located on a corner lot with a driveway providing access over an exterior side lot line:
  1. minimum front yard setback: 3m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 1.2m
  • for a semi detached dwelling:
  1. minimum lot width: 6.5m
  2. minimum lot area: 170m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.75m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • for townhouse dwellings, where the dwellings are arranged only side-by-side:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.7m
  2. minimum lot area: 120m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.75m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • for townhouse dwellings where the dwellings are arranged both side-by-side and back-to-back:
  1. the maximum number of dwelling units permitted within a townhouse dwelling is 12; however, no more than 6 units may be located side-by-side
  2. minimum lot area: 80m2
  3. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  4. there is no rear yard setback requirement
  5. minimum front yard setback: 5m
  • Where a holding symbol applies:
  1. with the exception of a temporary storm water management facility, all permitted uses are prohibited until the holding symbol is removed; and,
  2. the holding symbol may only be removed at such time as an ultimate storm water management facility to serve the subject lands has been constructed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development.
  • artist studio
  • bank machine
  • convenience store
  • office
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • community centre
  • community health and resource centre
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant, limited to an internet cafe
  • The following provisions apply to an apartment dwelling, low-rise converted from a place of worship:
  1. there is no minimum rear yard setback
  2. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.9m
  3. maximum building height: 12.3m
  4. maximum number of dwelling units: 58
  5. endnote 2 of table 126B – Additional Provisions does not apply
  6. an existing steeple, forming a part of the low rise apartment dwelling is a permitted projection above the height limit
  7. non-residential uses are permitted only in the basement of a low rise apartment dwelling converted from a place of worship
  8. maximum gross floor area for all non-residential uses: 135.5m2
  9. parking spaces may be located in the corner side yard
  10. walkways may exceed 1.8m in width
  11. a planter wall may be located within the front and corner side yards
  12. no landscaped buffer is required for a parking lot
  13. parking spaces may be used for residential, visitor and non-residential uses
  14. vehicle parking requirements:
    1. the total number of required parking spaces for all uses on the lot: 10
    2. 50% of the parking spaces may be reduced in size and require a minimum width of 2.4m and a minimum length of 4.9m
  15. minimum width of a driveway and aisle: 6m
  16. bicycle parking requirements:
    1. minimum number of bicycle parking spaces: 66
    2. maximum number of vertical bicycle parking spaces: 37
    3. maximum number of bicycle parking spaces in landscaped area: 43
  17. roof-top patio provisions:
    1. minimum setback from an exterior wall abutting an interior yard: 1.8m
    2. minimum setback from the exterior wall of the building closest to the lot line abutting Russell Avenue: 1.5m
    3. minimum setback from the exterior wall of the building closest to the front lot line: 1m
  18. the amenity area requirements introduced by By-law 2014-189 do not apply
Order File #PL141223 and PL141147, issued March 14, 2016)
R5B[2147] S329    
  • maximum building heights and setbacks as per Schedule 329
  • minimum driveway and drive aisle width of 6.0 metres
  • required visitor parking rate is 0.083 spaces per unit
  • for a permitted projection above the height limit related to a rooftop amenity area:
  1. a maximum height of three metres is not included in the overall height of the building,
  2. a maximum gross floor area of 200 square metres is permitted
  • subsection 137(3) does not apply
  • minimum bicycle parking space rate is 1 per dwelling unit
  • despite subsection 111(9), a bicycle parking space must have access from an aisle having a minimum width of 1.0 metre
  • Table 111B does not apply
  • subsection 111(11) does not apply
  • no balconies are permitted to project into Area E on Schedule 329
  • a minimum of 50 per cent of the area of the building wall of floors 4 to 9 must consist of windows with clear glazing
  • individual dwelling units located at grade along Norman Street and facing the multi-use pathway must have access to the exterior
(By-law 2021-409)
MC12[2148] F(3.0) S99,100    
  • minimum southerly yard setback:
  1. 12.3 metres for 1st storey
  2. 11.0 metres above the 1st storey
  • all other yard setbacks must be a minimum of 6.0 metres, except existing yards, which are deemed to be in conformity provided they were lawfully established prior to March 4, 1998
  • parking is prohibited in required yards adjacent to Holland Avenue
  • retail store only permitted on the floor located closest to grade
  • commercial uses limited to a floor space index of 1.0
  • commercial uses only permitted to be located in Area Y as shown on Schedule 99
  • maximum building heights as per schedule 100
  • For the purpose of the below provisions a tower is defined as the portion of the building above the podium.
  • For the purpose of the below provision a floorplate is defined as the total area of a tower floor measured from the exterior of the outside walls and includes the total floor area occupied by balconies.
  • Maximum tower floorplate including balconies within Area D of Schedule 100: 850 m2.
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automotive service station
  • car wash
  • townhouse dwelling
  • drive-through facility
  • stacked dwelling
  • gas bar is only permitted if associated with a retail store that has a minimum Gross Floor Area of 2000 square metres
  • minimum building height is either 6.7 metres or may be less so long as a parapet along all walls of the building with a minimum height of 6.7 metres measured from grade.
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automotive service station
  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • townhouse dwelling
  • stacked dwelling
  • drive-through facility must not be located adjacent to Founder Avenue and queuing lanes of a drive through facility must not be located between a building and street
  • minimum building height is either 6.7 metres or may be less so long as a parapet along all walls of the building with a minimum height of 6.7 metres measured from grade.
  • minimum of 50 per cent of the frontage along Founder Avenue, measured at 3 metres from the corner lot line, must be occupied by building walls
  • notwithstanding the above provision, if site plan approval over all or part of the lands has been given pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act for development consisting of building walls within three metres of the corner lot line occupying at least 50 per cent of that part of the frontage of Founder Avenue shown on the plan, development of the entire lot may be constructed in phases for the purposes of complying with the above requirement.
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automotive service station
  • car wash
  • drive though facility
  • gas bar
  • townhouse dwelling
  • a minimum of one contiguous landscaped area or central plaza of at least 2500 square metres must be provided
  • minimum building height: 11 metres
  • where a residential building abuts the contiguous landscaped area or central plaza as noted above, a minimum 50 per cent of the ground floor of the residential building must be occupied by non-residential uses
  • a minimum of 50 per cent of the frontage along Founder Avenue, measured at 3 metres from the corner lot line, must be occupied by building walls
  • notwithstanding the above provision, if site plan approval over all or part of the lands has been given pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act for development consisting of building walls within three metres of the corner lot line occupying at least 50 per cent of that part of the frontage of Founder Avenue shown on the plan, development of the entire lot may be constructed in phases for the purposes of complying with the above requirement.
  • there is no maximum floor space index
(By-law 2021-180)


