This guide provides an overview of the services and resources available to residents of the City of Ottawa, with specific reference, where appropriate, to older adults.
The term older adult refers to a general stage of life and can include adults 50 years of age and older (including seniors 65 and older). Phone numbers and links are subject to change. If you experience any difficulty with phone numbers or web links, please call 3-1-1.
Contact information
ServiceOttawa is your first stop for City information and services.
Contact ServiceOttawa for information, such as:
- Recreation programs for all ages and skill levels
- Financial assistance options, such as the tax deferral program
- Social housing and long-term care homes
- Volunteering, public transportation, snow removal, garbage collection
- Reporting a problem or a compliment, and more
- To learn about City of Ottawa services and programs, submit applications and report issues.
- The Older adult section of the website provides information on services specific to older adults.
General Information line - 3-1-1
- Call 3-1-1 for information about City of Ottawa services and programs or to make a report about City issues.
- Available 24 hours a day, every day.
- Staff can answer your questions in more than 170 languages.
- TTY: 613-580-2401
Client Service Centres
Visit a centre that’s close to where you live. Seven Client Service Centres provide information about City of Ottawa services and programs.
The City of Ottawa’s urban Client Service Centres’ business hours are Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, except for the City Hall Government Service Centre, which is open Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm.
Urban Centres
1. City Hall Government Services Centre (Federal, Provincial, and Municipal services)
110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa
2. West/South - Ben Franklin Place Client Service Centre
101 Centrepointe Drive, Nepean
3. East - Orléans Client Service Centre
255 Centrum Blvd., Orléans
Rural Centres
Call 3-1-1 to confirm the hours and days of operation for rural Client Service Centres.
5. Metcalfe Client Service Centre
8243 Victoria St, Metcalfe
6. West Carleton Client Service Centre
5670 Carp Rd, Kinburn
7. North Gower Client Service Centre
2155 Roger Stevens Drive, North Gower
Information sent to your computer (eSubscription)
Sign up to receive City of Ottawa news and information for older adults delivered directly to your computer.
2-1-1 - Community Information Centre of Ottawa
For community information or services you do not see in this guide:
- Call 2-1-1 if you need help to find community, government and health services
- 2-1-1 provides services in more than 150 languages
- Available 24 hours a day every day. It’s free and confidential
Getting around the City
Accessible Parking Permit
Accessible Parking Permits are available for both on-street and off-street parking.
People with physical disabilities may apply to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation for an Accessible Parking Permit (APP). Drivers or passengers who display this permit are entitled to special parking privileges in public parking areas and on public roadways.
To apply for an Accessible Parking Permit:
- Visit the local office of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation or visit the ServiceOntario(link is external) website
To find out about City of Ottawa privileges for drivers with an Accessible Parking Permit:
- Visit the Accessible parking permit (APP) webpage
- Call 3-1-1
Grit Box program
The City of Ottawa has placed "do-it-yourself" grit boxes at various locations across the City to make the sidewalks safe for everyone to walk on in the winter. The boxes, for residents use, contain the same winter grit used by the City's snow operations' staff.
The grit boxes are located close to steep hills, and in areas where there are many pedestrians, older adults and persons using mobility devices. All residents are encouraged to spread the grit on slippery spots on sidewalks and other problem areas.
For more information about the Grit Box program, view the Grit Box Locations(link is external) webpage or call 3-1-1.
