Information for applicants

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Upcoming deadlines

Upcoming Funding deadlines in chronological order

Please note that the Cultural Funding Support Unit will no longer send email notifications for upcoming deadlines.

Arts funding program
Deadline: January 22, 2025
Supports the creation, production, presentation, exhibition and dissemination of the literary, media, performing, and visual arts.
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Creation and production fund for professional artists
Deadline: February 5, 2025
Supports local professional artists from all artistic disciplines creating and producing their own works.
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Upcoming deadlines

Youth in culture pilot program 
Deadline: March 19, 2025
Supports professional development for emerging artists and cultural workers between the ages of 18 and 30. 

Equity and inclusion in the arts - Seed award category
Deadline: April 2, 2025
Advances artistic expression within Indigenous and equity-seeking communities with micro-grants for individuals.

Fall 2025 deadlines to be confirmed

Capacity building program
Deadline: September 18, 2024
Supports Ottawa’s cultural communities by funding activities that increase access and engagement in local culture and assisting organizations to build strategic and/or organizational capacity.
Add to Calendar (*.ICS)(link is external)

Cultural facilities fund - minor 
Deadline: September 25, 2024
Supports improvements to local cultural facilities and venues through funding for small renovations, equipment purchases, and capital feasibility studies. 
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Cultural facilities fund - major capital projects
Deadline: September 25, 2024
Supports major capital projects, i.e., renovation, construction, restoration projects or purchase of specialized equipment with costs exceeding $60,000. 
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Youth in culture pilot program 
Deadline: September 25, 2024
Supports professional development for emerging artists and cultural workers between the ages of 18 and 30.
Add to Calendar (*.ICS)(link is external)

Equity and inclusion in the arts - Seed award category
Deadline: October 2, 2024
Advances artistic expression within Indigenous and equity-seeking communities with micro-grants for individuals.
Add to Calendar (*.ICS)(link is external)

Equity and inclusion in the arts fund – Grow grant category
Deadline: October 23, 2024
Advances artistic expression within Indigenous and equity-seeking communities with project funding for individuals and organizations.
Add to Calendar (*.ICS)(link is external)

Equity and inclusion in the arts fund – Annual and Multi-annual operating category
Deadline: October 23, 2024
Advances artistic expression within Indigenous and equity-seeking communities with operational funding for organizations.
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Heritage funding program
Deadline: October 30, 2024
Supports local heritage activities that preserve Ottawa’s distinct history and heritage through education, research and documentation, and preservation and conservation.
Add to Calendar (*.ICS)(link is external)

Arts service agreement program*
Deadline: November 13, 2024 (application year)
Addresses the needs of Ottawa’s arts service organizations that assist the City in building and maintaining a solid infrastructure of arts services and facilities.
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Festival service agreement program*
Deadline: November 13, 2024 (application year)
Supports local organizations that assist the City in building a solid infrastructure of services and resources for festival organizations.
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Heritage service agreement program*
Deadline: November 13, 2024 (application year)
Supports key local heritage service organizations that have a citywide mandate to provide a broad range of professional services.
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Museum service agreement program*
Deadline: November 13, 2024 (application year)
Supports community museums and provides them with the resources necessary to enhance capacity and improve research, programming, exhibits, publications, and visitor services
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Major arts and cultural festivals program*
Deadline: November 20, 2024
Supports major arts and cultural festivals that celebrate the creative expressions of Ottawa’s artistic and cultural communities.
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Major agricultural fairs program*
Deadline: November 20, 2024 (application year)
Supports local agricultural fairs that celebrate the distinct rural nature of their communities.
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Ottawa book awards | Prix du livre d’Ottawa
Deadline: January 8, 2024
Recognition for the top English and French books published in the previous year.
Add to Calendar (*.ICS)(link is external)

For additional information please contact opens email application) or visit
You can also follow us on social media: Instagram(link is external) and Twitter / X(link is external), or subscribe to the Develop Culture newsletter(link is external)

* This program is not open to first-time applicants. 

