Exceptions 2701 - 2800


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

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I Exception number II Applicable zones III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2701 (By-law 2024-111) (By-law 2021-178) R4UB[2701]-c S495    
  • The lands zoned R4UB[2701]-c Schedule 495 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.  
  • Minimum yard setbacks are as per Schedule 495.  
  • Minimum separation distance between buildings: 3m.  
  • No minimum interior yard area is required.  
  • Within Area C on Schedule 495:
  1. The maximum permitted number of units in a low-rise apartment: 18.  
  2. The maximum permitted building height for a low-rise apartment: 11.1m.  
  3. Despite Section 161(15)(j), no balcony or porch is required for units facing a public street at the first storey of a building.
  • Despite Section 131, the minimum width of a private way: 5.3m.  
  • Despite Sections 101 and 102, one motor vehicle parking space may be provided, but no motor vehicle parking is required.  
  • Within Area B on Schedule 495:
  1. Maximum number of dwelling units: 33.  
  2. Minimum rooftop access setback from the front wall for a maximum width of 6.5m: 0m.
  3. Maximum rooftop access area: 46.3m2.  
  4. Only one principal entrance is required.
2702 (By-law 2024-111) (By-law 2021-178) Reserved for Future Use      
2703 (By-law 2021-179) R4X[2703]    
  • Minimum lot width for a townhouse dwelling: 5 m
  • Parking is permitted in a required and provided corner side yard
  • Minimum aisle width: 6 m
  • Minimum side yard setback: 6 m
2704 (By-law 2021-194) R4Z[2704]    
  • For the purposes of zoning interpretation, the lot line that abuts Brian Coburn Boulevard is deemed to be the front lot line; the lot line that abuts Couloir Road is deemed to be the rear lot line.
  • Minimum required rear yard setback: 3m
The following applies to townhouse dwellings that are vertically attached in the rear and side:
  1. minimum lot area is 84m²
  2. air conditioner condenser may be located in a front yard or corner side yard when units are attached back to back.
  • Table 111B does not apply.
  • Subsection 111(11) does not apply.
2705 (By-law 2024-331) (By-law 2021-184) AM3[2705] S438    
  • Minimum required yard setbacks and building stepbacks and maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule 438.
  • Maximum building heights of S438 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.  
  • An indoor rooftop amenity space, limited to a maximum of 150m2 and not higher than 4.0m, is considered a permitted projection above the height limit.  
  • The maximum gross floor area of each storey at and above the fifth storey is 750m2.”; and  
  • Clause 186(3)(b) does not apply
The following provisions dealing with Section 37 authorization apply:
i. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 24 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below.
ii. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 24 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
iii. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2706 (By-law 2021-190) R3R[2706]
  • Planned Unit Development
  • Townhouse dwelling
  • Stacked dwelling
  • The property line abutting Clifton Road is considered the front lot line.
  • Maximum Building Height: 12m
  • No minimum lot area
  • No minimum lot width
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Minimum required setback for a waste storage accessory building from a rear or interior side lot line: 0 m
  • Minimum width of a private way: 4.5 m
  • Minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 0.4 m
  • Minimum setback for any garage or carport entrance from a private way: 0.4 m
  • Canopies and awnings are permitted to project a maximum of 2 m into a required yard
  • Fire escapes, open stairways, stoop, landing, steps and ramps can be a minimum of 0 m from a lot line
  • Covered or uncovered balcony, porch, deck, platform and verandah, with a maximum of two enclosed sides, are permitted to project a maximum of 2.65 m into a required yard, and can be a minimum of 0 m from a lot line
  • Despite Section 100 (1)(c) required or provided parking for a permitted residential use may be provided on any parcel with a Planned Unit Development.
2707 (By-law 2021-188) IL9[2707]   
-Truck transport terminal 
2708 (By-law 2021-191) R3I[2708] -Library  
  • A library use is limited to the footprint of the building as it exists on June 9th, 2021.
  • An instructional facility is permitted as an ancillary use to the library, conditional on being in the same building as the library.
  • Subsection 100(5) does not apply.
2709 (By-law 2021-187) R4UC[2709]    
  • Minimum lot width: 6.1 m
  • Minimum front yard setback from the Cummings Avenue lot line: 2.9 m
  • Minimum number of vehicular parking spaces: 7
  • Minimum width of a drive aisle providing access to parking spaces: 0.9 m
  • Vehicular parking spaces may be located in a front yard.
  • An outdoor refuse collection area may be located within 1.5m of a side lot line.
  • Section 110(1) does not apply.
  • Section 143(1)(a) does not apply.
  • Section 161(20)(g) does not apply.
  • Section 161(21)(b) does not apply.
2710 (By-law 2024-165) (By-law 2021-192) R3YY[2710] S439, I1A/R3YY[2710]     -For detached dwellings:
a) Minimum lot area: 220 m2
b) Minimum front yard setback for the area shown on Schedule 439 as Area B: 4.7 m
c) Minimum front yard setback in all other areas: 3 m
d) Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
e) Minimum rear yard setback for the area shown on Schedule 439 as Area A: 11 m
f) Minimum rear yard setback in all other areas: 6 m
g) Minimum front yard setback for Area C in Schedule 439: 4.2m
-For townhouse dwellings:
a) Minimum lot width: 5.7 m
b) Minimum lot area: 145 m2
c) Minimum front yard setback for the area shown on Schedule 439 as Area B: 4.7 m
d) Minimum front yard setback in all other areas: 3 m
e) Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
f) Minimum rear yard setback for the area shown on Schedule 439 as Area A: 11 m
g) Minimum rear yard setback in all other areas: 6 m
-For back-to-back townhouse dwellings:
a) Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
b) Minimum lot area: 80 m2
c) Maximum building height: 14 m
d) Minimum front yard setback: 3m
e) Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
f) An air conditioner condenser can be located in the front or corner side yard.
-For the area shown on Schedule 439 as area A, no building or structure, including all accessory uses, buildings or structures, are permitted within 6 m of the rear lot line.
2711 (By-law 2021-192) R3YY[2711] All uses are prohibited except for those uses permitted in the Residential First Density Zone (R1) pursuant to section 155 of this by-law.  
  • For detached dwellings:
a) Minimum lot area: 220 m2 b) Minimum front yard setback: 3m c) Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m d) Minimum rear yard setback: 11m e) No building or structure, including all accessory buildings and structures, are permitted within 6 m of the rear lot line.
2712 (By-law 2021-192) GM[2712]-h    
  • No construction of buildings is permitted prior to the removal of the holding symbol.
  • Removal of the holding symbol is conditional upon:
a) Approval of detail design for the stormwater management pond and Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 realignment and restoration plan within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
b) Submission of an Environmental Compliance Approval application to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for the stormwater management pond within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
c) Confirmation of the construction timing for item a);
d) Written permission from Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority based on Ontario Regulation 153/06 for the works outlined in item a); and
