Exceptions 2501-2600


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

City Archives
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100 Tallwood Dr. (corner of Woodroffe Ave.)
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2857
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120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa Room
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940


Exception number

Applicable zones

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions


  • minimum lot area: 385 m2
  • minimum rear yard setback is 25% of lot depth, which must comprise at least 25% of the lot area, but need not exceed 7.5 m
  • minimum setback from the lot line that abuts Island Park Drive: 7.6 m


  • minimum interior side yard setback for an accessory building: 0.3 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for an accessory building is 2.6 m
  • Section 60 does not apply to the establishment of a semi-detached dwelling or accessory buildings or structures.

(By-law 2021-280)


MD[2503] S386    
  • Maximum permitted building height as per Schedule 386.
  • The maximum Gross Floor Area is 37,000 m2.
  • A maximum of one tower is permitted in each respective development area as shown on Schedule 386. For the purpose of this section, a tower is defined as the portion the building above the podium.
  • At least 26% of the ground floor must be occupied by non-residential uses, which may include a day care.
  • Despite the definition of “storey”, ground floor residential units may include a mezzanine and for the purpose of maximum building heights on Schedule 386, such dwelling units are to be considered as one storey.
  • The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required is 1.0 per dwelling unit or rooming unit.

Provisions related to Section 37 of the Planning Act:

  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 29 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 29 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.

  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.


(By-law 2021-280)


MD[2504] S386-h  
  • All uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • Maximum permitted building height as per Schedule 386.
  • Maximum combined Gross Floor Area areas A, B and C in Schedule 386 is 83,000  m2.
  • A maximum of one tower is permitted in each respective development area as shown on Schedule 386. For the purpose of this section, a tower is defined as the portion the building above the podium.
  • The holding symbol may be removed in whole or in part for phased development only when the following conditions have been met to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:
  1. Site Servicing Report submitted in support of a development application demonstrating sufficient servicing capacity and servicing options for the proposed development, and completed as part of a Servicing Capacity Analysis with the development of the portion of LeBreton Flats west of Booth Street in relation to the Master Servicing Study for LeBreton Flats.
  2. Updated Geotechnical Investigation submitted in support of a development application in accordance with applicable regulations at the time of submission.
  3. A Transportation Impact Assessment must include:
    1. A review of the site plan conditions relating to the recommendations from the Transportation Impact Assessment study from Phase 1 development -Area D and E of Schedule 386 - including the monitoring results from Phase 1 development and confirmation that the projected targets were achieved.
    2. At the time of Site Plan application for subsequent phases, the study for each phase, except the last, must also include a monitoring plan for this subsequent phase to review traffic impacts and modal share.
  4. When triggered, as determined on a phase-by-phase analysis, a Section 37 agreement must be registered through a minor rezoning to lift the hold and amend Part 19 of the Zoning By-law prior to approval of the corresponding Site Plan, unless replaced by a community benefits by-law.

  5. Demonstrate consistency with the site-specific polices for the ‘East Flats’ as per the Central Area Secondary Plan for high-rise development.

  • Partial removal of the holding symbol may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for the lifting of the holding zone specified above and that demonstrates how the phased development is consistent with and will advance achieving the overall development concept as set out in the Secondary Plan.


  • artist studio
  • catering establishment
  • community health and resource centre
  • convenience store
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • office
  • research and development centre
  • restaurant
  • retail store
  • theatre
  • training centre
  • dwelling unit
  • emergency service
  • group home
  • residential care facility
  • retirement home
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house
  • rooming house, converted
  • shelter
  • sports arena
  • maximum number of parking spaces: 149
  • Total cumulative area of uses listed in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted), excluding ‘community health and resource centre’, limited to 50% of gross floor area of the total of all buildings
  • Restaurant is limited to 350 m2 gross floor area




TM[2506] S387    
  • Despite Section 64, mechanical and service equipment penthouses, and elevator or stairway penthouses that project above a height of 22.3 m may not exceed a total cumulative area of 275 m2 and may not project beyond a maximum height of 25 m.
  • Mechanical and service equipment penthouses, and elevator or stairway penthouses, must be located in Area G as shown on Schedule 387.
  • Despite Section 65, canopies, awnings, open stairways, stoops, landings, steps, and ramps serving the first storey may project into the entire required corner side yard setback.
  • Despite Section 197, maximum permitted building heights, maximum number of storeys, and minimum setbacks are as per Schedule 387.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are not subject to the height limits on Schedule 387.
  • The provisions of Section 197(1)(b) do not apply to dwelling units that have their principal entrance located on Fourth Avenue or Fifth Avenue.
  • Section 197(3)(g)(ii) does not apply.
2507 Reserved for Future Use      




GM1[2508] F(0.25)  

All commercials uses, except:

  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • personal brewing facility
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • drive-through facility
  • fast food restaurant
  • full floor space index may be used for commercial uses
  • retail store limited to cumulative total of 120 m2 of gross floor area
  • minimum front yard setback: 1.5 m
  • minimum side yard setback not abutting Hawthorne Road: 6 m
  • minimum side yard setback abutting Hawthorne Road: 1.5 m
  • minimum rear setback: 6 m
  • landscaping required in all yards, exclusive of a driveway or walkway



(Subject to By-law 2022-368)
MD[2509] H(83)-h
  • amusement park, limited to an aquarium
  • All uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • Despite Table 193(f), the maximum permitted building is as per height suffix.
  • The maximum total floor area: 14,000 m2
  • A maximum of one tower are permitted, which includes any high-rise built form, stand-alone or above a podium.
  • Tower(s) must maintain a minimum of 20 m separation from the tower(s) on the abutting property to the west.
  • The holding symbol may not be lifted until a Site Plan application is approved as per following to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:
  1. Updated Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessment reports are required and must be done in accordance with applicable provincial regulations in effect at the time of submission.
  2. Updated Geotechnical Investigation in accordance with applicable regulations at the time of submission.
  3. Provision for affordable housing in accordance with the Secondary Plan.
  4. Where high-rise development is proposed demonstrate the following:
    1. Towers will generally be separated by a minimum of 23 m;
    2. Tower floor plates shall generally not exceed 750 m2;
    3. Human-scaled podium design with appropriate transition and stepbacks above the podium that responds to the existing character of the south side of Albert Street;
    4. Active frontage design along any public street or broadly used public area.
  5. The conveyance of dedicated parkland will be in accordance with the applicable parkland dedication by-law at the time of submission.
  6. Parks and Open Spaces or any building accessory to these uses, or any temporary use building approved by Council are exempt from the holding symbol.


MD[2510] H(40)-h
  • amusement park, limited to an aquarium
  • All uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • Despite Table 193(f), the maximum permitted building is as per height suffix (H).
  • The maximum total floor area: 18,300 m2
  • Maximum of one tower permitted, which includes any high-rise built form, stand-alone or above a podium.
  • Tower must be setback a minimum of 10 m from the interior lot line. For further clarity, Albert Street is the front lot line and the interior setback relates the westerly and easterly lot lines.
  • The holding symbol may not be lifted until a Site Plan application is approved and satisfies the following to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:
  1. Updated Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessment reports are required and must be done in accordance with applicable provincial regulations in effect at the time of submission.
  2. Updated Geotechnical Investigation in accordance with applicable regulations at the time of submission.
  3. Provision for affordable housing in accordance with the Secondary Plan.
  4. Where high-rise development is proposed demonstrate the following:

    1. Tower floor plates shall generally not exceed 750m2;
    2. Human-scaled podium design with appropriate transition and stepbacks above the podium that responds to the existing character of the south side of Albert Street;
    3. Maximize active frontage along any public street or public accessible space.
  5. Parks and Open Spaces or any building accessory to these uses, or any temporary use building approved by Council are exempt from the holding symbol.


