Explore drop-in activities
Participating in drop-in recreation is a great way to stay active and have fun without a big commitment. Many residents appreciate the flexibility of our drop-in programs, which fit easily into their schedules. Whether you're interested in swimming, aquafit, group fitness, sports, skating, ice sports, racquet sports, or curling, there's something for everyone at City of Ottawa recreation centres, pools and arenas.
Drop in and discover how easy and enjoyable it can be to stay active and meet new people. Your next favorite activity is just a visit away!
How it works
Currently, there’s no online tool to find programs by type, but you can view them by location. Some facilities also have printed schedules at their counters.
- Find your facility - Use the search page or type the facility’s name in the search bar at the top of any page.
- View schedules - Check the drop-in schedules on the facility’s page.
- Check reservations - See if reservations are needed. If so, click the Reservation button and follow the steps to register online. Reservations open at 6 pm two days before the program date.
- Payment - No payment is taken online for drop-in programs. Pay-as-you-go or explore our memberships or multi-visit passes for savings. These apply to swimming, skating, sports and fitness alone or combined. Ensure you have time to pay the admission fee before the session starts.
- Cancellations - If you can’t attend, cancel your reservation to free up the spot for someone else. You can find the cancellation link in your email confirmation or on the reservation landing page. Alternatively, you can call the facility to cancel. Check the facility page for any cancellations or holiday changes.
Reservations and cancellations
Reservations requirements for drop-in programs are different at each arena. The schedules on the locations’ web pages indicate which programs do not require reservations.
Where required, you are encouraged to reserve a space in advance. In-person walk-in reservations will be accepted when space allows.
Schedules and reservation links can be found on the facility pages.
Reservation details:
- Reserve your space as of 6 pm up to two days in advance.
- On the facility page, select the button above the schedule to reserve your spot.
- Available sessions for the next two days will be displayed in green.
- Please show up no more than 15 minutes prior to your reservation.
- Your spot is reserved up to 10 minutes after the start of the session.
- Payment is accepted in exact change only.
- Public and Family skates: All children 10 years of age and under must be actively supervised by one parent or guardian (age 14+) – on ice or as a spectator.
- Children aged 10 and under must wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet at all City indoor arenas to be allowed on the ice.
- Specialty skates: See program descriptions for details, age groups, and equipment requirements.
- Skate sessions are 50 minutes long.
- Changerooms are open but skaters are encouraged to arrive dressed to skate.
Cancel drop-in reservations(link is external).
Schedule changes and cancellations are communicated during the online reservation process. The “No more available times” message indicates that a session is not available. The session may be full or cancelled.
General inquiries about the public skating program can be answered by email(link opens email application) or phone at 613-580-2666.
Find drop-in skating near you. The facilities hosting this fall are listed below, along with the kinds of sessions available. Schedules are on each facility’s web page.
- Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex: public, figure skating, 50+ skate
- Lois Kemp arena: family, public, 50+ skate, stick and puck - youth and adult, child hockey
- Navan Memorial Centre: public, family, child hockey
- R.J. Kennedy Community Centre and Arena: public
- Ray Friel Recreation Complex: public, family, pick-up hockey 18+
- St. Laurent Complex: adult, public, pick-up hockey 18+
- Brewer Pool and Arena: public, family
- Canterbury Recreation Complex - Brian Kilrea Arena: adult, public, family
- Howard Darwin Centennial Arena: family, public, figure skating
- J.A. Dulude Arena: family, public, 50+ skate, figure skating
- Jim Durrell Recreation Centre: adult, public, family, hockey 35+, ringette, stick and puck - preschool and child, stick and puck - youth and adult, child shinny
- McNabb Arena and Community Centre: public, family, stick and puck - preschool and child, stick and puck - youth and adult
- Sandy Hill Arena: public, family, figure skating
- Tom Brown arena: public, family, figure skating, adult, hockey 18+, speed skating
- Fred Barrett Arena: adult, family, public, child hockey, youth hockey
- Metcalfe Community Centre and Larry Robinson Arena: family, public, child hockey
- Manotick Community Centre and Mike O’Neil Arena: family, public, 50+ skate, hockey 18+
- Osgoode Community Centre and Stuart Holmes Arena: public, family, ringette
- Bell Centennial Arena: public, figure skating, ringette
- CARDELREC Recreation Complex Goulbourn: public, family, adult, 50+ skate, hockey 18+
- John G Mlacak Community Centre: family, public
- Minto Recreation Complex-Barrhaven: public, family
- Nepean Sportsplex: public, pick-up hockey 18+
- Pinecrest Recreation Complex: family, public, pick-up hockey 18+
- Richmond Memorial Community Centre: public, family, child hockey, stick and puck - youth and adult
- Tony Graham Recreation Complex: public, pick-up hockey 18+
- W. Erskine Johnston Arena: public, 50+ hockey, stick and puck - youth and adult
- Walter Baker Sports Centre: public
General skating
- Roller-skating: Bring your own quad or inline skates. Helmets are required for skaters 10 years old and younger.
- Public skating: a leisure skating session for people of all ages. All children 10 years of age and under must be actively supervised by one parent or guardian (age 14+) – on ice or as a spectator. Children 10 years and under are required to wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet. We recommend that all skaters (especially new skaters) wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet. Bicycle, ski and snow sport helmets are not permitted.
- Family skating: Leisure session for parents, seniors and children. All children 10 years of age and under must be actively supervised by one parent or guardian (age 14+) – on ice or as a spectator. Children 10 years and under are required to wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet. We recommend that all skaters (especially new skaters) wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet. Bicycle, ski and snow sport helmets are not permitted for children 10 years of age and under.
- Skating 50+: Leisure session for adults 50 years and older.
- Adult skating: Leisure session for adults 18 years and older.
