Information on the publication of memoranda
Memoranda issued by the City of Ottawa’s Senior Leadership Team to all Members of Council and the media will be published here when available. The memoranda are published on an ongoing basis as they become available and will remain online for a period of one year from the date of issuance. Residents wishing to obtain copies of memoranda that are no longer available online should contact the relevant department through one of the City’s general inquiry processes.
In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), some attachments have not been proactively disclosed. If you are seeking an attachment that is not available online, please visit for information on filing an access to information request.
Memo: Revised Community Partnership Insurance Program (January 31, 2025)
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Dan Chenier, General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department
On February 21, 2024, City Council directed staff to implement a revised City-funded Community Partners Insurance Program and focus its eligibility on neighbourhood-based community associations. Per the direction of Council, geographic based community associations whose “primary mandate is representing a neighbourhood on a broad range of civic matters and that hosts community events, activities and programs for the general public” will be eligible for the Community Partners Insurance Program.
Call for applications
Beginning Friday, January 31, 2025, community associations can apply for eligibility into the Community Partners Insurance Program. This program is available to community associations whose primary mandate is representing a neighbourhood on a broad range of civic matters. The intake process will have staff confirm whether a community association is eligible under the program’s new criteria.
Groups determined to be eligible will then be directed to apply for insurance coverage under the Community Partners Insurance Program. The activities a group declares on their insurance application will be reviewed by the program’s insurer to determine insurability and premium. Insurance coverage under the revised program will begin on June 1, 2025, and will remain in effect for one year. Community associations must reapply annually to maintain eligibility under the program. It is anticipated that between 200 and 250 groups may apply and qualify.
The total cost is dependent on the number of groups obtaining coverage under the program and the level of associated risk, which can only be determined by the insurance company. There is no specific cap to the level of funding to the program, however there is specific criteria to ensure the primary mandate of eligible not-for-profit groups is representing a neighbourhood on a broad range of civic matters.
The Community Partners Insurance Program supports not-for-profit community associations focused on organizing diverse offerings that promote civic engagement, foster connections, and enhance neighbourhood well-being through community events, activities, and programs.
To align with the program’s purpose, Community Partners Insurance Program is not intended for organizations primarily focused on delivering specific social services, advocacy, or exclusive initiatives that do not directly promote neighbourhood-wide civic engagement, and/or operate as a cause or issue-specific organization, rather than a neighbourhood community association.
Please note that community associations that are deemed eligible to apply for insurance are not guaranteed coverage. All final decisions for insurance coverage are at the discretion of the insurance company affording coverage.
As per motion no. FCSC 2024-11-01, existing groups that have “a formal City agreement in place to manage facility access, maintain and supervise outdoor rink, community gardens and/or support the operation of affordable and accessible recreational opportunities to the community, on behalf of the City”, will not be impacted. There is a limited number of groups that do not meet the eligibility criteria. All groups currently insured through the program, will receive communication on January 31, 2025, with details of any changes and/or next steps. Groups no longer meeting eligibility criteria will also receive information about alternate options for procuring insurance.
Outdoor rinks will remain on the City’s integrated insurance coverage for the 2025-2026 season.
Community associations eligible for Community Partners Insurance Program should primarily focus on:
- hosting community events, recreation and leisure programming.
- representing the broader interests of their neighbourhood on civic matters that affect all residents.
- acting as an inclusive and representative voice for their geographic neighbourhood.
Eligible community associations must:
- operate and deliver within City of Ottawa boundaries and with a City of Ottawa address.
- operate as a not-for-profit organization.
- represent a geographic community within the boundaries of Ottawa.
- have been in existence for a minimum of two years.
- be a financially viable organization that annually produces financial statements.
- be in good financial standing with the City of Ottawa.
- be governed by a democratically elected Board of Directors of at least three independent and unrelated members via an election.
- demonstrate good governance practices by holding an Annual General Meeting, have Board of Director approved by-laws and/or constitution, hold meetings open to residents in their neighbourhood,
- have measures in place to ensure that they do not at any time sponsor or produce any materials that promote or oppose the candidacy of a person for elected office, or that promote or oppose a campaign related to a question on the ballot, in accordance with the City's Election Related Resources Policy.
Ineligible community associations and organizations
Including but not limited to:
- government agencies and for-profit organizations.
- organizations that come under the jurisdiction of other levels or departments of government such as, but not limited to schools, hospitals, libraries, Business Improvement Associations.
- political parties.
- faith organizations where the services/activities include the promotion and/or requirement to adhere to a faith.
- fundraising organizations.
- private and/or commercial businesses.
