Forms, applications and fees

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Development Charges

Development charges are one-time fees levied on new residential and non-residential development within the City of Ottawa. These charges finance a portion of the capital costs associated with new infrastructure and municipal service expansion needed to support growth. The fees are paid by property owners who are seeking a building permit to develop their properties.

For detailed information refer to the Development Charges Fee Schedule.

Parkland Dedication

As a condition of development or redevelopment of land, the conveyance of parkland, cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland, or combination thereof is required in accordance with the Parkland Dedication by-law.  Conveyance of parkland shall be in the form of conveyance of land, cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland, or a combination of conveyance of land and cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland.

The parkland conveyance or cash-in-lieu of parkland requirements will be determined at the time of planning application or building permit review, whichever is applicable, and will be identified as conditions of approval for a planning application or required before the issuance of a building permit.

For detailed information refer to the Parkland Dedication (By-law No. 2022-280) | City of Ottawa

Comprehensive Building Code Fee Schedule

January 1, 2025

Building Permit Fee Calculation:

Building permit fees for building, renovation, construction and other projects must fully offset the cost of servicing building permits and enforcing the Building Code Act(link is external) and Ontario Building Code(link is external).

Building permit construction fees are calculated as follows:

  1. New Buildings or Additions to Existing Buildings Based on Gross Floor Area:

    If your application for a building permit includes the construction of new gross floor area, your permit fees will be assessed by multiplying the “Service Index” Fee Schedule for Gross Floor Area[ PDF - 228 KB Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) rate by the proposed Gross Floor area (imperial units).  Refer to Explanatory Notes in the Fee Schedule for details on how to accurately determine the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of your proposed construction.  The minimum fee is $110.

  2. Existing Buildings Being Altered or Renovated With No New Gross Floor Area Based on $ Value of Construction:

    For alterations, renovations, installations and repairs to existing buildings, fees are calculated by multiplying the valuation of the proposed work by the current fee rate of $12.00 per thousand dollars of construction value.  To determine the building permit fee, construction valuation is based on the total value of all materials, labour, overhead and professional fees for the project.

    Where the proposed scope of work includes both the alteration/renovation of an existing building and the construction of new gross floor area, such as an addition, the building permit fee would be the combined total of each fee.  The minimum fee is $110.

Fees are due when you submit a building permit application. Additional fees may be due at permit issuance, such as development charges. They are not taxable unless otherwise specified and may change without notice. You can pay with cheque (payable to the City of Ottawa), debit card, bank draft or money order. For detailed information, refer to the original by-laws, acts, regulations and other relevant documents, or download the Comprehensive Building Code Services Fee Schedule Opens in a new tab or window(link is external).

Note:  Effective August 1, 2017, payments can no longer be made in cash for any services related to Building Code Services.  Accepted methods of payment will be debit card, cheque, bank draft and money order made payable to the City of Ottawa.  

 Construction Permit Fees

Category Fee
Administrative surcharge (Construction begins before a permit is issued) All Other – 50 per cent of permit fees calculated for a regular Permit to Construct, Demolish or Change of Use up to a maximum of $10,000 -15% of recovery costs paid to third party contractors for property owners' non-compliance with the Building Code Act Permit to Demolish – where the building was located on property subject to the Demolition Control By-law 2012-377: $1,096 Permit to Demolish – where the building was located on designated property subject to the Heritage Act: $3,288 Partial Permit – 50 per cent of permit fees calculated for the complete building for a Partial Permit to Construct up to a maximum of $5,000 for each stage of construction
Alternative Solution Tier I Review Process - $1,010 per application plus third party evaluation costs as may be required Tier II Review Process - $405 per application
Application for lot severances requiring plumbing inspections to ensure separate plumbing services can be provided $118 per application
Certification of Master Plan $1,000
Change of Use $118 per application
Conditional Permit (i) $355 for single detached, semi-detached and row house units (ii) $1,065 for all other
Deferral Revocation Fee   $344 per application
Limiting Distance Agreement $380 per agreement
Demolition Agreement $456 per agreement
Partial permit Regular permit to construct fee plus: $276.00 per application
Permit to Construct (New buildings or additions to existing buildings) Refer to Fee Schedule for Gross Floor Area Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Permit to Construct (All other construction) $12.00 per $1,000 or part thereof of the assessed valuation of the work, with a minimum fee of $110.00
Permit to Construct (Farm buildings only) $8.50 per $1,000 or part thereof of the assessed valuation of the work, with a minimum fee of $110.00 (Proof of OFA membership or FBR required)
Permit to Demolish  (Sewer disconnection fee may apply) $110 for the first 5,000 square feet (464.5 square metres) of gross floor area or portion thereof, plus $12.00 for each additional 1,000 square feet (92.9 square metres) of gross floor area or part thereof
Transfer of Application or Permit $110 per application
Plumbing work only – where work includes plumbing only $110 per application
Re-examination Fee (application with certified master plan) Customizing certified master plan or Change of one certified master plan for another - $371
Re-examination fee – all other applications where substantial change Additional 10 per cent of the fee rate based on the same building classification by major occupancy of the original application
Refundable Inspection Fee for single detached, semi-detached, Row house or townhouse dwelling units $300 per unit
Re-inspection Fee (for single detached, semi-detached, Row house or townhouse dwelling units) $100 per inspection
Limited Authorization Building Permit  $12.00 per $1,000 or part thereof of the assessed valuation of the work, with a minimum fee of $110
Revision to Permit – Master Plan Change of one certified master plan for another - $371
Revision to Permit - Other $12.00 per $1,000 or part thereof of the assessed valuation of work with a minimum fee of $110
Revision to Permit – Farm Building $8.50 per $1000 or part thereof of the assessed valuation of the work with a minimum fee of $110

