Frequently asked questions

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Apply online for all Building Code Services permits and applications!

City residents, builders and the development industry may now submit and pay for all Building Code Services permits and applications from the comfort of their home, office or work site using any mobile device. The new Building, Planning and Land Development online customer portal is available through My Service Ottawa.

Building Code Services online applications and permits introduces a new paperless process that allows you, the applicant, to apply, upload plans and documents, submit payment, book inspections, and check the application status without traveling to your nearest Client Service Centre.

Building Code Services available online include:

  • Access to Building Permit Records
  • Compliance Reporting
  • Building Permits and related applications
  • Building Enforcement, Prosecutions, and Inspections
  • Municipal Addressing and Permanent Sign Permits
  • Request for Service (RFS) - Building Code
  • Applications for 911 Blade Signs
  • Municipal Notification Agency and Letter of Approval and for the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)

Building Code Services Client Service Centres continue to be available to client’s requiring assistance.

Getting Started

Building Code Services is now digital! Why wait in line when you can go online?  

Submit, pay, and manage new and existing Building Code Services applications on any mobile device, from the comfort of your own home or work site.  

Interested in getting started? Let us show you how

Step 1 – My ServiceOttawa Account

Building, Planning and Land Development is part of the My ServiceOttawa platform, where you also access your city Water and Sewer, Property Tax and Garbage and Recycling services online. Whether you are the applicant on/applying for your own home renovation, a business or an independent professional, an account with My ServiceOttawa (MySO) is required to access the online customer portal.  

Log in to your existing MySO account or visit is external) to create a new account.  

Step 2 - Building, Planning and Land Development Registration 

Once within the MySO platform, select the Building, Planning and Land Development service widget to register and gain access to the new Building, Planning and Land Development online customer portal.  

Step 3 - PIN activation and Associations 

Who are you doing business as? Who will be involved in your business? 

The online customer portal offers a means for homeowners, companies, and individual professionals to all work together on a single project or permit application.  

Accessing the Customer Portal as an Individual 

Before you can access the online customer portal, you will be asked to enter a 6-digit Customer PIN. If you have submitted Building Code Services applications in the past, there is a PIN available to you.  

This Customer PIN links all existing applications that are tied to you and makes them accessible in your online account. A Customer PIN is linked only to a single individual and not a company or professional. All new portal users will receive this one-time use PIN request upon registration. 

If you have existing applications where you are listed as the applicant, you may reach out to Building Code Services to acquire this Customer PIN by emailing opens email application). If this does not apply, you may bypass this step by selecting “Do Not Link and Continue” at registration. 

Accessing the Customer Portal as a Contractor or Professional 

Once within the customer portal, if you are a company or contractor (i.e. Construction Company or Developer etc.), you may enter a 9-digit Contractor PIN, which will link all existing applications that are tied to the company or contractor and make them accessible in your online account. A Contractor PIN is linked to a company or contractor and can be shared internally among the company. Various permissions can be set to ensure only certain access is provided and privacy is intact.  

If you have existing applications where the company or contractor is the applicant, you may reach out to Building Code Services to acquire this Contractor PIN by emailing opens email application). Contractor PINs can also be generated by a company or contractor at their own discretion within the customer portal.  

Accessing the Customer Portal as a Professional  

Once within the customer portal, if you act as a professional (i.e. Architect, Designer etc) doing business on behalf of a company or contractor, you can be invited to take part in the application by being added as an Additional Party. Additional Parties are given access to applications for the purpose of making payments, participate in reviews and/or requesting inspections. An email invitation will be sent to those professionals when a company or contractor is inviting you to be part of the application.  

Step 4 - Managing the Online Customer Portal  

Once within the online customer portal, new Building Code Services applications can be applied for online. Simply select the “Start an Application” button and follow the steps. Various permits including, Construction Permits, Demolition Permits, Private Road naming, and Septic Permits to name a few, are now fully available to be submitted online.  

This also includes uploading plans and documents, making payments and requesting inspections. In turn, City Staff will upload building permits, occupancy reports, and inspection reports directly to your account to view and download. 

Have any additional questions? 

A series of instructional guides and videos have been created to further assist you in using the new online customer portal and can be accessed by visiting is external)

Visit Planning your project | City of Ottawa to learn more about planning your construction project.

