Older adult activities

On this page

Seasonal programs and courses

Swim, dance, learn a new game or hobby, or join a fitness class.

Find season-long programs and courses customized to older adults on Register Ottawa(link is external), the City of Ottawa’s registration site. You’re welcome to join any adult or family program but if you prefer, there are sessions tailored specifically for the 50-plus age group.

Older adult programs are easy to find using the search tool on Register Ottawa(link is external) but for your convenience, a list of search results is below. If you’d like to do a more specific search, start by selecting older adults from this list and then narrow the results by selecting your preferred activity category.

For more information about registered programs, see Courses and Camps.

Drop-in activities

Drop-in to a nearby recreation centre for fitness, skating or swimming sessions or join in recreational games at a seniors' centre or community-run seniors' program.

Find schedules for City of Ottawa seniors' centres and recreation centres on their individual pages. Advanced registration may be required.

Call, stop in, or visit the websites of community-operated seniors' programs to find out what games and activities are being offered. 

Drop-in descriptions

Explore drop-in activities

Participating in drop-in recreation is a great way to stay active and have fun without a big commitment. Many residents appreciate the flexibility of our drop-in programs, which fit easily into their schedules. Whether you're interested in swimming, aquafit, group fitness, sports, skating, ice sports, racquet sports, or curling, there's something for everyone at City of Ottawa recreation centres, pools and arenas.

Drop in and discover how easy and enjoyable it can be to stay active and meet new people. Your next favorite activity is just a visit away!

How it works

Currently, there’s no online tool to find programs by type, but you can view them by location. Some facilities also have printed schedules at their counters.

  1. Find your facility - Use the search page or type the facility’s name in the search bar at the top of any page.
  2. View schedules - Check the drop-in schedules on the facility’s page.
  3. Check reservations - See if reservations are needed. If so, click the Reservation button and follow the steps to register online. Reservations open at 6 pm two days before the program date.
  4. Payment - No payment is taken online for drop-in programs. Pay-as-you-go or explore our memberships or multi-visit passes for savings. These apply to swimming, skating, sports and fitness alone or combined. Ensure you have time to pay the admission fee before the session starts.
  5. Cancellations - If you can’t attend, cancel your reservation to free up the spot for someone else. You can find the cancellation link in your email confirmation or on the reservation landing page. Alternatively, you can call the facility to cancel. Check the facility page for any cancellations or holiday changes.

Drop-in fees - single visit

Single visit drop-in fees

Ages 65+

Fees shown do not include HST. Applicable taxes will be added during the payment process.

  • Fitness: $8.09 
  • Fitness - Multi-visit Passes
    • 10 visits: $68
    • 20 visits: $125.83
  • Swimming:
    • standard or outdoor pool $3.57
    • leisure pool $4.76
    • wave swim $8.09
    • aquafitness $8.06
  • Sport: $4.28 (per hour)
    • Sport: 10 visits: $37.01
  • Public skating: $3.10
    • Specialized skating: $6.86
  • Senior centre: $2.08 (per visit)

Consider membership or multi-visit passes for cost-savings.

Free virtual programs

Ottawa residents 50+ can enjoy a variety of virtual programs designed to promote learning, wellness, and community engagement—all from the comfort of home! Programs cater to a wide range of interests, including fitness classes, educational workshops, and creative arts. Whether you're looking to stay active, develop new skills, or connect with others in the community, there's something for everyone. Best of all, these programs are funded, making them accessible to all. If your preferred class isn’t available right away, simply join the waitlist for updates on new openings! For a full list of virtual programs available, visit register.ottawa.ca(link is external). Enjoy your class!


  Start date Time Activity code
Drawing – Coloured Pencils Thursday, April 3 10 am to 12:15 pm 134022(link is external)
Drawing and Painting Thursday, May 1 10 am to 12:15 pm 134023(link is external)
Zen Doodling Tuesday, June 5 10 am to 12:15 pm 134024(link is external)
Nature sketching Thursday, April 3 1 to 3:15 pm 134025(link is external)
Zen Doodling Thursday, May 1 1 to 3:15 pm 134027(link is external)
Art Journalling Thursday, June 5 1 to 3:15 pm 134028(link is external)
Strong and Steady! Tuesday, April 8 10 to 11 am 130373(link is external)
Book Club Monday, April 28 7 to 9 pm 134037(link is external)
Socializing Series Sunday, April 6 11 to 11:45 pm 119415(link is external)

Seniors centres

City-operated seniors centres

English community-operated senior centres

French community-operated senior centres

Free fitness pass - Try It

Visit a participating facility to sign up for a free Try It fitness pass. No appointment needed. Your free pass gives you three visits to participating facilities.


  • Weight and cardio rooms
  • Squash and racquetball courts
  • Aquafitness classes
  • Indoor cycling classes
  • Public skating sessions
  • Group fitness classes


  • Passes begin on your first day of use and must be used within 30 days.
  • Passes can only be used at participating locations.
  • Users must not have been a member of the City of Ottawa fitness within the past six months.
  • Users must be 13 years or older. 