Online portal

In 2021, the Cultural Funding Support Unit (CFSU) transitioned to a paperless online system to manage the funding process including applications and reports. This online portal(link is external) is hosted by Momentive (formerly SurveyMonkey Apply). Any information entered in the online portal, even in draft form, can be viewed by CFSU staff.

All applications, support material and subsequent reports must be submitted through the online portal. Exceptions include: funding programs that are not currently live on the portal, and reports submitted for funding received prior to the 2022 cycle.

Should you require accommodations for accessibility, please contact opens email application)

How to apply using the online portal 

Currently, the online portal is optimized for Chrome, and we advise that users utilize this browser if possible.  All other browsers except for Internet Explorer are supported.  Due to Internet Explorer no longer being supported by Microsoft, users on this browser may experience difficulties given the outdated software.

  1. Visit is external) to create an online profile.
  2. On the landing page, select “register” in the top right corner.
  3. Then select organization (if you are applying on behalf of an organization) or individual (if you are applying for yourself). If both apply to you, please register twice. Complete the form, then select “create account.”
  4. You will receive an email to the address you provided. Make sure you validate your email. Select “confirm email address.”

You will now have access to the online portal to apply to our funding programs.

For the how to create a profile and application in the online portal instructional video(link is external)

If you have questions about the online portal, contact: opens email application)

Information sessions

Below is a list of upcoming information and engagement sessions related to the City of Ottawa’s Cultural funding programs. All sessions are bilingual unless otherwise indicated. For additional support, please reach out any time by contacting opens email application) 

Drop-in sessions

Join one of our virtual information sessions happening every Thursday from noon to 1 pm to ask questions about the online funding portal and cultural funding programs with upcoming application deadlines. These sessions are bilingual and will be held via Microsoft Teams. To join, follow the meeting link or dial 613-319-1080 and enter the conference ID: 214 581 576

Creation and Production Fund and Arts Funding Program

Join us Online for a bilingual information session 

Learn about the different categories of funding and ask your questions about the programs.

Creation and Production

Funding priorities

Following the peer-assessed evaluation of submitted proposals, the Cultural funding support unit will look at prioritizing applications from the following Indigenous and equity-seeking communities:

  • Anishinabe Algonquin Nation
  • First Nations
  • Inuit
  • Métis
  • IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Color)
  • People with visible and invisible disabilities
  • Non-ambulatory persons
  • D/deaf people
  • Refugees / Immigrants / Newcomers
  • People living in poverty
  • Rural residents
  • Francophones
  • Seniors / Older adults
  • Women+
  • Youth

The City of Ottawa recognizes that people identify themselves in many ways. Terms used to self-identify are continually evolving. With this understanding, the Cultural funding support unit uses terms recommended by community members through various consultations.

Application process and policies

How cultural funding decisions are made

Peer assessment principles

The CFSU uses a peer assessment model in the evaluation process that involves professionals who are active within their cultural community. These outside assessors are selected for their recognized expertise within specific fields of related work. Committee members represent the community they are assessing but not any particular group or institution and have an awareness of a broad range of artistic, heritage and/or cultural activity as well as an appreciation of the diversity of the local cultural community.

When forming assessment committees, CFSU strives to create a balanced representation of diversity of content, program and discipline expertise, as well as fair representation of official languages, gender, geographic areas and culture-specific communities.

Peer assessment is a nationally accepted best practice, credible to the arts, heritage, and cultural communities, and has been approved by City Council.

How assessors are chosen

Cultural Funding Officers are responsible for the selection of peer assessors and are continually researching and adding names of qualified individuals to the juror database. Members of the cultural community are also encouraged to recommend qualified individuals. I If you are interested in participating as a juror or would like to refer someone, please visit the Interested in becoming a juror? webpage for more information. You can also fill out the Juror application form(link is external) or send a résumé to: opens email application)

Peer assessment process

Assessment committees are convened to evaluate funding submissions according to the assessment criteria. Committee members first review the funding applications independently, then meet as a committee to review the applications and support material together. For each application, the committee establishes the funding priority, and makes funding recommendations. If required, external assessments in specialized areas beyond the range of a particular committee’s expertise are solicited and taken into consideration. All results are final.

