2018-44) |
O1[2441] |
- Despite subsection 100(1), underground parking may be located anywhere in the TM[2442], TM[2444] and O1[2441] zones within 90m of Richmond Road.
- No access to underground parking may be located in the O1[2441] zone.
- No driveway or aisle providing access to the uses in the TM[2442] or TM[2444] zone may be located in the O1[2441] zone, except where located underground.
2018-44) |
TM[2442]-h |
- All uses except a park and the existing uses, until the holding symbol is removed
- minimum front yard setback: 8m
- maximum front yard setback:12m
- no maximum interior side yard setback
- minimum interior side yard setback adjacent to a residential zone: 7.5 m
- Despite Subsection 100(1), underground parking may be located anywhere in the TM[2442], TM[2444] and O1[2441] within 90m of Richmond Road.
- The holding symbol may only be removed when Site Plan Control approval has been obtained, demonstrating the following to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:
- The buildings located in the TM [2442] and TM[2444] zones are designed and oriented to provide a public space and enhanced park entrance at Richmond Road.
- A minimum of 50% of the ground floor of a building facing Richmond Road or any land zoned O1[2441], measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5 metres, must comprise transparent windows and active entrances;
- A detailed landscape and tree preservation plan that demonstrates that every effort has been made to preserve as many of the existing mature trees located across the frontage and along the western boundary as possible;
- Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 197(7) the traffic and parking plan is to provide for a single vehicular access location for both sites zoned TM [2442] and TM[2444] and is to ensure minimal or no surface parking. The access location is to be coordinated with the City’s planned improvements to Richmond Road.
2018-21) |
GM[2443]-h |
- apartment dwelling, mid rise and apartment dwelling, low rise until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
- The lot line abutting Hunt Club Road is considered to be the front lot line.
- maximum building height: 26m
- minimum interior side yard setback for a residential building higher than 11m: 2.8m
- maximum total area for the eighth floor of the easternmost building: 600m2
- The holding symbol may only be removed at such time as the acceptance of a traffic study for the apartment confirming no adverse impacts in the operation of the road network, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development.
2018-44) |
TM[2444]-h |
- All uses except a park and the existing uses, until the holding symbol is removed
- maximum building height is 24m or seven storeys, whichever is less
- The seventh storey must be set back an additional 5m from Richmond Road.
- minimum front yard setback: 8m
- maximum front yard setback:12m
- no maximum interior side yard setback
- Despite Subsection 100(1), underground parking may be located anywhere in the TM[2442], TM[2444] and O1[2441] within 90m of Richmond Road.
- The holding symbol may only be removed when Site Plan Control approval has been obtained, demonstrating the following to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:
- The buildings located in the TM [2442] and TM[2444] zone are designed and oriented to provide a public space and enhanced park entrance at Richmond Road.
- A minimum of 50% of the ground floor of a building facing Richmond Road or any land zoned O1[2441], measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5 metres, must comprise transparent windows and active entrances;
- A detailed landscape and tree preservation plan that demonstrates that every effort has been made to preserve as many of the existing mature trees located across the frontage and along the western boundary as possible;
- Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 197(7) the traffic and parking plan is to provide for a single vehicular access location for both sites zoned TM [2442] and TM[2444] and is to ensure minimal or no surface parking. The access location is to be coordinated with the City’s planned improvements to Richmond Road.
2018-50) |
R4H[2445]-c |
- Despite Section 161(8), for a lot containing an apartment dwelling, low rise, twenty per cent of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area
- maximum permitted building height:13.5m
- minimum front yard setback: 2.25m
- maximum number of dwelling units for an apartment dwelling, low rise: 40.
- the total required amenity area: 298m2.
- Despite Section 141 (6), the cumulative total of all non-residential uses in an apartment dwelling, low-rise must not exceed a gross floor area of 150m2.
- one visitor vehicular parking space is required for forty dwelling units.
- A parapet must not project more than 1.6 metres above the maximum building height.
- The front yard may include a monolithic concrete pad 2.7 metres in width.
- Despite anything to the contrary a walkway may fill the area located in the corner side yard and front yard measured a maximum of 4.7 metres from the corner lot line.
- Rooming house limited to 50 per cent of gross floor area of building.
2018-53) |
TM[2446] H(30) |
- minimum interior side yard setback: 0.9m
- maximum projection for a landscaped terrace into the required rear yard setback: 3.4m
- minimum setback from the front lot line above the fourth storey or 15m whichever is the lesser: 0m
- Table 197 (3)(g)(ii)(3) provisions do not apply
- minimum parking space rate: 0.2 per dwelling unit
- minimum parking space width of 2.4 m for a maximum of four (4) parking spaces, which may be located abutting or near a wall, column or other similar surface that obstructs the opening of the doors of a parked vehicle or limits access to a parking space
- up to 3 parking spaces may have a minimum parking space length of 4.6m
- minimum bicycle parking space rate: 1.0 per dwelling unit
- minimum driving aisle width: 6m
- An office, limited to 112 m2, is permitted at grade within 6 m of a front wall.