-Apartment Dwelling, High-Rise

The portion of the high-rise building above grade, until such time as the holding symbol is removed.

(i) Minimum required yard setbacks, building stepbacks and maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule 437;

(ii) Section 101(6)(c) shall continue to apply when a maximum of 16 surface parking spaces are provided;

(iii) The holding symbol may only be removed at such time as:

1. The segment of Robert Grant Avenue between Abbott Street and Maple Grove Road has been constructed and opened to vehicular traffic; and

2. An application for Site Plan Control Approval has been approved, incorporating the requirement for provision of a public pathway block along the northern property line of the site between Livery Street and Robert Grant Avenue to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development.

  • community centre
  • day care
  • emergency service
  • group home
  • library
  • museum
  • municipal service centre
  • one dwelling unit ancillary to a permitted use
  • park
  • place of assembly
  • place of worship
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • residential care facility
  • retirement home
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house
  • school
  • shelter
  • sports arena
  • training centre limited to job instruction/ training associated with a school
  • urban agriculture
AM4[2154] H(20)  
  • amusement centre
  • amusement park
  • bar
  • cinema
  • funeral home
  • museum
  • nightclub
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • sports arena
  • theatre
  • despite the clauses 85(3)(a) and 85(3)(b), an outdoor commercial patio is permitted, subject to its size and location being in accordance with plans received by the City on February 3, 2014.
  • maximum permitted height of an apartment dwelling is 85.8m above sea level
2156 (Subject to By-law 2023-222)
(By-law 2022-117)
GM15[2156]  Apartment dwelling, Mid-Rise  

In addition to any other requirements for landscaping, a minimum 4 m wide landscaped area must be provided along any lot line abutting a residential zone and abutting Mer Bleue Road and Brian Coburn Boulevard.

