Permit parking regulations
“’highway’ includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, any part of which is intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof”
- as per BY-LAW NO. 2017 - 301
- For the purposes of this schedule:
- "daytime" means the period of time from 7 am to 7 pm of the same day, and
- "overnight" means the period from 7 pm of one day to 7 am of the next day.
- Permit must be affixed to lower inside of windshield on driver's side to be valid.
- Permit holders may park their vehicles for longer periods than posted during the daytime period on the sides and between the limits of highways that permit daytime public parking and have signs posted bearing the words "Permit Holders Exempted".
- A permit holder may not park their vehicle on the sides and between the limits of highways during the times of day that stopping or parking is prohibited.
- Permit holders may park their vehicle overnight on the sides and between the limits of highways that permit daytime public parking and have signs posted bearing the words "Permit Holder Exempted".
- Permit holders may park their vehicles in the area for which a permit has been issued, as shown on the sketch given with the permit, provided space is available and that all parking regulations are complied with including the general regulations of the said By-law Number 2017-301.
- Permit holders shall not park their vehicles in a parking space controlled by a parking meter during those hours that require payment as set out in instructions contained on the parking meter unless the payment instructions and parking limits are adhered to.
- When temporary "No Parking" signs are placed by the Corporation of the City of Ottawa, permit holders shall remove their vehicles from these highways and the permits are not valid until such time as the temporary signs are removed.
- A permit holder who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is subject to a fine and towing away at the owner's expense. In addition, repeated violations will result in the loss of the permit.
- A permit holder may park the vehicle in the designated permit parking zone up to 48 hours without moving the vehicle as long as the signs bearing the words "Permit Holders Exempted" are posted.
- Questions about refunds can be directed to opens email application) (link sends e-mail). This mailbox will be monitored for refund inquiries only.
Accessible parking permit (APP)
Holders of a valid accessible parking permit (APP) are entitled to special parking privileges in public parking areas and on public roadways. Ottawa residents with temporary or permanent disabilities can obtain an application for an accessible parking permit (APP) by calling ServiceOntario at 1-800-267-8097 or by contacting your local ServiceOntario centre.
Who is eligible?
Any person who holds an accessible parking permit (APP) is eligible. The City of Ottawa honours valid accessible parking permits, licence plates, markers, or devices bearing the international symbol for access, for permit holders from other jurisdictions.
Getting or replacing an accessible parking permit (APP)
Ottawa residents with temporary or permanent disabilities can obtain an application for an accessible parking permit (APP) by calling ServiceOntario(link is external) at 1-800-267-8097or by contacting your local ServiceOntario(link is external) centre.
How to use your permit
Your permit must be displayed on the dashboard or sun visor of the vehicle in a way that the permit number and expiry date are clearly visible.
On-street privileges
Time limits are extended to four (4 ) hours at Pay & Display machines and elsewhere where parking is permitted, regardless of the time limit posted on the signs.
Parking at Pay & Display machines is free.
Vehicles may be parked up to four (4) hours in "no parking" zones. Permit holders may be picked up and dropped off in "no stopping" and "loading" zones, as well as in reserved bus lanes and reserved bicycle lanes as long as traffic is not impeded. Drivers are NOT permitted to wait for permit holders to return after they are dropped off in these locations.
These parking privileges do not apply to off-street parking facilities such as those at federal government buildings and Private Institutions (i.e.- Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport, hospitals, etc.).
Off-street privileges
All parking lots in the City of Ottawa with 20 or more public parking spaces are required to reserve at least one parking space for the use of permit holders. These spaces are identified by official signs showing the international symbol for accessibility for persons with disabilities.
For accessible permit rates for City managed parking lots and garages, please refer to the Municipal Parking Lots page.
Permit holders are subject to all other traffic and parking by-law provisions including respecting the winter parking bans and cannot block driveways, park in front of a fire hydrant or park within nine (9) metres of an intersection. Vehicles must not be stopped or parked in a way that blocks traffic.
Permit holders cannot park facing the wrong direction (facing on-coming traffic).
Permit holders cannot park more than 15 centimetres away from a curb (includes the middle of a dead end street/cul-de-sac).
Permit holders cannot park in “no stopping zones“. "No stopping" regulations are in effect on many roadways during peak traffic hours, usually Monday to Friday, 7 am to 9 am and 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Permit holders are not exempt from these regulations. Permit holders also cannot stop in school bus loading zones, taxi zones, and police vehicle zones.
Please contact us for more information.
Small business identity card parking permit
The small business identity card permit is to provide special short-term parking privileges for drivers of commercial or delivery and pick-up vehicles, not including passenger services, in the downtown and business districts of the City. The permit allows drivers to temporarily park on-street in “Loading” or signed “No Parking” zones. Permit holders are allowed to stop, for purposes of delivery, pick-up, or loading, for: (i) up to fifteen (15) minutes in a "No Parking Zone"; or (ii) up to fifteen (15) minutes in a "Loading Zone".