- minimum rear yard setback: 8 m
- at and above the ninth storey, the building must be setback an additional 2 m from the rear wall of the sixth storey
- at and above the seventh storey, a building must be setback a minimum of 0.4 m from the front wall of the principal building
- at and above the ninth storey, the building must be setback 2 m from the front wall of the sixth storey
- minimum soft landscaped area abutting the east side lot line within the rear yard: 1.2 m;
- minimum soft landscaped area abutting the rear lot line: 2.3 m
- minimum soft landscaped buffer of a parking lot abutting the east lot line: 1.2 m
- minimum soft landscaped buffer of a parking lot abutting the rear lot line: 2.3 m
- minimum landscaped area required: 122 m2
- 87 m2 of the minimum landscaped area must be provided as soft landscaping
- minimum width of a two-direction controlled single traffic lane driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage: 3m
- minimum width of an aisle providing access to parking spaces in a parking lot or parking garage: 5.5m
2018-55) |
l2A[2447] |
- correctional facility
- hospital
- courthouse
- Post secondary institution and theatre uses are limited to the size of the building as it existed on February 28, 2018.
- A parking garage must be located below grade.
2018-89) |
l1A[2448] |
- minimum front yard setback: 1.5m
- minimum width of landscaped buffer: 0.8m
- minimum parking space rates for a place of worship: 9.5 spaces per 100m2 of gross floor area of assembly area.
2018-92) |
GM[2449] S378 |
- animal hospital
- apartment dwelling, mid-rise
- click and collect facility
- diplomatic mission
- drive-through facility
- research and development centre
- shelter
- technology industry
- stacked townhouse
- two loading spaces are required subject to:
- no oversized loading spaces required;
- minimum width of aisle accessing loading space: 7m;
- no screening required for loading spaces.
- minimum drive-aisles widths within an underground garage: 5.7m
- maximum building height as shown on Schedule 378.
2018-92) |
I1A[2450] S378 |
- planned unit development may include a residential care facility
- minimum drive-aisles widths within an underground garage: 5.6m
- maximum building height as shown on Schedule 378
2018-92) |
R3B[2451] S378 |
- minimum lot width: 6m
- minimum lot area: 170m2
- maximum building height as shown on Schedule 378
2018-92) |
R4Y[2452] S378 |
- minimum lot width: 30m
- minimum lot area: 750m2
- residential parking rate is 1 per dwelling unit and the visitor rate: 0.2 per unit
- maximum building height as shown on Schedule 378
2018-92) |
O1[2453] S378 |
- no minimum setbacks required
- maximum building height as shown on Schedule 378
(By-law 2024-183)
2018-84) |
R5B[2454] S379 |
- community centre
- community garden
- hotel
- instructional facility
- museum
- office
- place of assembly
- restaurant
- retail food store
- retail store
- theatre
- rooming house
- rooming house, converted
- Despite the Heritage Overlay provisions of sections 60(1), (2), (3), and (4), and subsection 163(6), the following applies:
- Maximum building height as per Schedule 379, to a maximum of nine storeys.
- Minimum required setbacks and stepbacks as per Schedule 379.
- no parking spaces are required for a change of use within any part of the building as it existed on March 28, 2018
- a vehicle loading space is not required
- minimum required width of a driveway accessing a provided loading space and the minimum required width of a provided loading space: 3.1m
- a maximum of five office occupancies are permitted
- a maximum of two office occupancies are permitted to exceed 360m2 in gross leasable area, each with a maximum of 531m2
- maximum total gross leasable floor area of office uses: 1900m2
- office uses are only permitted on the second, third, or fourth storey of any building on the site, except for an office lobby or reception area with a maximum gross floor area of 40m2, which may be located on the ground floor of any building
- notwithstanding the above provisions, an office use is permitted within any part of the building as it existed on March 28, 2018.
- restaurant uses are only permitted in the basement, ground floor, or second storey of any building
- retail store and retail food uses are only permitted on the ground floor of any building on the site and have a maximum gross floor area of 130 m2
- instructional facility and museum uses are only permitted in the basement, ground floor, or second storey of any
- a theatre is only permitted within the building as it existed on March 28, 2018
- an outdoor commercial patio is permitted within a residential zone
- an outdoor commercial patio may be located in a yard facing or abutting a residential zone, or abutting a yard or lane facing or abutting a residential zone, and may be located within 30m of such abutting or facing residential zone only if it is located along Laurier Avenue East
- endnote 11 of Table 164B does not apply
- subsection 163(12) does not apply
The minimum required rate for the residential parking is 0.35 parking spaces per residential unit.