− All buildings on the lot must have commercial space on the ground floor.
− Driveways providing access to the lot, may be located within the landscaped area described in above.
− For all buildings on the lot where a wall faces a public street it must have a minimum of 50% clear glazing at the first floor level.
− Building is to be setback no further than 14m from both Mer Bleue Road and Brian Coburn Boulevard.

Building faces along Mer Bleue Road and Brian Coburn Boulevard are either a minimum of 5 m in height, or contains a parapet a minimum height of 5 m measured from grade

  • personal brewing facility
  • service and repair shop
  • minimum interior side yard setback for a non-residential use building from that portion of a lot line abutting a residential zone: 4 m
  • minimum required width of a landscaped buffer for a parking lot abutting Navan Road: 1 m
  • The 3 metre landscaped buffer required under Table 110 between a parking lot and Navan Road may be reduced to 0 metres for a distance of 7 metres along the side lot line abutting Navan Road.
  • maximum building height for apartment dwelling, low-rise and stacked dwelling: 15.5 m
  • minimum driveway width at the entrance to a parking garage: 5 m
  • minimum setback of outdoor loading and refuse collection areas contained within a parking lot is 8 metres from a lot line abutting Renaud Road
  • minimum front yard setback: 6m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 4.5m
  • amusement centre
  • automotive body shop
  • bar
  • broadcasting studio
  • catering establishment
  • cinema
  • garden nursery
  • heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing
  • hotel
  • kennel
  • light industrial uses
  • nightclub
  • parking lot, other than rapid-transit network park and ride facilities, being located at least 600m from a rapid transit station
  • printing plant
  • production studio
  • storage yard
  • theatre
  • truck terminal
  • warehouse
  • new stand alone retail or restaurant uses in excess of 900 m2 in area
  • clauses 192(7)(b), (f) and (g) do not apply
  • surface parking is limited to the rate of 5.0 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable area plus 15%
  • where any part of a building is located within 10 metres of a lot line abutting Trainyards Drive, Industrial Avenue or Belfast Road, the maximum setback for that building from that lot line is 4.5 metres and the yard must be landscaped
  • no more than 45% of the frontage along Industrial Avenue and Belfast Road can be occupied by parking,
  • new, after December 14, 2011, stand alone retail and restaurant uses that are in excess of 900 m2 in area are prohibited until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • the holding symbol can only be removed, in whole or in part, upon the completion of required studies to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, to determine environmental remediation required, if there is adequate sewer, water and road capacity to accommodate the development and if not, what measures or improvements have to be completed to provide for this capacity.