Terms and conditions

All of our funding programs include Terms and Conditions governing the allocation and use of funding. Please read them carefully. By signing the application form, applicants agree to abide by the terms and conditions.

Allocation of funding

An applicant’s success in obtaining funding depends upon the peer assessment committee’s final evaluation and the funding available within the program.

All funding is subject to the approval of the annual City budget by Ottawa City Council.

The amount requested is not necessarily the amount awarded.

Meeting all eligibility requirements of the program does not guarantee funding.

Conflict of interest

Since the purpose of the peer assessment model is to select qualified and knowledgeable assessors from the local arts, heritage and/or cultural community, these individuals may have relationships with one or more applicants that could lead to a conflict of interest. Under the City’s guidelines, an actual or perceived conflict must be declared.

Before participating, potential jurors and independent assessors receive a copy of the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy and must declare any conflicts. All jurors and independent assessors must make this declaration before participating on the assessment committee. In a case where a conflict is declared, measures are taken to ensure the integrity and impartiality of the peer assessment process.

Conflict of Interest Provisions

Jurors and independent assessors must declare a conflict of interest in the following situations:

  • If they are employed by or are a member of the Board of Directors of an applicant organization
  • If they have financial interest in the success or failure of an applicant's program or project
  • If they have an interest based on the fact that an applicant's program or project involves a spouse/live-in partner or an immediate family member
  • If they have a personal interest in specific applications other than what is normally expected of interested members of the cultural community or
  • If, for any other reason, they are unable to objectively assess an application

Confidentiality of information

Information provided on the application form and/or support material, may be made available to City of Ottawa staff and assessors. Personal information contained therein shall be dealt with on a confidential basis pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Jurors and independent assessors are required to treat both the contents of the applications and the deliberations of the committee as confidential. A juror or independent assessor shall not copy, distribute, or grant access to another person, to any of the material included in the funding applications.  At the end of the assessment meeting, jurors and independent assessors no longer have access to the application materials and must dispose of any application materials they have in their possession.   

Grant writing assistance

Cultural Funding Officers are available to help you prepare your grant application in the following ways:

  • Discuss eligibility of your activities, requirements of the program and answer any questions about the application and evaluation process.
  • Review a draft version of your application prior to the deadline. Applications in progress can be reviewed at any time up until two weeks prior to the deadline.
  • Provide peer assessment committee feedback on a previous application. For confidentiality reasons, we may only provide feedback directly to the applicant.

Additional information for applicants

Vulnerable sector policy

If your proposed project includes persons from the vulnerable sector, please contact your Cultural Funding Officer; in certain situations, the CFSU may request additional information such as sample contracts or release forms.

Organizations are morally and legally required under the Duty of Care concept to do everything reasonable to care for and protect their staff and participants. As such, not-for-profit organizations and collectives are required to have a Vulnerable Sector Policy in place that identifies the risks related to vulnerable persons and outlines procedures to ensure program quality and protection of vulnerable participants (this may include volunteer/staff screening procedures, police record checks, operational procedures, etc.).

Section 6.3 of the Criminal Records Act(link is external) defines a vulnerable person as a person who, because of his or her age, a disability or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, (a) is in a position of dependency on others; or (b) is otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by a person in a position of trust or authority towards them. This includes children, youth, senior citizens, people living in poverty, people experiencing homelessness, people with physical, developmental, social, emotional, or other disabilities, as well as people who are victims of crime or harm.

For more information on Police Record Checks, please contact the Ottawa Police Service(link is external).

Understand the law on workplace violence and harassment

It is your organization’s responsibility to ensure compliance with current legislation. Information about the Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), 2016, S.O. 2016, c. 2 - Bill 132 can be found here: is external)


The Terms and Conditions of Cultural Funding Support Unit programs specify that a recipient must have insurance coverage that complies with the City’s Insurance service requirements.

