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NEW Three-item garbage limit

The landfill is filling up fast and more than half of what currently goes to the landfill should go in the green, blue or black bin to be recycled. The City’s Trail Waste Facility Landfill is expected to reach capacity in 13 to 15 years.

On September 30, the City of Ottawa lowered its limit for curbside garbage collection to three items on collection day. This will help reduce unnecessary waste going to the landfill. 

There continues to be no limit to how much residents can set out through curbside recycling and green bins. 

Collection information

How many bags, items or cans can be put out?

On garbage collection day, households with curbside collection can place their blue bins, green bins and up to three-items of garbage for collection at the curb.

A garbage item includes:

  • A garbage bag
  • A container up to 140 litres each and is less than 15kg/33lbs
  • A bulky item

Households can put several smaller bags in containers up to 140 litres.

Any garbage above the three-item limit must be placed in a City branded yellow bag. If it cannot be recycled, composted, reused, or repaired, you can purchase a yellow bag. Keep in mind, large bulky items and furniture cannot be bagged. 

Extra waste that is not placed in a yellow bag will not be picked up. A “courtesy tag” will be left by Solid Waste Staff explaining why your waste was not picked up and you will be responsible for the disposal.  

How often is garbage collected?

Garbage is collected every two weeks and recyclables are picked up on alternating weeks (black bin one-week, blue bin the next). The green bins and your leaf and yard waste are collected every week.

Check your Collection Calendar to view or print your collection schedule.

When and where to put your garbage

  • Put garbage at the curb any time after 6 pm the evening prior to your collection day and no later than 7 am on your collection day.
  • Place bags or cans on the ground as close as possible to the roadway, but not on the sidewalk, roadway or on top of snow banks.

How to package your garbage

  • The three-items of garbage can be bins or cans/containers of up to 140 litres each and is less than 33lbs, bags of up to 140 litres each and is less than 33lbs, or three bulky items, such as furniture.
  • All carpets should be tied and bundled. Bundles should be less than 1.2 m (4 ft.) in length, less than 60 cm (2 ft.) in diameter and weigh up to 15 kg (33 lb.).
  • Packaged material must not exceed the capacity of the acceptable container (no bags past the top of the container or stacked on top). If the container has a lid – it must be able to be closed securely.
  • Do not use cardboard boxes for garbage. Cardboard boxes are a recyclable item and must be placed in the black bin.
  • Sawdust, cold ashes and other material of similar nature must be bagged and can go in your green bin.

Acceptable metal or plastic garbage bag/container

A garbage bin and a garbage bag with white text describing capacity limit.
  • Up to maximum 140 litre capacity
  • Maximum weight capacity, less than 15 kg/33lbs when full
  • Must have a handle and a detachable lid, and cannot have a fixed, hinged lid

Do not secure lid to garbage container with bungee cord/rope.

Waste collection operators will not reach into garbage cans to retrieve bags as it could cause injury.

Do not place glass or sharp objects loose in plastic bags.

Example of acceptable containers

Maximum 140 litre can with wheels and removable lid 


Maximum 140 litre can without wheels and removable lid

Garbage can with removable lid.

Unacceptable containers

  • Cardboard boxes must not be used as a garbage container. Cardboard boxes should be recycled or used for yard waste only. However, a cardboard box can be used to dispose of broken glass. Place broken glass in a cardboard box. Close/seal/tape the box shut and clearly mark on the outside of the box "broken glass".  Set cardboard box at the curb with your regular garbage.
  • Oversized and overweight containers that exceed the 15kg/33lbs limit.
  • Containers cannot have a fixed, hinged lid.


Examples of unacceptable containers

220 litre / 50 gallon container

50 Gal. Brute Rollout Trash Container

240 - 360 litre / 50 - 80 gallon container

240 - 360 litre / 50 - 80 gallon container

For more details on approved container sizes, visit the City's Solid Waste Management by-law.  

For more details on approved container storage outside of garbage day, visit Property Standards by-law, section 12.

Reducing curbside waste

We encourage residents to reduce their waste by:

  • Visiting the Waste reduction and Education page for tips to reduce waste, video tutorials and more.
  • Donating gently used items to local charities or community organizations.   
  • Sorting items in their curbside blue, black and green bin.

Not sure where something goes? Use the Waste Explorer to find out.

Frequently Asked Questions about the three-item garbage limit

What is a garbage “item”?