  • The active entrance of a non-residential use must front either Armstrong Street or McCormick Street.
  • Despite the above provision, in the case of a corner lot, an active entrance may be angled towards the intersection of two public streets.
  • The lands zoned R4H[2511]-c are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
2512 Reserved for Future Use      


  • the rear yard setback for a stacked dwelling, apartment dwelling, low rise and planned unit development is 4m.


  • minimum corner side yard setback: 1.6 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 0.8 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  • minimum eastern interior lot line setbacks: 1.2 m
  • minimum required residential parking spaces: 4
  • minimum at grade communal amenity area does not have to be located in a rear yard nor abut a rear lot line, with at least one aggregated area of a minimum of 39 m2 and the total amenity area required is 85 m2.
  • Section 60 does not apply
  • The minimum corner side yard setback for the building existing on the date of the passing of this by-law is 0 m.
  • 21 percent of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area for a lot containing an apartment building, low-rise.

(By-law 2018-301)

(By-law 2022-381)


  • shelter
  • The lands zoned TM3 [2515] H(42), TM3[2515] H(11), and R4E [2516] are considered one lot for by-law purposes.
  • Despite Subsection 197 (7), for the lands zoned as TM3 [2515] H(42), TM3[2515] H(11), and R4E [2516], a maximum of three private approaches are permitted.
  • Despite Subsections 134 (1) and (5), which regulate the number and separation of shelters, a shelter is permitted on the subject property.
  • A shelter use may not exceed 801 m2 of gross floor area.
  • Clauses 197(1)(b) and (c) do not apply.
  • Zoning Mechanisms 197(3)(c) ,197 (3) (d) (i), 197(3)(g)(i), 197(3)(g)(ii)(2) and 197(3)(g)(ii)(3) in Table 197 – TM Zone Provisions do not apply to a shelter or residential care facility.
  • Despite Section 101, a building containing a shelter or residential care facility, a minimum of 25 parking spaces are required.
  • Notwithstanding Section 197(8) and Section 107, the minimum width of a driveway providing access to a parking lot with 20 or more parking spaces is 4 m.
  • Notwithstanding Section 109(1), parking is permitted in the provided front yard, provided it is a minimum of 13 m from the front lot line.
  • Notwithstanding Section 113, only one loading space is required and Table 113B does not apply.
  • Despite Table 110, the minimum required width of a landscaped buffer of a parking lot is 1 m.
  • Where a non-residential building abuts a residential zone, the minimum interior side yard setback is 4 m.
  • The minimum width of a motor vehicle parking space is 2.4 m.


(By-law 2018-301)


  • The lands zoned TM3 [2515] H(42), TM3[2515] H(11), and R4E [2516] are considered one lot for by-law purposes.
  • Despite Subsection 197 (7), for the lands zoned as TM3 [2515] H(42), TM3[2515] H(11), and R4E [2516], a maximum of three private approaches are permitted.
  • The minimum driveway width of a double traffic lane driveway providing access to a parking lot with 20 or more parking spaces is 4 m.

(By-law 2018-301)



  • Despite clause 110(3)(b), outdoor loading and refuse collection areas may be located within 0 m of a lot line.


AM10[2518] S389    
  • Sub clause 186(10)(b)(i) does not apply.
  • Sub clause186(10)(b)(ii) does not apply.
  • At least 50 % of the frontage along Carling Avenue must be occupied by building walls located within 10 m of the property line.
  • At least 50 % of the frontage along Archibald Street must be occupied by building walls located within 6 m of the property line.
  • In the case of a phased development, all phases must be shown on a site plan approved pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act. Individual phases of development are not required to comply with the above building frontage requirements, provided that the frontage requirements are satisfied when all development phases are complete.
  • Where two or more buildings or parts of buildings on the same lot are greater than 9 storeys in height, those parts of the buildings greater than 6 storeys tall must be a minimum of 20 m away from each other.
  • Where a building is greater than 9 storeys in height the building wall must be stepped back above the 6th storey at least 1 m from the building wall of the storey below, except abutting Carling Avenue and Archibald Street, where up to 20% of the building walls require no step back from the 6th storey below.


AM10[2519] S389-h  
  • all uses except existing uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • Sub clause 186(10)(b)(i) does not apply.
  • Sub clause186(10)(b)(ii) does not apply.
  • At least 20 % of the frontage along Carling Avenue must be occupied by building walls located within 10 m of the property line.
  • In the case of a phased development, all phases must be shown on a site plan approved pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act. Individual phases of development are not required to comply with the above building frontage requirements, provided that the frontage requirements are satisfied when all development phases are complete.
  • Where two or more buildings or parts of buildings on the same lot are greater than 9 storeys in height, those parts of the buildings greater than 6 storeys tall must be a minimum of 20 m away from each other.
  • Where a building is greater than 9 storeys in height the building wall must be stepped back above the 6th storey at least 1 m from the wall of the storey below.
  • The holding symbol may not be removed until such time as Site Plan Control Approval, with conditions to dedicate land to the City for the purpose of a 1,424 m2 public park abutting Meath Street has been completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development.


  • all uses except existing uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • No minimum setbacks apply.
  • The holding symbol may not be removed until such time as Site Plan Control Approval, with conditions to dedicate land to the City for the purpose of a 1,424 m2 public park abutting Meath Street has been completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development.


Exception number

Applicable zones

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions


  • All uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed
  • Maximum height for a mixed use building, containing dwelling units, is 19.4 metres, or 6 storeys, whichever is lesser.
  • The minimum required communal amenity area is 86.6m2.
  • minimum landscaped buffer where located abutting a residential, commercial or institutional zone from an interior side lot line: 1.5 m
  • minimum landscaped buffer where located abutting a residential, commercial, or institutional zone from a rear lot line: 1 m
  • minimum landscaped buffer for a parking lot: 1 m
  • The holding symbol may not be removed until such time as the approval of a Site Plan Control application by the City of Ottawa Council.


R5A[2522] S390
  • dwelling unit
  • hotel
  • Despite 163(2), no other non-residential uses are permitted except for hotel.
  • Minimum lot area: 975 m2
  • Despite Section 113, no vehicular loading space is required for hotel use.
  • Maximum heights and minimum setbacks as per S390.
  • maximum number of guest suites for a hotel: 24


  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automobile service station
  • car wash
  • retail store
  • A retail store is limited to the sales of automobile parts and accessories.


TM6[2524] F(4.5) H(29) S391
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • Minimum building height: 6.7 m
  • Maximum building heights, minimum required setbacks, and minimum required stepbacks are as shown on Schedule 391
  • minimum required parking spaces: 43
  • minimum required visitor parking spaces: 10
  • minimum total amenity area: 330 m2
  • 240 m2 of amenity area must be communal amenity space.
  • A semi-detached dwelling may only front along Cobourg Street.