e) Updated floodplain mapping for the Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 from the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority.
2713 (By-law 2021-192) R3YY[2713]-h    
  • For detached dwellings:
a) Minimum lot area: 220 m2
b) Minimum front yard setback: 3m
c)Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
d) Minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  • No construction of buildings is permitted prior to the removal of the holding symbol.
  • Removal of the holding symbol is conditional upon:
a) Issuance of a permit from Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority under section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act for the placement of fill, in accordance with approved grading plans; and
b) Filling of the lots and provision of as-built survey to Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority demonstrating that the area is entirely removed from the floodplain.
2714 (By-law 2021-192) LC[2714]-h
  • Museum
  • Drive-through facility
  • Retail food store
  • Service and repair shop
  • Minimum setback from any lot line abutting a residential zone: 10 m
  • No construction of buildings is permitted prior to the removal of the holding symbol.
  • Removal of the holding symbol is conditional upon:
a) Approval of detail design for the stormwater management pond and Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 realignment and restoration plan within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
b) Submission of an Environment Compliance Approval application to Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for the stormwater management pond within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
c) Confirmation of the construction timing for item a);
d) Written permission from Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority based on Ontario Regulation 153/06 for the works outlined in item a); and
e) Updated floodplain mapping for the Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 from the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority.
2715 (By-law 2021-227) TM8[2715] S440    
  • Building setbacks, stepbacks, and maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule 440.
  • Maximum building heights of Schedule 440 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are not subject to the height limits identified on Schedule 440.
  • Permitted projections defined in Section 65 are allowed within 0 m of a lot line.
  • Minimum width of landscaped area abutting a residential zone: 2.6 m.
  • Stacked bicycle parking systems are permitted, and such systems are exempt from the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions.
  • Despite clause 197(13), the façade facing the main street does not require an entrance for a residential use.
  • Despite clause 85(3)(a), an outdoor commercial patio is permitted where it is located a minimum of 16 m from a lot in a residential zone and is screened and physically separated from that same lot by a structure, screen or wall that is 2 m or more in height, so as to mitigate both light and noise from the outdoor commercial patio.
  • Clause 198(8)(d) does not apply. Residential uses within a building which faces Barrette Street are permitted to occupy a maximum of 80% of the ground floor area.
Section 37 Agreement:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 25 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 25 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2716 (By-law 2021-203) R3YY[2716]     The following applies to townhouse dwellings:
  • Minimum front yard setback
  • With a sidewalk: 5.8 m
  • Without a sidewalk: 4.5 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 6 m
  • Minimum lot area: 81 m2
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  • Minimum lot width: 6 m
  • Maximum building height: 12 m
  • An air conditioner condenser unit may project 2 m into a corner side yard
  • Section 57 does not apply
2717 (By-law 2021-203) R3YY[2717]     The following applies to townhouse dwellings: Minimum front yard setback:
  • With a sidewalk: 5.8 m
  • Without a sidewalk: 4.5 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 4.5 m
  • Minimum lot area: 81 m2
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum lot width: 6 m
  •  Maximum building height: 12 m
  • An air conditioner condenser unit may project 2 m into a corner side yard
  • Section 57 does not apply.
2718 (By-law 2021-223) MC[2718]    
  •  Despite the location of 20 Mountain Crescent in Area Z on Schedule 1A, Part 17 of By-law 2008-250, the maximum number of required parking spaces shall be calculated as per Section 103, Table 103, Column III, Area B.
  • Despite Clauses 100(1)(a) and (c), parking spaces may be available for use by any other land use located either on site or off site on an abutting property or on a property immediately across a street, but these spaces may not be used as the required parking for these other land uses.
  • For the purposes of this exception, a tower is defined as that portion of a building above the podium.
The tower portion of a building must, where the height of the building exceeds 9 storeys:
  1.  must be setback 5.5 metres from the interior side lot line to the north, where that side lot line abuts a lot that does not contain a tower, but the abutting lot is zoned to permit a building with a height greater than 9 storeys;
  2.  must be setback 5.5 metres from the lot line to the south where the lot line abuts a lot that does not contain a tower, but the abutting lot is zoned to permit a building with a height greater than 9 storeys;
  3. not have a residential floor plate larger than 750 m2; and,
  4. not have a non-residential floor plate larger than 1,500 m2.
  • The maximum permitted height is 12-storeys (39 m).
2719 (By-law 2021-225) TM3[2719] S441
  • Apartment dwelling, High-rise
  • Apartment dwelling, Mid-rise
  • Apartment dwelling, Low-rise
  • Broadcast studio
  • Cinema
  • Home-based business
  • Home-based daycare
  • Hotel
  • Museum
  • Place of assembly
  • Recording studio
  • Retirement home
  • Theatre
  • Maximum Height and minimum yard setbacks as per Schedule 441.
  • Maximum Floor Space Index – 3.7
  • A maximum of one tower is permitted within Area A, B and C on Schedule 441.
  • The subject lands are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Tower floor plate size shall not exceed 900 m2.
  • Minimum tower separation - 20m
  • Buildings facing North River Road will at least 40% of the ground/floor or storeys facade consisting of clear glazing (window and door entrances).
  • Section 111(8, 9, 10 and 11) do not apply with respect to Bicycle Parking Space Provisions.
  • Stacked bicycle systems are permitted.
  • Setback abutting an O1 zone – 0m
  • Minimum width of landscaped area, abutting Selkirk Street: 3m
  • Minimum width of landscaped area, all other cases: 0m
  • Section 197(1)(d) does not apply to a parking garage located in area C of Schedule 441.
  • Section 197(4) sub (c), (d) and (e) do not apply.
  • Despite Section 197(13), the façade facing the main street must include at least one active entrance serving either residential or non-residential use occupying any part of the ground floor.
  • Despite Section 101 and 102, a minimum of 35 spaces are required for a combination of visitor and non-residential parking.
  • A temporary surface parking lot is permitted within Area A and Area B of Schedule 441 until such time as a building permit has been issued for that portion of the site.
  • A temporary surface parking lot must be screened at grade from a public street through a combination of soft landscaping, required landscaped areas and/or fencing. Temporary surface parking may not abut Montreal Road.
  • Minimum height of a building abutting Montreal Road in Area A and B of Schedule 441 – 10m or two storeys.
2720 (By-law 2021-226) R2N[2710]     A long semi-detached dwelling is subject to the following provisions:
  1.  Minimum lot width: 9 m;
  2.  Maximum width of a shared driveway: 3.8 m