Municipal Addressing and Pool Enclosure

Category Fee
9-1-1 Blade Sign and Post (Installed by City) $108
9-1-1 Replacement Blade Sign and Post (Installed by City) $108
9-1-1 Replacement Blade and Post (Installed by Owner/Developer)  $65
9-1-1 Replacement Blade Sign Only $37
Civic Number Change (per address)  $265
Pool Enclosure Permit $241
Private Road Naming $2,224
Private Road Naming (same day/property as Site Plan Control application) $1,597
Highway Name Dedication $1,927
Highway Name Change $3,212


Category Fee
Administrative Surcharge (Sign installed prior to issuance of sign permit) Permanent sign permit fee plus: 50 per cent of the sign permit fee
Static Billboard Permit $2,499
Digital Billboard Permit $3,314
Development Sign - Development area ? 1,000 m2 Development area 1,000 to 5,000 Development area > 5000 m2 $447 $817 $1,581
Digital Menu Board $522
Directional Development Sign $447
Encroachment Fee (per sign) $375
Encroachment Renewal Fee $148
Impound and Storage Fee $204 per month
Home-based Business and Bed and Breakfast $249
Permanent $399
Message Centre $634
Administrative surcharge (Sign installed prior to obtaining variance approval) Sign Minor Variance fee plus: 100% of the sign minor variance fee
Sign Minor Variance $2,330
Digital Billboard – Minor Variance $3,314

Access to Building and Sign Permit Information (All Fees Are Non-Refundable)

Category Fee
Application for Access to Building Permit and Sign Permit Records (excluding reproduction costs)  $82
Copies - Paper (per page) $0.35 + HST
Copies - Plan Sheet (per plan, per sheet) $12.35 + HST


Category Fee
Agency Letter of Approval $481 + HST
Schedule 26 Report – Rooming House $65
Compliance with Agreements $445 + $130 per amending agreement
Request for Release of Agreement $610 + $130 per amending agreement
Zoning Designation and List of Permitted Uses $227
Zoning Information Letter $227
Marijuana Grow Operation - Remediation Type 1 $1,136
Marijuana Grow Operation - Remediation Type 2 $2,017
Marijuana Grow Operation - Remediation Type 3 $502
Marijuana Grow Operation - Remediation Type 4 $1,259
Marijuana Grow Operation - Remediation Type 5 $253

Compliance summary reports

Category Fee
Residential – 4 suites (units) or less per building $131
Residential – more than 4 suites (units) per building $283
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use – 10 suites (units) or less per building $283
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use – more than 10 suites (units) per building and/or up to 3 buildings $775 Plus $235 for each additional building 
Pool Enclosure Compliance Report $221

Report on Compliance (Zoning)

Category Fee
Residential – 4 suites (units) or less (plus mobile home, vacant land) per building $283
Residential – more than 4 suites (units) per building $725
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use – 10 suites (units) or less per building $725
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use – more than 10 suites (units) per building and/or up to 3 buildings $2,105 + $640 for  each additional building over 3
Mobile Home Parks $2,105 + $640 for  each additional building 

Update Report on Compliance (within 90 days of original report)

Category  Fee
Residential – 4 suites (units) or less $131
Residential – more than 4 suites (units) $283
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use 10 suites (units) or less $283 More than 10 suites (units) $539

Forms and Applications

Building Code Services application forms below are for research and reference purposes only.  Applications can now be submitted online and can be accessed through the online customer portal.