  • Maximum building height for a single detached dwelling or semi-detached dwelling: 9.5 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setbacks for single detached dwelling is a total side yard setback of 1.8 metres with no yard less than 0.6 metres.


  • night club
  • bar
  • parking garage
  • minimum building height: 5.7 m
  • minimum rear yard setback along Campanale Avenue: 0 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback along Via Modugno: 0 m
  • minimum landscape buffer for a parking lot abutting a street: 2 m
  • minimum distance for an earth-bin waste collection system, from any lot line: 1.5 m
  • no screening required for an earth-bin waste collection system when located in a parking lot
  • minimum Parking Rates for the following uses, where permitted, for GFA greater than 200 m2: Restaurant: 2.1 parking spaces for the first 50 m2 of GFA and 5 parking spaces per 100 m2 of GFA over 50 m2 of GFA


  • The following applies to a detached dwelling, other than as described by the subsequent provision:
  1. minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • The following applies to a detached dwelling located on a corner lot with a driveway providing access over an exterior side lot line:
  1. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 1.2 m
  • The following applies to a semi-detached dwelling:
  1. minimum lot width: 6.5 m
  2. minimum lot area: 170 m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • The following applies to townhouse dwellings, where the dwellings are arranged side-by-side:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.7 m
  2. minimum lot area: 120m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • The following applies to townhouse dwellings where the dwellings are arranged both side-by-side and back-to-back:
  1. the maximum number of dwelling units permitted within a townhouse dwelling: 14; however, no more than 7 units may be provided in a single row
  2. minimum lot area: 80 m2
  3. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  4. there is no rear yard setback requirement
  5. minimum front yard setback: 5 m



All uses except for:

  • apartment dwelling, low rise
  • planned unit development
  • stacked dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling, limited to back-to-back townhouses
  • minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 3 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 3 m
  • minimum parking space rate for apartment dwelling low rise and stacked dwelling:1 per dwelling unit


AM[2529] H(11)
  • warehouse
  • all uses except office and warehouse
  • Despite subsection 185(4), no outdoor storage is permitted.
  • A warehouse must be located on the same lot and in a separate building as an office.
  • No parking is required for a warehouse.
  • maximum gross floor area for a warehouse: 900 m2


  • artist studio
  • convenience store
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • personal service business
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • The maximum height for a school is 20 m or four storeys, whichever is less.
  • The additional land uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) must be ancillary to and located in the same building as a school.
  • The additional land uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) may only be located on the ground floor, and when an indoor seating area is provided, it is limited to a maximum area of 15 m2 per occupancy.
  • The cumulative total of all the additional land uses, permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted), must not exceed a gross floor area of 100 m2.
  • Section 85 does not apply, and an outdoor commercial patio is permitted for the additional land uses, permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted), subject to the following:
  1. it is located on a corner lot;
  2. it is located in the front yard, corner side yard, or both and is completely visible and accessible from a public street;
  3. it does not exceed an area of 10 m2; and,
  4. it does not exceed an elevation higher than the existing average grade, unless located on a platform with a walking surface no higher than 0.3 m above grade.


  • detached dwelling
  • home-based business
  • all uses except a detached dwelling and home-based business until such time as the holding symbol is removed
  • The holding symbol may not be lifted until a Site Plan application is approved to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development which specifically addresses the availability of sufficient municipal services including water, sanitary and stormwater.
  • A detached dwelling and home-based business are subject to the provisions of the DR zone and are not subject to the holding symbol.


  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three unit dwelling
  • minimum building height: 2 storeys or 7 m
  • maximum building height: 4 storeys or 14 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 4.25 m
  • maximum front yard setback: 5 m


  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three unit dwelling
  • minimum building height: 2 storeys or 7 m
  • maximum building height: 4 storeys or 14 m
  • maximum front yard setback: 5 m


  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three unit dwelling
  • minimum building height: 4 storeys or 14 m
  • maximum building height: 5 storeys or 20 m
  • maximum front yard setback: 5 m


  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling-linked
  • detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three unit dwelling
  • minimum building height: 2 storeys or 7 m
  • maximum building height: 4 storeys or 14 m
  • maximum front yard setback: 5 m


TM[2536] S393    
  • maximum heights and minimum required setbacks as per Schedule 393
  • minimum landscaped area is required to be 36% of the lot area and a minimum of 5% must be soft landscaping
  • Schedule 393 does not apply to accessory buildings or structures as well as permitted projections into required yards, which continue to be regulated by Section 55 and 65 respectively.
  • Despite Schedule 393, a parking garage is permitted to be located in the rear yard in Area A up to 2 m in height.
  • A bus shelter is permitted in the front yard.


  • minimum corner side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  • There is no required visitor parking.
  • Despite Table 137, Column IV, Row 3, the amenity area required for the first 8 units may be provided as rooftop amenity area and need not be soft landscaping.
  • maximum combined total area for roof-top access containing one elevator and one staircase: 30 m2
  • maximum combined total area for roof-top access containing one elevator and two staircases: 40 m2
  • maximum height for a roof-top access: 3.1 m
  • Despite the foregoing, maximum height for the portion of a roof-top access containing an elevator is 4.5 m.


  • The following applies to an apartment dwelling, low rise or stacked dwelling:
  1. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 3 m
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 3 m
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 5 m
  5. Notwithstanding Table 110, the minimum required width of landscaped buffer abutting a street is 1.5 m.
  6. Notwithstanding Table 110, the minimum required with of landscaped buffer not abutting a street is 1 m.
  7. minimum required parking for apartment dwelling, low rise or Stacked Dwelling: 1.1 space per dwelling unit.
  8. Notwithstanding Section 109 (3)(a), a parking space, a parking lot, including hammerhead, may be located:
    1. in a required and provided front yard;
    2. in a required and provided corner side yard; and/or
    3. in the extension of a required and provided corner side yard into a rear yard.
  9. Notwithstanding Table 55 – Provisions for accessory uses, building or structures, the maximum cumulative floor area is 90 m2.
  10. Notwithstanding Table 65 – covered or uncovered balcony, porch, deck, platform and verandah with a maximum of two enclosed sides, excluding those covered by canopies and awnings may project to 1 m from a lot line


  • community health and resource centre
  • Despite anything to the contrary, four parking spaces for a community health and resource centre are permitted to be located between the building and the lot line abutting the street and may only be provided on the paved area that existed on November 28, 2018.
  • A community health and resource centre is only permitted within a building that existed on November 28, 2018.


  • For a detached dwelling:
  1. minimum lot area: 260m2
  2. minimum front yard setback: 3m
  3. attached garage is to be set back 1.5m from minimum front yard setback
  4. minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8m, with one minimum yard no less than 0.6 m wide
  5. minimum rear yard setback:
    1. for a one storey dwelling: 6 m
    2. for a multi-storey dwelling: 7.5 m
  6. minimum rear yard setback abutting Goulbourn Forced Road: 9 m
  7. minimum yard setback for any yard abutting a railway right-of-way: 15 m
  • For townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 180 m2
  2. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  3. attached garage to be setback 1.5 m from minimum front yard set back
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2 m
  5. minimum rear yard setback:
    1. for a one storey dwelling: 6 m
    2. for a multi-storey dwelling: 7.5 m
  6. minimum rear yard setback butting Goulbourn Forced Road: 9 m
  7. minimum yard setback for a yard abutting a railway right-of-way: 15 m

Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
  • medical facility
  • office
  • warehouse
  • maximum lot coverage: 37%
  • minimum required landscaped area for a parking lot: 10%
  • minimum required width of landscaped buffer: 0 m
(By-law 2020-289)
  • maximum floor space index: 3.0
  • There are no required minimum yard setbacks.
  • No visitor parking is required for the first 19 residential units.
  • place of worship
  • The required number of parking spaces for a place of worship not exceeding 1025 m2 and offices located in the same building as a place of worship is 37.
2544 Reserved for Future Use      
IP[2545] H(33)-h
  • automobile body shop
  • place of worship
  • All uses until such time as the ‘h’ symbol has been removed.