I Exception number II Applicable zones III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2721 (By-law 2021-216) R5S[2721]S77
  • Community Health and Resource Centre
  • Shelter
  • Maximum permitted building height as
  • per Schedule 77
  • Despite Section 102, visitor parking is
  • not required.
  • Despite Table 137, Total Amenity Area, the minimum required amount of amenity area is 220 m2, of which up to 100 m2 may be located on the property municipally known as 256 King Edward Avenue.
  • Minimum front yard setbacks: 0 m
  • Minimum easterly side yard setback: 0m
  • Minimum westerly yard setback: 1.3m
  • Minimum percent of the lot area provided as landscaped area: 12%
2722 (By-law 2021-237) TM[2722] S442    
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per Schedule 442.
  • Area G on Schedule 442 is permitted a maximum height of 31 metres (9 storeys) but may also include a projection above the height limit in the form of an ornamental element, such as clock tower.
  • Area H on Schedule 442 is a permitted projection above the height limit and may include indoor amenity rooms with a maximum cumulative floor area of 225 square metres and amenity area rooms have a height limit of 4.5 metres.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are not subject to the height limits identified on Schedule 442.
  • Despite Section 65, ground-floor canopies and awnings are permitted to project 2.0 metres into the front and corner side yard, and may be located within 0 metres of the front and corner side lot lines.
  • Stacked bicycle parking systems are permitted, and such systems are exempt from the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions.
  • Despite Table 111(a)(b)(c), the minimum number of bicycle spaces required is 1.0 per dwelling unit or rooming unit.
  • Table 197(c), maximum front yard setback, does not apply.
  • Minimum aisle width in parking garage: 6.0 metres
The following provisions dealing with Section 37 authorization will also be added to the new exception in Section 239:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 26 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 26 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2723 (By-law 2021-273) R3YY[2723]     Minimum front yard setback:
  1.  Adjacent to a multi-use path: 5.25 m
  2.  Adjacent to a sidewalk: 4.75 m
  3. In all other cases: 4.75 m
Minimum corner side yard setback:
  1. Adjacent to a sidewalk: 4.25 m
  2. In all other cases: 2.5m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • A maximum of 65 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
2724 (By-law 2021-273) R3YY[2724]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4.25m
Minimum corner side yard setback:
  1. Adjacent to a multi-use path: 5.25 m
  2. Adjacent to a sidewalk: 4.75 m
  3. In all other cases: 2.5 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • A maximum of 65 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
2725 (By-law 2021-273) R3YY[2725]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4.25m
Minimum corner side yard setback:
  1. Adjacent to a sidewalk: 4.75 m
  2. In all other cases: 2.5 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.8 m, with one minimum yard no less than 0.6 m wide. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback is 1 m.
  • A maximum of 65 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
2726 (By-law 2021-273) R3YY[2726]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4.75m
Minimum corner side yard setback:
  1. Adjacent to a sidewalk: 4.25 m
  2. In all other cases: 2.5 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.8 m, with one minimum yard no less than 0.6 m wide. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback is 1 m.
  • A maximum of 65 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
2727 (By-law 2021-242) IL[2727]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 0.6m
  • Minimum width of landscape area abutting a street: 0m
  • A canopy is permitted to project to 0m of the front lot line.
  • Minimum parking requirement for a warehouse providing self-storage units: 14 spaces.
  • Minimum width of aisle accessing oversized loading space at an angle of 60o to 90o: 9.9m
  • Minimum number of vehicle loading spaces required for a warehouse use: 1 oversized and 1 standard
  • Minimum distance of an outdoor refuse collection area from an interior or rear lot line: 0.4m.
  • No screening requirement for in-ground refuse containers.
2728 (By-law 2021-244) AM8[2728] S443-h    
  • Minimum parking requirement: 0.3 spaces per dwelling unit
  • Heights, setbacks and stepbacks as per S443
  • The holding symbol may not be removed until adequate servicing is proven to be available for the site to the satisfaction of the City.
2729 (By-law 2021-246) TM[2729] S444    
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per Schedule 444.
  • Despite the definition of “storey”, ground floor residential units may include a mezzanine and for the purpose of maximum building heights on Schedule 444, such dwelling units are to be considered as one storey.
  • Area A on Schedule 444 is a permitted projection above the height limit and may include indoor amenity rooms with a maximum cumulative floor area of 405 m2 and amenity area rooms have a height limit of 5 m.
  • Despite Section 85(3)(a), outdoor commercial patio(s) are permitted where located within the grey shaded area as shown on Schedule 444.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are not subject to the height limits identified in Schedule 444.
  • Stacked bicycle parking systems are permitted, and such systems are exempt from the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions.
  • Table 197(c), maximum front yard setback, does not apply.
  • Despite Table 197(i)(i), the width of a landscaped area abutting a residential zone may be reduced to 0 m along the side lot line.
2730 (By-law 2021-275) R3YY[2730]    
  • The required corner sight triangle is formed by that part of the lot lines measured along each street from the intersection of those lines at the street corner, or the projection of those lines for the distance of 3 m, and a line drawn between those two lines to form the base of the triangle.
Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum front yard setback: 5.5 m
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 3m
  • A driveway providing access to a permitted parking space for a semi-detached dwelling located outside of the front yard may be located between the front wall of the residential use building and the street, provided that the area of the driveway does not exceed 68% of the area of the yard in which it is located.
2731 (By-law 2021-276) DR1[2731]
  •  Office
  • The provisions of Section 101 do not apply, and a maximum of 5 parking spaces are permitted on the site.
  • Maximum gross floor area of an office: 308 m2
2732 (By-law 2021-279) TM[2732] H(24)    
  • A minimum of 28% of the ground floor façade facing the main street, measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5 metres, must comprise transparent windows and active entrances.
2733 (By-law 2021-281) AM1[2733] S446-h    
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per Schedule 446.
  • Minimum aisle width for access to a loading space is 6.0 m.
  • Despite table185(g) a maximum floor space index does not apply.
  • Stacked bicycle parking systems are permitted, and such systems are exempt from the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions.
The holding symbol may not be lifted until a Site Plan application is approved, including the execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, and will satisfy the following: a. The Site Plan Agreement will contain a condition requiring 10 affordable housing units (five one-bedrooms, three two-bedrooms and two three-bedroom units) for a commitment of 20 years which will be secured through an Affordable Housing Agreement and which shall be built as part of the first phase of construction.
2734 (By-law 2021-340) R5B[2734] S447
  • parking garage
  • Minimum tower separation on the subject lands: 16m
  • Maximum Floor Space Index:10.8
  • Maximum Building Heights and minimum building setbacks and stepbacks as per Schedule 447.
  • Parking Garage is limited to a parking spaces surplus to Sections 101 and 102.
  • Despite Section 65, table 65, a balcony may project to 0.65 m from any lot line and may include ornamental features that form part of the balcony.
Provisions dealing with Section 37 of the Planning Act: a. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 30 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and to the agreement referred to in b. below. b. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 30 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities. c. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2735 (By-law 2021-282) GM4[2735] S448
  • Medical facility
  • Height and setbacks are per Schedule 448
  • Minimum setback from a rear exterior wall for a rooftop amenity area: 1.5 m
  • Minimum width for a double traffic lane leading to a parking lot: 6 m
  • Minimum aisle width for a parking lot: 6 m
  • Minimum residential parking rate: 0.37 spaces per dwelling unit
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1 per dwelling unit
  • Stacked bicycle parking is permitted
  • An opaque screen with a minimum height of 2 m is required for a parking lot abutting a residential zone.
  • Minimum width of landscaped area abutting a residential zone: 4.2 m
  • Minimum percentage of landscaping for a parking lot: 0 per cent.
  • With respect to the Section 37 agreement:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 28 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in b. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 28 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2736 (By-law 2021-322) R4Z[2736]    
  • 1 parking space is required for each dwelling unit
  • 0.2 parking spaces required for each dwelling unit for visitors.
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 3 m
  • Maximum building height: 15 m
2737 (By-law 2021-307) R3YY[2737]    
  • The minimum interior side yard setback applies to the northerly lot line from the corner sight triangle to the rear lot line.
  • All other provisions of Urban Exception 2738 apply.
2738 (By-law 2021-307) R3YY[2738]    
  • A maximum of 65% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
  • Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.8 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  • The steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but may be no closer than 0.5 m from a lot line other than a corner side lot line, from which they can be as close as 0 m.
  • Any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface equal to or less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  • An air-conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse, but may be located in a corner side yard.
  • Section 57 does not apply.
  • In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
The following applies to detached dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area: 198 m2
  2. Minimum front yard setback 3.0 m
  3. Minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on at least one side. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m, despite the foregoing, no more than two portions of the building, not exceeding a total floor area of 3.0 m2, may be located no closer than 2.1 m from the side lot line abutting a street.
  5. Maximum lot coverage: 55%
  6. For a detached dwelling on a corner lot:
  • Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 2.5 m for part of the building that is no higher than 4.5 m and any part of the building, excluding projections, located less than 6.0 m from the rear lot line must be located at least 4.0 m from any interior side lot line.
  • An active entrance must be provided on the side of the building facing the corner side yard.
The following applies to semi-detached and townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area: 137 m2
  2. Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  4. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. Minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  6. Maximum building height: 14 m
  7. Maximum lot coverage: 65%
2739 (By-law 2024-308) (By-law 2021-308) R3YY[2739]      
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side or interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line;
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line;
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project 2 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard;
  • No more than 60% of a front yard may be used as a driveway or parking space;
  • In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse, the required parking space is only required if the business involves an outside employee;
  • Section 57 does not apply;
The requirements for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 220 m2
  2. minimum lot width is 8.8 m
  3. minimum front yard setback is 3 m for the principal building and 3.5 m for an attached garage
  4. minimum combined interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on one side
  5. minimum corner side yard is 2.5 m
  6. minimum rear yard is 6 m
  7. maximum lot coverage is 55%
  8. maximum building height is 12 m
The requirements for townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area is 137 m2
  2. minimum lot width is 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback is 3 m for the principal building and 3.5 m for an attached garage
  4. minimum interior side yard setback is 1.5 m
  5. minimum corner side yard is 2.5 m
  6. minimum rear yard is 6 m
  7. maximum lot coverage is 65%
  8. maximum building height is 12 m
2740 (By-law 2024-308) (By-law 2021-308) R3YY[2740]    
  • Rear yard setback for a detached dwelling is 5.2 m;
  • All other provisions of Urban Exception 2739 apply.

Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
(By-law 2024-308)
(By-law 2021-308)
  • Minimum lot width of a detached dwelling is 8.7 m.
  • All other provisions of Urban Exception 2739 apply.
(By-law 2021-309)
TM[2742] H(21)    
  • Minimum front yard setback where the building height is greater than four storeys or 15 m: 1.5 m more than the provided front yard setback.
  • Minimum setback from side yard abutting a street: 0 m
  • Minimum setback from side yard abutting a street where the building height is greater than four storeys or 15 metres: 0 metres for the first 7 m, measured from the front lot line, and 0.6 m beyond 7 m
  • Minimum number of required visitor parking spaces: 0
  • Section 60 does not apply to the construction of a building that is taller than 20 m.
(By-law 2021-306)
  • Minimum lot width for a Planned Unit Development: 10 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback for a townhouse dwelling, when located within a PUD and when said side yard abuts a rear yard: 1.8 m
  • Despite Table 55(6), there is no maximum cumulative floor area for accessory buildings.
(By-law 2021-307)
R5N[2744] H(20)   Despite endnote 19, ancillary uses are limited to convenience store and daycare and the convenience store has a maximum GFA of 100 m2 and is only permitted on the ground flood and/or basement.

The following applies to townhouse dwellings, including back-to-back and rear lane townhouse dwellings:

  1. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  2. Maximum building height: 14 m
  3. Minimum lot area for back-to-back and rear lane townhouse dwellings: 77 m2
  4. Outdoor amenity area is permitted on top of garages in townhouse dwellings located on rear lanes.
  5. The area of the driveway cannot exceed 65% of the area of the yard in which it is located, except in the case of townhouses with rear lane access, whereby the area of the driveway can cover 100% of the yard in which it is located.
  6. Where access is via the rear lane, the minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 0 m, and the width of the garage, carport or driveway may be the width of the entire rear yard.
(By-law 2021-324)
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per S449.
  • Despite the definition of “storey”, ground floor residential units may include a mezzanine and for the purpose of maximum building heights on Schedule 449, such dwelling units are to be considered as one storey.
  • Lees Avenue is deemed to be the front lot line.
  • Despite Section 65, a canopy at the ground floor level may project to the front lot line.
  • The lands are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Maximum cumulative Gross Floor Area: 96,000 m2
(By-law 2021-328)
  • The area to which this exception applies is considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • The lot line abutting Campeau Drive is considered the front lot line.
  • Maximum building height:


  1. Within 25 m of Campeau Drive: 11 m
  2. Over 25 m from Campeau Drive: 32 m
  • Front yard setback: minimum of 3 m, maximum of 6.5 m
  • Maximum corner side yard setback to an Apartment Dwelling, High-Rise: no maximum.
  • Building stepbacks: Buildings must have a minimum 3 m stepback at the east and west ends of the building, at or above the top of the eighth storey.
  • Minimum FSI is 0.75; Maximum FSI is 2.0
  • Minimum building separation on a lot:


  1. Between a stacked dwelling and Apartment dwelling, High-rise: 27 m
  2. Between all other residential buildings less than 14.5 m in height: 3 m
  3. Minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 1.8 m
  • Parking space rate for stacked dwelling and apartment dwelling, high-rise: 1 space per unit.
  • Despite anything to the contrary, the cumulative required parking between lands subject to Urban Exceptions 2746 and 2747 may be shared between the lands.
(By-law 2022-
(By-law 2021-
MC5 [2747]    
  • The area to which this exception applies is considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • The lot line abutting Campeau Drive is considered the front lot line.
  • Maximum building heights:
  1. Within 25 m of Campeau Drive: 11 m
  2. Over 25 m from Campeau Drive: 34 m
  • Front yard setback: minimum 3 m; maximum 6.5 m
  • Maximum corner side yard setback to a stacked dwelling: 5 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback for surfaced parking: 3.6 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  • Minimum setback from the southeastern most lot line: 0 m
  • The minimum parking space rate for a dwelling unit in a mixed-use building is 0.5 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • The minimum parking space rate for non-residential uses is 3.4 spaces/100m2 gross floor area.
  • Building stepbacks: buildings must have a minimum 2 m stepback at the east and west ends of the building, at or above the top of the eighth storey.
  • Minimum FSI 0.75; maximum FSI 2.0, minimum 430 m2 GFA nonresidential component.
  • Minimum building separation on a lot:
  1. Between all other residential buildings less than 14.5 m in height: 2.9 m
  2. Minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 1.8 m
  • Parking space rate for dwelling, stacked: 1 space per unit.
  • Despite anything to the contrary, the cumulative required parking between lands subject to Urban Exceptions 2746 and 2747 may be shared between the lands.
  • Section 101(5)(d) and (e) apply with all necessary modifications to the dwelling units in a mixed use building.
(By-law 2021-342)
  • Maximum building height of 18.5 m within 20 m of the rear lot line and 10 m of the interior side lot line, maximum of 77 m in height beyond 20 m of the rear lot line and 10 m of the interior side lot line.
  • An active entrance is not required along the side lot line abutting a street.
  • Parking is to be provided at a rate of 0.22 spaces per residential unit, and a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 parking spaces to be provided for non-residential uses.
  • Minimum required aisle width for the surface parking lot is 6 m.
  • For a parking lot, minimum landscaping buffer abutting a street is 1.6 m.

The following provisions dealing with Section 37 authorization apply:

  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 31 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner’s sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in (b), below.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement of agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 31 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such an agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2749 Reserved for Future Use      
(By-law 2021-334)
  • Despite subsection 69(2), the required setback from the watercourse is 15 m to the normal high-water mark.
  • Despite Table 191, row 1(g)(i), minimum height within 400 m of a Rapid Transit Station: 4.4 m
(By-law 2021-336)
  • Despite Section 144(3)(a), the rear yard need not comprise 25 % the lot area and the minimum rear yard setback is 3.5m.
  • Despite Section 161(18)(b), Minimum Area of soft landscaping in the rear yard – 9% of the rear yard.
  • Despite section 161(18)(b), an aggregated rectangular soft landscaping area in the rear yard whose longer dimension is not more than twice its shorter dimension, for the purposes of tree planting, is not required.
  • Clauses 60(3)(a) and (b) do not apply.
  • Subsection 60(4) does not apply.
2752 AM[2752] -Apartment Dwelling, High-rise   Maximum gross floor area: 177,000 m2
-Minimum front yard setback (from Churchill Avenue North):
i) for a maximum width of 22 m: 0 m
ii) all other instances: 3 m
-A balcony may project into a required front yard up to 0.5 m from the front lot line above the sixth storey
-Minimum rear yard setback (from Clyde Avenue North):
i) for a maximum width of 22 metres: 0 m
ii) all other instances: 3 m
-A balcony may project into a required rear yard up to 0.5 m from the rear lot line above the sixth storey
-Minimum interior side yard setback: 6 m
-For the purpose of the below provisions a tower is defined as the portion of the building above the podium
-For the purpose of the below provisions a floorplate is defined as the total area of a tower floor measured from the exterior of the outside walls and includes the total floor area occupied by balconies
-Minimum tower separation for a tower with a floorplate up to 799 m2: 23 m
-Minimum tower separation for a tower with a floorplate 800 m2 or greater: 28 m
-Maximum tower floorplate: 865 m2
-Maximum number of towers above 30 m: 6
Maximum Heights of towers over 30m:i) Maximum height for one tower including the podium: 39 storeys 123 m
ii) Maximum height for one tower including the podium: 36 storeys 113 m
iii) Maximum height for one tower including the podium: 31 storeys 99 m
iv) Maximum height for one tower including the podium: 29 storeys 93 m
v) Maximum height for one tower including the podium: 25 storeys 80 m
vi) Maximum height for one tower including the podium: 22 storeys 71 m
-Maximum height for situations not described above: 30 m
-Separation distances and maximum floorplates are only to be applied where towers including a podium exceed nine storeys
-No two towers over six storeys including the podium may have the same number of stories and same heights-The following provisions dealing with Section 37 of the Planning Act apply:
a. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 32 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in b. below of this by-law.
b. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 32 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
c. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue
2753 (By-law 2021-363) R5A[2753] H(24)
  • residential care facility
  • retail store, limited to a pharmacy
  • The minimum number of vehicular parking spaces for a dwelling unit in a mid-rise apartment building: 0.9 parking spaces per dwelling unit.
  • The lands with exception 2753 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • The use ‘residential care facility’ is subject to the zoning provisions of an ‘apartment dwelling, low-rise’ in the R4N subzone.
  • Despite Section 109 (3)(a), five parking spaces are permitted within the provided front yard
  • The following applies to a retail store limited to a pharmacy as a principal use:
    1. Maximum gross floor area: 200m2
    2. Must be located in the same building as a residential care facility
    3. May not include the sale of non-pharmaceutical products
    4. May not include a display area
    5. Must be located below the ground floor.
2754 (By-law 2021-383) T1A[2754]
  • Medical Facility
  • Retail Store, limited to a pharmacy
(By-law 2021-403)
  • All uses until such time that the holding symbol is removed.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback of 3 m on one side, and 6 m on the other-Minimum rear yard setback 6.5 m
  • The holding symbol on the property may not be lifted until:
  1. A Site Plan Application is approved, including the registration of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development; and
  2. Such time as it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of Planning Infrastructure and Economic Development that there is availability of and connection to municipal storm water infrastructure.
(By-law 2021-385)
IL[2756] S117-h
  • place of worship

All uses other than:

  • bank
  • broadcasting studio
  • day care
  • community centre
  • community health and resource centre
  • light industrial uses
  • medical facility
  • municipal service centre
  • office
  • parking garage
  • personal service business
  • printing plant
  • production studio
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • research and development centre
  • restaurant, full service
  • restaurant, take-out
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • technology industry
  • warehouse

The following uses are only permitted subject to being located on the ground floor of a building containing one or more of the other permitted uses not listed below:

  • municipal service centre
  • personal service business
  • restaurant, full service
  • restaurant, take-out
  • retail food store
  • retail store

The provisions of Subsection 203(3)(g) do not apply and following provisions apply.