- organizations whose primary mandate is focused on providing specialized services, advocacy, or single-purpose activities, including but not limited to:
- Social Service Organizations.
- e.g., Food banks, shelters, crisis response services, or any organization whose principal purpose is addressing basic needs or social welfare.
- Advocacy and Cause-Focused Groups.
- e.g., Environmental protection groups, political advocacy organizations, or groups focused on systemic change.
- Specialized Cultural or Heritage Organizations.
- e.g., Heritage preservation societies, or organizations whose mission is solely to preserve or celebrate specific aspects of heritage or culture.
- Skill-Specific or Activity-Focused Groups.
- e.g., Organizations dedicated to one activity (e.g., a single sport or art form) or skill-sharing collectives such as maker spaces or hobby clubs.
- Community Housing or Tenant Associations.
- e.g., Organizations that represent tenants of specific housing complexes or buildings.
- Interest groups.
- e.g., book clubs, craft groups, parrot club.
- Social Service Organizations.
How to apply
Community Associations that would like to be considered for eligibility are asked to fill out the online Community Partner Insurance Program Eligibility Intake Form to initiate the review process. Community associations that are deemed eligible will be given instructions on how to apply for insurance coverage. Groups that have been deemed ineligible will be advised by Friday, February 28, 2025.
Deadline and submission
Submissions must be received by the deadline of Friday, February 21, 2025, by 4 pm.
Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Organizations that do not meet eligibility
Organizations currently insured under Community Partners Insurance Program, that do not meet the new eligibility parameters, have the option to apply for coverage under the City’s existing pay-based insurance offer, Open CGL, or seek coverage from external insurance providers. The Open CGL payment-based offer is insurance that is negotiated by Insurance Services and paid for by the organization, not by the City. For more information about Open CGL please contact Marsh Canada at Please note, organizations are under no obligation to purchase insurance through this program.
Next steps
Staff will share the call for applications, with the Federation of Citizen’s Associations of Ottawa, existing recipients of Community Partners Insurance Program, and community organizations that have previously self-declared on the City of Ottawa’s Partners and Community Organizations page.
Community associations can submit the Community Partner Insurance Program Intake Eligibility Form between Friday, January 31, and Friday, February 21, 2025.
Insurance coverage begins June 1, 2025.
The insurance company is ultimately responsible for determining if the group will receive insurance.
If you are unsure of your eligibility, or have questions, please email the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, Business Support Services Unit at to discuss eligibility criteria and the submission process.
Memo: Review of Cash-in-lieu-of-Parkland Funds Policy (August 6, 2024)
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Dan Chenier, General Manager Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
This memo is to inform you that Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services is undertaking a review of the Cash-in-lieu-of-Parkland Funds Policy and to request your participation.
The current Cash-in-lieu-of-Parkland Funds Policy was approved by Council 2011 and updated in 2015. The Policy “is designed to ensure the consistent and wise use of funds collected for park and recreation purposes by defining the purposes for which these funds may be used, how the funds are allocated, and how the spending is accounted for both internally and publicly” (ACS2015-PAI-DCM-0001).
The Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan was approved by Council on October 13, 2021. Recommendation #7 of the supporting staff report (ACS2021-RCF-GEN-0018) directed staff to “review the Cash-in-lieu-of-Parkland Policy and bring forward a report to Planning Committee and Council with recommended changes in concurrence with revisions of the Parkland Dedication By-law and as per the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan”. An updated Parkland Dedication By-law was approved by Council on August 31, 2022.
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services has begun to review the Cash-in-lieu-of-Parkland Funds Policy. The first phase is to collect background information from internal stakeholders. As part of this, staff would like to meet with Councillors to understand their opinion with regards to the current Cash-in-lieu-of-Parkland Funds Policy. In support of this phase, you will be contacted by Selma Hassan, from Parks and Facilities Planning, to see if you are interested in sharing your opinion on cash-in-lieu-of parkland.
The information you share, will help support the following phases of the review, which could propose changes to the current Cash-in-lieu-of-Parkland Funds Policy.
Thank you,
Dan Chenier
General Manager,
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
c.c. Kevin Wherry – Manager, Parks and Facilities Planning
Memo: Outdoor pool hours extended during heat wave (June 18, 2024)
June18, 2024
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Dan Chenier, General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department
The City’s outdoor pools will be temporarily extending their closing times during the current heat wave, starting today until Thursday, June 20 inclusive, weather permitting.
Here is the list of the outdoor pools which have temporarily extended closing times:
- Bearbrook Pool 8 pm
- Beaverbrook Pool - Kanata - 8 pm
- Crestview Pool - 9 pm
- Entrance Pool – 9 pm
- General Burns Pool – 9 pm
- Glen Cairn Pool - 8 pm
In addition, all pools (indoor and outdoor) have removed some lanes to accommodate public swimmers during scheduled lane swims.