  • A garbage item can be a garbage bag, a garbage bin, and/or a bulky item.
  • The maximum size for a waste container is up to 140 litres and the maximum weight for a garbage bag/container is 33lb/15kg.
  • A bulky item is furniture and/or large items that cannot fit in a bag or bin (i.e. a carpet, couch, desk, chair, cabinets, tub, mattress, patio furniture, etc.)

Why is the bin size 140L?

  • The maximum size of an acceptable garbage bin is up to 140 litres, with a 33lb/15kg weight limit. Bins must have a handle and a detachable lid. These standards have been in place for over a decade and are not a new requirement with the three-item limit policy change.
  • The standards align with health and safety standards for our operators and allow flexibility based on what size of bins are available on the market as it tends to change over time. Each operator lifts between 7 and 10 tonnes of waste every single day and we do not have manual lifts on our collection vehicles.

What does a proper set out look like?

  • Under the three-item garbage limit, you can place your blue bin(s), green bin(s), and three items of garbage to the curb for collection. The three items of garbage can be three bins, or three bags, or three bulky items, or a combination of those items that equal three-items total. After the three-item garbage limit is reached, you must purchase a yellow bag to place your excess waste in.
  • Bulky items cannot be bagged.

Who does the three-item garbage limit apply to?

  • The three-item garbage limit applies to all households on curbside collection.
  • This includes households that set out waste at the edge of the curb or laneway for collection or at an approved common pad collection area.

What does Curbside Collection mean?

  • For waste collection, do you bring your waste to the curb? Do you bring your waste to the end of your laneway? Do you bring your waste to a common pad collection area? If you do, you fall under curbside collection.

What is a common pad? 

  • A common pad is an approved shared collection area where garbage, recycling and green bins are set out for collection at or near a curb for residential curbside waste collection. 

I live in a multi-unit property and I set my waste out at the curb for collection, do I fall under the three-item garbage limit? 

  • Yes. If you live in a registered multi-unit property each individual unit is able to set out three items for collection on their scheduled garbage collection day. 

If I live in a basement apartment, operate a basement apartment, or operate a backyard coach home does my house fall under the three-item garbage limit?

  • Yes. Homes with basement apartments can set out a maximum of three-items every two weeks. This is because single family homes with a basement apartment pay one solid waste user fee. If you are unsure if your home is considered a single family home with a basement unit or a registered duplex, you can contact the City’s Revenue Services team at 3-1-1.
  • The three-item limit also applies to properties with a coach home pay one solid waste user fee.

Why did we go from a six-bag to a three-item garbage limit?

  • The purpose of this policy is to reduce unnecessary waste from ending up in landfill, increase waste diversion and extend the life of the landfill. The Policy change is required to help the City achieve Provincial regulatory requirements.
  • To read more about the recommendation here is the Curbside Waste Diversion Policy Implementation Plan Committee report.

Is there a limit on how much recycling and organic waste I can set out at the curb?

  • No. There is no limit to how much recycling and/or organic waste residents can set out.

Where can I get additional blue, black and green bins?

What happens if I have waste over the three-item garbage limit?

  • Is your waste recyclable? Can your waste be diverted from your garbage to your blue, black or green bin? Is your waste donatable or can it be repaired? Check out Waste Explorer | City of Ottawa for more information.
  • If your waste is not recyclable, you can purchase a yellow bag for your excess waste.
  • Any garbage over three-items must be in a yellow bag.
  • Bulky items cannot be bagged and count towards your three-item limit

What is a yellow bag?

  • If residents have waste over the three-item garbage limit, they can purchase a City branded yellow bag for their additional waste later this year.
  • Waste that is set to the curb in a City branded yellow bag will be collected on garbage day.

Where do I purchase yellow bags and how much do they cost?

  • To find locations where yellow bags are sold, check the website Garbage | City of Ottawa
  • Pack of four bags is $17.60 ($4.40/bag)

Why are yellow bags so expensive?

  • The yellow bag cost is based on a full cost recovery basis of administering the program, which includes purchase and distribution of the bags, collecting them curbside, and landfilling the waste.

What happens if I do not use a yellow bag for additional waste?

  • If you have excess waste over the three-item garbage limit, it must be in a yellow bag.
  • If excess waste is not put in a yellow bag your excess waste will not be picked up. A “courtesy tag” will be left explaining why your waste was not picked up.

Can I stick or tie a yellow bag to bulky items and/or furniture?

  • No. Residents cannot stick or tie a yellow bag to a bulky item or furniture.
  • Bulky waste counts towards a household’s three-item limit.

Is there a limit to the amount of yellow bags I can set out?

