Fire prevention, inspection & enforcement

On this page

How to make a request for a Fire Inspection/ Fire Summary Report and Standard Incident / File Search/ Fire Safety Plans/ Document Replacement

Please complete a Fire Prevention Request form for each type of request by selecting the correct category in the drop-down options. Each request type requires a separate Fire Prevention Request form as they have unique QR codes with the appropriate fees for payment processing. (For example: if you are requesting a daycare inspection and submitting a fire safety plan, you are required to fill out and submit two different forms: the Fire Inspection – Daycare, Nurseries or Group Homes form and the Fire Safety Plan form)

Online Payment Option

You can pay online using the Fire Prevention Request Form(link is external) with the following payment options: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, MasterCard Debit and Visa Debit.

A Paymentus Corporation service fee applies for processing this online payment. Payments using a credit card will be subject to a service fee of 1.99%.

Fire safety plans

Fire Safety Plans (staff copy and firefighter copy) are only accepted in PDF or Word documents. They must both include the floor plans at the end and be sent electronically to opens email application). We do not accept hard copies of Fire Safety Plans.

Fire Prevention Administration Office

613-580-2424 ext. 15371 opens email application)

Fire Prevention, Inspection & Enforcement Services

Technical Services

Our personnel receive and review the following:

  • Fire Drill and Safety Planning Information   
  • Fire Safety Plans
  • Risk Safety Management Plans

This area also develops additional documentation including:

  • Fire Summary and Standard Incident Reports
  • Fire Investigation Reports
  • Compliance Letters

Inspections and Enforcement

Fire Prevention enforces the Fire Code and related fire safety standards in addition to inspects both commercial and residential buildings for Fire Code compliance. Types of inspections include:

  • General Fire Inspections
  • Business License
  • Liquor License
  • Multi-Unit Residential
  • Commercial
  • Retro-fit Inspections

Special Events & Projects

Liaise with various departments within the City of Ottawa and external entities as required to ensure fire safety compliance for major city events and projects.

Vulnerable Occupancies

Since 2014 new regulations have been in place to enhance the fire safety of occupants in retirement homes, care occupancies, hospital/care and treatment occupancies. These requirements include a mandatory fire drill to ensure all duties under the approved safety plan are carried out and a mandatory Inspection of these vulnerable occupancies.

Fire Prevention Officers also manage:   

  • Fireworks Permits
  • False Alarms Issues
  • File Search
  • Specific Event Open Air Fire Permits
  • 3-1-1 Referrals
  • General Inquires

Public Education

Public Education educates the public about fire / life safety and fire safety regulations. This is completed through carrying out the following:

  • Hosting and participating in public education events and training sessions to promote fire safety
  • Developing and distributing education materials
  • Utilizing social media to advocate fire safety

The delivery of Public Education and Fire Prevention is mandated for every municipality under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act.

Service Fees

Revised fees in effect starting April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 

(Fees below include taxes)

  • Residential File Search: $133.34
  • Commercial File Search: $268.94
  • Inspection for residential building 3 stories or less & Inspection for warehouse & other commercial buildings under 5,000 sq ft: $533.36
  • Inspection for residential building 4-6 stories  & Inspection for warehouse & other commercial buildings between 5,000 – 15,000 sq ft: $852.02
  • Inspection for residential building 7-12 stories  & Inspection for warehouse & other commercial buildings between 15,000 – 25,000 sq ft: $1,066.72
  • Inspection for residential building 13 stories or higher & Inspection for warehouse & other commercial buildings over 25,000 sq ft: $1,386.51
  • Inspections for Daycares and Nurseries: $140.12
  • Inspections for MCSS group homes with 4 residents or less: $140.12
  • Inspections for non-MCSS group homes or group homes  with more than 4 residents: $533.36
  • Fire Summary and Standard Incident Reports: $108.48
  • Replacement Documentation: $108.48
  • Fire Safety Plan: $212.44
  • Fire Drill & Safety Planning Review: $310.75
  • Risk Safety Management Plan Review:
    • Level 1: $707.38
    • Level 2: $1,413.63

Inspections, Retrofitting and Exemptions

Inspections ensure that buildings in Ontario comply with the Ontario Fire Code. The Code states that existing buildings must be maintained as built or retrofitted to ensure occupant fire safety.

Specific inspections are required for:

  • Licensing of public garages
  • Liquor licences
  • Public-hall licences
  • Fire-safety plans
  • Fire routes

Fire-safety inspections can be initiated three ways:

  1. Public complaints
  2. Firefighter-identified fault
  3. Owner's request


Retrofit legislation as described in Part 9 of the Fire Code addresses the upgrade of existing buildings. Under Part 9 of the Fire Code, alteration may require some construction, renovations or additions. The owner must submit plans, obtain necessary permits, and have all of the work approved by the local Building Code officials. The buildings concerned include:

  • Assembly occupancies
  • Rooming houses
  • Health-care facilities
  • Multi-unit residential buildings

Since the application of these regulations, all City health-care facilities, most local rooming houses and some urban-assembly occupancies have completed the retrofit process.