  • A maximum of 60, 385 square metres of gross floor area is permitted.
  • Subject to the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development confirming a transportation facility is under construction in the Alta Vista Parkway corridor, the h symbol may be lifted, and an additional 23,225 square metres of gross floor area is permitted.
  • Upon lifting of the h symbol, the cumulative total maximum gross floor area is 83,610 square metres.
  • Maximum building height is in accordance with Schedule 117.
  • A place of worship is subject to 203(2)(g) or 205(2)(g), as applicable.
  • A warehouse use is only permitted subject to the footprint of each individual building containing a warehouse use not exceeding a maximum Gross Floor Area of 10,000 square metres.
(By-law 2024-269)
(By-law 2021-402)

The following applies to detached dwellings:

  • minimum lot area: 235m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 4.75m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Shallow Pond Place is deemed the front lot line for corner lots abutting Lakeridge Drive and Shallow Pond Place.
(By-law 2024-269)
(By-law 2021-402)
  • minimum front yards setback: 4.75m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Despite Table 65, an air-conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the corner side yard.
(By-law 2024-269)
(By-law 2021-402)
  • minimum lot area: 80m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 4.75m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  • Despite Table 65, an air-conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the front and corner side yard.
(By-law 2021-405)
TM16[2760] H(15)    
  • minimum corner side yard setback is 3m and maximum side yard setback is 7m.
  • The 45 degree angular plane referenced in Table 197 (g)(ii)(3) must be measured from a point at the rear of the building above the third storey, and extend above the fourth storey, but is not applicable to the fifth and sixth storeys.

Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
(By-law 2024-563) 
(By-law 2022-16)
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.7 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 4.1 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 

i.where abutting a residential zone containing dwelling units: 6.4m

ii.where abutting a park: 1.2m

  • For units abutting two private ways, the minimum setback for a wall of a residential use building to a private way: 1.2 m.
  • A maximum of 5 dwelling units may have a minimum setback from the garage to the private way of 3.9 m.
  • For units abutting the south property line, balconies are permitted to project no more than 2 m into the rear yard and no closer than 2.15 m to the property line”
  • Minimum width of a private way which is not designated
(By-law 2024-332)
(By-law 2022-15)
AM[2762] S450 apartment dwelling, high rise
  • amusement park
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile service station
  • car wash
  • drive-through facility
  • gas bar
  • payday loan establishment
  • sports arena
  • Notwithstanding the definition of an automobile rental establishment, this use shall be limited to a depot for booking of rental motor vehicles and must not include on-site storage of motor vehicles.
  • Notwithstanding the definition of a funeral home, this use is not permitted to include a crematorium or a cemetery.
  • The lands are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • The front yard setback abutting Carling Avenue is 22.25 m from the roadway centreline.
  • In Area B on Schedule 450, an additional stepback of 2 m is required above 20 m, 5th storey, abutting Carling Avenue.
  • In Area B on Schedule 450, an additional setback of 2 m is required above 20 m, 5th storey, abuttingLebreton Street South.
  • In Area B on Schedule 450, an additional stepback of 5.5 m is required above 20 m, 5th storey, abutting Bell Street South.
  • The minimum setback from any lot line abutting Lebreton Street South and Bell Street South is 4.5 m.
  • In Area A on Schedule 450, an additional stepback of 2 m is required above 16 m, 4th storey, abutting LeBreton Street South.
  • The minimum setback from any lot line abutting an O1 Zone is 3 m.
  • The minimum setback from any lot line abutting a residential zone is 7.5 metres, as shown in Area G of Schedule 450.
  • The minimum setback from any newly created interior side lot line or rear lot line, as a result of new lot creation is 7.5m.
  • For the portion of a building that is 10 or more storeys in height, the minimum distance separation between towers shall be 23 m, measured from the exterior wall of the tower, including balconies. Where a portion of a building that is 10 or more storeys in height abuts an interior lot line, the setback from the lot line to the portion of a building that is 10 or more storeys in heights shall be 11.5 m. For the purposes of this provision, “tower” is defined as the main body of a high-rise building that extends upwards from the building base, or podium above 10 storeys.
  • For non-residential and mixed-use buildings in Area B, E and F on Schedule 450, a minimum of 50% of the ground floor must be occupied with commercial uses.
  • Maximum building heights are as per Schedule 450.
  • Tower floor plate maximum size: 750 m2
  • A driveway providing access to a parking lot or to a parking garage must have a minimum width of 6 m for a double traffic lane.
  • Surface parking and/or a parking garage must not be located within a depth of 6 m from the front wall of a building abutting a street when contained in a commercial or mixed-use building that is located on the ground floor and abutting Carling Avenue, Lebreton Street South, and Bell Street South.
  • Required and provided parking for any permitted use on the subject lands may be located anywhere on Areas A to G of Schedule 450.
R5B[2763] S451-h    
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per Schedule 451.
  • The maximum amount of parking spaces, excluding visitor parking, is the greater of 88 parking spaces or one space per dwelling unit.
  • The ornamental element, known as the “heritage lantern” from the building existing as of the date of Council approval, is permitted within a new development as projection above the height limit within Area H of Schedule 451.
  • Balconies on the fourth, fifth and sixth storey are not permitted to project beyond the outer wall of the same storey along the western façade.
  • The outdoor terraces/balconies on the third, seventh, eighth and ninth storeys are not permitted to project beyond the step back of the closest storey below.
  • Despite Table 111(a)(b)(c), the minimum number of bicycle spaces required is 1.0 per dwelling unit or rooming unit.

The Holding Symbol may not be lifted until the following is satisfied :

  1. The Owner shall enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the City, for the purposes of the conservation of the cultural heritage values and attributes of the existing property at 50 The Driveway, as of the date of Council approval. The cultural heritage values and attributes will be identified through the heritage easement agreement. The easement will reflect the final elevations, site/landscape plans, lighting, and interpretation plans, to be approved through conditions of Site Plan Control and secured via a Site Plan Agreement or within the Heritage Easement Agreement. Council approval and execution of the Heritage Easement Agreement is required prior to lifting the holding symbol; and
  2. A Site Plan application has been approved, including execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, satisfying the following:
    1. Confirm the below grade garage/foundation has been designed in an effort to protect trees found on abutting properties and those within the National Capital Commission lands.
    2. Approved plans and/or reports will clearly identify conservation of the cultural heritage elements defined and identify the strategy for keeping preserved items in the same condition for inclusion in new development; and
  3. Registration of a Section 37 Agreement, or similar development agreement, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development.

The following provisions deal with Section 37 of the Planning Act :

  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law, including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 33 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in b. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 33 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.

Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.

TM6[2764] F(6.9) S452-h Apartment dwelling, high rise  
  • Maximum building height and minimum yard setbacks and stepbacks are as per Schedule 452
  • Maximum Floor Space Index: 6.9
  • Minimum front yard setback above the 6th storey: 2.5 m
  • Minimum front yard setback at and below the 6th storey: 2 m
  • Despite Section 111, tenant and visitor bicycle parking shall be provided at a rate of 1:1.
  • Table 111B does not apply.
  • Stacked bicycle parking is permitted.
  • Subsections 111(5), (9), (10) and (11) do not apply.
  • A minimum of 10% of the total dwelling units shall be provided as largehousehold dwelling units, with a minimum unit size of 850 square feet and two bedrooms.

Removal of the Holding Symbol is conditional upon the following:

  1. Approval of a Site Plan Control application, including the execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department, that will require the implementation of all policies of this Plan, fulfilling obligations specified in the relevant policies and By-laws, and the assessment of potential issues related to constructability, right of way impacts and construction staging.
  2. Execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department where such an agreement is required in accordance with the City’s Section 37 Implementation Guidelines.

The following provisions deal with Section 37 of the Planning Act :

  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 34 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and to the agreement referred to in b. below.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 34 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon the satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.

Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.

(By-law 2022-100)
R5B[2765] S453     -Maximum building heights are as per Schedule 453.
-Maximum building heights of Schedule 453 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
-Despite Section 64, in Area A on Schedule 453 landscaped areas, roof-top gardens and terraces and associated safety guards and access structures; pursuant to Table 55, Row (8) are not permitted above the height limit.
-Minimum required setback from Greenback Road in Areas A, D and C on Schedule 453 : 3.5 m
(By-law 2024-89)
(By-law 2022-102)

- A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping;

- Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.2 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.

- A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.

- Balconies and porches may project to within 0.6 m from the side lot line abutting a street and may project to within 0.0 m of an interior lot line and corner lot line.

- The steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but may be no closer than:

  1. 0.5 m from a front lot line and side lot line;
  2. 0.2 m from a side lot line abutting a street; and
  3. 0.0 m from a corner lot line.

- Any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a front lot line, side lot line abutting a street and/or corner lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface equal to or less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a front lot line, side lot line abutting a street and/or corner lot line.