The minimum required rate for the visitor parking is 0.03 parking spaces per residential unit.
Despite Section 106(3)(c), two (2) compact parking spaces may be located near or abutting a wall, column, or similar surface.
A hotel is limited to the second, third and fourth storeys with only a hotel lobby being permitted on the ground floor.
Where the hotel use is provided, the maximum amount of parking spaces for hotel use is 12.
- Permitted projections listed in Section 64 and Section 65 may project outside the permitted building envelope and are not subject to the height limits set out in Schedule 379, and:
- a. Area D on Schedule 379 permits a projection above the height limit that may include indoor amenity rooms with associated washroom facilities with a maximum cumulative floor area of 200m2 and a maximum projection above the height limit of 5m.
- b. Notwithstanding the permitted projection provisions above, balcony projections along the Blackburn Avenue frontage are permitted to project into required corner side yard with 0m setback from the property line.
- Despite the definition of “storey”, ground floor residential units may include a mezzanine and for the purpose of maximum building heights on Schedule 379, such dwelling units are to be considered as one storey.
- For the purposes of Section 163(9), the required landscaped area may be reduced to 425m2.
- Minimum aisle and driveway width: 6m
2018-90) |
R4N[2455] |
- Office uses are limited to the ground floor of a building containing dwelling units.
- Any building containing an office and dwelling units is subject to the R4N provisions for an apartment dwelling, low rise, except for the following:
- maximum building height: 14m
- minimum rear yard setback: 6.0m, which must comprise at least 16% of the area of the lot, however, it need not exceed 7.5m
- minimum northern interior side yard setback when located 21m or more from the front lot line: 3m
- despite the parking provisions in Section 101, Table 101, there are no parking requirements for dwelling units in a building containing an office.
- despite the driveway provisions in clause 107(1)(a)(ii), in the case of a building containing an office and dwelling units, a driveway providing access to a parking lot must have a minimum width of 3.6m for a double traffic lane.
- minimum required amenity space: 160.00 square metres
- minimum landscape buffer around a parking lot at the northeast corner: 1.0 metre
2018-124) |
R4Y[2456] |
- No visitor parking is required.
- minimum setback to a corner side yard for a covered or uncovered balcony, porch, deck, platform and verandah, with a maximum of two enclosed sides, excluding those covered by canopies and awnings: 0.5 m
- minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 0.2 m
- minimum setback for any garage entrance to a private way: 1 m
2018-124) |
R5Y[2457] |
- No visitor parking is required.
- minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 1 m
- minimum setback for any garage entrance to a private way: 1 m
- minimum width of an aisle or a driveway providing access to parking in a parking lot: 6 m
- minimum required setback for a utility installation from any lot line: 0.6 m
2018-124) |
R5Y[2458] |
- minimum setback to a corner side yard for a covered or uncovered balcony, porch, deck, platform and verandah, with a maximum of two enclosed sides, excluding those covered by canopies and awnings: 0.5 m
- required visitor parking spaces for a planned unit development: 3
- minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 0.2 m
- minimum setback for any garage entrance to a private way: 0.2 m
- minimum required setback from an interior lot line for a retaining wall: 0.3 m
- minimum width of an aisle or a driveway providing access to parking in a parking lot: 6 m
- A fire escape, open stairways, stoop, landing, steps and ramps may project up to 0.2 m from any lot line.
2018-159) |
R5B[2459] H(18) |
- Despite the parking provisions in Section 101, Table 101, the minimum parking space rate for Dwelling, Low-rise Apartment and Dwelling, Mid High Rise Apartment is 0.66 per dwelling unit.
- Despite the visitor parking provision in Section 102, Table 102, the minimum visitor parking space rate for Apartment dwelling, low-rise or mid high-rise is 0.1 spaces / unit and no visitor parking spaces are required for the first twelve dwelling units on the lot.
- Despite Section 109, parking in front of existing buildings identified as 2660 Norberry Crescent, 740 Springland Drive, 790 Springland Drive, 840 Springland Drive is permitted.
2018-88) |
IL[2460] |
- minimum interior side yard setback: 5.5m
- maximum building height: 23m
- minimum number of vehicle loading spaces required for a warehouse: 1
- minimum width of aisle accessing oversized vehicle loading space at an angle of 45 degrees or less: 7.6m
- minimum width of drive aisle: 6m
- minimum distance of an outdoor loading and refuse collection area contained within a parking lot from an interior or rear lot line: 0m
- minimum number of parking spaces required for a warehouse providing self-storage units: 5
- maximum gross floor area of a retail store: 750m2