All uses except:

  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • day care
  • hotel
  • instructional facility
  • light industrial uses
  • medical facility
  • office
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • place of worship
  • research and development centre
  • restaurant, full service
  • restaurant, take out
  • technology industry
  • minimum lot area: 10,000m2
  • minimum lot width: 94 m
  • All operations of an automobile body shop must be within an enclosed building.
  • No vehicle storage is permitted within the front yard.
  • The following uses are only permitted within a large complex containing a research and development centre or technology industry:
  1. light industrial use
  2. office
  3. bank
  4. payday loan establishment
  5. instructional facility
  6. place of assembly.
  • The ‘h’ symbol will not be removed until the following have been submitted to and approved by the City:
  1. a transportation impact study
  2. a servicing study and associated funding agreement
  3. a master concept plan and a draft plan of subdivision.
  • a place of worship is subject to 203(2)(g) or 205(2)(g), as applicable.
(Subject to By-law 2024-378)
GM[2546] H(14.5)
  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • minimum required setback for all yards abutting a lot containing a residential use: 7.5m
  •  Despite Table 101, the minimum parking space rate for a Dwelling, Low-rise Apartment: 1 space per unit
  • Despite Section 204(5)(b), a restaurant may be in a stand-alone building.
  • maximum gross floor area for a restaurant, full service: 750 m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 6.8 m
IL2[2548] H(14)
  • car wash
  • production studio
(By-law 2021-53)
MC[2550] S394
  • light industrial use
  • park
  • urban agriculture
  • court house
  • drive-through facility
  • hospital
  • parking lot
  • sports arena
  • A parking lot is not permitted as an accessory use.
  • Maximum building heights are as shown Schedule 394.
  • A smokestack as it existed on the March 6th, 2019 is considered a Section 64 permitted projection above the height limit up to 3.5 m above the maximum height.
  • Urban agriculture and associated greenhouse structures may be considered Section 64 permitted projections above the height limit up to a maximum of 3.5 metres
  • Any part of a building above 15 m must be setback at least 2 m from the property line abutting the street.
  • Dwelling units, parking garage, office, and research and development centre uses must not be located with a depth of 6 m from the front wall of a building abutting the street when:
  1. contained in a commercial or mixed use building that is;
  2. located on the ground floor; and
  3. abutting Rochester Street, Booth Street, and Norman Street
  • Despite any requirements to the contrary, parking for a use required on one lot may be located on another lot, but must be in the same city block or on a lot on the opposite side of the public street on which the use requiring the parking is located.


  • temporary parking garage
  • temporary parking lot
  • The following applies to a temporary parking garage and parking lot:
  1. A parking lot and a parking garage is a permitted use for a temporary period ending on March 6, 2022.
  2. Parking is permitted in a required and provided front yard.
  3. Up to 40% of the parking spaces may be reduced to a minimum width of 2.4 metres and a minimum length of 4.6 metres.
  4. Despite Section 107 (1) (a), a driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage may have a minimum width of 3 metres.
  5. Section 110 (1) does not apply.
  6. A parking garage is limited to a building existing as of March 6th, 2019.
  • restaurant
  • A building containing a restaurant use is subject to the provisions of a detached dwelling in Table 162A.
  • minimum front yard setback: 0 m
  • minimum southerly interior side yard setback: 0 m
  • A porch may project up to 0 m from the front lot line.
  • dwelling unit
  • medical facility
  • office
  • personal service business
  • Maximum Gross Floor Area for an office: 150 m2
  • The uses listed in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) are limited to a building that existed as of April 10, 2019.
  • The following applies to a Planned Unit Development:
  1. minimum required interior side yard setback: 3 m
  2. Amenity area may be located within any yard on the lot, except the front yard.
  3. minimum total amenity area: 370 m2, of which 50% shall be communal amenity area.
  4. Despite Section 107(1)(aa)(i), the maximum driveway width for a double-traffic lane leading to less than 20 spaces is 4.5 m.
  5. Despite Table 131(2) the minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way is 0 m.
  6. Section 58(4)(a) and Section 137 do not apply to the addition of two additional dwellings at the parcel municipally known as 20 Mark Avenue, specific to the buildings addressed as 60 Mark Avenue and 70 Mark Avenue within this parcel, with:
    1. 1 additional dwelling unit permitted per building; and
    2. Within a residential use building as it existed on April 24, 2019.
R5B[2555] S395
  • parking lot
  • Total number of parking spaces, not including visitor parking, is limited to a maximum of 85 spaces.
  • Parking lot, as a use, is limited to provided parking spaces only, and may only be used by residents from a residential use building located on the lots municipally known as 263 Greensway Avenue, 20 Mark Avenue, and 29 Mark Avenue.
  • Despite Table 131(2) the minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 0.5 m.
  • Minimum required yard setbacks and maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule 395.
  • minimum lot width: 12m
  • Despite Table 55, zoning mechanism (6), there is no maximum cumulative floor area for accessory buildings.
TM[2557] H(20)    
  • minimum front yard setback: 2m
  • maximum front yard setback: 3m
  • Subsection 197(4) applies with respect to the above minimum and maximum front yard setbacks, however 197(4) (d) does not apply.
  • A parking garage is only permitted below grade.
  • Ornamental elements such as sills, belt courses, cornices, parapets and pilasters, and canopies and awnings may project up to 0.2 metres of the property line.
  • Section 197 (3) (g) (ii) does not apply; however, for a building with a height greater than 4 storeys or 15 m, at or above the first storey or 5 m, whichever is the lesser, a building must be setback a minimum of 1.5 m more than the provided setback for a minimum of 65% of the building wall facing the front lot line.
  • A rooftop washroom area:
  1. to a maximum height of 4.2m is considered a permitted projection above the height limit; and,
  2. has a maximum floor area of 20 m2.
  • minimum lot area for an apartment dwelling, low rise: 272.5 m2
  • minimum lot width for an apartment dwelling, low rise: 9 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for an apartment dwelling, low rise: minimum total interior side yard setback is 2.7 m, with one interior side yard being no less than 1.2 m wide.
  • minimum amenity space requirement for an apartment dwelling, low rise: 11.5 m2 per dwelling unit, located at grade in the rear yard, must be landscaped and consist of 80% soft landscaping; and abut the rear lot line.
  • A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 metres, must be landscaped with soft landscaping, except where the side lot line abuts Chapman Mills Drive, the maximum area of the front yard that may be used for a driveway is 65%.
  • Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 6 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
  • Despite Table 65, Rows 1, 2 and 3, a chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  • Despite Table 65, Row 6(b), balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  • Despite Table 65 Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but may be no closer than 0.5 m from a lot line other than a corner lot line, from which they can be as close as 0 m.
  • Despite Table 65, Row 6(a), any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface equal to or less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  • Despite Table 65, Row 8, an air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line, and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back multiple dwelling.
  • Despite Table 65, Row 8, an air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line, and may not be located in a corner side yard except in the case of a townhouse dwelling.
  • Despite Section 57(2), for townhouse dwellings, the corner sight triangle will be calculated using 57(1) and in the instance of any dwelling listed in 57(1) including townhouse dwellings, the distance used to determine a corner sight triangle is a minimum of 2.75 m.
  • In the case of a home based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  • Section 136 does not apply.
  • zone requirements for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 220 m2 except for Lot 1 on Plan 4M-1645, the minimum lot area is 216 m2
  2. minimum front yard setback 3 m
  3. minimum front yard setback for an attached garage: 3.5 m
  4. Minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on at least one side. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m, despite the foregoing, no more than two portions of the building, not exceeding a total floor area of 3m2, may be located no closer than 2 m from the side lot line abutting a street or where the side lot line abuts Chapman Mills Drive, the minimum corner side yard setback is 0.6 m. 
  6. maximum lot coverage: 55%, except where the side lot line abuts Chapman Mills Drive, the maximum lot coverage is 60%.
  7. minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 4.5 m for a maximum of 50% of the lot width, the total area of the rear yard must not be less than 54 m2.
  8. for a detached dwelling on a corner lot:
    1. Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 2.5 m for part of the building that is no higher than 4.5 m and any part of the building, excluding projections, located less than 6 m from the rear lot line must be located at least 4 m from any interior side lot line.
    2. An active entrance must be provided on the side of the building facing the corner side yard, except where the side lot line abuts Chapman Mills Drive.
    3. the minimum rear yard setback for Lot 1 on Plan 4M-1645 is 5.5
  • Zone requirements for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 137 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 m except for the westernmost corner lot fronting onto Chapman Mills Drive, the minimum lot width is 2.2 m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  6. maximum building height: 14 m
  7. maximum lot coverage: 65%
  • zone requirements for back-to-back townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area: 81 m2
  2. Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  4. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. Minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  6. Maximum building height: 14 m
  • zone requirements for townhouse dwellings with access to a rear lane:
  1. minimum lot area 110 m2
  2. minimum lot width 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback 3 m, except where the front lot line abuts Chapman Mills Drive where the minimum front yard setback is 0.6 m.
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  5. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  6. minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  7. maximum building height: 14 m
  8. maximum lot coverage: no maximum.
  • place of assembly
  • no parking is required for a place of assembly