Visit New Technology Solution: Building, Planning and Land Development(link is external) to learn more about the new Building, Planning and Land Development Online Customer Portal.

Building permits

Do I need a permit?

I’m thinking of finishing my basement. Do I need a Building Permit?

Yes, you may require a Building Permit. If your renovation activity includes installation, erection, extension or material alteration or repair, a Building Permit is required. You should refer to the following web pages for more information:

Where can I obtain information on how far my new addition and shed must be from my lot line?

The Development Information Officer(link opens email application) (DIO) (613-580-2424 ext. 23434) for your area will provide the zoning requirements for your property. The DIO can advise you on the required setbacks to lot lines, building height and lot coverage restrictions that will impact on the location of your new structure/addition. The DIO can also provide information on the process to obtain a variance or from the Zoning By-law regulations.

I want to upgrade my electrical service. Do I need a Building Permit?

The City does not regulate electrical installations and thus a Building Permit is not required for work that is exclusively electrical. Information regarding electrical permits and standards should be directed to the Electrical Safety Authority(link is external) (ESA) at 1-877-372-7233.

Do I need a building permit to widen my driveway?

A private approach permit is required to create, widen or close a driveway. More information and online application form can be found on the Driveways page

A building permit is not required, however, a private approach permit cannot be issued if the application contravenes the Private Approach By-law or any other City of Ottawa by-laws. All private approaches must lead to parking areas that conform to the Zoning By-law (No. 2008-250). The Development Information Service can advise on applicable zoning regulations, such as front yard parking prohibitions Opens in a new tab or window(link is external), that may affect the proposed private approach. To contact a development information officer (DIO), please call 613-580-2424, extension 23434, or email opens email application). You may also wish to review the deed of transfer of your property (title documents provided by your solicitor following the purchase of your home) as the deed may include restrictions that will also apply, particularly if your home is part of a cooperative development, a condominium development or a multi-residential project. 

If I turn my hardware store into a pub, do I need a Building Permit?

Yes, you require a building permit if you intend to change any portion of an existing lot, building or structure, including the way it is currently used. By obtaining a building permit, you ensure that your premise is equipped with the prescribed washrooms, fire exits and other safety standards that are required for your proposed use.

I have purchased a new home, but I haven’t taken ownership yet. Can I apply for a Building Permit before the closing date?

Yes, you may apply for a Building Permit before you take possession of the house; however, you must provide proof of ownership before the permit can be issued, i.e. copy of deed.

I want to build a fence. Do I need a permit?

A building permit is not required to build or replace your fence, however, you are required to comply with the Fence By-law 2003-462. The Fence By-law sets out minimum standards for the installation, maintenance and repair of fences and institutes a "good neighbour policy" where the more attractive side of the fence must face toward the neighbouring property and street.  For more information, please visit the Fence By-law web page.

However, if the fence is to be used as a Pool Enclosure, you will require a Pool Enclosure Permit.  Please visit the Pool Enclosure web page for more information.

I want to build a deck. Do I need a permit?

A building permit is required for a deck that is attached or adjacent to a building having a walking surface of greater than 24" above adjacent grade. Other decks, not described above, that have a walking surface greater than 24" above adjacent grade and area greater that 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet) also require a building permit. For more information, please visit our Sundeck web page.

Regardless of whether or not a building permit is required for your deck, you should contact the Development Information Officer (DIO) for your area to determine whether or not your proposed deck will meet the zoning requirements for your property, mainly the setback to lot lines. You may contact the Development Information Officer for your area by telephoning our Call Centre at 3-1-1, or by visiting the Client Service Centre that is closest to your home address.

I want to build a shed. Do I need a permit?

Construction of an accessory building (e.g., detached garage, gazebo, pool house/change room), including the installation of prefabricated buildings, occupying an area greater than 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet) requires a building permit. Construction of a one-storey detached storage shed, that measures 15 square metres or less in gross area, is ancillary to the principal dwelling and without plumbing, does not require a building permit. For more information, please visit our Accessory Building web page.

Regardless of whether or not a building permit is required for your shed, you should contact the Development Information Officer (DIO) for your area to determine whether your proposed shed will meet the zoning requirements for your property, such as setbacks to lot lines, and restrictions to building height and lot coverage. You may contact the Development Information Officer for your area by telephoning our Call Centre at 3-1-1, or by visiting the Client Service Centre that is closest to your home address.