Additional information:
Outdoor swim and splash | City of Ottawa.
Original signed by
Dan Chenier.
Memo: 2024 Outdoor Aquatic and Recreation Programs for Wading pools, Splash Pads, Beaches, Outdoor Pools (May 17, 2024)
May 17, 2024
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Dan Chenier, General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department
With the outdoor summer recreation season approaching, we are providing the information below with details on the City’s beach, outdoor pool, wading pool and park programs.
Site | Location | Contact phone number | Open-closed |
Mooney’s Bay | 2926 Riverside Drive | 613-248-0863 | June 15 to August 25 |
Britannia | 2805 Carling Avenue | 613-820-1211 | June 15 to August 25 |
Petrie Island | 795 Tweddle Road | 613-824-5704 | June 15 to August 25 |
Beaches are supervised Monday to Sunday, noon to 7 pm, from June 15 to August 25.
- Beach Pavilion washrooms will be open from May 18 to September 2 at the three beach sites.
- Monday to Thursday, 10:30 am to 9 pm
- Friday to Sunday, 10:30 am to 7 pm
The City will not be providing lifeguard supervision at Westboro Beach this year. The National Capital Commission is advising that due to construction at the site, only reduced unsupervised access to the beach area will be available. The City recommends swimming at supervised beaches only. Water testing will not be completed at this location.
For information on water quality at beach locations, contact Ottawa Public Health: 613-580-2424 ext. 13219 or : Beach Water Quality Results - Ottawa Public Health.
For general information on beaches, please visit: Outdoor swim and splash or email
Outdoor swimming pools
There will be nine outdoor pools (deep pools) in operation this summer with schedules for public swimming available at: Outdoor swim and splash.
Some pools also offer learn to swim programs for all ages.
Facility | Location | Opening | Closing | Contact phone number |
Bearbrook | 2679 Innes Road | June 10 | September 1 | 613-824-8300 |
Beaverbrook | 2 Beaverbrook Road | June 15 | August 25 | 613-591-3061 |
Corkstown | 61 Corkstown Road | June 22 | August 25 | 613-820-1636 |
Crestview | 58 Fieldrow Street | June 10 | September 2 | 613-225-7250 |
Entrance | 2 Eaton Street | June 10 | August 25 | 613-829-2705 |
General Burns | 107 Chesterton Drive | June 10 | September 2 | 613-225-7970 |
Genest | 43 Ste-Cécile Street | TBD* | September 2 | 613-749-6488 |
Glen Cairn | 50 Castlefrank Road | June 15 | September 30 | 613-591-9283 |
Katimavik | 64 Chimo Drive | June 22 | August 25 | 613-591-9283 |
*An opening date for Genest Outdoor Pool will soon be determined.
For outdoor pool information, please visit Outdoor swim and splash and select pool locations.
Wading pools
Ten wading pools will open on weekends starting June 15.
For regular weekday and weekend service, wading pools will have two staggered start dates:
- Group A: June 24 to August 18
- Group B: July 1 to August 25
Please refer to the schedule below to determine a specific wading pool’s opening date.
Holiday Hours: Most wading pools will be open on July 1 and August 5, except for locations whose scheduled closed day fall on these dates.
Swimming hours (with some exceptions):
- Monday and Friday, 11 am to 6 pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, noon to 7 pm
- Saturday, Sunday and holidays, noon to 5 pm
Extended washroom hours
Residents will be provided access to washrooms during daily opening and closing maintenance hours at all wading pool locations. Opening and closing times will vary at each location and are dependent on the individual fill and drain times for each pool. Signs will be posted at each location indicating washroom opening and closing times.
For a list of specific swimming hours, visit Outdoor swim and splash and select wading pools.