Exception Number
Applicable Zones
Exception Provisions - Additional Land Uses Permitted
Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
Order File #PL141061, issued September 27, 2016)
  • minimum rear yard setback: 2.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback from the lot line abutting the rear lot of the lands municipally known as 19 Bachman Terrace: 2m
  • Despite Section 136, the maximum number of dwelling units permitted within a townhouse dwelling is 10, but no more than five are permitted within a single row.
  • minimum rear yard setback is deemed to be 0m between individual dwelling units that are permitted to be vertically attached
  • maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a stacked dwelling: 16
  • minimum rear yard setback is deemed to be 0m between individual dwelling units that are permitted to be vertically attached
  • minimum required corner side yard setback for stacked dwellings: 2m
  • minimum required landscaping buffer for stacked dwellings: 2 metres.
  • there are no amenity space requirements for stacked dwellings
  • maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a stacked dwelling: 20
  • Provisions for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  2. minimum rear yard setback for corner lots: 1.2m
  • Provisions for townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot width: 5m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  • hotel
  • all uses except existing uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed
  • a hotel is a permitted use subject to the floor space index being equal to or greater than 1.5 for the non-residential uses listed in clause 192(15)(a)
  • minimum floor space index: 2.0
  • minimum yard setback from all lot lines abutting a public street: no minimum
  • maximum yard setback for the building wall of a parking garage: no maximum
  • maximum yard setback for at least 80% of the width of any other building wall facing a public street:
  1. 0.5 m; or
  2. 2 m where a patio is located between the building wall and a lot line
  • minimum building height: 11 m
  • maximum permitted building height is the lesser of 67m or twenty-storeys
  • a holding symbol will not be removed until such time as an application for Site Plan Control Approval has been approved by the Urban Design Review Panel and General Manager of the Planning Growth Management Department
  • automobile service station
  • truck transport terminal
  • crematorium
  • heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing
  • leaf and yard waste disposal facility
  • storage yard
  • waste processing and transfer facility (non-putrescible)
  • all uses until such time as the hold symbol is removed
  • automotive dealership
  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • broadcasting studio
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • drive-through facility
  • hotel
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • office
  • park
  • place of assembly
  • post office
  • printing plant
  • production studio
  • restaurant
  • technology industry
  • training centre
  • research and development centre
  • outdoor storage is permitted
  • the hold symbol may not be removed until such time as a vibration and noise study is submitted which demonstrates no impact to the adjacent quarries at 2448 Carp Road and 421 Huntmar Drive, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning Growth Management Department
  • partial removal of the “h” may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for the lifting of the holding zone specified above.
  • Despite Tables 55 and 205 no building or accessory building may be located within 100 metres of the unopened road allowance adjacent 2448 Carp Road and 421 Huntmar Drive
(By-law 2024-302)
  • automobile service station
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • bar
  • car wash
  • cinema
  • convenience store
  • garden nursery
  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • payday loan establishment
  • personal service business
  • nightclub
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • service and repair shop
  • sports arena
  • theatre
  • Apartment dwelling 
  • low-rise 
  • apartment dwelling, 
  • mid-high rise, 
  • bunk house 
  • dwelling, 
  • coach house, 
  • detached dwelling,
  • duplex dwelling, 
  • linked-detached dwelling, 
  • townhouse dwelling, 
  • semi-detached dwelling, 
  • stacked dwelling, 
  • additional dwelling unit 
  • three-unit dwelling
  • Minimum required front yard setback along Palladium Drive is 1.5 m;
  • Minimum required corner side yard setback along Campeau Drive is 0 m;
  • Minimum required rear yard setback along Nippissing Court is 0 m.
  • - A car wash use is only permitted within Area A of Schedule 497.
  • maximum building height: 85.8 metres above sea level
  • minimum density: 50 units per hectare
  • maximum density: 150 units per hectare
  • minimum front yard setback: 2.85 m
  • no landscaped area is required
  • maximum number of townhouse dwelling units: 52
  • If site plan approval has been given pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act for development that meets the minimum density requirement of 50 units per hectare, then notwithstanding the requirement for a minimum density of 50 units per hectare, the development may be constructed in phases.