These requirements stipulate that a recipient must have comprehensive general liability insurance, and is subject to limits of not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property including loss of use thereof.

The comprehensive general liability insurance policies must name the City of Ottawa as an additional insured.

Cultural funding results

All applicants will receive notification from the CFSU informing them of the results. We aim to provide results to all applicants within six months of the application deadline. We cannot share results over the phone.

All results are final. There is no appeal of peer assessors’ decisions regarding the merit of your proposed activities or the peer assessment committee’s recommendation of a funding amount. The CFSU allows for reconsideration, but only in cases where a review of the application and the committee’s deliberations reveals evidence that the application was not assessed according to the publicly-stated procedure and assessment criteria.

In the case of individuals, artistic feedback will not be provided.

Summary report

Every year, the CFSU publishes a summary of funding results on the City of Ottawa’s website listing the names of all funding recipients and assessors. Until this list is published, the names of successful applicants and assessors will not be revealed. The identity of unsuccessful applicants remains confidential.

If you are awarded funding

Release of funds

If you are awarded funding, your notification will contain the approved funding amount as well as conditions governing the release of funds and the Terms and Conditions document. Payment from the City’s Financial Services will follow.

Use of funds

Funds shall be used only for the purposes outlined in the original application. Any changes to the project scale or activities, including changes in budget, leadership, organizational structure and programming, must be reported in writing and receive approval from the CFSU.

Please read the Terms and Conditions document for more information on the use of funds.


All funding recipients are required to submit a final report detailing how they used the funding awarded to them. This report must be submitted to and approved by the CFSU either:

  • following completion of the funded activities; or
  • twelve months after receipt of the funds; or
  • at the time of subsequent application to the program

All reports must be submitted through the online portal. Exceptions include: funding programs that are not currently live on the portal and reports submitted for funding received prior to the 2022 cycle.

Should you require accessibility accommodations, please contact opens email application)

Without a report approved by the CFSU, the applicant will be deemed ineligible for subsequent funding.

To obtain a reporting form, please contact opens email application) or call 613-580-2424 ext. 29404.

Acknowledgement of support

Funding recipients are required to acknowledge the support of the City of Ottawa as indicated within the official Acknowledgement of Support document which will be sent to all successful applicants.

Letter of welcome from the Mayor

If your organization wishes to request a Letter of Welcome from the Mayor to be included in your event program and/or brochure, please contact the Communications Officer, Mayor Support Service Unit, at 613-580-2424 ext. 28868.

If you are not awarded funding

Try again! If you do not receive funding you are encouraged to try again. The program’s limited envelope cannot fund all applicants, regardless of their merit.


Financial statements

You will have to submit your organization’s most recent approved financial statements. A financial statement includes a statement of financial position and provides a report of the organization’s most recently completed fiscal year.

  • If municipal support was less than $24,999, an approved treasurer’s report is required. A treasurer’s report is an unaudited financial report of the organization’s previous year’s activities. The report is prepared from accounting records by an elected board member, usually the treasurer, and must include, at minimum, a statement of financial position (assets and liabilities) and a statement of income and expenses.
  • If past funding was between $25,000 and $49,999 an approved review engagement report is required. A review engagement report is an unaudited review of the financial statements of an organization by an independent accountant.
  • If you received past funding from the City of $50,000 or more, an approved audited financial statement is required. An audited statement is an accounting document that is reviewed and verified by a licensed public accountant.


Funding received from the Cultural Funding Program may not be used to increase an accumulated surplus or to offset an accumulated deficit.

Capital assets will not be included in the calculation of an accumulated surplus or deficit.

Statement of reserves (accumulated surplus)

Applicants carrying an accumulated surplus greater than 50% of total operating revenue must submit a Statement of Reserves (including targets and timeline) for the use of the surplus.