  • No, there is no limit to yellow bags that can be purchased and set out.

Are farms exempt from the three-item garbage limit?

  • Residential agricultural properties with curbside garbage collection are allowed to set out three-items of household garbage and an unlimited amount of unavoidable farm waste every garbage collection day until December 2025.
  • Unavoidable farm waste is defined as any waste that is the normal by-product of farming operations, generated by farm operation activities, including, but not limited to, plastic haylage wrappings, bale twine and rope, and plastic drainage tiles.
  • Additional waste will only be collected if properties participate in waste diversion programs.

What if I have additional waste due to home healthcare or diaper and incontinence waste and can’t meet the three-item limit?

  • You can register for the Special Considerations Program (SCP) where you can set out one additional bag of waste on your off week of garbage collection.
  • Home healthcare waste will be accepted in the SCP.
  • Residents with home healthcare or diaper and incontinence waste can register for the SCP Here.

Will the program be enforced?

Yes, Solid Waste Inspectors will enforce the three-item garbage limit. If collection staff find improperly set out waste or excess waste above the three-item garbage limit, they will leave a courtesy tag notice explaining why the waste was not collected.

Residents must remove the waste from the curb by 10 pm on the day of collection and are responsible to dispose of waste at Trail Road Landfill, other privately operated landfills, or set out the correct amount of waste on your next collection day.

I got a courtesy tag, what does that mean?

  • A courtesy tag is handed out when a waste set out does not follow the Solid Waste By-law. The tag will indicate why waste was left behind. For example, the waste set out exceeded the three-item garbage limit and is not in a yellow bag, the type of waste is set out on the incorrect week, the waste is too heavy to collect, etc.
  • Upon receiving a courtesy tag, it is now upon the resident to dispose of their excess waste. The City will not be coming back to collect.
  • If waste left behind is not disposed of, residents could be fined under the Solid Waste Management by-law (No. 2012-370)

Where can I take my excess waste?

  • If you have excess waste you can find disposal locations at Garbage | City of Ottawa.
  • Residents are responsible to dispose of waste at Trail Road Landfill, other privately operated landfills, or set out the correct amount of waste on your next collection day.

How do I report illegal dumping?

  • To report illegal dumping, you can call 3-1-1 or go to

What is the City doing to address increased illegal dumping?

  • A temporary increase to illegal dumping is anticipated based on the experience of other municipalities and additional resources have been created to support with monitoring illegal dumping in parks, public spaces and on private properties.
  • Illegal dumping is expected to slow down after three to six months of the new policy being in place.

Still have questions?

  • Call 3-1-1 to gain further information about the three-item garbage limit at 3-1-1 or

Residential Yellow Bag Program

Any garbage above the three-item garbage limit must be placed in a City branded yellow bag. If it cannot be recycled, composted, reused, or repaired, you can purchase a City branded yellow bag. Keep in mind, large bulky items and furniture cannot be bagged.

What is the cost?

City branded yellow bags are sold in packages of four for $17.60 which is $4.40 per bag.

Where can I get yellow bags?

Client Service Centre locations

City branded yellow bags are available at any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre during business hours.


  • Beacon Hill Home Hardware, 1934 Montreal Road located in Ogilvie Square
  • Bridlewood Home Hardware, 90 Michael Cowpland Drive
  • Capital Home Hardware, 736 Bank Street
  • Elmvale Acres Home Hardware, 1910 St. Laurent Boulevard located in Elmvale Acres Shopping Centre
  • Leitrim Home Hardware, 4836 Bank Street
  • Manotick Home Hardware, 1166 Beaverwood Road located in the Mews of Manotick
  • Morris Home Hardware, 1226 Wellington Street
  • Stittsville Home Hardware, 6001 Hazeldean Road
  • Trudel Home Hardware, 329 March Road
  • Orleans Home Hardware, 470 Charlemagne Boulevard
  • Richmond BMR, 6379 Perth Road
  • Perkins Home Building Centre, 2338 Roger Stevens Drive in North Gower  

Recreation and Community Centres

Two yellow garbage bags. One with black text and the other with the City of Ottawa logo.

Special Consideration Program

The Special Consideration waste program for residents is the collection of diapers, incontinence products, and home healthcare waste. Registered households will be able to place one bag of accepted diaper, incontinence, or home healthcare waste at the curb for pick up on the alternating week from regular garbage collection. This would be the same day as your black bin collection day.