Ice sports
- Speed skating: Is for speed skaters who wish to practice individual technique. No instruction is provided and there are no mats along the boards, therefore high-speed drills are not allowed. Speed skates are mandatory as well as a CSA approved helmet and cut-resistant gloves are mandatory. Neck protector, knee pads and shin guards are highly recommended.
- For skaters 6 years and older.
- Family hockey: Non-competitive recreational hockey session for parents, children, and seniors. Slapshots, body contact, and organized practices are not permitted. All children 10 years of age and under must be actively supervised by one parent of guardian (14+) – on ice or as a spectator. Children 10 years and under are required to wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet. We recommend that all skaters (especially new skaters) wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet. Bicycle, ski and snow sport helmets are not permitted for children 10 years of age and under.
- Figure skating: Practice your recreational figure skating skills in a freestyle fashion. No instruction provided. No coaching permitted. Figure skates are mandatory. All skaters aged 10 and under, as well as new or weak skaters of any age, must wear a CSA-approved hockey helmet. There may be a variance in skill levels on the ice.
- For skaters 6 years and older.
- Pick up hockey: For adults 18 years and older, adults 35 years and older, and adults 50 years and older. Recreational and non-contact. With a maximum of 20 players and two goalies per session. It is mandatory for all players to wear full hockey equipment, including a CSA-approved hockey helmet. A full-face mask is recommended. Reservations may be required.
- Pick up hockey (child, youth): Recreational and non-contact. Staff will determine teams based on skills, referee the activity and encourage team play. New players will not be admitted once 25 minutes have passed as teams have been set and the games is in play. It is mandatory for all players to wear full hockey equipment, including a CSA-approved hockey helmet with full face mask. Reservations are required for players and goalies.
- Child pick-up hockey (ages 6 to 12): a maximum of 24 players and 2 goalies per session.
- Youth pick-up hockey (ages 13 to 17): a maximum of 20 players and 2 goalies per session.
- Ringette: A recreational drop-in session for children ages 10-14. Staff will organize teams and referee the activity. A maximum of 20 players and two goalies will be permitted for the session. All players are required to wear full ringette equipment, including a CSA-approved hockey helmet with a full ringette cage or visor. Ringette sticks are the only type of stick that will be permitted.
- Shinny hockey: Non-competition session for children and youth. It is mandatory for all players to wear a CSA-approved hockey helmet with full-face mask. Gloves, neck protectors and hockey sticks are also mandatory. Only foam pucks provided by the City are permitted. Staff will determine teams based on skills, referee the activity and encourage team play. New players will not be admitted once 25 minutes have passed as teams have been set and the game is in play.
- Child shinny hockey (ages 6 to 12): a maximum of 24 players and four goalies per session.
- Youth shinny hockey (ages 13 to 17): a maximum of 20 players and two goalies per session.
- Stick and Puck or Ring: A drop-in session to practice skating and stickhandling skills. Slap shots, scrimmages, body contact, organized practices, training aids and pylons are not permitted. All players are required to wear a CSA certified helmet with full face protection, skates and hockey gloves. Neck guard highly recommended. Bring your own puck or ring.
- Preschool and Child: Parents/Guardians may supervise up to 2 children at a time. Any parent/guardian on the ice must wear skates and a CSA certified hockey helmet. Reservations are required for the children. Maximum capacity is 15 children.
- Preschool: Ages 3 to 5. A parent/guardian must accompany their child on the ice.
- Child: Ages 6 to 12. A parent/guardian may accompany their child on the ice or supervise from the boards.
- Youth and Adult: Reservations are required. Max capacity for Youth-Adult is 20.
- Youth: Ages 13 to 17
- Adult: Ages 18+
- Preschool and Child: Parents/Guardians may supervise up to 2 children at a time. Any parent/guardian on the ice must wear skates and a CSA certified hockey helmet. Reservations are required for the children. Maximum capacity is 15 children.
- Fees shown include Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).
- You can pay for skating at rinks inside City recreation facilities with your membership, a pre-paid ticket, a credit card or debit.
- At stand-alone arenas, you must pay with your membership, a pre-paid ticket or exact change. The attendant cannot make change.
Single visit
- Ages two years and younger are free
- Preschool: $2.25
- Child, youth, students, adults and seniors: $3.51(credit or debit), $3.50 (cash)
- Household or family: $9
Specialized skating includes shinny hockey, pick up hockey, figure skating and speed skating.
- Children and youth: $3.51(credit or debit), $3.50 (cash)
- Adults and seniors: $7.75
Skating memberships
Also available: The all-inclusive membership includes weight and cardio, aqua fitness, swimming (including wave swims), group fitness, squash and racquetball, indoor cycling, public skating, specialty skating and drop-in activities.
Skating membership types and fees
Fees shown do not include HST. Applicable taxes will be added during the payment process.
Non-residents will be charged an additional 25 per cent per person per membership.
Membership types | One month | Three months | Six months | Yearly |
Preschool | $11.43 | $22.39 | $39.29 | $59.06 |
Child, youth, adult, senior | $21.91 | $40.48 | $73.82 | $132.17 |
Household | n/a | n/a | $202.65 | $340.06 |
Membership type | One month | Three months | Six months |
Adult, senior | $47.39 | $92.62 | $169.78 |
Preschool, child, youth | $21.91 | $40.48 | $73.82 |
Age and group definitions
- Preschool: Ages two and under
- Child: Ages three to 12 years
- Youth: Ages 13 to 17 years
- Student: Full-time
- Adult: Ages 18 and older
- 50+: Ages 50 and older
- Senior: Ages 65 and older
- Household or family: Up to two related adults, with or without their child(ren) all living at the same address. Children must be age 25 or younger.
- Groups: Ten or more