- An air-conditioning condenser unit may project 2 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line. And the air conditioning condenser may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back multiple dwelling or townhouses with rear lane access but may be located in a corner side yard.

- Section 57 does not apply.

- In the case of a home based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.

- For the northernmost lot on Canoe Street, it is not considered a corner lot for zoning purposes and where lot lines abut a street, they are considered one front lot line.

- Zone requirements for detached dwellings:

  1. Minimum lot area: 220 m2
  2. Minimum front yard setback 3 m
  3. Minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on at least one side. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m, despite the foregoing, no more than two portions of the building, not exceeding a total floor area of 3 m2 may be located no closer than 2 m from the side lot line abutting a street.
  5. Maximum lot coverage: 55%
  6. Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 4.5 m width for a maximum of 50% of the lot width, the total area of the contiguous rear and interior yards must not be less than 54 m2.
  7. For a detached dwelling on a corner lot:
    1. Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 2.5 m for part of the building that is no higher than 4.5 m and any part of the building, excluding projections, located less than 6 m from the rear lot line must be located at least 4 m from any interior side lot line.
    2. Detached dwellings on corner lots must keep street facing side yards consistent in the quality and detail of the front elevation.

- Zone requirements for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings:

  1. Minimum lot area: 137 m2
  2. Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 0 m
  4. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  6. Maximum building height: 14 m
  7. Maximum lot coverage: 65%
  8. Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 4.5 m for a maximum of 50% of the lot width, the total area of the contiguous rear and interior yards must not be less than 33m2
  9. Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade, may project to within 1.0 m from the front lot line, may project to within 0.6 m from the side lot line abutting a street, and may project to within 0.0 m of an interior lot line and corner lot line.

- Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings with access to a rear lane:

  1. Minimum lot area 110 m2
  2. Minimum lot width 5.5 m
  3. Minimum front yard setback 3 m
  4. Minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  5. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  6. Minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  7. Maximum building height: 14 m
  8. Maximum lot coverage: no maximum
  9. The area of the driveway can cover 100% of the yard in which it is located.
  10. Outdoor amenity area is permitted on top of garages.
  11. Where access is via the rear lane, the minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 0 m, and the width of the garage, carport or driveway may be the width of the entire rear yard.

Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade, may project to within 1.0 m from the front lot line, may project to within 0.6 m from the side lot line abutting a street, and may project to within 0.0 m of an interior lot line and corner lot line.

(By-law 2022-104)

Zone requirements for detached dwellings:

  • Minimum lot area: 195 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 9m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum front yard setback for an attached garage: 3.5m.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: Total 1.8m, with one minimum no less than 0.6m
  • Where there is a corner lot, the minimum interior side yard setback is 0.6m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Despite the foregoing, no more than two portions of the building, not exceeding a total floor area of 3m2, may be located no closer than 2 m from the side lot line abutting a street.
  • Detached dwellings on corner lots must keep street facing side yards consistent in the quality and detail of the front elevation.
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  • The rear yard setback may be reduced to a minimum of 4.5 m for a maximum of 50% of the lot width, the total area of the rear yard must not be less than 54 m2
  • For a corner lot, the minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 2.5 m for part of the building that is no higher than 4.5 m and any part of the building, excluding projections, located less than 6 m from the rear lot line must be located at least 4 m from any interior side lot line.
  • Maximum building height: 12m
  • Maximum lot coverage: 55%

Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings:

  • Minimum lot area: 137m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  • Minimum corner side yard: 1.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  • Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to a minimum of 4.5 m for a maximum of 50% of the lot width, the total area of the rear yard must not be less than 33 m2.
  • Maximum building height: 14m
  • Maximum lot coverage: 65%

Zone requirements for townhouse with rear lane access dwellings:

  • Minimum lot area: 110 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  • Minimum corner side yard: 2.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  • Maximum building height: 14m
  • Maximum lot coverage: No maximum

General Provisions:

  1. A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping, except where the side lot line abuts New Greenbank Road.
  2. Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.2 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk
  3. Despite Table 65 Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard but may be no closer than 0.2 m from a lot line other than a corner lot line abutting a street, from which they can be as close as 0m.
  4. Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade, may project to within 1.0 m from the front lot line and 0.6 m from a side lot line abutting a street, and may project to within 0.0 m of an interior lot line and corner lot line.
  5. Despite Table 65, Row 8, an air conditioning condenser unit may project 2 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line. An air conditioning condenser unit may not be located in a corner side yard except in the case of a townhouse dwelling and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a townhouse with rear lane access and back-to-back townhouse dwellings.
  6. In the case of a home based business operating within a townhouse, back-to-back townhouse, or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.

Section 136 does not apply.

(By-law 2022-104)

Zone requirements for back-to-back townhouse dwellings:

  • Minimum lot area: 81 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  • Maximum building height: 14m
  • Maximum lot coverage: No maximum

General Provisions:

  1. A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping, except where the side lot line abuts New Greenbank Road and except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse, where a maximum of 75% of the area of the front yard may be used for driveway/parking and storage enclosure.
  2. Despite Table 65, Rows 1, 2 and 3, a chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters, and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets, and pilasters may project 1 m into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  3. Despite Table 65, Row 6(b), balconies, and porches may project to within 0.6 m of a side lot line abutting a street and 0 m of a corner lot line.
  4. Despite Table 65 Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may be no closer than 0.5 m to a front lot line and 0.2 m to a side lot line abutting a street.
  5. Despite Table 65, Row 6(a), any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a front lot line or side lot line abutting a street, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface equal to or less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a front lot line or side lot line abutting a street.
  6. Despite Table 65, Row 8, an air conditioning condenser unit may project 2 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and cannot be located in a corner side yard.
  7. Section 57 does not apply.
  8. In the case of a home based business operating within a townhouse, back-to-back townhouse, or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  9. Section 136 does not apply.
  10. Despite Section 102 – Table 102, no visitor parking is required on the same lot as a townhouse without a garage.
  11. Despite Section 107(3)(b), driveways may be located in a front yard if the permitted parking space is also in the front yard.
  12. Despite Section 109(3), the required parking space may be established in a required and provided front yard.
  13. Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6m above adjacent grade, may project to within 0 m of an interior lot line.
  14. Storage enclosures are permitted to project 2.5 m to the front lot line.
(By-law 2022-105)
O1L[2769] -Bar
-Community centre
-Environmental preserve and education area
-Farmer/Artist Market
-Outdoor Commercial Patio
-Parking lot
-Place of assembly
-Recreational and athletic facility
-Restaurant -fast food
-Restaurant- full service
-Restaurant- take out
-Training centre
  • Maximum building height: 8 m
  • Minimum distance between a parking lot and a residential zone: 25 m.
(By-law 2022-106)
R4Z[2770] H(14)     -the maximum permitted height for a back-to-back town house dwelling is 14m.
(By-law 2022-107)

For a Planned Unit Development comprised of stacked dwellings:

  1. Minimum rear yard setback: 6.0 m
  2. Where the lot line abuts Aviation Parkway:
    1. For the lot line that is 40.00 m, the minimum setback is 6.0 m
    2. In all other cases the minimum is 3.0 m
  3. Minimum interior side yard setback: 3.0 m
  4. Required or provided resident parking may be provided as parallel parking on a private way, provided the private way when combined with the parallel parking width, has a minimum width of 8.5 m.
  5. Section 139(1) does not apply.
  6. Section 144 does not apply.
  7. Section 107(3)(b)(i) does not apply.

(By-law 2024-490)

(By-law 2022-115)

R5B[2772] S454     -The lands zoned R5B[2772] S454 are considered one lot for zoning purposes;
-The maximum building heights and minimum setbacks are as per Schedule 454;
-A rooftop indoor amenity space is permitted to project above the maximum building height for a maximum of 4.5 m over a maximum area of 150 m2 per residential building;
-Minimum bicycle parking rate: one per dwelling unit.
- Minimum required width of a landscaped buffer abutting a street: 1.2m for a parking lot containing 8 or fewer spaces.
- Maximum permitted width for a spaces: 6.0m.
- Despite Section 102, one required or provided visitor parking space in a surface parking lot may be used either for visitor parking or as a car-sharing space. 
double traffic lane that leads to less than 20 parking 
(By-law 2022-212)
R1O[2773] -Day care  

The following applies to a day care:


  • Two front yard parking spaces are permitted at 986 Frances Street
  • Two required parking spaces for 982 and 986 Frances Street may be provided at 998 Frances Street.
(By-law 2022-215)
TM[2774] H(97)    
  • Minimum front yard setback for any portion of the building higher than 15 metres: 0 metres
  • Minimum western interior side yard setback for the tower portion (for the purpose of this section, a tower is defined as the portion of the building above the podium): 7 metres
  • Minimum setback from Ashton Avenue: 3.8 metres
  • Non-residential uses shall not have frontage and/or an active façade on Ashton Avenue.