The program accepts the following items:

  • Diapers
  • Incontinence products
  • Casts
  • Catheters
  • Colostomy bags (empty and rinsed)
  • Disposable pads
  • Gloves, masks, gowns, and aprons
  • Dialysis waste like tubing, filters, disposable towels, and sheets
  • Gastric and nasal tubes (empty and rinsed)
  • IV bags and tubing (empty and rinsed)
  • Used dressings (not blood saturated)

Unacceptable items include:

  • Hazardous waste such as blood saturated items
  • Sharps, needles, syringes, lancets, and pre-filled pens
  • Pet products or waste

How it works 

  • Once registered, participants can place one 15kg/33 lb garbage bag of diapers and incontinence products and home healthcare waste at the curb on the alternating week from garbage collection, on the same day as black bin collection. Please check the online calendar. NOTE: Standard collection limits apply on garbage weeks.
  • In the event that the bag includes items that are not accepted in the program, it will not be collected, a courtesy tag will be issued, and the household could be removed from the program.  
  • Residents must renew their registration annually. If the registration has not been renewed before the one-year deadline, the address will be removed from the collection list. 
  • Please place the garbage bag at the curb any time after 6 pm the evening prior to your regular collection day and before 7 am on your collection day. There is no need to identify the garbage bag in any special way, other than ensuring it complies with the City’s acceptable container requirements. 

Register online for the special consideration program or call 3-1-1.

Have an issue with your special consideration program collection? Report a problem.

Agriculture Exemption Program

Residential agricultural properties with curbside garbage collection are allowed to set out three-items of household garbage and an unlimited amount of unavoidable farm waste every garbage collection day until December 2025.

Unavoidable farm waste is defined as “any waste that is the normal by-product of farming operations, generated by farm operation activities, including, but not limited to, plastic haylage wrappings, bale twine and rope, and plastic drainage tiles.”

To qualify for the unavoidable farm waste exemption, properties must be zoned under the City of Ottawa's Zoning By-law as residential agricultural properties, and those properties must use waste diversion programs such as green bin and recycling during their scheduled curbside garbage collection.


Keep people and animals safe

Keep people safe from your waste 

Litter (including used masks and gloves)

  • Residents should dispose of all garbage, including gloves and masks, in waste bins.  If you take your used gloves and masks home, throw them away in a garbage bin lined with a plastic bag, and be sure to wash your hands after. 

  • Used paper facial tissues should be placed in plastic bags and can go in the green bin.

  • Broken glass should be placed in a cardboard box. Close and seal the box then write “broken glass” on it and set it out separately on your next garbage collection day. 

  • Other sharp items that may pose a risk to individuals handling your waste should be wrapped in used paper towel or bubble wrap. 

  • Items such as medical needles, syringes and lancets don’t belong in the garbage or recycling bins. Go to to learn how to dispose of these.    

At-home rapid antigen screening

  • For residents in the City of Ottawa, rapid COVID test kits from at-home testing must be placed in a plastic bag and then placed in your regular household garbage. This will help ensure the safety of waste collection operators.

Keep animals safe from your waste 

Empty food containers can be dangerous to wildlife and pets. Animals may injure or trap themselves trying to get food scraps out of discarded jars, cans and other containers.   

These simple steps can help keep animals safe: 

  • Put all trash where it belongs – don’t litter! 

  • Keep your trash inside until collection day. 

  • Rinse out food waste to make empty containers less attractive. 

  • Put lids back on plastic or glass jars before placing them into your blue bin. 

  • Remove lids entirely from cans (don’t bend them inside the can!) and crush the open end of the can shut, to prevent animals from sticking their paws or heads inside. 

  • Cut plastic six-pack holders and other similar items apart before putting them in the garbage. 

Video: What happens to my garbage?

When your garbage gets picked up, it doesn’t just go away. It stays right here, in Ottawa, at the City’s landfill site.

Take a tour around the Trail Road Waste Facility and find out what happens once the collection trucks have dumped their loads. Meet heavy equipment operator Lynne and Lucy, the hawk. See how leachate (or “garbage juice”) is treated and where landfill gas gets turned into electricity. But most importantly, find out what you can do to help extend the lifespan of this important community asset.

Visual: Garbage can being placed beside green bin at the curb; title appears.

What happens to my garbage?

Visual: Garbage truck is approaching.

Every two weeks, a collection crew shows up to pick up your garbage.

Visual: Truck stops, collection operator picks up garbage, empties contents into vehicle.

Up to 40 trucks make more than 1,000 stops a day. Each waste collection operator walks 21 kilometres during a 10-hour shift – a half marathon! – while lifting 10 tonnes of material.