  • The lands zoned R5Z[2168] are considered one lot for zoning purposes, except with respect to the calculation of density.
R5B[2169] H(37)
  • office
  • place of assembly limited to a club
  • retail store limited to a drug store, florist shop, news stand
  • restaurant
  • personal service business limited to barber shop, beauty parlour, dry cleaner's distribution station
  • all additional permitted uses are limited to below grade and the first two storeys of the building on site
GM3[2170] F(3.0) H(19)
  • parking lot
  • Despite Section 71(1)(a) and 71(3), construction trailers associated with the development at 324 Bruyere Street are permitted as a temporary use only until such time as the work has been completed, abandoned, or such buildings are no longer required but will expire October 8, 2017.
  • Despite Section 71(2), no building or structure is permitted within 1.2 metres of an interior side or rear lot line.
  • Upon removal of any building or structure, the resultant vacant land is to be landscaped and when the temporary use of the lands for construction trailers ceases completely, the whole of the vacant lands are to be landscaped.
Order File #PL141340, issued November 17, 2015)
MD5[2172] S332
  • post secondary educational institution
  • marine facility
  • parking lot
  • parking garage
  • parking lots only permitted to provide accessory parking to permitted uses
  • parking garages only permitted if at least 75% of parking spaces are located below grade and provides accessory parking to permitted uses
  • Section 193 (2) does not apply to residential buildings
  • the site is subject to the maximum number of parking spaces permitted in Table 103
  • at least 50% of the provided parking is to be provided below grade.
TM[2173] H(15)    
  • minimum interior side yard setback abutting a residential zone: 0 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 0 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  • Despite Table 197(i), there is no minimum width for a landscaped area.
  • Except when providing access to bicycle parking, or for a permitted projection, all yards must be landscaped.
  • Refuse storage must be located in the principal building.
  • Despite Sections 85(1), (3) and (6), an outdoor commercial patio is permitted if it is:
  1. operated as part of a restaurant use;
  2. located at least 20 metres from the rear lot line and at least 10 metres from an interior side lot line;
  3. separated from the rear lot line and interior side lot line by building wall or a noise barrier wall that is at least 2 metres in height; and,
  4. located with a walking surface not above 4.5 metres in height.
  • The following uses do not require any parking:
  1. Artist studio
  2. Bank
  3. Convenience Store
  4. Instructional Facility
  5. Medical Facility
  6. Office
  7. Payday loan establishment
  8. Personal Service Business
  9. Recreation and Athletic Facility
  10. Restaurant
  11. Retail Food Store
  12. Retail store
  • Despite section 111(9), bicycle parking spaces need not have access from an aisle.
  • Despite section 113(4), no loading space is required.
  • Table 197(g)(i) does not apply to that part of the building above which an outdoor commercial patio is located.
Order File #PL140455, issued December
10, 2014)
  • minimum setback from the interior side lot line adjacent to the defined railway corridor: 15 m
  • Where development is subject to Site Plan Control, the minimum 15 metre setback from the interior side lot line may be reduced to a different setback established through a condition of Site Plan Control approval and such condition must be based on an engineering study that takes into account a reasonable train operating speed on a Class 2 track for this location as defined by Transport Canada.
  • No access (ingress/egress) may cross a front or side lot line within 30 metres of an established railway track within a defined railway corridor.
2175 Reserved for Future Use      
  • maximum number of dwelling units is 12
  • townhouse dwelling and three-unit dwellings are prohibited
  • minimum front yard setback: 5 metres
  • minimum interior side yard setback:
  1. 4 metres for the first 21 metres back from the street lot line
  2. 6 metres in all other circumstances
  • minimum required parking rate for a shopping centre: 3 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area
MC[2178] H(20)    
  • a minimum 4 storey building height is required on any lot greater than 600m2
  • a minimum 4 storey building height for residential and/or office development is required on any lot greater than 600m2
  • despite the foregoing, any proposed additions to an existing permitted residential use building that has less than 4 storeys is exempt from the minimum
  • car wash
  • drive-through facility
  • gas bar
  • a minimum 4 storey building height for residential and/or office development is required on any lot greater than 600m2
  • despite the foregoing, any proposed additions to an existing permitted residential use building that has less than 4 storeys is exempt from the minimum

