Premise isolation backflow prevention device

Premise isolation backflow prevention devices are required for industrial, commercial, institutional, and large footprint, multi-residential properties classified as severe or moderate risk, per the CSA B64.10 Standard.

Before you begin

The requirement for premise isolation backflow prevention is mandated by Water By-law 2019-74, schedule “I” (as amended). Where a premise isolation backflow prevention device is installed in a location with moderate to severe risk of backflow, the device must also be registered with the City’s Backflow Prevention Program.

Please refer to Backflow Prevention Program for an overall description of the program and its requirements.

Cost and timeline


Building Code Services administration costs include a building permit fee starting from $103.

Approximate timeline

Plumbing only - First review five business days, Council approved timeline.

How to apply for a permit

Online Submissions 

Premise Isolation Backflow Prevention Device applications can now be submitted online using the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting portal available through My Service Ottawa. The new Land Management System (LMS) is a digital technology providing access to online permits and applications for Building Code Services. 

Applying for applications and access to the customer portal requires a My ServiceOttawa (MySO) account set-up and registration with the new Building, Planning and Land Development system. 

Do you currently have a My ServiceOttawa account? 

  • Yes - Please login to your My ServiceOttawa (link is external) account and complete the system registration by selecting the Building, planning and land development service widget. 

Please refer to the My ServiceOttawa’s help(link is external) page for assistance on how to manage your account. Several Customer Portal(link is external) user guides(link is external) have been developed to provide information on how to use the new system. You may find out more about the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting system by visiting the Engage Ottawa(link is external) page. 

Please note that payment must accompany all applications. Additional costs for photocopies may apply. 

In Person 

Building Code Service counters are open for personal services by appointment only. This includes the submission of permit applications, payment of fees and the issuance of permits.  

There are various methods for submitting applications.

Application Forms: Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) (For reference only)

The following items shall be included in the building permit application submission package: 

What happens next

Issuance of permits

Permit applicants will be contacted when the permit is approved for issuance.

If your application was previously approved, clients are requested to view documents in the customer portal, to contact Building Code Services at 613-580-2424, extension 29312 or send an email to opens email application) to coordinate the issuance of their permit.

Required inspections

Permit holders are encouraged to speak directly with their assigned inspector regarding options for an inspection.

Your building inspector must confirm that the new or relocated backflow assembly complies with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and the referenced standard, CSA B64.10-17 for Premise Isolation. Additionally, the inspector must verify the device has passed testing by a qualified tester as described in the amended Water By-law.

The permit plans and specifications must be on site and made available to the building inspector at the time of inspection. To ensure the availability of a building inspector, you should book your inspection 48 hours in advance. The building inspector name and phone number is identified on the building permit.