To date, only older highrise apartments have been inspected and are in various stages of completing compliance with the Code.

Residential buildings with two dwelling units must also meet the retrofit safety regulations. They must have:


Federal and farm buildings (excluding residences) and foreign embassies are exempt from the regulations governing the Ontario Fire Code(link is external).

For more information, please call 613-580-2860.

Ontario Fire Code Pre-Inspection Guide

Effective: January 1, 2015
Ottawa Fire Prevention Division

The following is a standard Fire Code(link is external) guide for business owners, store managers and maintenance personnel to ensure occupant safety and compliance with the Ontario Fire Code (2015)(link is external) within their establishments.

Please follow this guide carefully as these items will be reviewed for compliance during required routine fire inspections conducted by Emergency Services personnel.

Should you have any questions or concerns in meeting compliance requirements, please visit, or contact the Fire Prevention Division by phone at 613-580-2424 extension 15371 or email opens email application)

Code references

  • All Ontario Fire Code 2015 (OFC) references are from Division B, unless noted otherwise.
  • All Ontario Building Code 2012 (OBC) references are from Division B, unless noted otherwise.
  • All National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes(link is external) listed in this document are referenced in the Ontario Fire Code.
  • Records of tests, inspections, maintenance or operational procedures required under the OFC shall be kept on the premise for a minimum of two years for examination by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). (OFC


A civic number sign shall be in accordance with the following table:

Minimum Setback from Property Line* Minimum Character Height
? 3 m 10.0 cm
> 3 m but ? 9 m 12.5 cm
> 9 m but ? 18 m 15.0 cm
Over 18 m Civic number on building plus blade sign or, where permitted, ground sign

*Distance is calculated from the location on the building where the civic number is to be displayed to the property line adjacent to the private road or highway to which the building is addressed. In the case of buildings adjacent to a private road where the property on which multiple buildings are situated is a single lot, and where measurement of the setback from the property line is not feasible, the measurement is from the centre line of the private road and 5 m should be added to the figures in Column I. 

(Addressing By-law 2014-78)

Fire department access

  • Fire department access to buildings and Laneways must be maintained for fire department vehicles at all times. (OFC

Private and municipal fire hydrants

  • Private fire hydrants must be inspected, tested and maintained annually. (OFC
  • Municipal and Private Hydrants shall be maintained in operating condition, free of snow and ice accumulations and readily available and unobstructed for use at all times. (OFC 6.6.4.)

Fire department connection

  • Fire department connections for sprinkler and standpipe systems shall be kept free of obstructions; this includes: storage of combustible materials and parking of vehicles.
  • Fire department connections shall be equipped with plugs or caps that are secured wrench tight
  • Fire department connections shall be inspected annually for wear, rust or obstruction. (OFC

Fire alarm system

  • Fire alarm systems must be maintained in an operable condition at all times. Maintenance personnel, property managers, or a representative of the owner shall conduct a visual inspection of the fire alarm panel daily to ensure the system is operational. (OFC
  • Fire alarm systems shall be maintained, inspected and tested annually by a qualified & permitted fire alarm company. (You can verify your alarm technician is registered by visiting is external) and entering their technician number into the verification bar.)
  • If the fire alarm system is independent (internal with no monitoring service), permanent signage shall be affixed to the wall near each manual pull station with wording that the fire department is to be notified in the event of a fire emergency with directions to phone 9-1-1 in case of emergency. (OFC
  • If the fire alarm system is monitored by a certified monitoring company, a ULC certificate shall be posted at the main fire alarm panel. (NFPA 72)

Sprinkler systems

  • Sprinkler and standpipe systems shall be maintained in operable conditions at all times. (OFC,
  • Doors to rooms containing sprinkler control valves should include signage indicating “Sprinkler Control Room”. (Recommended)
  • All valves and components for fire sprinkler systems shall be maintained free of obstructions.(OFC,
  • Storage shall not interfere with fire sprinkler head discharge; a 457mm (18inch) clearance is required from fire sprinkler head deflectors to top of storage arrangements. (OFC

Fire extinguishers

  • For low-hazard areas (office and retail spaces), at least one 2A:10BC or larger fire extinguisher shall be available and to which there is a maximum travel distance of 25m.
  • Higher hazard areas, such as repair garages, shall have fire extinguishers with minimum ratings and travel distances as per NFPA 10.
  • Fire extinguishers shall be serviced and tagged annually by a certified fire extinguisher company. (OFC 6.2.7.)
  • Fire extinguishers shall be located near exits or access to exits. They shall be mounted on a wall with the top of the extinguisher not more than 1.5 meters (60 inches) above the floor. (OFC,
  • Portable extinguishers shall be inspected monthly. Visual inspections include verifying the gauge is showing green (fully charged), the extinguisher is mounted properly and easily accessible, is free of dust or grease and has the safety pin in place. (OFC
  • Portable extinguishers shall be prominently indicated by signs or markings in large floor areas and in locations where visible obstructions cannot be avoided. (OFC

Exit lights

  • Required exit signs shall be clearly visible and maintained in clean legible condition. (OFC