Visual: Garbage truck driving off.

The collection vehicles crush materials to reduce load volume and decrease trips to the landfill.

Visual: Garbage truck driving onto scale.

When trucks are full, they head to the Trail Road Waste Facility, south-west of Barrhaven.

Visual: Truck being weighed.

All trucks are weighed when they arrive, and again when they leave, so the City can track how much waste is entering the facility.

Visual: Truck leaving scale.

On average, Trail Road receives 1,000 tonnes of garbage per day.

Visual: Lynne Hammond, Heavy Equipment Operator, standing in front of scale house, wearing bright yellow safety gear.

“The vehicles, when they arrive at our landfill, drive up onto our scale house here behind me.

Visual: Pick-up truck with trailer driving onto scale.

The scale attendants process 600 vehicles a day. They guide everyone on where they need to go and take payments from those customers who have to pay a tipping fee.”

Visual: Bird’s eye view of small loads area.

At the small loads area, materials can be dropped off for reuse or recycling.

Visual: Signs for e-waste and recycling drop-off; piles of tires, scrap metal and electronic waste.

There is no charge for glass, metal, plastic, tires, scrap metal and electronic waste. Brush and cardboard are accepted for a small fee.

Visual: Bird’s eye view of freshly added garbage; garbage truck dumping its load.

Any vehicle that brings in a load for disposal, big or small, gets directed to the tipping face.

Visual: Lynne standing on tipping face; compactor crushing garbage.

“The tipping face is the active zone at the edge of a landfill. This mountain of garbage we’re standing on grows everyday, which means the tipping face moves continuously.”

Visual: Garbage truck getting weighed on scale on its way out. Bird’s eye view of tipping face, close-ups of heavy equipment in action.

Collection trucks head back to the scale house after they are emptied. Heavy equipment operators compact newly added waste with an enormous bulldozer and a packer to flatten it as much as possible. Other measures are taken for safety, sustainability and odour control.

Visual: Lynne at the tipping face, pointing to fence in the background; handler with brown falcon on her glove; special vehicle unreeling tarp to cover garbage at night.

“We put up fences around the site to stop garbage such as plastic bags from flying onto the highway nearby. We hire a company that brings in hawks and falcons to deter the seagulls from coming onto the site and spreading the garbage. The tipping face at night is covered with a tarp, soil and woodchips.”

Visual: Workers applying a black cover to decommissioned area; that same area shown from above, partly covered with sand.

Once an area is full, it is sealed with a raincoat-like barrier and various layers of soil, then topped with grass.

Visual: Drone flight over the whole site, from oldest to newest part, most of it looking like a big green hill.

The Trail Road landfill opened in 1980, and the area that is now full is much bigger than the active area. The overall waste footprint is 85 hectares—more than 150 football fields wide. But how much space is left?

Visual: Back at tipping face; unloading and compacting shown from above.

In 2021, we learned that our landfill could reach capacity as early as between 2036 and 2038 if we keep doing what we’re doing. But if all residents strive to create less garbage together, it can last longer.

So, what else happens at Trail Road?

Visual: Bird’s eye view of landfill’s power plant.

The City’s Waste Facility is a highly engineered site. A lot of effort goes into protecting the environment.

Visual: A row of three bright blue poles in grassy area.

Groundwater is monitored carefully, …

Visual: Leachate (garbage juice) facility shown from various angles; foam-covered brown liquid bubbling in basin; tank truck arriving, worker inserting hose to fill tank; close-up of control panel.

… and leachate is collected and pre-treated right at Trail. Leachate – or garbage juice in layman’s terms – is a mix of liquids from wet waste and added rain or snow. After 24 hours in a settling basin, tankers take it to ROPEC, the City’s wastewater treatment plant.

Visual: Gas utilization facility shown from different angles; building with generators, ducts and power lines; close up of gas well with orange tube on decommissioned area.

PowerTrail is a private-public partnership that generates electricity from landfill gas, powering 6,000 homes and businesses. CO2 and methane form when organic matter decomposes in the absence of oxygen. Wells capture these harmful greenhouse gases to prevent them from entering the atmosphere.

Visual: Conveyor belt and excavator between windrows, moving compostable material; potting soil sign and heap of soil for sale at Trail Road.

At an outdoor composting facility, leaf and yard waste is turned into potting soil and then sold to residents so they can reuse it in their own yards or community gardens.

Visual: Glass and steel entrance of modern grey building; wide angle of whole front; drone footage from back of building with four large gates side by side.