Participating facilities

Seniors clubs and groups

Organization name Contact name(s) Phone number(s)
Active Living Club activeliving@ottawa.ca(link opens email application) 613-580-3575 
Age d'or St-Laurent Aurore Laniel 613-822-2514
Ashton Seniors Club John Gill 613-257-1326
Barrhaven Seniors' Council(link is external) Don Winchester(link opens email application) 613-440-3620
Blossom Park 50 Plus n/a n/a
Blossom Park Seniors Club n/a n/a
Carp Seniors Margaret Gibson 613-832-0981
C.O.S.C.A. Overbrook Senior Association n/a 613-742-5147
Centre Séraphin-Marion d'Orléans(link is external) n/a 613-830-6436
Centre Francophone de Vanier n/a 613-746-0611
Centre Pauline Charron (Club 60) Léo Lavergne 613-741-0562
Club d'âge d'or Colombien de Vanier Maurice Gignac 613-745-7849
Club d'âge d'or Marie-Médiatrice Louise Régnier 613-741-9159
Club Optimiste Vanier Maurice Lamirande 613-748-7827
Club Pétanque de Sarsfield Fernand Leduc 613-835-2930
Constance and Buchman's Bay Community Association(link is external) Len Russell(link opens email application) 613-832-4694
The Council of Aging Ottawa(link is external) Sarah Bercier(link opens email application) 613-789-3577
Crystal Beach/Lakeview Friendship Club Judy Leeson(link opens email application) 613-829-1083
Cumberland Township Pioneers Edith Nolan 613-487-2345
Fédération des aînées et des retraités francophones de l'Ontario Michele Guay, Directrice general 613-747-0469
Fitzroy Harbour Seniors Club Connie Reitsma(link opens email application) 613-623-4170
Friends of Churchill Seniors Centre Mari Wellman(link opens email application) n/a
Gloucester Senior Adults' Centre(link is external) Sharon Oatway(link opens email application) 613-749-1974
Gloucester South Seniors Centre Robert Cameron 613-822-0020
Greely Friendship Club Kay Johnston 613-821-2666
Heron Road Seniors Centre n/a 613-247-4802
Hobbs Seniors Club(link is external) Ann McConnell(link opens email application) 613-462-4082
Home Maintenance Program Community Resource Centre 613-591-3686
Huntley Friendship Club Frank Walsh 613-839-3063
Jock River Seniors Audrey 613-838-5304
Kanata Heritage Club Alfred Moore 613-591-9515
Kanata Senior Centre kanataseniorscentre@ottawa.ca(link opens email application) 613-580-2980
Kanata Seniors Council Council@KanataSeniors.ca(link opens email application) n/a
Kanata Seniors Lunch Program Community Resource Centre 613-591-3686
Kinburn and District Senior Citizens Jack Shaw 613-839-5326
Les Feuilles d'automne Janine Boisvert 613-833-2744
Merivale Seniors Joan Kidd, President 613-591-6255
Mouvement d`implication francophone d`Orléans - MIFO(link is external) info@mifo.ca(link opens email application) 613-830-6436
New Horizon Earl Burnett 613-825-3088
North Gower Walking Group - "Happy Hoffers" Keith Ramsay 613-489-3839
Orleans Legion 632 Seniors Club Pauline Messier(link opens email application) Linda Brewin(link opens email application) 1-613-882-3165 1-343-548-9519
Ottawa Public Education Retiree's Association O.P.E.R.A. Peter Norman, President 613-592-2816
People Meeting People Ottawa(link is external) Fran Evans(link opens email application) n/a
Pioneers Seniors Club John Chiviendacz 613-833-2275
Probus Club of Western Ottawa(link is external) Peter Doyle(link opens email application) n/a
Punjabi Seniors Group Charanjit Wadehra 613-592-2431
Rendez-vous des aînés francophones d’Ottawa(link is external) General manager(link opens email application) 613-834-6808
Retraite en Action(link is external) Anne-Marie Laurendeau(link opens email application) 613-860-1099, ext. 1
Richmond Golden Age Club Hilda Moore 613-838-2274
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 593 Seniors Club n/a 613-829-5417
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #638 n/a 613-591-5570
Sand Hills Seniors Club Frances Gentile 613-832-1588
Seniors' Centre Without Walls from The Good Companions Rachel Sutcliffe(link opens email application) 613-236-0428
Seniors Euchre (Constance Bay) Al Baskin 613-832-1190
Senior Games Bill Duncan(link opens email application) 613-832-4516
Sri Lanka Canada Association of Ottawa Seniors Group The Coordinator(link opens email application) 613-700-4849
Stittsville 55 Club Joan David 613-836-7489
Stittsville Friendship Club Jocelyne Sauve 613-836-3060
Supporting Seniors(link is external) Laura Polegato(link opens email application) 613-295-1984
Top Generation Club John Saunders 613-487-2474
Vernon Friendship Club Daisy Robinson, President 613-821-2539
West Carleton Country Knitters(link is external) Mary Hyland(link is external) 613-831-7429