Where can I …

 Where can I purchase a copy of the Ontario Building Code?

Please refer to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing(link is external)’s web site. You may also visit the Service Ontario(link is external) counter located at Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, to purchase a copy.

Where can I get a Building Permit Application Form?

You may download a copy of the form from the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing(link is external)’s web page, or you may pick up a form at the Building Services counter at any Client Service Centre.

Where can I apply for my permit?

You may apply for a Building Permit via the online customer portal or at any of our Client Service Centres.

When the review of your application is complete and all requirements have been met, you or your agent will be notified via the option selected in the online customer portal or at the client service counter, that the permit is ready for pick-up at the Client Service Centre that is most convenient for you. 

What are the methods for submitting an application?  link to “submitting a building permit”

Online Submissions 

Applications for building permits, inspections and related Building Code services can now be submitted online using the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting portal available through My Service Ottawa. The new Land Management System (LMS) is a digital technology providing access to online permits and applications for Building Code Services. 

Applying for applications and access to the customer portal requires a My ServiceOttawa (MySO) account set-up and registration with the new Building, Planning and Land Development system. 

Do you currently have a My ServiceOttawa account? 

  • Yes - Please login to your My ServiceOttawa(link is external) account and complete the system registration by selecting the Building, planning and land development service widget. 

Please refer to the My ServiceOttawa’s help(link is external) page for assistance on how to manage your account. Several Customer Portal user guides(link is external) have been developed to provide information on how to use the new system. You may find out more about the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting system by visiting the Engage Ottawa(link is external) page. 

Please note that payment must accompany all applications. Additional costs for photocopies may apply. 

In Person 

Building Code Service counters are open for inquiries and those requiring assistance by appointment only. This includes the submission of permit applications, payment of fees and the issuance of permits. For clients wishing to submit applications, make payments or pick up permits a scheduled appointment is recommended. Select the link below to access the appointment scheduler. Submitting applications electronically is the preferred method.. 

  • Building Code Service counters are open for personal services by appointment and walk-ins at the following four locations . This includes the submission of permit applications, payment of fees and the issuance of permits.  
  • Ben Franklin Place – 101 Centrepointe Drive: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 
  • City Hall – 110 Laurier Avenue West: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 
  • Kanata – 580 Terry Fox Drive: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 
  • Orleans – 255 Centrum Boulevard: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm  

Where can I get information about the GST/HST rebate for New Housing Construction?

The GST/HST Rebate for New Housing Construction is a program administered by the Government of Canada. For your reference, please find links and telephone numbers to the Government of Canada's Revenue Agency below:

GST/HST New Housing Rebate(link is external)

Forms Line: 1-800-959-2221
Info Line: 1-800-959-5525

Where do I find information on Solar Panels/Solar Domestic Hot Water systems and building permit requirements?

Please refer to Permit Requirements for Green Buildings for further information on Solar Collector InstallationSolar Domestic Hot Water and on Fees.

Once I have applied for a building permit…

I’ve been issued my building permit. Do I have to post it somewhere? 

Yes, you must post your Building Permit for the duration of construction, in a visible location on-site in order to permit the public and the Building Inspector to view the permit.

Once I have applied for the Building Permit to construct my shed, how long will I have to wait for my permit to be issued?

Once the building permit application form, fees, and all submission requirements have been received and deemed complete, we require approximately five working days to review the documentation and advise whether the Building Permit will be issued or not. If not, we will provide a deficiency letter outlining the elements that must be addressed before the permit can be issued. It is not possible to predict beyond the five-day turnaround time, as your timeliness in responding to our letter of deficiency will dictate the timing of the issuance of the permit. Thus, the more complete and comprehensive your application and submission documents, the quicker the permit review process will be.

To help you ensure that your application is complete, please review the following information that explains the permit review process.

Once the Building Permit has been issued, how long do I have before I must begin to construct?

Construction can commence once the building permit has been issued. The construction must seriously commence within six months of the building permit being issued, or the permit can be revoked.

I have applied for and received my Building Permit and I have started to construct the project, but I want to know how long I have to complete the project. 

If the construction has been substantially suspended or discontinued for more than a year, the building permit may be revoked.