The administration building was designed with a Silver LEED green building certification, housing offices in the front and a garage in the back.

Visual: Lynne getting out of a pick-up truck, then standing in front of open gate; water truck spraying on dirt road, big truck parking in garage, compactor slowly moving through gate on big steel studded wheels.

“This building here behind me is where we store, clean and maintain our heavy equipment. Such as the water truck for dust control, our rock trucks for soil management, and then of course our compactor and bulldozer. Our compactor weighs 56 tonnes – that’s the weight of six elephants!”

Visual: Worker in safety vest closing and locking the gate in front of scale house; gate rolls down behind bulldozer parked in garage.

After a long day, they are stored in the garage. At 7 am the next morning, the Waste Facility will open again, and the collection crews will bring in more garbage. Your garbage.

Visual: Person putting something into a green bin and closing lid; other person setting out blue and black bin; collection operators emptying recycling containers into collection vehicles; truck driving off.

Good news: If you make full use of your green bin and recycling bins, you can keep 75 per cent of your waste out of the landfill, but the best way to reduce waste is to avoid creating it.

Visual: Animated cityscape appears, with a small garbage truck slowly crossing screen from left to right. Words and symbols appear in animated sky above.

Buy less.

Repair more.

Choose reusable containers.

Refuse unnecessary packaging.

Sell, swap, donate, regift or repurpose what you no longer need.

Visual: Dollar sign appears.

With your help, our landfill will last longer.

Visual: Question appears; URL appears.

Not sure what goes in which bin? Visit

Visual: Ottawa logo appears.

Holiday collection schedule

For information on how to dispose of a Christmas tree, please visit the Green bin and leaf and yard waste page.

The City would like to remind residents that there is no collection of green bin, recycling and garbage on the following statutory holidays:

  • New Year: Monday, January 1 

  • Family Day: Monday, February 19 

  • Good Friday:  Friday, March 29 

  • Easter Monday: Monday, April 1 

  • Victoria Day: Monday, May 20 

  • Canada Day: Monday, July 1 

  • Colonel By Day: Monday, August 5 

  • Labour Day: Monday, September 2 

  • Thanksgiving Day: Monday, October 14 

  • Christmas Day: Wednesday, December 25 

Recycling, green bin and garbage collection schedules will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week, with Saturday making up for the missed day.

For example, if your collection day falls on a Monday statutory holiday, collection would shift to Tuesday, a regular Tuesday collection day would shift to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday to Friday, and Friday to Saturday.

Statutory Holiday Exceptions for 2024

There are no changes to the recycling, green bin, and garbage collection schedule on the following days:

  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Monday, September 30 

  • Remembrance Day: Monday, November 11 

  • Boxing Day: Thursday, December 26 

Trail Waste Facility Landfill and other landfill sites

Trail Waste Facility Landfill

The following practices and precautions are in place at the Trail Waste Facility to keep both the public and staff safe, and must be observed by all individuals attending the landfill:

  • Payment is contactless (i.e., Interac, Visa, MasterCard, Amex) at the scale house.
  • Clients are permitted to sort their materials at the small load deposit area, however – sorting materials in advance is recommended.

Facility Overview

Ottawa residents and businesses can dispose of waste material at this facility. The Trail Road Waste Facility only accepts non-hazardous waste generated within the geographic boundaries of the City of Ottawa only.

  • Household hazardous waste is NOT accepted
  • Liquid waste is NOT accepted

An environmental assessment to expand the Trail Road Waste Facility was approved in June of 2005. The expansion will provide an additional 10 to 40 years past 2008, depending on how much future waste can be successfully diverted from the landfill. Documents on the Trail Waste Facility Landfill Optimization/Expansion Project are available to the public at the Ottawa Public Library.

Location and hours of operation

4475 Trail Road (off Moodie Drive, south of Fallowfield Road)

The landfill site is open to the public during the hours listed below.

Monday to Friday: 7 am to 6 pm

Please note: The Trail Road Waste Facility is open on Boxing Day (Thursday, December 26). Hours of operation: 7 am to 6 pm. 