Unrestricted reserves are funds that have not been restricted by the organization and whose use is therefore at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the organization.

Internally restricted reserves are funds which have not been restricted by the organization but have been directed for a special purpose by the Board of Directors. The board has the discretion to remove the restrictions, if it so chooses, which makes the funds accessible to the organization.

Restricted reserves are funds which have been restricted by the organization, and over which the Board of the organization has no discretion.

The Cultural funding support unit recognizes that organizations should have a reasonable level of accessible reserve funds to meet needs such as:

  • Maintaining a positive cash flow
  • Offsetting operating deficits
  • Establishing new or expanding programs
  • Repairing and renewing fixed assets Contingency fund for unforeseen circumstances (incremental weather, economic circumstances, etc.)

Deficit reduction plan (accumulated deficit)

The deficit reduction plan is only required for those organizations receiving operating funding. If you are an organization receiving project funding please read the program guidelines for eligibility restrictions around accumulated deficits.

Applicants carrying an accumulated deficit greater than 25% of total operating revenue and exceeding $5,000 must submit a realistic deficit reduction plan. This plan must include targets, timelines, roles and responsibilities. The deficit reduction plan must be approved by the Cultural funding support unit.


A deficit is an excess of liabilities over assets or expenditures over revenue.

An accumulated deficit is a long-term negative earnings balance.

The Cultural Funding Support Unit will calculate the percentage of accumulated surplus/deficit based on the financial statements provided with your submission.

Deficit reduction plan

The deficit reduction plan will be available as a task within your submission on the portal. Below is the information you will be asked to provide:

  1. A short summary explaining the history and cause of the deficit *
  2. A description of the deficit’s impact on the organization’s programming and administrative capacity. *
  3. A description of the initiatives that have been implemented over the past 6-12 months which address the deficit. Summarize the achievements to date. *
  4. Specific dollar targets for future revenue generation and/or future cost controls, with a description of the strategies and activities to reach the targets, and a detailed timeline. They should be more detailed in the first year of deficit reduction. *
  5. A description of the organization’s financial oversight committee, including: *
    • The mandate and structure
    • The name of the chair of the committee
    • The tasks of each individual committee member
    • The schedule of meetings (monthly, bi-weekly, etc.)

Deficit reduction progress reports

The Cultural funding support unit requires organizations to report on their progress in meeting their deficit reduction targets.

A progress report is due three months after a deficit reduction plan is submitted.

Organizations may be required to submit subsequent progress reports as frequently as quarterly.

The release of funding to an organization is contingent on approval by the Cultural funding support unit of deficit reduction progress reports. Any conditions governing the release of funding will be included in the notification of results.

Support material

Applicants must submit support material which will be reviewed by the evaluation committee. It plays an essential role in the assessment of the application as it gives the evaluators an indication of the merit of the work proposed and provides documentation of past and proposed activities.

Examples of support material: promotional material, program brochures, media coverage, photos, annual reports and publications, video or audio recordings or links to web pages or social media.

You must submit support material via the Cultural funding support unit’s online portal by uploading the files directly or by inputting the URLs.

Should you require accessibility accommodations, please contact opens email application)

For all submissions:

  • Test all electronic materials to ensure readability and quality.
  • Jurors have limited time to review support material. The total time allotted to review all audio and video files cannot exceed 7 minutes per application. Please select your material with this time constraint in mind. Provide cue times as part of your description.
  • File names cannot contain any special characters including accents, commas or hyphens. Please rename all files in plain text.
  • Provide a brief description of the content and its relevance to the proposed submission.
  • QuickTime, and Apple specific files are not accepted (.mov; .aiff; .numbers; .pages).
  • Links to social media (Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, etc.), file-sharing platforms (WeTransfer, Google Docs, Dropbox, etc.) and compressed files (Zip, RAR, etc.) are not accepted.

You will not be contacted should your submitted support materials not function.

Frequently asked questions

Where do I start?

Consult our website to view programs and read the program guidelines to ensure you are eligible to apply.