Building permit application and fees

What should I do if I think my neighbour is building without a permit?

If you suspect that construction is proceeding without a building permit and you wish to take further action, please contact our Call Centre directly by calling 3-1-1, (613-580-2400), Toll-Free: 866-261-9799, TTY: 613-580-2401 and ask to make a 'Request for Service.' This will officially record your concerns and provide you with a reference number to track your request. Please indicate whether or not you wish to be contacted following the investigation.

Who is responsible for applying for the Building Permit?

It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that a Building Permit is obtained when required. You may authorize your contractor or designer to apply for the permit, but as the owner, you should ensure that they have the permit prior to starting any work. Many owners prefer to submit the application themselves to ensure the permit application is received by the City. In addition, this provides the owner with the opportunity to have questions answered by our Building Code staff. Both the owner and the builder/contractor are responsible for the process and are equally liable under the Ontario Building Code Act. Building permits are necessary to ensure that the minimum building standards for safety, structural sufficiency, accessibility, energy and water conservation, and other standards such as those set out in the zoning By-law are met.

How much does a Building Permit cost?

The Building Permit fee is established through the Building By-law No. 2014-220. As this fee is subject to change, please view the Fee Schedule for current rates.  The fee covers the cost of reviewing the construction plans for compliance with the Ontario Building Code and applicable laws, such as the zoning by-laws, the Heritage Act, etc., as well as the issuance of the permit and the required inspections of the construction at specific stages of completed construction. You may review a comprehensive list of Building Services Branch related fees on our Fee Schedule web page. Building Permit fees must be paid at the time the application is submitted.

Please note fees for farm buildings may be different. Please see our Fee Schedule web page and the Rural Connections web pages for more information.

Your project may also be subject to development charges, including education development charges. Development Charges vary based on the type of proposed construction, the location of the proposed construction, etc. Development Charges are calculated once the review of your application is completed, (i.e., zoning, grading and Building Code reviews have been completed), prior to issuing the Building Permit. Development Charges are calculated at the time the permit is issued.

As a condition of development or redevelopment of land, the conveyance of parkland, cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland, or combination thereof is required in accordance with the Parkland Dedication by-law.  Conveyance of parkland shall be in the form of conveyance of land, cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland, or a combination of conveyance of land and cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland.

The parkland conveyance or cash-in-lieu of parkland requirements will be determined at the time of planning application or building permit review, whichever is applicable, and will be identified as conditions of approval for a planning application or required before the issuance of a building permit.

For detailed information refer to the Parkland Dedication (By-law No. 2022-280) | City of Ottawa

If your project requires a septic system, you will need to apply to the Ottawa Septic System Office(link is external) for a septic permit and fees will be required for that process.

What does the Building Permit fee cover?

Building Permit fees are set to cost recover all costs associated with servicing Building Permits and enforcing the Building Code Act and Building Code. Building Permit fees cover the cost of reviewing the construction plans for compliance with the Ontario Building Code and applicable laws, such as the zoning by-law, the Ontario Heritage Act, etc., in addition to the issuance of the permit, the required inspections of the construction at specific stages of completed construction and the occupancy permit.

Access to building permit records

Who can access building permit records?

Through the ABPR program clients can also request copies of the permit application, permit, plans, inspection reports, occupancy permit, and outstanding orders.

Is there a cost to obtain building permit records?

Yes, please refer to the fee schedule.

Compliance reports

What are compliance reports?

Compliance reports provide owners and authorized agents with information regarding a property’s status with respect to compliance with development by-laws or agreements and a summary of building permit activity.

Why would I need a compliance report?

Compliance Reports are typically requested as a result of a possible sale or refinancing of a building or property.


How do I contact the Building Inspector assigned to my project?

The Building Inspector's name and phone number is printed on the issued building permit.

What inspections are required for my home renovation project?

Several inspections are required during construction to ensure that all work is done according to the permit plans and the Ontario Building Code. For a list of required inspections, please refer to our web pages.

How do I book my Building Permit inspections?

Please refer to our Booking Inspections web page for details. Remember, the name and telephone number for your Building Inspector is printed on your Building Permit.

Enhanced Mechanical Review Program

Why is Building Code Services Branch implementing enhancements to its mechanical review program?