The facility will also be open to the public on the following Saturdays:  

  • January 4, 2025 – 7 am to 6 pm
  • January18, 2025 – 8 am to 4 pm
  • February 1, 2025 – 8 am to 4 pm
  • February 15, 2025 – 8 am to 4 pm
  • February 17, 2025 – 9 am to 5 pm
  • February 22, 2025 -7 am to 6 pm
  • March 8, 2025 – 8 am to 4 pm
  • March 22, 2025 – 8 am to 4 pm
  • April 5, 2025 – 8 am to 4 pm
  • April 18, 2025 – 9 am to 5 pm
  • April 19, 2025 – 7 am to 6 pm
  • April 21, 2025 – 9 am to 5 pm
  • April 26, 2025 – 7 am to 6 pm
  • May 10, 2025 – 8 am to 4 pm
  • May 19, 2025 – 9 am to 5 pm
  • May 24, 2025 – 7 am to 6 pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Safety equipment requirements

CSA-certified green patch footwear and hi-visibility clothing is required for all persons using the Main Disposal Area or Small Load Area #2 (at the tipping face). Persons who do not have the required protective clothing will continue to have access to the Small Load Area #1. These changes are being introduced in order to ensure the safety of everyone on site. Should you have any questions, please contact the City at 3-1-1.

Landfill rates (2025)

The Trail Road Waste Facility Scale House accepts the following payment methods:

  • Interac
  • VISA
  • AMEX
  • MasterCard

All landfill fees, except for the potting soil sales, are exempt from HST. Potting soil is available for purchase while quantities last. Please bring a shovel and containers for loading your own potting soil and wear appropriate footwear.

Potting Soil
Type Price Please note
Potting soil ($11.75 min. $47/tonne) Potting soil is available for purchase while quantities last.
Type Price Please note
*Residential, commercial, demolition and construction garbage  $157/tonne  Minimum fee applies <250 kg - Flat rate $39.25, otherwise charged by the weight in tonnes times the rate 
Soil (top soil, sand, sod)  $78/tonne (<250kg minimum is $19.50)  Must be free of waste. Large quantities over 5 tonnes must be pre-approved. Please contact 3-1-1 for more information. 
Fill (asphalt, masonry, concrete without rebar)  $144/tonne (<250kg minimum is $36) Must be free of waste including metal.
Woodchips  $145/tonne (<250kg minimum is $36.20)   
Mixed brush and garbage $314/tonne ( <250 kg minimum is $78.50)   
Farm waste  Free As per by-law definition of farm waste from registered farms only. 
Mixed garbage and recyclable materials $314/tonne ( <250 kg minimum is $78.50)   
Asbestos  $650/tonne (1 tonne minimum) 
  • As per Ontario Ministry of the Environment requirements. 
  • Appointment required. All vehicles must arrive on site before 9 am 
  • The City reserves the right to limit or refuse the acceptance of asbestos at the Trail Waste Facility. Asbestos must be contained in a rigid, impermeable, sealed container of sufficient strength to accommodate the weight and nature of this waste. If the container is a cardboard box, the asbestos must be in a sealed 6 mil polyethylene bag free of punctures, tears or leaks which is placed within the box. 
  • The unloading of asbestos shall only be done in the presence of a landfill facility operator to ensure that no loose asbestos or broken containers are unloaded and that no airborne particulate is generated. 
The Trail Road Waste Facility is no longer accepting glass, metal, plastic or cardboard packaging materials.
Packaging materials like glass and plastic bottles, tin and aluminum cans or cardboard boxes belong in the residential blue and black bin recycling program for regular curbside collection. For more information visit
Brush/yard waste and recyclable materials
Waste type Price Please note
Brush and yard waste $129/tonne (<100 kg minimum is $12.90) Material must be under 20 cm in diameter and leaf and yard waste.
Trees and stumps $314/tonne ( <100 kg minimum is $14.20) Brush and trees over 20 cm in diameter and stumps.
Tires Free
  • Passenger and light truck tires
  • Maximum of 10 passenger and light truck tires per day from any person
  • Tires with rims
Scrap metal Free Source separated metals (no garbage)
Electronic waste Free Source separated electronic waste (no garbage)
Ticket reprints
Type Price
Ticket reprint (per reprint) $10/ticket
Safety vest
Type Price
Safety vest (each at cost) $8.50


  • We do NOT accept liquid waste in the landfill.
  • We do NOT accept hazardous waste at the landfill.
  • Oil tanks/drums MUST be cut in half or perforated many times. If you are not equipped to safely and properly perform this work, please contact a waste disposal company to remove the tank/drum.
  • Safety requirement: Steel toe boots and high visibility vests must be worn at main tipping areas.
  • Payment options: Interac, Visa, AMEX and MasterCard. Please note: Until further notice the Trail Road Waste Facility, we will not be accepting cash or personal cheques as a method of payment.