Exception number

Applicable zones

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions


IL[2561] H(22)
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • Despite subsection 203(2)(b), the cumulative total gross floor area for uses identified in 203(2), retail stores and retail food stores is 6,700m2 for a period of 3 years beginning on May 22, 2019.
  • All lands zoned with exception [2561] are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • An aisle serving parking spaces angled between 56 and 90 degrees in a parking garage must be at least 5.5 metres wide.
  • A retail store and retail food store is permitted, subject to:
  1. the provisions of 203(2), except 203(2)(c);
  2. being located in a building having a minimum total gross floor area of 15,000 m2 and containing one or more of the permitted uses listed in subsection 203(1);
  3. Being located in a building within 75 metres of the lot line abutting Walkley Road.


  • minimum front yard setback: 5.25m
  • for a corner lot, a driveway may occupy a maximum of 65% of the yard in which it is located


  • restaurant
  • minimum required width of landscaped buffer for the land: 2 m
  • maximum GFA for a restaurant: 700m2



  • parking garage
  • Maximum permitted building height and minimum setbacks as per S396.
  • Maximum building heights of S396 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
  • Despite Section 163(9), the minimum landscaped area is 8.9% of the lot area.
  • Despite Section 163(2) and Table 164A and Table 164B, for apartment dwelling high-rise, conditional commercial uses may occupy 100% of the ground floor area and 100% of the building wall facing Albert Street, Lyon Street North, and Queen Street.
  • The lands zoned R5P[2564] S396 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Despite the definition of residential use building, a below-grade parking garage and the conditional non-residential uses listed in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) of Table 164A and Table 164B, provision 32 and 33 are permitted within an apartment dwelling, high rise.


  • minimum lot area for an apartment dwelling, low rise: 352 m2
  • minimum lot width for an apartment dwelling, low rise: 9.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for an apartment dwelling, low rise: total interior side yard setback is 3.6 m, with one minimum yard being no less than 1.2 m
  • minimum landscaped area requirement for a lot containing an apartment dwelling, low rise: 28% of lot area
  • minimum driveway width: 2.4 m




TM[2566] H(12)    
  • minimum interior side yard setback for a residential use building: 0 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for a residential use building: 0.6 m
  • minimum width of a landscaped area abutting a residential zone: 0 m
  • Section 60 does not apply
  • minimum front yard setback for a low-rise apartment building: 0 m.


  • For a detached dwelling, except where located on a corner lot with a driveway providing access from a corner side yard:
  1. minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • For a detached dwelling located on a corner lot with a driveway providing access from a corner side yard:
  1. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  2. minimum corner side yard setback: 1.2 m
  • For a semi-detached dwelling:
  1. minimum lot width: 6.5 m
  2. minimum lot area: 170 m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • For a townhouse dwelling:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.7 m
  2. minimum lot area: 120 m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.75m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Where a corner lot contains a single detached dwelling and a parking space is accessed from a driveway that passes through a front yard, a maximum of 65% of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the front yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.

(By-law 2021-96)


  • For a detached dwelling, except where located on a corner lot with a driveway providing access from a corner side yard:
  1. Minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m.
  • For a detached dwelling located on a corner lot with a driveway providing access from a corner side yard:
  1. Minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 1.2 m
  • For a semi-detached dwelling:
  1. Minimum lot width: 6.5 m
  2. Minimum lot area: 170 m2
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • For a townhouse dwelling:
  1. Minimum lot width: 5.7 m
  2. Minimum lot area: 120 m2
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Where a corner lot contains a single detached dwelling and a parking space is accessed from a driveway that passes through the front yard, a maximum of 65% of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the front yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.


  • Campeau Drive and Country Glenn Way are deemed to be the front lot line.
  • For a townhouse dwelling:
  1. Minimum lot width: 4 m
  2. Minimum lot area: 95 m2
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 2 m
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  5. Minimum rear yard setback: 4.7 m
  6. Section 135 does not apply
  • Despite Section 65 and except for a cantilevered foundation, no part of a foundation for a permitted projection is permitted within a front yard.
  • Where a lot contains a townhouse dwelling and a parking space is accessed from a driveway within the rear yard, a maximum of 68% of the area of the rear yard, or the required minimum width of 1 parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the rear yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.

(By-law 2021-64)


  • Maximum permitted building heights are as set out on Schedule 397.
  • Subsections 197(3), Table 197 Rows (c) through (g) inclusive do not apply.
  • Subsection 197(4) does not apply.
  • Permitted projections listed in section 65 are allowed in the area described as “No buildings permitted” on Schedule 397.
  • The lands zoned with exceptions 1763 and 2570 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Despite Clause 100(1)(a) parking spaces for non-residential uses within the TM[1763]S256 zone may be included in the calculation of and used as visitor parking spaces for residential uses on the lot.
  • Section 113 does not apply.
  • The following applies until January 27, 2024:  a temporary surface parking use, limited to visitor parking for the development at 98 Richmond Road with a minimum of 11 spaces, is permitted within the area shown on Schedule 428.