Public transit (OC Transpo)
OC Transpo makes travelling around the city easy for older adults. All vehicles are fully accessible with no stairs. Buses can lower to the curb for easy boarding. Other features to make travel easier include:
- Bilingual announcements of each stop so you always know where you are along the route
- Priority seating near the front of the bus and on the O-Train for anyone who has difficulty standing in a moving vehicle
- Free Priority Seating cards and Attendant cards
- A free Travel Training program is offered to organizations to help you learn how to travel safely and independently
- Safe Stop - after 7 pm, you can ask the driver to drop you off at a safe spot along the route closer to your destination
- Let us know if you feel threatened or unsafe: complete an incident report(link is external), call Transit Law at 613-741-2478 (TTY 613-842-3699), use an emergency phone, or tell an operator or special constable
Discounts and free fares for seniors 65+
If you are 65 or older, take advantage of these services from OC Transpo:
- Ride free on Wednesdays on all routes
- Reduced cash and Presto card fares on regular routes
- A discounted monthly pass, with unlimited travel on all routes (with valid ID or Presto card)
- Free Rural Shopper’s Routes 201 to 205
For more information about these services:
- Call the Access OC Hotline 613-842-3625 (TTY 613-741-5280)
- Call 613-741-4390 (TTY 613-741-5280); staff can assist in answering your questions in more than 170 languages
- Visit is external)
Schedule information: For real-time arrivals of your bus 24/7, call 613-560-1000 or text 560560 plus your four-digit stop number.
Para Transpo
If you are unable to use OC Transpo some or all of the time because of a disability or health concern, consider using Para Transpo’s door-to-door service. Registered Para Transpo customers may also join the Taxi Coupon program to get lower rates for taxis.
To apply for Para Transpo or to get more information:
- Call 613-244-1289 (TTY 613-244-4833)
- Visit is external)
Rural transportation options
If you are a senior or an adult living with a physical disability in rural Ottawa, there are many options available to help you travel to, from, or within your community. The City of Ottawa partners with Rural Community Support Services to offer additional transportation options.
Please contact the Community Support Service organization serving your area for more information:
- Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre - serving Nepean, Kanata, and West Carleton 613-591-3686
- Rural Ottawa South Support Services - serving Osgoode and Rideau-Goulbourn 613-692-4697
- Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre - serving Gloucester, Orléans and Cumberland 613-741-6025
Accessible Pedestrian Signals
Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS), formerly known as audible pedestrian signals, communicate information about the WALK and flashing DON'T WALK intervals to blind, visually impaired, or deaf-blind pedestrians at signalized intersections. Information identifying the "right-of-way" to cross a roadway is available through various means including locator tones, audible tones, vibrotactile indicators, raised tactile arrow points in direction of crossing, or any combination of these non-visual methods. All APS deliver sounds when activated that indicate when pedestrians can start crossing an intersection and in which direction. Currently, over 800 signalized intersections are equipped with audible tone components throughout the city and the number continues to grow every year.
Using Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS): To activate the audible and/or vibrotactile indicator portion of the walk signal, pedestrians must push and hold a crosswalk button for a minimum of three seconds. The audible signal and/or vibrotactile indicator function will not be activated if the button is held for less time.
For more information about Accessible Pedestrian Signals, please e-mail opens email application) or call 3-1-1 (TTY 613-580-2401)
Map of public washrooms
If you want to find a public washroom when exploring the city, take a look at this map. It has over 170 public and portable washrooms in City buildings and parks. It shows locations, hours of operation and level of accessibility.
Help around the home
Caregiver Support program
For more information, view the online caregiver guide(link is external)
Garbage collection (special considerations)
If you or someone you care for needs to have weekly collection of waste diapers or incontinence products, you can register for the City’s Special Consideration Waste program. Participating households can place one bag of waste diapers and incontinence products out for collection every week.
To register for the Special Consideration Waste program:
- Go to the diapers and incontinence products collection page
- Call 3-1-1
Organics recycling is an important part of the City of Ottawa’s long term waste strategy. Roughly 45 per cent of Ottawa’s garbage (by weight) is compostable organic material that can be put into the green bin. Seniors (65+) and people with a disability can request a smaller green bin by calling 3-1-1.
Home Support Services
Home Support Services can help you with light housekeeping tasks such as sweeping floors, cleaning bathrooms, changing bed linens, and laundry.