Wading pool | Park address | Weekends only starting: | Regular season | Regular scheduled closed day |
Agincourt | 1269 Albany Drive | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Monday |
Alda Burt | 1816 St. Laurent Boulevard | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Sunday |
Alexander | 960 Silver Street | June 15 | July 1 to August 25 | Wednesday |
Alta Vista | 1309 Randall Avenue | n/a | June 25 to August 18 | Monday |
Alvin Heights | 352 London Terrace | June 15 | June 24 to August 18 | Tuesday |
Balena | 1640 Devon Street | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Friday |
Bellevue Manor | 1520 Caldwell Avenue | June 15 | July 1 to August 25 | Thursday |
Bel-Air | 2149 Berwick Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Wednesday |
Bingham | 145 Cathcart Street | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Tuesday |
Brantwood | 39 Onslow Crescent | n/a | June 25 to August 18 | Monday |
Britannia | 2844 Ahearn Avenue | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Monday |
Canterbury | 2185 Arch Street | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Saturday and Sunday |
Carleton Heights | 1665 Apeldoorn Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Thursday and Sunday |
Cecil Morrison | 1332 Avenue N | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Saturday |
Champlain | 140 Carleton Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Wednesday |
Chaudiere | 68 Elm Street | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Friday |
Dutchies | 154 Mann Avenue | June 15 | June 24 to August 18 | Tuesday |
Elizabeth Manley | 1161 Blohm Drive | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Monday |
Ev Tremblay | 108 Beech Street | n/a | June 25 to August 18 | Monday |
Frank J Licari | 1990 Cochrane Street | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Thursday |
Frank Ryan | 950 Alpine Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Wednesday |
Greenboro | 363 Lorry Greenberg Drive | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Sunday |
Hampton | 645 Parkview Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Saturday |
Hawthorne | 2139 Tawney Road | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Sunday and Monday |
Heron | 999 Heron Road | June 15 | July 1 to August 25 | Friday |
Iona | 223 Iona Avenue | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Sunday and Monday |
Jules Morin | 40 Clarence Street East | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Wednesday |
Kingsmere | 2074 Benjamin Crescent | n/a | June 25 to August 18 | Sunday and Monday |
Kiwanis | 395 Levis Street | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Sunday and Monday |
Lions | 294 Elmgrove Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Saturday and Sunday |
Lisa | 6 Lisa Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Wednesday |
McNabb | 435 Bronson Avenue | June 15 | June 24 to August 18 | Thursday |
Meadowvale | 1205 Trenton Avenue | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Sunday and Monday |
Marlene Catteral | 2955 Michele Drive | June 15 | July 1 to August 25 | Wednesday |
Optimiste | 43 Ste Cecile Street | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Monday |
Overbrook | 33 Quill Street | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Sunday |
Owl | 185 Owl Drive | n/a | June 25 to August 18 | Sunday and Monday |
Parkdale | 366 Parkdale Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Thursday |
Pauline Vanier | 1015 Harkness Avenue | n/a | June 25 to August 18 | Sunday and Monday |
Pushman | 1270 Pebble Road | June 15 | June 24 to August 18 | Friday |
Raven | 1500 Larose Avenue | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Tuesday |
Reid | 40 Reid Avenue | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Tuesday |
Rideauview | 960 Eiffel Avenue | June 15 | July 1 to August 25 | Sunday |
Ruth Wildgen | 1099 Grenon Avenue | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Saturday |
Sandy Hill | 250 Somerset Street East | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Thursday |
St Laurent | 525 Côte Street | n/a | June 24 to August 18 | Sunday |
St Luke's | 166 Frank Street | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Wednesday |
St Paul's | 469 Donald Street | June 15 | June 24 to August 18 | Thursday |
Strathcona | 25 Range Road | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Monday |
Sylvia Holden | 955-1015 Bank Street | n/a | July 2 to August 25 | Monday |
Weston | 955 Pleasant Park Road | n/a | June 25 to August 18 | Monday |
Windsor | 1 Windsor Avenue | n/a | July 1 to August 25 | Tuesday |
Programming in parks
We are pleased to offer complimentary recreation activities at all wading pool locations during operating hours. Residents can visit their local wading pool at the start of the season for further program details.
For more information or if you would like to participate at a location in your ward, please contact the Seasonal Recreation Office at
Please note: Daily program adjustments may occur due to weather, increased requirements for pool surveillance or unforeseen circumstances.
Splash pads
Many Splash pads will be open by Friday May 10. All splash pads will be in operation from May 18 until September 15 (weather dependent). Most pads operate from 9 am to 9 pm. Splash pad sites are unsupervised. Some splash pads may require repairs early in the season due to unpredictable impacts from winter weather which will result in a delayed opening. The Seasonal Recreation Office will post delayed sites on and notify Councillors directly regarding any delayed openings within their respective wards.
For a list of splash pad locations and scheduling information, please visit Outdoor swim and splash and select splash pads.
Tennis, pickleball and rinks
Public court rentals: As of April 19, 2024, all public tennis and pickleball courts are available for free drop-in play. Courts are also available for tennis and pickleball rentals. For more information, please contact
Outdoor rink slab rentals (ie. ball hockey, lacrosse, etc.): Rentals will be available to groups and individuals. For more information, please contact: or call 613-580-2590.
Should you have any other questions please contact Sue Chiumera, Program Manager – Complexes, Aquatics and Specialized Services.