  • planned unit development
  • stacked dwelling
  • Maximum permitted building height and minimum required setbacks as per S398.
  • Despite Section 197, the minimum required building height is 5.5 m for a distance of 7 m from the front lot line.
  • Despite 197(3)(c), there is no maximum front yard setback.
  • Maximum building heights of S398 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
  • Solar panels are permitted to project above the maximum permitted height of S398.
  • Despite Section 65, where at or below the floor level of the first floor, there is no limit to how far open stairways, stoops, landings, and steps may project into the corner side yard.
  • Despite Section 101, the minimum number of parking spaces for dwelling units in an apartment building, mid-rise is 22.
  • Despite Section 107(1)(c) and Table 107, an aisle providing access to parking spaces in a parking lot must have a minimum width of 6.0 m.
  • All indoor bicycle spaces are permitted a minimum width of 0.4 metres;
  • Section 131 provisions (4), (5), and (6) do not apply.
  • Despite Section 131, the minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way is 1.5 m.
  • Despite Section 137, a six-storey mixed-use building with nine or more dwelling units is permitted to provide a minimum of 612 m2 of amenity space.
  • Except for home-based business and home-based daycare, non-residential uses are prohibited within 20 m of the lot line abutting Balsam Street.
  • Despite anything to the contrary, area wells are permitted to project 1.5 m from the building wall into the front and corner side yard.
  • No parking is required for a restaurant use.


  • school
  • minimum parking space rate for a school is 1.25 parking spaces per classroom
  • maximum GFA for commercial uses: 2,710 m2
  • maximum GFA for a group home: 930 m2
  • each commercial use limited to 372 m2 GFA, except for medical facility or office
  • minimum side yard setback for group home or parking lot: 3 m


  • drive-through facility
  • nightclub
  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • stacked dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • Maximum building height: 57 m
  • Minimum building height: 20 m
  • Only 50% of the building envelope must comply with the minimum building height
  • total cumulative gross floor area for all uses on the lot: 28,270 m2
  • 50% of the ground floor of a building containing dwelling units must be occupied by non-residential uses
  • No more than 12 parking spaces may be provided at grade
  • Minimum parking spaces required for dwelling units in a mixed-use building: 0.5 spaces per dwelling unit.


TM[2574] S399    
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as shown on S399.
  • Section 197(3)(g)(ii) does not apply.
  • Permitted projections listed in Table 65 may project up to 0 m of the property line adjacent to Deschâtelets Avenue.
  • Despite the height maximums in S399, balconies may project from one Area in S399 into another.
  • In Area E of S399, a balcony is only permitted below the 8th storey.
  • A roof top washroom area:
  1. Is considered a permitted projection above the height limit to a maximum height of 4.2 m; and
  2. Has a maximum floor area of 20 m2


  • The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a low-rise apartment dwelling: 14
  • minimum rear yard setback for a low-rise apartment dwelling: 6.2 m
  • Despite Section 137, minimum total amenity area for a low-rise apartment: 142 m2
  • Of the total amenity area, a minimum of 120 m2 must be communal amenity area, subject to the following:
  1. be located at grade and in the rear yard;
  2. be landscaped;
  3. consist of at least 80% soft landscaping; and
  4. be located at grade and in the rear yard and may include one interior yard that abuts both the rear yard and interior side yard.
  • No parking is required for a low-rise apartment dwelling containing up to 14 dwelling units.
  • Despite Section 139, the maximum width of a walkway is 2.5 m.


MC16[2576] H(27.5)    
  • minimum building stepback above the 2nd storey from a wall closest to the front lot line: 2.5 m
  • minimum building stepback above the 4th storey from a wall closest to the front lot line: 3.9 m
  • minimum building stepback above the 6th storey from a wall closest to the front lot line: 6 m;
  • minimum rear yard setback for storey 1: 3 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for storeys 2 and 3: 6.6 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for storeys 4 and 5: 7.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for storeys 6 to 8: 8.9 m
  • minimum communal amenity area: 46.5% of the total minimum amenity area
  • a mezzanine is not considered a storey as long as its maximum floor area is equal or less than 230 m2, it does not occupy more that 8 m of the width of the front façade, the balance needing to be setback a minimum of 6 m from the closest front wall to the front property limit.


  • Despite Section 101(7)(b), a minimum vehicle parking rate permitted is 0.97 parking space per one dwelling unit.
  • A maximum of two required resident vehicle parking spaces may be occupied by car share vehicles.


  • Provisions for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  2. minimum rear yard setback for corner lots: 1.2m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 5.25m


  • minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  • despite Table 65, an air-conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the corner side yard
  • minimum front yard setback: 5.25m


  • Aquaview Drive or Lakepointe Drive is deemed the front lot line.
  • minimum lot width: 4 m
  • minimum lot area: 95 m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 4.7 m
  • Section 135 does not apply.
  • Despite section 65 and except for a cantilevered foundation, no part of a foundation for a permitted projection is permitted within a front yard.
  • Where a lot contains a townhouse dwelling and a parking space is accessed from a driveway within the rear yard, a maximum of 68 per cent of the area of the rear yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway.
  • Despite Clause 59(1)(b), access to a lot may be provided by means of a rear lane a minimum of 8.5 m in width instead of by a public street.


Exception number

Applicable zones

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions


TM[2581] S400-h    
  • Table 197(c) does not apply.
  • Table 197(i)(i) does not apply to an area used for driveway or parking garage access.
  • Minimum required yard setbacks, building stepbacks, and maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule 400.
  • Maximum building heights of S400 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
  • Despite Table 111A(a)(b)(c), the minimum number of bicycle spaces required is 1.0 per dwelling unit or rooming unit.
  • Despite Table 103 (a) and (b), the maximum number of parking spaces permitted is 1.15 per dwelling unit (combined total of resident and visitor parking).
  • Up to six parking spaces may be provided as tandem parking accessed from a drive aisle.
  • A holding symbol is placed on the property and that holding symbol may only be removed once the Section 37 Agreement, or similar development agreement, has been executed, which must occur prior to Site Plan Control approval.
  • The following provisions dealing with Section 37 authorization apply:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 16 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in 2. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 16 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.

(By-law 2020-299)


  • For a detached dwelling or townhouse dwelling:
  1. Despite Section 65, porches, including a porch foundation, are permitted to project 1.5 metres into front or corner side yard.
  • For a townhouse dwelling:
  1. Where a corner lot contains a townhouse dwelling with a front door facing one street and a parking space is accessed from a driveway that passes through the front yard on the other street, a maximum of 65 percent of the area of the front yard, or the required width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the front yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 or as otherwise noted in this exception, or a walkway, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.