The program is available to people who:
- Receive support from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) OR
- Have a low income and limited assets
- And live with some type of limitation so they are unable to complete these tasks on their own
You must apply for the program and provide financial information. To apply or get more information:
- Call 3-1-1, select your language of choice, then press 4 for Social Services, then press 3 to apply
Library Delivery Service (Homebound Services)
Homebound Services provides free delivery of Ottawa Public Library (OPL) materials to Ottawa residents who are unable to visit the Library regularly due to age, illness or disability. OPL delivers to individual homes, retirement residences and long-term care facilities.
To find out more about the Library’s Homebound Services:
- Call 613-580-2944
- Email opens email application)
Snow clearing (Snow Go and Snow Go Assist)
There are two Snow Go programs funded by the City of Ottawa to help older adults (60+) and people with disabilities.
- The Snow Go Coordination program can help you find a contractor and get snow cleared from your private driveway and walkway at your own cost.
- Through the Snow Go Assist program you may qualify for financial help to pay for snow clearing, if you have a low income, and are unable to clear the snow yourself. You must apply and provide financial information to the seniors community support agency providing the Snow Go programs in your neighbourhood.
Health and support services
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) programs for older adults
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) offers several programs to help older adults stay healthy and independent:
- Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hubs(link is external): OPH works with community partners to offer free drop-in services for people who may face challenges. Visit these Hubs to talk with OPH and City of Ottawa staff.
- Strong and Steady Program(link is external): This program is for adults aged 65+ who may be at risk of falls, especially those facing language and access barriers. It includes a 10-week beginner exercise class held twice a week. The focus is on building strength, improving balance, and reducing the fear of falling.
- Preventing Falls: Use the Staying Independent Checklist Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) to assess your fall risk and get useful tips on how to prevent falls.
- Preventing Falls in Older Adults online course(link is external): This free course is for anyone who wants to learn more about falls and how to prevent them.
- Immunization Clinics: OPH offers clinics for older adults who face barriers to getting their COVID-19(link is external) and flu(link is external) vaccines through local pharmacies.
- Smoking Cessation: Thinking about quitting smoking? Visit the Ottawa Public Health website for more information about services in Ottawa to help people quit smoking(link is external).
For information about these and other programs visit is external)
Essential Health and Social Supports
The Essential Health and Social Supports program is available to people with a low income and limited assets. The program provides financial help for health-related items, such as prescription drugs, eyeglasses, dental care, diabetic supplies, incontinence supplies, bathroom aids, respiratory supplies, and mobility devices.
You must apply for the program and provide financial information. To apply or get more information:
- Call 3-1-1, select your language of choice, press 4 for Social Services, then press 3 to apply
Long-Term Care Homes
The City of Ottawa operates four Long-Term Care Homes. These homes offer many services and programs for residents. If you would like to take a tour of any of the City of Ottawa’s Long-Term Care Homes, call for an appointment.
- Centre d’accueil Champlain (Vanier) – 613-746-3543
- Garry J. Armstrong (Porter Island) – 613-789-5100
- Peter D. Clark (Centrepointe) – 613-274-2671
- Carleton Lodge (Nepean) – 613-580-2953
To apply for long-term care:
- Contact the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) – 613-745-5525 – for information. The CCAC coordinates applications and admissions for all Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario
Residential Care (domiciliary hostels)
The Residential Care (domiciliary hostel) program provides financial support for housing to adults who cannot live on their own and need some help with daily living activities.
Housing is in private or non-profit residences (also known as domiciliary hostels). To be considered for the program, you must apply and take part in a financial and personal assessment.