Read the Information for applicants section. You will find most answers to your questions.

Create a profile in the online portal(link is external) to view available programs.

Contact us with questions. Funding officer contact information is found on each program page.


How do I apply?

  1. Log into the portal with your username and password.
  2. Select “Programs” at the top right-hand corner.
  3. Select green button “More”, then green button “Apply”

If you do not see the “Apply” button, chances are you are not eligible to apply or the program is not yet open for applications.

How to Apply(link is external)

I’m having technical issues with the portal, who do I contact?

Contact: opens email application) – One of our team members will assist you.


I forgot my username and/or password, what do I do?

Click “Forgot password” on the login page. An email will be sent with instructions on how to reset your password to the email address you provided when you created your account.

If you do not receive this email, contact: opens email application)


I don’t see my application, what am I doing wrong?

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, make sure to select the name of your organization at the top left-hand corner of the drop-down menu where your name appears.

If you are an individual, make sure you have logged into the right account.


I didn't receive a confirmation email after submitting my application. Can you verify that you have received it?

Check your spam or junk folder. An email would have come in from:


Can I have 2 profiles in the portal?

You may be associated with an organization, allowing you to apply either as an individual or as part of an artistic collective or organization, provided you have administrative rights. 


How can I switch profiles once I logged in?

In the top-left corner of the page, locate your name next to a dropdown arrow. Click on it to select your organization or artistic collective. The programs you can view and access will depend on the profile you are currently logged into. 

How to switch between individual and organization(link is external)

Can I make a corrections to my application or add a document after submitting it?

No, it is not possible to edit or makes changes in the portal after you have submitted your application. However, if the deadline has not yet passed, you can contact: opens email application) to request that your application be re-opened which would allow you to edit it.

What does “support material” mean?

Applicants must submit support material which will be reviewed by the evaluation committee. It plays an essential role in the assessment of the application as it gives the evaluators an indication of the merit of the work proposed and provides documentation of past and proposed activities.


It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that support material works. You will not be contacted should your submitted support materials not function.


Will you fund 100% of my project?

Most programs will only fund up to 90% of the total cost of a project. However, there are some exceptions. Please read the program specific guidelines for more information. Please ensure that your budget balances, this mean revenues should equal expenses.


Can I send attachments by email?

No, we do not accept application materials by email. You must submit all material via the Cultural funding support unit’s online portal by uploading the files directly or by inputting the URLs.

Should you require accessibility accommodations, please contact: opens email application)  


Application process

How many times can I apply?

Each program has limits on the number of applications you can submit and/or the grants you can receive each year. Please consult the program guidelines or contact a cultural funding officer for more information.

Can I apply to multiple Cultural funding programs to fund my project activities?

No, choose the program that best fits your activities. If your project will occur in stages over multiple years, you may be eligible to apply for the different parts of your project. Contact a cultural funding officer to learn more about what is eligible in this case.


How much funding can I apply for?

It varies by program. Funding for individuals is based on the specific program guidelines and can range from $1,000 to $15,000 or more. Typically, first-time project funding rarely exceeds $10,000. Funding to organizations will vary depending on a variety of factors. Please contact a cultural funding officer for more information.


Can I see a list of past funding recipients?

Yes, the names of all funding recipients and assessors is listed in our annual summary of cultural funding report.


When will I receive the funds if my application is successful?

Payments are usually issued within 2-3 weeks of your result notification. If you do not receive the funds within 4 weeks of receipt of you result notification, please contact your cultural funding officer.


How will I receive the payment?
If you already signed up for EFT, then funds will be directly deposited into your account. Otherwise, a cheque will be sent by mail to the address on file. If you move, please advise us as soon as possible so that payment is sent to correct address.


To learn more about receiving funds via EFT, read the Direct deposit information.


Will I receive a T4 slip for the funds I was awarded?
No, the City does not issue any receipts for tax purposes. Your result notification serves as your receipt. We encourage applicants to consult their accountant to discuss how to declare this revenue on their income tax return.