Provisions Dealing with Section 37 of the Planning Act:


  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 36 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 36 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.

(Subject to By-law 2022-117)

  1. Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings:
  • Minimum lot area: 137 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum corner side yard: 2.3 m
  • Maximum building height: 14 m
  • Maximum lot coverage: 65%
  1. A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
  2. Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.2 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
  3. A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  4. Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  5. The steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard but may be no closer than 0.5 m from a lot line other than a corner side lot line, from which they can be as close as 0 m.
  6. Any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.31 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  7. An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back multiple dwelling and may not be located in a corner side yard except in the case of a townhouse dwelling.
  8. In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  9. Section 136 does not apply.

(Subject to By-law 2022-117)

  1. Zone requirements for back-to-back townhouse dwellings:
  • Minimum lot area: 81 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  • Maximum building height: 14m
  • Maximum lot coverage: No maximum
  1. A maximum of 75 per cent of the area of the front yard may be used for driveway/parking and storage enclosures.
  2. Despite Table 65, Rows 1, 2 and 3, a chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  3. Despite Table 65, Row 6(b), balconies and porches may project to within 0.6 m of a side lot line abutting a street and 0 m of a corner lot line.
  4. Despite Table 65 Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may be no closer than 0.5 m to a front lot line and 0.2 m to a side lot line abutting a street.
  5. Despite Table 65, Row 6(a), any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a front lot line or side lot line abutting a street, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface equal to or less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a front lot line or side lot line abutting a street.
  6. Despite Table 65, Row 8, an air conditioning condenser unit may project 2 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and cannot be located in a corner side yard.
  7. Section 57 does not apply.
  8. In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse, back-to-back townhouse, or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  9. Section 136 does not apply.
  10. Despite Section 102 – Table 102, no visitor parking is required on the same lot as a townhouse without a garage.
  11. Despite Section 107(3)(b), driveways may be located in a front yard if the permitted parking space is also in the front yard.
  12. Despite Section 109(3), the required parking space may be established in a required and provided front yard.
  13. Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6m above adjacent grade, may project to within 0 m of an interior lot line.
  14. Storage enclosures are permitted to project 2.5 m into a front yard.

(By-law 2022-116)

GM3[2777] F(3.0) H(19) Apartment dwelling, low-rise  

The following provision apply to an Apartment Dwelling, Low-Rise

  • Minimum FrontYard Setback: 1.5m
  • Minimum Interior Side Yard: 0.6m
  • Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 5.0m
  • Minimum required parking and visitor parking: 0
  • Minimum width of landscaped area: No minimum
  • Table 137(3) does not apply and a minimum of 40 m2 of amenity space shall be provided. 100% of the space may be provided as communal space.

Section 139 does not apply.


By-law 2022-171

R5B[2778] S455 -artist Studio
-instructional facility
-medical facility
-place of assembly
-recreational and athletic facility

-Maximum building heights and minimum building setbacks are as per Schedule 455

-Minimum aisle width for a bicycle parking space: 1.2 m

-Permitted projections listed in Section 64 and 65 are not subject to the height limits identified on Schedule 455.


By-law 2022-172

  1. Maximum height:
    1. 12.9 m for part of the building within 5.3 m of the south lot line;
    2. 19.5 m in all other cases.
  2. For any part of a building located within 30 m of the front lot line, the minimum required interior side yard setback is 1.5 m.
  3. A rooftop washroom area with a maximum floor area of 5.5 m2 and a maximum height of 2.8 m above the height limit of the building is considered a permitted projections above the height limit.
  4. For a mid-rise building containing more than 20 units, 12% of required and provided parking spaces may be reduced to a minimum width of 2.4 m.
  5. For a carport situated in the rear yard:
    1. A setback of 0 m from the rear lot line is permitted;
    2. A setback of 1.5 m from the south lot line is permitted.
  6. Any part of any yard not occupied by accessory buildings and structures, permitted projections, bicycle parking and aisles, hardscaped paths of travel for waste and recycling management, pedestrian walkways, patios, parking aisles and spaces, permitted driveways and parking exclusion fixtures must be softly landscaped.
    1. A minimum of 45% of the area of the rear yard must be soft landscaping.
    2. A minimum of 40% of the area of the front yard must be soft landscaping.
  7. The front façade must comprise at least 25% windows.
  8. At least 20% of the area of the front façade must be recessed an additional 0.6 m from the front lot line. 
    1. Despite the foregoing, no additional recession of the front façade is required when balconies or porches are provided on the front façade for every unit that faces the public street.
  9. In the case of a lot 450 m2 or greater, at least 25% of dwelling units must have at least two bedrooms. This calculation may be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
2780 Reserved for future use      