  • dwelling unit
  • The lands zoned with exception 2583 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Dwelling units must be contained within a building that contains a permitted use listed in Section 169(1)(b) or the conditional use listed in 169(2).
  • minimum front yard setback: 2.7 m;
  • minimum interior side yard setback for the northern property line: 0.8 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for the southern property line: 3 m
  • minimum driveway width: 6 m for a double traffic lane
  • minimum aisle width: 6 m for 71-90 degrees parking
  • minimum bicycle parking space dimensions: 0.4 m width and 1.7 m long
  • minimum bicycle aisle width: 1.2 m
  • minimum width of landscaped buffer not abutting a street: 0 m


  • place of worship
  • funeral parlour
  • drive-through facility
  • technology industry
  • research and development industry
  • rear yard setback: 3 m
  • required landscape buffer width around a parking lot of 100 or more spaces: 1.5 m
  • all outdoor loading and refuse collection areas contained within a parking lot must be located at 2.2 m from any other lot line
  • maximum building height: 24 m and 6 storeys
  • there is no maximum floor space index restriction
  • mixed-use buildings shall not have a minimum front or corner side yard setback requirement
  • no minimum landscaped areas, except that where a yard is provided and not used for required driveways, aisles, parking, loading spaces or outdoor commercial patio, the whole yard must be landscaped.


GM27[2585] S206
  • retirement home
  • apartment dwelling, high rise
  • Despite Schedule 206, projections are permitted within Area H subject to Section 65.
  • Maximum building heights of Schedule 206 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
  • Despite Section 65, a canopy projection is permitted in the yard abutting Sparks Street, subject to location and height as identified and noted in Schedule 206.



A. General:

  • where access to a lot is provided by a street with sidewalks provided under the requirements of the plan of subdivision, the front yard setback for an attached garage will be measured from the garage to the nearest edge of the sidewalk, for a minimum setback of 6m from the back edge of the sidewalk
  • the front wall of an attached garage may not be located more than 2m closer to the front lot line than either the front wall of the main building or the leading edge of a roofed porch
  • minimum density is 34 units per net hectare
  • the minimum distance between a driveway and an intersection of two street lines is 6m measured at the street line
  • the minimum distance between a driveway for a townhouse dwelling on a public lane and an intersection of two street lines is 3.5m measured at the street line
  • outdoor amenity areas are permitted on top of garages in townhouse dwellings located on rear lanes
  • more than one detached dwelling is permitted on an existing lot of record for the purpose of serving as a model home provided a draft Plan of Subdivision has been approved for the lot of record

  • For detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 220m2
  2. minimum lot width is 8.8m
  3. minimum front yard setback is 3m for the principal building and attached garage
  4. minimum combined interior side yard setback is 1.8m with a minimum of 0.6m on one side
  5. minimum rear yard for a corner lot is 0.6m
  6. minimum corner side yard is 2.5m
  7. maximum lot coverage is 55%
  • For semi-detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 137m2
  2. minimum lot width is 5.5m
  3. minimum front yard setback is 3m for the principal building and attached garage
  4. minimum corner side yard is 2.5m
  5. minimum rear yard setback for a townhouse dwelling and garage on a rear lane is 0m
  6. maximum lot coverage is 65%
  7. maximum building height is 12m
  • For back-to-back and/or townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 81m2
  2. minimum lot width is 4m
  3. minimum front yard setback is 3m for the principal building and attached garage
  4. minimum rear yard setback for a townhouse dwelling and garage on a rear lane is 0m
  5. minimum corner side yard is 2.5m
  6. minimum interior side yard setback is 1.5m and 0m on the common lot line of attached buildings
  7. maximum building height is 14m

B General:

  • when access to a lot is provided by a public rear lane a minimum of 8.5m wide, and that lot also abuts a public park, the public park frontage shall be considered to be a “frontage on a public street” for interpretation of the provisions of this Zoning By-law
  • a sill, belt course, cornices, eaves, gutters, chimneys, chimney box, fireplace box, overhangs or pilasters may project 1m into the required front and corner side yard and 1m, but no closer than 0.2m, into the interior side yard
  • balconies may project 2m, but no closer than 1m from the property line and no closer than 0m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into the front and corner side yard
  • open, roofed or unroofed porches and entrance features not exceeding one storey in height may project 2m, but no closer than 1m from the property line and no closer than 0m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into the front and corner side yard, and 1m into a rear yard
  • a deck may project 2m, but no closer than 1m from the property line, into a front and corner side yard; in a rear and interior side yard a deck may project to within 0.3m of a lot line and an additional 0.3m setback from every 0.3m or portion thereof that is constructed above finished grade
  • steps attached to a porch may project 2.5m, but no closer than 0.5m from property line and no closer than 0m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into a front and corner side yard
  • air conditioning units may project 1m into a corner and interior side yard and 2m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2m to the property line
  • corner sight triangles shall have the following distances:
  1. 10 m triangles when involving arterial roads
  2. 5 m when involving only local roads
  3. 3 m when involving a public lane
  • in the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi detached dwelling, the required parking space is only required if the business involves an outside employee
  • no more than 60% of the area of any front yard or corner side yard may be used as a driveway or parking space
  • exterior parking spaces will have a minimum length of 5.5m and a minimum width of 2.7m
  • blocks of townhouse dwellings that are attached along the rear and side walls shall be limited to sixteen attached dwelling units within each block
  • 0 m setback required from the lot line at a corner lot line


  • catering establishment
  • take-out restaurant

(By-law 2023-160)


MC[2588] F(4.4) H(45)    
  • Despite Section 132 (1) there is no maximum to the number of rooming houses permitted in a building.
  • A maximum of four bedrooms are permitted within a rooming house.
  • Despite Section 132 (4) rooming house is a permitted use within a building containing dwelling units.
  • Parking rate for dwelling units within a mixed-use building: 0.2 parking spaces per dwelling unit
  • Parking rate for rooming houses within a mixed-use building: 0.2 parking spaces per rooming house.
  • Visitor parking for dwelling units and rooming houses within a mixed-use building: 0 spaces for the first twelve units, and 0.1 spaces per unit for units in excess of 12
  • Where a non-residential use is located partly or entirely on the ground floor or in the basement:
  1. In the case of a retail food store with a gross floor area of 1500 m2 or less, no off-street motor vehicle parking is required to be provided.
  2. In the case of a restaurant with a gross floor area of 350 m2 or less, no off-street motor vehicle parking is required to be provided.
  3. In the case of any other non-residential use with a gross floor area of 500 m2 or less, no off-street motor vehicle parking is required to be provided.
  • Classroom space associated with a Post-Secondary Educational Institution use with a total cumulative gross floor area of 1500 m2 or less requires no off-street motor vehicle parking to be provided.
  • Visitor parking spaces may be shared with non-residential uses located partly or entirely on the ground floor.
  • Bicycle parking rate for rooming houses within a mixed-use building: 0.5 per rooming house.
  • Amenity area requirements for rooming houses and dwelling units within a mixed-use building must:
  1. be provided at a rate of 6 m2 per dwelling unit or rooming house.
  2. Have a minimum of 50% of the required total as communal amenity area
  3. Be aggregated into areas up to 54 m2, and where more than one aggregated area is provided, at least one must be a minimum of 54 m2.