Your application

How do I know if I am eligible to apply?

Each program has specific eligibility requirements. Please read the program guidelines. Still unsure? Contact the funding officer responsible for clarification.


I’ve never applied before. What kind of help is available?

We offer grant writing assistance. We can assist with the following:

  • answer your questions about eligibility
  • review a draft of your application
  • help with your submission
  • provide financial aid to applicants requiring accessibility support


Draft applications can be reviewed at any time, up until 2 weeks prior to the deadline date.


Still have questions? You can participate in a virtual Cultural Funding Support Unit information session. Visit Information Sessions to see a full list of dates.


Do I need to have insurance if I receive funding?
In most cases, yes. the Terms and Conditions of each program specify what insurance coverage you must have in order to comply with the City’s Insurance Service requirements.


My project has changed since I received funding. What should I do?

You must notify your cultural funding officer by email about any changes to the project you were funded for. If the changes are not approved, then you will need to return the funds awarded to you and re-apply again.


Can my proposed project include donations to a needy community or organization?
No, the funds awarded to you cannot be donated to a needy community or organization. Fundraising projects and initiatives are not eligible.


My application was not successful. Can I get feedback on my application?

Yes, we provide feedback. If you would like to request a jury evaluation summary, please contact your Cultural funding officer. Feedback must be requested within 6 months from the date of your final result notification.   


An applicant’s success in obtaining funding depends upon the peer assessment committee’s final evaluation and the funding available within the program.

All funding is subject to the approval of the annual City budget by Ottawa City Council.

The amount requested is not necessarily the amount awarded.


The assessment process is highly competitive and funds are limited. The Unit’s limited funding envelope cannot fund all applicants, regardless of their merit. We encourage all applicants to try again.


My application was unsuccessful. Can I appeal the funding decision?

No, all results are final. There is no appeal of peer assessors’ decisions regarding the merit of your proposed activities or the peer assessment committee’s recommendation of a funding amount. The Cultural funding support unit allows for reconsideration, but only in cases where a review of the application and the committee’s deliberations reveals evidence that the application was not assessed according to the publicly stated procedure and assessment criteria.  


A right to reconsideration request must be fully documented and received in writing at the email indicated in your result notification prior to the next deadline for applications to the funding program.


How do I contact the Cultural Funding Support Unit?

Visit our Contact us page to connect. General inquiries or questions about the portal can be directed to: opens email application)

Acknowledgement of the City’s support

As a recipient of funding through the Cultural Funding Support Unit, your organization has agreed to acknowledge the financial support[1] of the City of Ottawa in initiatives that will benefit from your receipt of funds. The guidelines for acknowledgement of support are as follows:


By placing the City of Ottawa logo in the relevant section of your organization’s website.

Print materials

By making a written acknowledgement using the following formulation:[Name] gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the City of Ottawa. or;

by reproducing the City of Ottawa logo to appear in the acknowledgement section of the following:

  • publicity materials (posters, flyers, postcards)
  • press materials (press releases, press kits)

Verbal announcements

By mentioning support verbally in:

  • public announcements and presentations
  • press conferences
  • speeches


Please download our logo package(link is external) in all formats to insert them in your materials.

[1] Please note: Financial support received from the City of Ottawa is a municipal grant; and is NOT considered a sponsorship.

Direct deposit information

Please be advised that the City of Ottawa’s Financial Services Unit is moving to the use of an automated Direct Deposit system solely in providing all payments, including Cultural Funding allocations.

If you have not already registered your banking information, please complete the Direct Deposit Form Opens in a new tab or window(link is external). PDF opens in a new tab or window and mail it with a physical original voided cheque or a physical original encoded deposit slip, or a physical original letter from the vendor's bank to the following address:

City of Ottawa
Accounts Payable, PO Box 3426 Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 0B9

No photocopies will be accepted. Questions may be directed to Accounts Payable at 613.580.2424 extension 27888 or by email to opens email application) mailbox.