For more information:
- Call the Community Supports Team at 613-580-2424 (extension 26586) or
- Visit the Residential Services Homes webpage
Ontario Renovates program
This program provides financial support for home repairs and renovations to help seniors (65+) and people with disabilities live independently. It is open to:
- Seniors who own their home and have a low income
- People with disabilities who own their home and have a low income
- Landlords who want to modify existing units or buildings to make them more accessible
To apply for the Ontario Renovates program or to get more information:
- Call the Ontario Renovates program at 613-580-2424 (extension 12300)
- Call 3-1-1
Property tax deferral for seniors
If you are aged 65 or older, own your home, and are living on a low income, you may qualify for one of the City of Ottawa’s tax deferral programs. The City offers two programs – Full and Partial Property Tax Deferral. Both programs allow eligible people to defer payment of some or all property tax. These programs are also open to people with a disability who have a low income.
The two programs have different requirements. To find out more about Property Tax Deferral:
- Call 613-580-2740
- Visit the Property Taxes webpage
- Call 3-1-1
Secondary dwelling units (space for live-in care or for renting out)
You may be able to create a secondary dwelling unit (also called an in-law suite) in your home. A secondary dwelling unit is a self-contained set of rooms that includes both a kitchen and a bathroom. You must meet a number of conditions before starting.
For more information about secondary dwelling units:
- Call 3-1-1 and ask to speak to a Development Information Officer
Social housing
If you have a low income, you may be able to apply for social housing. Rent for these units is geared to your income. The Social Housing Registry of Ottawa maintains a centralized waiting list for all social housing in Ottawa.
To apply for a social housing unit:
- Visit the Social Housing Registry(link is external) website
- Call the Social Housing Registry at 613-526-2088
- Visit 2197 Riverside Drive, 5th floor
Recreation and leisure
Social and physical activities
The City of Ottawa offers many different recreation and cultural programs for older adults 50+. Keep your mind and body active through programs such as painting, fitness, sewing, computer use, bridge, swimming, guest speakers, sports, and more.
- Residents 65+ receive a 10% discount on City of Ottawa program registration fees. To receive the discount, you must include your date of birth on your account
- Fitness memberships are available at a reduced cost to seniors 65+
- To register for specific programs or take part in drop-in activities, call 3-1-1 or visit the Recreation and leisure for older adults webpage
Residents are welcome to enjoy City museums or theatres.
- Call 3-1-1 for information on museums, or visit
- Call 613-580-ARTS (2787) for information on the Shenkman Arts Centre or visit is external)
- Call 613-580-2701 for information on Centrepointe Theatres or visit is external)
Adult day programs
Carleton Lodge and Centre d’accueil Champlain offer adult day programs for seniors 65+ who are frail, have dementia or face other barriers that prevent them from taking part in regular activities. Small group activities promote good health and social interaction for participants. The programs also provide a break for caregivers.
To apply for one of these adult day programs:
- Contact the Champlain Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) 613-745-5525
Help to pay for a City of Ottawa recreation or cultural program
If you need help to pay the registration fee for a City of Ottawa recreation or cultural program or activity, you can get a Hand in Hand Recreation Fee Subsidy application form at your local recreation facility or any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre. You will be asked to provide financial information when you apply.
Ottawa Public Library – accessible services and collections
The Library’s accessible collections include large print books, children’s Braille books, audio books in various formats, captioned DVDs, DVDs with described video and eBooks.
All Library branches have assistive technology computer workstations which include a height adjustable desk, widescreen monitor, large print keyboard, trackball mouse, scanner, and software including ZoomText, JAWS, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Kurzweil 3000 and BrowseAloud.
For more information about the Library’s accessible services:
- Call InfoService 613-580-2940
- Visit the Library's accessibility webpage(link is external)
Ottawa Public Library programs and workshops
The Ottawa Public Library offers free programs for older adults. For information about book clubs; writing workshops; healthy living and financial planning programs; along with tutorials to help older adults learn basic computer skills, use of email, and the Internet:
- Visit the Ottawa Public Library website(link is external) for a list of programs and locations
- Call InfoService at 613-580-2940.
Seniors’ centres and drop ins
The City of Ottawa operates four Seniors’ Centres that offer programs and drop-in activities for older adults 50+.