As mechanical building systems become more complex and the energy efficiency requirements of the Ontario Building Code continue to evolve, this enhanced program will provide builders with additional support to ensure compliance with applicable law, codes and standards.

What are the advantages for building owners by having an enhanced mechanical review program?

In addition to providing increased consistency and transparency for design and construction communities, the enhanced programencompasses a wider range of building mechanical systems,designs and components.

How were the program enhancements developed?

Best practices across nine Ontario municipalities were researched and extensive consultation with industry partners and staff was carried out to enhance the existing mechanical review program. The enhanced program has been tested, both in plan reviews and inspections, using case studies.

What are the some of the high-level enhancements?

Some key enhancements include:

  • The Mechanical Ventilation Design Summary Sheet has been updated to request equipment efficiencies, line diagrams and duct sizes.
  • A fire alarm monitoring certificate is required to be submitted, when applicable.
  • Clarification regarding the protection of standpipe components.

Please contact Building Code Services ( opens email application)) for specific questions.

Can I get a copy of what is expected of the developer / builder?

Yes, a handout details the level of information to be shown in the building permit submission package. This handout can be obtained at any City of Ottawa Building Code Client Service Centre. Please note, not all counters may be open during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When does the enhanced mechanical program take effect?

Building permit applications received on or after October 1, 2020, will be reviewed and inspected as per the enhanced program.Communication was sent out to the industry in December 2019 informing them of the upcoming changes with nine months (January to September 2020) lead time for the industry to prepare for the changes.

Who do I contact for more information?

Please contact Building Code Services at 613-580-2424 ext. 29312,during regular business hours between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, or email opens email application).

Land Management System

The City of Ottawa has undertaken a multi-year, technology project to replace components of the 20-year-old Municipal Application Partnership (MAP) software solution. The MAP software solution currently used for land development applications, permits and licensing by the Planning, Development and Building Services Department has reached end-of-life and requires modernization.

The city has signed a contract with COMPUTRONIX to implement their POSSE Land Management Software (LMS) for processing applications and permits. The POSSE LMS has been on the market for over 25 years and is now a significant competitor for many North American municipalities. This new technology solution will help modernize business processes to better serve residents, businesses and meet the city's evolving technology needs.  Learn more(link is external)

Pool Enclosure

We already have a fence constructed in our backyard. Do I still need to get a Pool Enclosure Permit?

Yes, you must obtain a Pool Enclosure Permit Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) to ensure that your existing enclosure or fence meets the requirements of the Pool Enclosure By-Law No. 2013-39 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external).

I want to install a pond in my backyard. Do I need a permit?

Yes, you are required to obtain a Pool Enclosure Permit Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) if the pool of water for swimming, bathing, wading or reflecting is capable of retaining a water depth equal to or greater than 600 mm (24 in) at any point. The Pool Enclosure By-Law No. 2013-39 can be viewed on our Web site.

I want to install a hot tub. Do I need a permit?

Yes, you are required to obtain a Pool Enclosure Permit Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) if the pool of water for swimming, bathing, wading or reflecting is capable of retaining a water depth equal to or greater than 600 mm (24 in) at any point. The Pool Enclosure By-Law No. 2013-39 can be viewed on our Web site.

I am installing a hot tub with a lockable lid. Do I require a Pool Enclosure Permit?

Yes, you must obtain a Pool Enclosure Permit even if the lid of the hot tub is one that locks. A permit is needed to ensure the lid meets the requirements of the By-law.

The Pool Enclosure By-Law No. 2013-39 states that a Pool Enclosure Permit Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) is required if the pool of water for swimming, bathing, wading or reflecting is capable of retaining a water depth equal to or greater than 600 mm (24 in) at any point. This By-Law applies to a hot tub that meets the criteria irrespective of whether the lid is lockable or not.

I want to fill in my in-ground swimming pool. Is a permit required?

A permit to demolish is not required. You are reminded that when dismantling the pool you must ensure that you do not adversely affect your neighbours' property. The grading of your property must not be modified without municipal approval.

You may backfill the pool with soil/gravel. If you have any further questions regarding the content of backfill to be used, please contact the Ontario Ministry of Environment office at 613-521-3450.

Secondary dwelling unit/apartment

I wish to build a secondary dwelling unit. Do I need to apply for a building permit?