Exception Number
Applicable Zones
Exception Provisions  -Additional Land Uses Permitted
Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
AM[2181] H(11) AM10[2181] H(20)
  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • stacked dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • An existing residential use not permitted by the TM7 is permitted subject to the provisions of the R3P zone.
  • A parking garage is only permitted below grade
  • Office uses are not permitted on the ground floor
  • Despite Table 197(c), the front yard setback is a minimum of 2 metres, subject to subsection 197(4).
  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • Applicable parking rate for a medical facility is 1.5 spaces per 100 metres squared of gross floor area or the amount required under Section 101, whichever is less.
  • Despite clause 106(1)(b), the minimum required width of a parking space is 2.4 metres.
  • Minimum required width of a driveway leading to a parking lot is 3 metres.
  • warehouse
TM[2185] H(16)
TM[2185] H(37) TM[2185] H(18) TM[2185] H(19)
  • The requirements of clause 197(1)(b) apply to any building, and furthermore any principal building must have an entrance giving direct pedestrian access to at least one public street.
  • Interior side yards must not exceed the minimum required side yards and the minimum driveway width, where one is provided.
  • Only the following uses are permitted on the ground floor of a building:
  1. Bank
  2. Bank machine
  3. Convenience store
  4. Payday loan establishment
  5. Personal service business
  6. Post office
  7. Restaurant
  8. Retail food store
  9. Retail store
  10. Service and repair shop
  • Dwelling units and office are permitted above the ground floor.
TM[2186] H(14.5) TM[2186] H(19) TM[2186] H(18)    
  • The maximum front yard setback set out in Table 197(c) does not apply and a minimum front yard setback of 3 metres applies.
  • The minimum width of a landscaped area set out in Table 197(i) does not apply and all parts of the front yard not occupied by driveways, permitted projections or parking spaces must be landscaped.
2187 Reserved for Future Use      
TM[2188] H(24.5) TM[2188] H(18.5)
  • bar
  • nightclub
  • The lands zoned TM[2188] H(24.5), MC[107] H(50), MC[107] H(148) A.S.L. and MC[107] H(91) A.S.L. are considered one lot for the zoning purposes.
  • Visitor and non-residential parking may be shared.
  • detached dwelling
  • A detached dwelling is subject to the provisions of the R1S zone.
  • Despite anything to the contrary, the uses permitted in the TM zone are permitted in buildings existing as of November 27th, 2019.
  • detached dwelling
  • A detached dwelling is subject to the provisions of the R1O zone.
  • Despite anything to the contrary, the uses permitted in the TM zone are permitted in buildings existing as of November 27th, 2019.
  • A use listed in clause 197(1)(e) may only be located within a building existing as of February 25, 2015 if:
  1. the building faces the front lot line; and,
  2. the use is located on the ground floor.
  • Despite anything to the contrary, the uses permitted in the TM zone are permitted in buildings existing as of November 27th, 2019.
  • An existing residential use not permitted by the TM7 is permitted subject to the provisions of the R4M zone.
  • Except in the instance of an existing residential use building, only personal service business, retail store, retail food store and restaurant full service may occupy the ground floor of a building.
  • A parking garage is only permitted below grade.
  • Despite Table 197(c), the front yard setback is a minimum of 2 metres, subject to subsection 197(4).
  • active frontage requirements for development within this zone apply to Richmond Road frontage only
  • active frontage requirements for development within this zone apply to Carling Avenue frontage only
  • any use lawfully established as of February 15, 2015.
AM10[2196] H(20) AM10[2196] H(11)
  • amusement centre
  • amusement park
  • bar
  • cinema
  • funeral home
  • museum
  • nightclub
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • sports arena
  • theatre
AM10[2197] H(11)
  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • stacked dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • amusement centre
  • amusement park
  • bar
  • cinema
  • funeral home
  • museum
  • nightclub
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • sports arena
  • theatre
AM10[2198] H(20)    
  • Height limits described in 185(f)(i) and (iii) also apply with respect to a property line abutting a R5 zone
AM10[2199] AM10[2199] H(15)    
  • an automobile dealership use requires a minimum lot area of 1500 m2

All uses except (a) the following primary uses:

  • apartment dwelling, low rise
  • apartment dwelling, mid rise
  • broadcasting studio
  • converted dwelling
  • diplomatic mission
  • drive-through facility
  • dwelling unit
  • emergency service
  • home-based business
  • home-based day care
  • hotel
  • medical facility
  • museum
  • office
  • planned unit development
  • production studio
  • research and development centre
  • stacked dwelling
  • technology industry
  • training centre
  • urban agriculture

and (b) the following ancillary uses:

  • artist studio
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • bar
  • car wash
  • cinema
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • library
  • municipal service centre
  • nightclub
  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • place of worship
  • the provisions of subsection 185(4) do not apply and storage must be completely enclosed within a building
  • the provisions of Section 101 – Minimum Parking Space Rates, apply but the minimum rate is the maximum amount of parking permitted
  • where excess parking results from a change of use, the excess parking may be retained
  • the ancillary uses are only permitted subject to:
  1. being in the same building or on the same lot as a primary use,
  2. the cumulative gross floor area of the ancillary uses not exceeding the total gross floor area of the primary use or uses,
  3. car wash, including the required queuing spaces, must be totally enclosed in a building occupied by a primary use