Find out about programs:
- List of seniors centres
- Call 3-1-1
- Call the centre near you (listed below)
1. Churchill Seniors Centre, 345 Richmond Road 613-798-8927
2. Heron Seniors Centre, 1480 Heron Road 613-247-4808 extension 2
3. Kanata Seniors Centre, 2500 Campeau Drive 613-599-4480
4. Nepean Seniors Recreation Centre, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue 613-580-2828
There are several other seniors’ centres managed by community organizations which offer a range of programming in both English and French.
For more information:
- Call 2-1-1
- Visit the older adults page
If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Emergency preparedness
It is important that you know what to do and how to stay safe in an emergency. The City of Ottawa’s “Are You Ready?” program offers workshops and training for community groups and businesses. Find out what you need to prepare for an emergency such as a flood, severe weather, or a blackout.
The Are You Ready program is tailor-made for the needs of the city’s diverse and multicultural community. Our newest expansion of this program, Ready Seniors, is exclusively for older adults. This program focuses on networks for older adults in emergency situations and provides them with specialized information.
For more information on promotional material or to book a workshop:
- Visit the Are You Ready? webpage
- Email opens email application)
- Call 613-580-2424 extension 28078
- Call 3-1-1
Ottawa Fire Services – fire safety
Learn about fire safety and fire prevention. Ottawa Fire Services can help older adults and people who work with older adults learn how to install and test a fire alarm, use a fire extinguisher, cook safely, and get out of the house safely in the case of a fire.
If you would like to book a fire safety presentation for your group:
- Visit the Ottawa Fire Services section of the website
- Email opens email application) for questions about a possible Fire Code violation
- Email opens email application) to schedule a fire safety presentation or learn more about fire safety
- Call 613-580-2658. This is a not an emergency number. If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1
Ottawa Police Service – elder abuse
Elder abuse is any act that harms or threatens to harm an older person. It can include physical, sexual, financial, and psychological abuse, as well as neglect.
The Ottawa Police Service – Elder Abuse Section investigates all reports of elder abuse. The Victim Crisis Section staff may assist to get help for the victim of abuse, or they may refer the report to the police for further investigation.
If you would like more information, or if you are concerned about an older person:
- Contact the Elder Abuse Section at 613-236-1222, extension 2400 or 5433. This is not an emergency number. If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1
Ottawa Police Service – seniors fraud
The Ottawa Police Service – Organized Fraud Section investigates criminal activities that target older adults. They also make presentations with the ABCs of Fraud program(link is external) to keep older adults from becoming victims of scams and frauds.
For more information about preventing fraud:
- Visit the Ottawa Police website(link is external)
- Call the Organized Fraud Section – 613-236-1222, extension 5433
This is not an emergency number. If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1.
City of Ottawa volunteer opportunities
The City of Ottawa offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities for residents. You can get involved in programs at Ottawa's museums, theatres, libraries, archives, Long-Term Care Homes, individuals with disabilities programs, recreation programs, and much more.
If you would like more information about volunteering for the City of Ottawa:
- Call City of Ottawa, Volunteer Services at 613-580-2624 or email opens email application)
- Visit
- Call 3-1-1
2-1-1 - Community Information Centre of Ottawa
For community information or services you do not see in this guide:
- Call 2-1-1 if you need help to find community, government and health services
- 2-1-1 provides services in more than 150 languages
- Available 24 hours a day every day. It’s free and confidential
Older Adult Plan
The City of Ottawa’s Older Adult Plan 2015-2018 supports a long-term vision for our community that values, empowers, and supports older persons and their quality of life. The Plan contains 51 actions to address the priorities of older residents and make Ottawa an age-friendly city. The plan is organized under eight age-friendly areas:
- Outdoor spaces and City buildings
- Transportation and mobility
- Housing
- Communication and information
- Social, recreational, and cultural participation
- Civic participation and volunteering
- Community supports and health services
- Respect and social inclusion
For more information about the Older Adult Plan, please email opens email application), call 3-1-1 or visit