You need a building permit, before construction begins if you are building a new dwelling unit in an existing dwelling and new construction includes:

  • an addition
  • the enlargement of any window
  • addition of a new exterior door, or
  • a new internal shared entrance

In some cases where a basement apartment is created, only a plumbing permit may be required.

If you are building a secondary dwelling unit as part of new construction in a detached, semi-detached or duplex dwelling, the building permit process will deal with the entire development.

In both cases, we advise you to review your plans with a Building Official at any of the City's Client Service Centers before beginning construction.

What size unit can I build?

The secondary dwelling unit must be:

  • no greater than 40 percent of the gross floor area of the principal dwelling. If you are building a basement unit, there is no maximum size.
  • subsidiary to the principal dwelling unit. 

Do I need an additional parking space for the secondary dwelling unit?

No. Parking can be accommodated on-site, and is allowed in the existing driveway. However, front yard parking for a secondary dwelling unit is not allowed.

Will my property taxes increase if I build a secondary dwelling unit?

If the value of your property increases as a result of building a secondary dwelling unit, your property tax increase should be relatively small. If you would like more detailed information about property assessment, please contact Municipal Property Assessment Corporation toll free at 1-866-296-MPAC (6722).

I own a home with an existing secondary dwelling unit. What does the Zoning By-law mean for me?

The Zoning By-Law means that your existing unit is now legal, as long as it is built within a detached, semi-detached or duplex dwelling.

However, if the unit does not meet one or more of the new zoning regulations, in order to bring the unit into compliance, you must either:

  • make modifications to your building or property to comply, or
  • seek a variance to the regulation(s) through the Committee of Adjustment.

In addition, your existing unit may not meet the requirements under other municipal By-Laws and Codes, including:

While the By-law cannot require that any existing unit be brought up to the Building and Fire Codes and zoning regulations, previously built units may eventually become known to the City for a variety of reasons, whether through a neighbour's complaint, required disclosure by real estate agents at the time of sale, or upon the renewal of a mortgage.

Please note:

In six of the former 11 municipalities, secondary dwelling units were already permitted before the Zoning By-Law became effective; therefore, these units keep their legal status.

However, if these units do not meet the requirements of Building or Fire Codes. You will be required to either make modifications or seek a variance as described above.

This exception applies to existing units in:

  • Cumberland-Urban
  • Gloucester
  • Nepean-Urban
  • Osgoode
  • Goulbourn
  • West Carleton

Speak to a Development Information Officer to determine if your existing unit meets the Zoning By-Law, and a Plans Examiner to make sure your unit complies with the Building and the Fire Codes.

Development Information Officers

In order to provide effective service to clients, the Development Information service is changing, as of August 1, 2023, in-person service will be available by appointment only.  If you require the services of a Development Information Officer, please call 613-580-2424 ext.23434 or email opens email application), include the subject address, proposed use, and other pertinent information relevant to the inquiry.  Upon receipt of the inquiry, a phone call or an email response will be provided within 2 to 3 business days, in the event more information is required there will be options to allow for further discussion.

Is there any area of the City that does not allow secondary dwelling units?

Yes, in the former Village of Rockcliffe Park. Also, units are not allowed in duplex dwellings in the Queensway Terrace North neighbourhood.

Is there any financial assistance available to build a secondary dwelling unit in my home?

Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation offers the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program - Secondary/Garden suite (RRAP) to assist in the creation of affordable housing for low-income seniors and adults with a disability.

The RRAP provides financial assistance to eligible applicants to convert/develop existing residential properties that can reasonably accommodate a secondary self-contained unit.

More information about eligibility and financial assistance is available from the CMHC(link is external).

Sewer and septic systems

Can I install a garburator?

Please note the Sewer Use By-law No. 2003-514 prohibits the use of garbage grinders (also called garburators) within the City of Ottawa.

My construction project might affect my septic bed. What should I do?

If a septic system is affected, you must contact the Ottawa Septic System Office (OSSO)(link is external) of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority to confirm the required setbacks from the septic bed and tank. Furthermore, if you plan to alter your septic system in any way, you must contact the OSSO, who will coordinate the review and approval process. They can also advise about their fees that may be applicable. Information packages and application forms are available from the OSSO office, or from our Client Service Centres.