Other landfill sites

  • Waste Connections of Canada Inc (WCC), previously Huneault Dump – 3354 Navan Road, 613-824-7289
  • Waste Management Landfill, West Carleton Environmental Centre – 2301 Carp Road, 613-831-3562
  • Tomlinson Waste Recovery Centre – 106 Westhunt Drive (Carp), 613-836-6069

Please ensure to contact the landfill directly before attending to ensure they are open, confirm their rates and materials accepted.

Yellow Bag program for small business

Two yellow garbage bags. One with black text and the other with the City of Ottawa logo.

The Yellow Bag program is a convenient and affordable garbage and waste diversion service for small businesses in Ottawa that generate smaller amounts of garbage.

Bi-weekly collection

To qualify for the program, garbage must be set out every two weeks in a pre-purchased yellow bag. Maximize your recycling and participate in the Green Bin program to minimize the amount of garbage you produce.  

Check your Collection Calendar to confirm your collection schedule.

What are the benefits of the Yellow Bag program to your business?

  • The program provides an affordable option for the collection of your business recycling, organics and garbage waste
  • It reduces garbage generated from your business with a focus on blue and black box recycling
  • It lowers your waste disposal costs
  • It leads to an increase in organics waste diversion through the green bin
  • It helps our community save valuable landfill space and
  • It shows your customers that you are committed to the environment.

Who can participate in the Yellow Bag program?

  • Any Ottawa business that generates sixteen bags or less of garbage every two weeks can participate and
  • If your business is located in a building with multiple business tenants, all businesses in the building must be Yellow Bag program participants and all of the businesses together cannot generate more than sixteen bags of garbage every two weeks
  • Anyone can register on behalf of your building

What is the cost?

  • Yellow bags are sold in packages of four for $17.60, only $4.40 per bag (effective January 1, 2025)
  • No additional fee is charged to have recycling and green bin material collected 

Please note: Although we encourage businesses to divert waste through the recycling and green bin program, you do need to set out garbage every two weeks in a pre-purchased yellow bag in order to qualify for the program. 

Where can I buy yellow bags?

Client Service Centre locations

City branded yellow bags are available at any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre during business hours.


  • Beacon Hill Home Hardware, 1934 Montreal Road located in Ogilvie Square
  • Bridlewood Home Hardware, 90 Michael Cowpland Drive
  • Capital Home Hardware, 736 Bank Street
  • Elmvale Acres Home Hardware, 1910 St. Laurent Boulevard located in Elmvale Acres Shopping Centre
  • Leitrim Home Hardware, 4836 Bank Street
  • Manotick Home Hardware, 1166 Beaverwood Road located in the Mews of Manotick
  • Morris Home Hardware, 1226 Wellington Street
  • Stittsville Home Hardware, 6001 Hazeldean Road
  • Trudel Home Hardware, 329 March Road
  • Orleans Home Hardware, 470 Charlemagne Boulevard
  • Richmond BMR, 6379 Perth Road  
  • Perkins Home Building Centre, 2338 Roger Stevens Drive in North Gower

Recreation and Community Centres

How does the Yellow Bag program work?

  • Complete the Yellow bag program for small business registration form
  • You may also contact 3-1-1 to have to the registration form emailed to you
  • If you are approved, the City will contact you
  • You will then receive a free blue and black box and green bin and a list of locations where you can buy yellow bags
  • The yellow bags are collected bi-weekly on your blue box collection day. Check your  waste collection calendar to confirm your collection day.
  • You can set out 15 containers of blue or black box materials during the week that each recycling stream is collected; and
  • You can set out a maximum of three green bins every week

How to set out your garbage and recyclables?

  • Place at the curb before 7 am on your collection day (Check the waste collection calendar to confirm your collection day)
  • Place garbage in yellow bag (not more than 15 kg or 33 lbs per bag). Limit is 16 yellow bags every two weeks
  • If your business is part of the special consideration program (diapers and incontinence products collection), yellow bags must be used

The Yellow Bag program does not accept:

Important reminder

If you have a legally binding waste collection contract with another company, you may be subject to cancellation penalties by participating in this program. Be sure to check with your service provider.


Find information on what goes in the greenblue and black bins. 

Garbage may not have been collected if:

  • The garbage contained recyclables or green bin materials
  • The week had a statutory holiday, in which case your regular collection day may occur one day later.
  • Waste collection contractors operate between 7 am and 6 pm; please wait until after 6 pm before submitting a request for missed collection.
    • If your request concerns a missed collection, all material must remain at the curb to be collected once reported.

Report a problem with garbage collection