Emergency lights

  • Emergency lights, shall be maintained in operable Condition, inspected monthly and tested annually by a certified company. (OFC

Fire separations and smoke control

  • Any penetration or damage to fire rated walls and ceilings shall be repaired as to maintain the integrity of the fire separation. (OFC
  • Mechanical penetrations through fire separations shall be sealed using a ULC approved fire-stopping method.
  • Any replacement or removal of doors shall meet or exceed the minimum rating of the fire separation on which they are installed.
  • Fire rated doors shall not be wedged open, and self-closing devices shall be maintained in an operable condition. (OFC,

Commercial cooking systems

  • Any kitchen activities producing smoke and grease-laden vapours shall be equipped with a commercial exhaust and fire suppression system. (NFPA 96 1-3.1)
  • Commercial cooking exhaust systems must be cleaned to bare metal at frequent intervals prior to surface becoming heavily contaminated with grease or oily sludge. Inspection is required every six months by a certified company. (NFPA 96)
  • Filters on commercial cooking exhaust systems shall be checked at intervals not greater than seven days, remain installed when cooking and cleaned at regular intervals. (OFC
  • A listed class ‘K’ extinguisher shall be installed as backup to a fixed extinguishing system (NFPA 96)
  • Maximum travel distance shall not exceed 30 ft (9.15 m) from the hazard to the extinguishers.(NFPA 5.7.1)
  • An inspection and servicing of the fire extinguishing system and listed exhaust hoods containing a constant or fire actuated water system shall be made at least every six months by properly trained and qualified persons. (NFPA 96)


  • All electrical wiring shall be installed and maintained as to not constitute an undue fire hazard.
  • A one metre clearance to combustible materials from electrical panels shall be maintained.
  • Electrical rooms shall not be used for storage.

Housekeeping and storage

  • Rooms containing any building services, i.e.: furnace, mechanical and electrical rooms, shall not be used for storage. (OFC
  • Combustible storage shall not accumulate in exit stairwells, in a means of egress or in front of exits. (OFC


  • Exit doors shall open in the direction of travel, and open easily (OFC
  • Exit doors must be clearly visible at all times and free of storage accumulation. (OFC
  • The exterior of all exit doors shall also be free of storage and accumulation of snow and ice.
  • All locking, latching or other fastening devices on exit doors must permit the door to be readily opened from the inside requiring no keys, special devices, or specialized knowledge of the door opening mechanism. (OFC

Aboveground fuel storage tanks

  • Above ground fuel storage tanks with a total capacity of 5,000 uswg or less requires a Level 1 Propane Licence and Risk and Safety Management Plan (RSMP).
  • Above ground fuel storage tanks with a total capacity greater than 5,000 uswg require a Level 2 Propane Licence and Risk and Safety Management Plan (RSMP) that is completed by a professional engineer.
  • Risk and Safety Management Plans are submitted to Ottawa Fire Services (OFS) for approval as the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for the Ottawa area, and then to Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), a copy of the completed plan is to be provided to the fire service for registration.
  • Depending on your type of business and occupancy classification, further requirements may apply at the time of your fire inspection.

Please note -- the requirements listed above are general Ontario Fire Code 2015 requirements.

Depending on your type of business and occupancy classification, further requirements may apply at the time of your fire inspection.

Contact Fire Prevention

Contact Fire Prevention to Request the following:

  • Fire Code Information
  • Fire Drill and Safety Planning Review 
  • Fire Extinguisher Information (not training)
  • Fire Inspection
  • File Search (residential or commercial)
  • Fire Safety Plan (FSP) or to submit FSP *use specific email
  • Fire Summary and Standard Incident Report
  • Liquor License Inspection/Information
  • Risk Safety Management Plan Review
  • Smoke Alarm/ Carbon Monoxide Alarm Information
  • Specific Event Open Air Fire Permit *use specific email
  • Lockbox Information or Assistance
  • Retro-fit Inspection/Information

By Email: opens email application) (for all Fire Prevention services above with the exception of those below)

Fire Safety Plan (submissions/information): opens email application)

Specific Event Open Air Fire Permits: opens email application)

By Phone:

Telephone Directory: 613-580-2860

Fax: 613-580-2864 

Please allow 2-3 business days for an initial response after leaving a voicemail or sending an email.

Please note phone lines are monitored during standard office hours Monday to Friday. For after-hours information and non-emergency support or assistance please dial 3-1-1 and a City of Ottawa client service agent will assist you. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies only.

Fire Prevention Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who do I contact with a Lock Box inquiry?

Please note - OFS does not install lock boxes. Find your contractor of choice to complete the work. Once the lock box has been installed and all keys are ready to be placed inside, contact Fire Dispatch at 613-232-1551 to request a visit.

2. How do I make a Fire Safety Plan Request?

For information please contact opens email application) or contact 613-580-2424 x15371

3. Where can I find out more about an Agency Letter of Approval & Business Licenses?

Apply for both at a Client Service Centre location. For more information please visit the Business License Application webpage.

For more information please visit the Agency Letter of Approval business resource.

For more information visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) (link is external)website.