  • An indoor rooftop amenity area is permitted to project above the maximum height limit provided the maximum height of the amenity space does not exceed 5m and its enclosed area does not exceed 640m2


  • minimum front yard setback
  1. with a sidewalk: 5.25m
  2. without a sidewalk: 4.25m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  • minimum lot area for detached dwellings: 220 m2
  • minimum interior side yard setback for detached dwellings: minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8m, with one minimum yard no less than 0.6m. Where there is a corner lot on which there is only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  • minimum lot area for semi-detached dwellings: 137 m2
  • minimum lot area for townhouse dwellings: 81 m2
  • minimum lot width for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 5.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 1.5m
  • maximum building height for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 14 m
  • Despite Table 65, the following applies:
  1. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters, and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets, and pilasters may project 1m into a required front, corner side, or interior side yard, but no closer than 0.2m to the lot line.
  2. Balconies and porches may project to within 0m of a corner lot line.
  3. Despite Table 65, row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m, but no higher than 1 m above adjacent grade, may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  4. Despite Table 65 row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5m to a lot line.
  5. An air conditioner condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back to back townhouse dwelling.
  • Section 57 does not apply.


  • minimum front yard setback: 3.25 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  • minimum lot area for detached dwellings: 220 m2
  • minimum interior side yard setback for detached dwellings: minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m, with one minimum yard no less than 0.6 m. Where there is a corner lot on which there is only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  • minimum lot area for semi-detached dwellings: 137 m2
  • minimum lot area for townhouse dwellings: 81 m2
  • minimum lot width for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 5.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 1.5 m
  • maximum building height for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 14 m
  • Despite Table 65, the following applies:
  1. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters, and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets, and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side, or interior side yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  2. Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  3. Despite Table 65, row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m, but no higher than 1m above adjacent grade, may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  4. Despite Table 65 row 6 (b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5m to a lot line.
  5. An air conditioner condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back to back townhouse dwelling.
  • Section 57 does not apply.


  • minimum front yard setback
  1. with a sidewalk: 5.25 m
  2. without a sidewalk: 4.25 m
  • minimum front yard setback for end and corner unit back to back townhomes: 4.05 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  • minimum lot area for townhouse dwellings: 81 m2
  • minimum lot width for townhouse dwellings: 5.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for townhouse dwellings: 1.5m
  • maximum building height for townhouse dwellings: 14 m
  • Despite Table 65, the following applies:
  1. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters, and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets, and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side, or interior side yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  2. Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  3. Despite Table 65, row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m, but no higher than 1m above adjacent grade, may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  4. Despite Table 65 row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 m to a lot line.
  5. An air conditioner condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back to back townhouse dwelling.
  • Section 57 does not apply.


  • minimum front yard setback 3.25 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  • minimum lot area for detached dwellings: 220 m2
  • minimum interior side yard setback for detached dwellings: Minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m, with one minimum yard no less than 0.6 m. Where there is a corner lot on which there is only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  • minimum lot area for semi-detached dwellings: 137 m2
  • minimum lot area for townhouse dwellings: 81 m2
  • minimum lot width for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 5.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 1.5 m
  • maximum building height for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 14 m
  • Despite Table 65, the following are permitted:
  1. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters, and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets, and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side, or interior side yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  2. Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  3. Despite Table 65, row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m, but no higher than 1m above adjacent grade, may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  4. Despite Table 65 row 6 (b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 m to a lot line.
  5. An air conditioner condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back to back townhouse dwelling.
  • The Residential Neighbourhood Commercial “-c” suffix applies where an entranceway faces the collector street.
  • Section 57 does not apply.


  • minimum front yard setback
  1. with a sidewalk: 5.25 m
  2. without a sidewalk: 4.25 m
  • minimum lot area for detached dwellings: 220 m2
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 5.69 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback for detached dwellings: Minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m, with one minimum yard no less than 0.6 m wide. Where there is a corner lot on which is only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  • Despite Table 65, the following applies:
  1. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters, and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets, and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side, or interior side yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  2. Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  3. Despite Table 65, row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m, but no higher than 1 m above adjacent grade, may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  • Despite Table 65 row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 m to a lot line.
  • An air conditioner condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back to back townhouse dwelling.
  • Section 57 does not apply.


  • minimum required front yard setback: 1.6 m
  • minimum required setback from the property line abutting 105, 107, 109, and 111 Damselfly Way: 4.5 m
  • minimum required landscaping buffer abutting a street: 1 m
  • minimum required landscaping buffer abutting a residential property: 1 m
  • minimum required landscaping buffer for a parking lot adjacent to a street: 1 m
  • minimum required landscaping buffer for a parking lot adjacent to the side and rear lot lines is 1 m
  • The lands zoned LC[2594] are considered one lot for zoning purposes.


  • The following provisions apply to a building containing townhouse dwellings:
  1. For the purposes of the application of Subsection 161(10):
    1. Minimum lot width: 4.7 m
    2. Minimum lot area: 60 m
  2. For the purposes of the application of setbacks and yards, the lands zoned with exception [2595] are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • The following provisions apply to a townhouse dwelling:
  1. Minimum front yard setback: 1.7 m
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 0.6 m
  3. Minimum rear yard setback: 1.2 m
  4. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.6 m
  5. Subsection 161 (12) does not apply
  6. The principal entranceways are not required to face a front or corner side lot line.
  7. A balcony may be located 0.5 m from an interior lot line.
  8. Porches, steps and canopy projections are permitted to project to 0 metres from a lot line.
  9. A parapet is permitted to project 0.9 m above the maximum building height
  10. A rooftop access is permitted to be setback 0 metres from the exterior wall of a building, and is permitted to have a maximum area of 11.2 m2 and maximum height of 3.7 m.


  • automobile body shop
  • heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing
  • storage yard
  • cannabis production facility
  • gas bar
  • minimum soft landscaped buffer along Merivale Road and Slack Road: 5 m
  • subsection 205(5) does not apply to an automobile body shop, a heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing use, and a storage yard
  • The additional land uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) must be setback a minimum of 40 m from the lot lines abutting Merivale Road.
  • maximum lot coverage of 80% for land used for the outdoor display, sale, rental, servicing and storage of motor vehicles and heavy vehicles, excluding the area of any buildings and or structures


  • museum
  • A museum is limited to buildings existing as of November 27, 2019.


MC[2598] H(18)
  • gas bar
  • automobile service centre
  • architectural towers with no leasable floor area above 18 m are permitted to project above the maximum height limit to a maximum of 23 m


IG7[2599] H(21)-h
  • hotel
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • school
  • all uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed
  • For Recreational and Athletic Facilities: Up to four separate enclosed Recreational and Athletic Facilities are permitted totalling 45,000 m2 of combined floor space.
  • the holding symbol will not be removed until such time as:
  1. it can be demonstrated that lands can be serviced for all municipal services, including roads, water and sanitary and storm sewers, and
  2. a Community Design Plan for the Mixed-Use Centre is approved.


  • hotel
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • school
  • all uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed
  • Despite Section 59, a lot is considered to have frontage where it abuts a private way that serves as a driveway leading to a public street.
  • The lot line that abuts a private way is considered to be the front lot line, and when more than one property line abuts a private way, the front lot line is considered to be the shortest property line and the other lot line that abuts a private way is considered a corner side lot line.
  • For the purposes of Part 4, the private way is considered a public street.
  • minimum lot area: 350 m2
  • maximum lot coverage: 40%
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 3 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 6 m
  • For the lands within the [2600] exception the maximum number of development-lots is 10.
  • The lot width and lot area provisions listed in the parent zone and listed within this exception do not apply for any lot on which a building designated under Part 4 of the Heritage Act is located, instead the following applies:
  • minimum lot area: 1080 m2
  • minimum lot width: 23 m