The Community partnership minor capital program is an initiative available for minor capital improvements to city-owned parks, recreation, and cultural facilities on a cost-sharing basis with community groups.
Examples include play equipment, basketball courts, park furniture, tree planting, landscape improvements, minor community facility improvements, etc. Projects on school board land and other public lands that are accessible to the public may also be eligible.
This grant is not intended for the purchase of expendable recreation equipment, i.e. art supplies, tables, chairs etc. or to finance park or facility maintenance costs.
How does the program work?
The City matches the community contribution for projects on City property to a maximum of $15,000 or 50% of the total cost of the project.
The City’s total contribution to a project on school board land or other public land will be up to 33% of the total cost of the project, to a maximum of $10,000. The balance of the capital cost will come from the community group alone, or together with the landowner.
Who can apply?
- community groups
- sports organizations
- cultural groups
- school councils/parent teacher associations
What projects are eligible?
Minor capital recreational and cultural projects on City property which result in the development of fixed assets, i.e. play equipment, basketball courts, park furniture, tree planting, landscape improvements, minor community facility improvements, etc.
Projects on school land and other public lands are eligible provided the landowner provides financial and operational support as identified in the guidelines.
Guidelines and principles
- This program funding is available to not-for-profit organizations including community groups, sports organizations and school councils for minor capital costs related to recreational, cultural facilities, and properties.
- The program can be applied to a variety of capital projects that result in the development of fixed assets that aim to increase recreation opportunities within the community. This grant program is not intended to be used to purchase expendable recreation or operational equipment or to finance park or facility maintenance costs.
- Proposed recreation amenities are to be accessible to the general public at all reasonable hours.
- The landowner (for example, the School Board) must have public liability insurance for the construction of the project and the landowner must provide written concurrence for the proposed project.
- All proposed projects will be assessed in conjunction with Corporate and Departmental strategies and priorities.
- No proposed project will be approved if it duplicates existing recreational facilities within the community.
- The total contribution to community groups for services, materials and financial assistance on City lands or lands subject to a long-term lease with the City will be limited to a maximum of $15,000 or 50% of the total cost of the project, whichever is the lesser.
- In the case of projects undertaken on school board lands, services, materials and financial assistance will be limited to a maximum of $10,000 or 33% of the total cost of the project, whichever is the lesser. The financial contribution of the School Board must be equal to or greater than that of the City. If the School Board is unable to contribute towards the cost of the project, the community group is required to contribute the Board’s share. Grant applications on school land must be accompanied by written confirmation of support and approval for the project from the School Board; namely, financial contribution, liability and maintenance. The School Boards will be responsible for the maintenance and liability of facilities/amenities on school sites, after installation. If the Board ceases to operate a school site that contains a play facility installed with Community Partnership Funds, the School Board must continue to maintain the recreational facility to the same high standard, as was the case before the closure. The Department reserves the right to refuse a grant request for a project on a school site that is pending closure or is subject to disposal by the School Board. The Board, in its approval letter for the Community Partnership project, must indicate whether the subject site is under consideration for closure.
- In the case of projects on lands of public agencies other than the School Boards, the same procedures as those for School Boards will apply.
- Applicants will be required to satisfy the commercial general liability insurance requirements of the City.
- Funding only applies to fixed assets. It will not fund other components such as furniture, equipment, feasibility or fundraising studies.
- The total cost of a project is to be determined either by a professional contractor or consultant, and provided in writing.
- For projects on City owned land, the City will be responsible to ensure proper and safe equipment installation by inspection following the completion of the project. Responsibility for maintenance of the improvement(s) will be assessed with each application.
- The City will ensure that the work has been completed to City standards. The finished project must also be constructed in compliance with any other approved or applicable standards or guidelines.
- All contributions made by community associations, parent-teacher groups, community councils, etc. will be considered as funds raised by the community. Corporate donations will also be considered as funds raised by the community.
- No grant cheque will be issued in the name of an individual; instead, the grant cheque will be made out to a recognized or accountable group with two or more signing officers.
- There are to be no residual funds left to the group or to any individual within that group as a result of using the cost-sharing formula for calculating this grant unless such residual funds are to be applied to a subsequent phase of the project which itself has been approved by the Department. If the Department does not approve a subsequent phase of the project, the group is to return to the Department remnant funds left over from the grant provided, following completion of the specific project.
- The verification of the community’s contribution must be submitted with a completed grant application to the Department. Adequate matching funds must be shown to be available before City funds are released.
- More than one Community Partnership project may be identified on a single City or school site in one year. The City’s portion of the grant for a single project must not exceed the maximum grant amount for the program. The City’s portion must not exceed $10,000 per fiscal year for two or more projects on a single site.
- Grant applicants are required to obtain written concurrence from (a) registered community group(s) affected by a proposed project, prior to the Department approving such projects. In a neighbourhood with no recognized or representative group, where the proposed project calls for a significant addition or amenity change to a local park or public facility, a public engagement is to be undertaken in order to receive concurrence of the project from the local residents.
- Grants will not be awarded to applicants commencing work prior to the submission of a program application or prior to receiving project approval from the Department. Projects that commence prior to final approval cannot be compensated for costs incurred before final approval.
- There are two application deadlines for submitting proposals each year: May 1 and September 1 at 3 pm, local time. Late submissions will not be considered. Available funding will be divided between the two deadlines. In the event that the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, proposals are due on 3pm on the first available business day following the deadline. Proposals are accepted electronically by the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department.
- Permanent recognition in the form of plaques, signs and or inscriptions is prohibited under the partnership programs.
- All applications received by each deadline, that meet the program criteria, will be ranked for available funding using the following factors:
- Priority will be given to first time requests and applicants who have not previously received funding.
- Priority will be given to projects that serve the needs of a greater number of potential users.
- Priority will be given to projects that enhance accessibility for persons with disabilities.
- Priority will be given to projects that aim to increase equity and inclusivity.
- Priority will be given to projects that meet the needs of youth and priority communities.
- Progress must be made within a year of issuance of the letter of conditional agreement. The City reserves the right to extend this on a case-by-case basis.
Deadline and application
May 1 and September 1 each year, pending budget approval.
Prior to submitting your application, ensure you have thoroughly reviewed the guidelines and principles.
Donna Williams
613-580-2424 extension 23169
Renée Proteau
613-580-2424 extension 26967