I Exception number II Applicable zones III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2781 (By-law 2022-173) R3YY[2781]    
  • Where access to a lot is provided by a street with sidewalks provided under the requirements of the plan of subdivision, the front yard setback for an attached garage will be measured from the garage to the nearest edge of the sidewalk, for a minimum setback of 6m from the back edge of the sidewalk.
  • The front wall of an attached garage may not be located more than 2m closer to the front lot line than either the front wall of the main building or the leading edge of a roofed porch
  • Minimum density is 29 units per net hectare
  • The minimum distance between a driveway and an intersection of two street lines is 6m measured at the street line
  • The minimum distance between a driveway for a town house dwelling on a public lane and an intersection of two street lines is 3.5m measured at the street line
  • Outdoor amenity areas are permitted on top of garages in townhouse dwellings located on rear lanes
  • More than one detached dwelling is permitted on an existing lot of record for the purpose of serving as a model home provided a draft Plan of Subdivision has been approved for the lot of record.
  • When access to a lot is provided by a public rear lane a minimum of 8.5m wide, and that lot also abuts a public park, the public park frontage shall be considered to be a “frontage on a public street” for interpretation of the provisions of this Zoning By-law
  • A sill, belt course, cornices, eaves, gutters, chimneys, chimney box, fireplace box, overhangs or pilasters may project 1m into the required front and corner side yard and 1m, but no closer than 0.2m, into the interior side yard
  • Balconies may project 2m, but no closer than 1m from the property line and no closer than 0m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into the front, corner side, and rear yard. Balconies may be located up to 0m from an interior lot line.
  • Open, roofed or unroofed porches and entrance features not exceeding one storey in height may project 2m, but no closer than 1m from the property line and no closer than 0m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into the front and corner side yard, and 1m into a rear yard
  • A deck may project 2m, but no closer than 1m from the property line, into a front and corner side yard; in a rear and interior side yard a deck may project to within 0.3m of a lot line and an additional 0.3m setback from every 0.3m or portion thereof that is constructed above finished grade
  • Steps attached to a porch may project 2.5m, but no closer than 0.5m from property line and no closer than 0m from a property line abutting a sight triangle, into a front and corner side yard
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project two metres into an interior side yard, and two metres into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 metres to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard.
  • Corner sight triangles shall have the following distances:
  1. 10 metre triangles when involving arterial roads
  2. 5 metres when involving only local roads
  3. 3 metres when involving a public lane
  • In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, the required parking space is only required if the business involves an outside employee
  • No more than 60% of the area of any front yard or corner side yard may be used as a driveway or parking space
  • Exterior parking spaces will have a minimum length of 5.5m and a minimum width of 2.7m
  • Blocks of townhouse dwellings that are attached along the rear and side walls shall be limited to sixteen attached dwelling units within each block
  • 0 metre setback required from the lot line at a corner lot line
For detached dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area is 220m2
  2. Minimum lot width is 8.8m
  3. Minimum front yard setback is 3m for the principle building and attached garage
  4. Minimum combined interior side yard setback is 1.8m with a minimum of 0.6m on one side
  5. Minimum rear yard for a corner lot is 0.6m
  6. Minimum corner side yard setback is 2.5m
  7. Maximum lot coverage is 55%
For semi-detached dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area is 137m2
  2. Minimum lot width is 5.5m
  3. Minimum front yard setback is 3m for the principle building and attached garage
  4. Minimum corner side yard setback is 2.5m
  5. Minimum rear yard setback for a garage on a rear lane is 0m
  6. Maximum lot coverage is 65%
  7. Maximum building height is 12m
For back-to-back or townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area is 81m2
  2. Minimum lot width is 4m
  3. Minimum front yard setback is 3m for the principle building and attached garage
  4. Minimum rear yard setback for a townhouse dwelling and garage on a rear lane is 0m
  5. Minimum corner side yard setback is 2.5m
  6. Minimum interior side yard setback is 1.5m and 0m on the common lot line of attached buildings
  7. Maximum building height is 14m
2782 (Subject to By-law 2022-174) Appeal(s) Received R4N[2782]    
  • These lands are considered as one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Minimum required amenity area for these lands: 406 m2
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 5 m
  • Minimum rear yard for the building existing on May 25th 2022: 4 m.
  • Minimum setback between a residential use and a private way is 1 m
2783 By-law 2022-175 R4Z[2783]    
  • The lot line that abuts Campeau Drive is considered the front lot line.
  • The side yard along Country Glen Way is considered to extend from Campeau Drive to the southern extent of Country Glen Way.
  • Notwithstanding Table 131(5)(b), visitor parking may be provided as parallel parking on a private way with a minimum width of 6.7 m.
Townhouse Dwellings are subject to the following:
  1. Maximum building height is 12 m.
  2. Minimum building setback from the O1 zone is 1.2 metres.
​​​​​​Stacked Dwellings are subject to the following:
  1. Maximum building height is 16 metres.
  2. Private rooftop terraces are permitted, and the provisions set out in Table 55(8) of the Zoning By-law do not apply.
  3. Minimum required parking rate is 0.9 space per dwelling unit.
  4. Minimum required visitor parking rate is 0.1 space per dwelling unit.
  5. Minimum building setback from the O1 zone is 3 m.
2784 (By-law 2022-213) TM[2784] S457    
  • The lands zoned TM[2784] S457 are considered one lot for zoning purposes;
  • Building setbacks, stepbacks, and maximum permitted building heights are as per Schedule 457;
  • Minimum residential parking rate: 0.3 spaces per dwelling unit;
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1 space per dwelling unit;
  • Stacked bicycle parking is permitted;
  • Minimum landscape buffer along the rear lot line: no minimum;
  • Minimum width of a landscaped buffer along the interior lot line for the first 20.2 m from the front lot line: no minimum;
  • Minimum width of a landscape buffer along the interior lot line after 20.2 m from the front lot line: 1.6 m;
  • Section 60 does not apply.
Provisions dealing with Section 37 of the Planning Act:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 38 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in b. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 38 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2785 (By-law 2021-187) MC5[2785] H(35)    
  • The lot line abutting Kanata Avenue is considered the front lot line.
  • Despite the provisions of Section 192(5):
  1. maximum corner side yard setback: 6.5m;
  2. maximum floor space index: 2.3;
  3. a minimum area of 1250 m2 of non-residential is required.
  • Despite Section 101, the minimum parking space rate for a dwelling unit in a mixed-use building is 0.80 spaces per dwelling unit.
2786 By-law 2022-188 R3YY[2786]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Minimum lot width for a semi-detached dwelling: 6m
  • An air conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the corner side yard.
2787 By-law 2022-188 R3YY[2787]    
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5m
  • Minimum lot area: 120m2
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4.0m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 5m
  • Where a lot contains a townhouse dwelling and a parking space is accessed from a driveway within the rear yard, a maximum of 72% of the area of the rear yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway.
  • An air conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the corner side yard.
2788 By-law 2022-188 R3YY[2788]    
  • Minimum lot area: 70m2
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  • An air conditioner condenser is permitted as a projection into the front and corner side yard.
2789 (Subject to By-law 2022-186) Appeals Received TM[2789] S458    
  • Table 197(g)(ii) does not apply.
  • Minimum yard setbacks, stepbacks and maximum building heights are as shown on Schedule 458.
  • Despite Table 197, Column I, Item (i), the minimum width of a landscaped area in a required interior side yard is 0.86 m.
  • Minimum number of loading spaces required: 1
  • A loading space may be permitted in a rear yard which abuts a residential zone, provided adequate screening is provided.
  • A mechanical penthouse and elevator are limited to being located within Area I on Schedule 458 and are permitted to extend above the height limit to a maximum projection of 4 m.
  • Notwithstanding Section 107(1)(a)(iii), 113(5)(a)(ii) and 197(8)(b), the minimum aisle width required is 4.7 m.
2790 By-law 2022-206 R4UC[2790] S459    
  • Minimum Parking: 65 residential parking spaces and 12 visitor parking spaces
  • Within Area B on Schedule 459:
  • Maximum height: 12m
  • Minimum interior yard setback: 2.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 5.9m
  • Minimum landscaped area: 20%
  • Primary Entrance: One principal entrance is permitted on the façade
  • Parking lot landscaping: minimum of 13.5% of Area B must be provided as perimeter or interior landscaped area
  • Minimum parking lot landscape buffer width abutting a street: 0.94m
  • Parking location: up to five (5) previously existing parking spaces may be within the front yard but not between the building front wall and the right of way.
2791 (By-law 2022-207) MD2[2791] S460 & R5R[2791] S460    
  • Section 60(1) does not apply
  • Sections 60(3)(a) and 60(3)(b) do not apply
  • Despite Section 60(4), projections are permitted into the side yard.
  • Schedules 74 and 76 do not apply.
  • Height maximums are as shown on Schedule 460.
  • Despite Section 64, projections above the height limit in excess of “Area A” on Schedule 460 are not permitted.
2792 (By-law 2022-209) TM[2792] S461    
  • Minimum building setbacks, stepbacks and maximum height are as per Schedule 461.
  • A mechanical penthouse and amenity area are limited to being located within Area F on Schedule 461 and are permitted to extend above the height limit to a maximum projection of 4.5 m. An elevator overrun may project further.
  • Minimum driveway width: 5.4 m.
  • For the purposes of residential units on the first floor, a mezzanine is not a storey.
  • Commercial units are only permitted within 31 m of Richmond Road.
  • No commercial units are permitted to have an active entrance facing Island Park Drive.
  • Section 197(13) does not apply.
  • Provisions dealing with Section 37:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 39 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 39 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
2793 (By-law 2022-210) R4Z[2793]    
  • The frontage along Tenth Line Road is considered the front lot line.
  • minimum parking rate for stacked dwelling: 1.0 per dwelling unit
  • minimum visitor parking rate for a stacked dwelling: 0.1 per dwelling unit
  • Despite Section 107(1)(a)(ii), the minimum width of a double traffic lane is 5.8 m.
2794 (By-law 2022-233) Appeals Received   GM16[2794]    
  • Despite Table 187(d) the minimum interior side yard setback for the principal building from an R1 zone is 27 m.
  • Despite Table 187(f) the maximum building height is 22 m.
2795 (By-law 2022-233) Appeals Received R4T[2795]    
  • Despite Table 162A, the maximum building height is as follows:
  1. within any area up to and including 20 m of a lot line abutting an R1 zone: 11 m
  2. all other cases: 14 m
2796 (By-law 2022-234) R3YY[2796]     General Provisions:
  • These lands are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • For the purposes of Section 59, these lands are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Despite Section 59, a lot is considered to have frontage where it abuts a private way that serves as a driveway leading to a public street.
  • For corner lots abutting a private way, the curved portion of the front and corner side lot lines is considered to be a corner lot line. The minimum setback from the corner lot line is 0 m.
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side or interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  • Despite Table 65 Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 m to a lot line.
  • Despite Table 65, Row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.30 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  • An air conditioning unit may project 2 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse dwelling.
  • Despite Section 57, the size of the required corner sight triangle will be as per the approved Plan of Subdivision.
  • In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  • A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
Zone requirements for detached dwellings:
  • Minimum lot area: 220 m2
  • Minimum front yard setback: 5.2 m
  • Minimum front yard setback for an attached garage: 3.5 m
  • Minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on at least one side
  • For a corner lot with only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback is 0.6 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Maximum lot coverage: 55%
Zone requirements for semi-detached dwellings:  
  • Minimum lot area: 137 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 5.2 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Maximum building height: 14 m
  • Maximum lot coverage: 65%
Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings:  
  • Minimum lot area: 81 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 5.2 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback where dwellings are attached back-to-back: 0 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
Maximum building height: 14 m
2797 (By-law 2022-234) R3YY[2797]     Minimum front yard setback: 3.6 metres
2798 (By-law 2022-235) R4Z[2798]     The following applies to a Planned Unit Development:
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback for the northern lot line: 3 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback for the southern lot line: 4.75 m.
2799 Reserved for Future use      
2800 (By-law 2022-235) GM[2800] H(14.5) -car wash -gas bar  
  • Minimum setback for all yards abutting a lot containing a residential use is 7.5 m
  • A minimum of 50% of the ground floor must be occupied by non-residential uses.