Day care parking permit
The day care parking permit is to provide a safe and convenient manner for the drop-off and pick-up of day care users (i.e. children), without a significant disruption to the availability of on-street parking or the operation of the street.
This allows the establishment to have a temporary pick-up and drop-off zone along the street, where vehicles can stop for the purpose of picking up children. “No Parking” zones are established on-street adjacent to the day care centres and permits are then issued to provide special fifteen minute privileges for loading and unloading only in that zone.
Permit holders can park for no more than fifteen minutes only in the defined area that corresponds to the permit.
Guest parking permit
The guest parking permit program is to provide residents in defined areas with a special privilege that allow their guests to park for longer periods than otherwise permitted, subject to some limitations and conditions.
Health care parking permit
The health care parking permit provides a special privilege to persons requiring regular in-home health care in dwellings that have insufficient off-street parking, and where streets have time limit restrictions that are typically shorter than the duration of the in-home care visit. One permit will be issued per household, where the individual demonstrates that in-home care is required. Exceptions may apply under extreme circumstances, as outlined in the policy. The resident is responsible to retain and distribute the permit to the health care provider.
Musician and artist loading permit
The Ottawa musician and artist loading permit is to give frequent live music venues the ability to provide special short-term parking privileges to vehicles loading music and/or artistic equipment in or out of the permit holding venue.
Each permit card will allow drivers to temporarily park on-street in a “Loading Zone” or signed “No Parking Zone” with the ability to leave vehicles displaying the musician and artist loading permit unattended and/or inactive for up to 15 minutes at a time, in addition to the time spent actively loading/un-loading the vehicle.
On-street parking permit (residential)
The residential on-street parking permit allows eligible residents to park on assigned street(s) for up to 48 hours. It also allows parkers – with some limitations and conditions – to remain parked on the street during a winter weather parking ban. Residential parking permit holders are not exempt from on-street paid parking fees. If parking in a Pay & Display zone, residential parking permit holders are subject to applicable fees and must follow any other parking restrictions in effect. Refer to payment instructions on parking equipment.
Replacement parking permit
The City will issue replacement permits subject to the following conditions:
- Permit has been lost or stolen;
- Permit has been damaged;
- Change of address or vehicle.
Seasonal beach parking pass
Seasonal Beach parking passes for Petrie Island are now available for purchase. Please allow up to 7 business days after your purchase for your pass to arrive in the mail. The beach pass will be valid from May 16 to September 8, 2025. Please contact opens email application) for for instructions on how to purchase a pass.
Seasonal beach parking permits for Mooney’s Bay are no longer offered.
Special events parking permit
Special event parking permit is to provide short-term on-street parking privileges under special circumstances, typically for infrequent not-for-profit or charitable events at locations such as schools, places of worship, and other institutions. Permits are issued to provide patrons some relief from time-restriction regulations when a special parking longer-duration demand is anticipated that cannot be accommodated off-street.
Special event parking permit – funeral
The special event parking permit – funeral is to provide short-term on-street parking privileges for funerals. The permit is to allow patrons attending a funeral to park longer than is otherwise permitted on specified streets. It is not intended to provide any special privilege with respect to metered parking, loading zones, no stopping zones, or other parking-restricted areas.
Temporary consideration parking permit
The temporary consideration parking permit provides short-term on-street parking privileges under special circumstances. Permits are issued in circumstances when off-street parking spaces are displaced temporarily, such as during off-street construction activities or when a garbage dumpster may occupy a property’s parking space. Permits may be issued for both residential and non-residential uses. The intent of this permit is to provide relief from parking regulations for infrequent and unavoidable circumstances when off-street parking is temporarily unavailable.
Temporary Consideration permits will not be issued for the use of City streets for the operation or parking of vehicles or equipment by contractors or moving companies as these requests are administered through Encroachment Permits at 613-580-2424 ext. 16000.
Visitors parking permit
Visitors parking permits allow out-of-town non-residents (residing 30km or more outside the Nation Capital Region/City of Ottawa) to park in residential parking permit zones for a maximum of two weeks.
Volunteer parking permit
Volunteer parking permit is to provide special short-term parking privileges for drivers of charitable organizations for delivery and pick-up, including passenger services, in the downtown and business districts of the City. The card is essentially a permit that allows drivers to temporarily park on-street in “loading” or signed “no parking” zones for up to 15 minutes.
Tour bus parking permit
Tour Bus Parking Permits are used by tour bus operators to park at any of the yellow tour bus parking meters. Each permit is valid for a maximum period of 24 consecutive hours and allows a tour bus to park at any designated tour bus meter without having to pay the hourly rate. The permit indicates both the time and date of expiry.
- $30 per permit
Tour bus parking permits are now available using paybyphone! Using the paybyphone app, use location code 103000 to purchase a 24 hour tour bus permit. The location code is valid at all paid on-street tour bus parking spaces.
Tour bus permits remain available for purchase online for in-person pickup.
Note: Refunds are not available for this permit.