Solar hot water systems

The Ontario Building Code distinguishes between solar domestic hot water systems that are factory-packaged and non-packaged systems.

Before you begin

A factory-packaged solar domestic hot water system generally consists of a complete series of assembled components which provide solar pre-heated water to a domestic hot water storage tank through the use of solar thermal collectors, heat transfer exchangers (utilizing a liquid heat transfer media and potable water) and includes all appropriate plumbing and electrical controls to affect the transfer. Non-packaged systems refer to the series of individual components that make up a solar domestic hot water system not specifically produced to be used in a proprietary system.

Cost and timeline

Approximate cost

Refer to Applicable fees

The building permit fee is based on valuation of the proposed construction, which includes the total cost of all materials, labour, equipment, overhead and related services (ie. design and consulting services) assigned to the supply and installation of the system and any building modifications.

Approximate timeline

Approximate timeline based on City Council approved enhanced service level:

  • First review - five business days for residential buildings
  • First review - 10 business days for large residential and Commercial commercial buildings

What you need

Non-packaged solar domestic hot water systems

A professional engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario must certify that the proposed non-packaged solar domestic hot water system conforms with the intent of CSA F379.1-09, the referenced standards applicable to solar domestic hot water components listed in Table 1 of the standard and the intent of the requirements for solar domestic hot water systems in the Ontario Building Code. Building permit submission documents must include a statement of compliance to the above reference documents.

Factory-packaged solar domestic hot water systems

Packaged solar domestic hot water systems in possession of a Certificate of Compliance from CSA International in accordance with CSA F379.1-09, Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems (liquid-to-liquid heat transfer) are exempt from the requirements above.

Installation requirements for all solar domestic hot water systems

  1. Installation of the system must be undertaken by a qualified installer certified by the Canadian Solar Energy Industry Association. As an interim measure to obtaining installer certification from CANSIA the installation must comply with item two below.
  2. Compliance of the installation to “good engineering practice” must be confirmed by a professional engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario.

Required inspections

When the installation is complete, your work must be inspected to ensure that the construction complies with the Ontario Building Code. The permit plans and specifications must be on site and made available to the building inspector at the time of inspection. To ensure the availability of a building inspector, you should book your inspection 48 hours in advance. Inspections can be booked via the online customer portal or by contacting the Building Inspector to schedule your inspections. The building inspector name and phone number is identified on the building permit. Failure to have the appropriate inspection performed may result in Orders issued.


Online Submissions 

Solar hot water systems applications can now be submitted online using the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting portal available through My Service Ottawa. The new Land Management System (LMS) is a digital technology providing access to online permits and applications for Building Code Services. 

Applying for applications and access to the customer portal requires a My ServiceOttawa (MySO) account set-up and registration with the new Building, Planning and Land Development system. 

Do you currently have a My ServiceOttawa account? 

  • No - Please proceed to My ServiceOttawa  login page and select the green ‘create an account’ button. Assistance is available for creating your account. 
  • Yes - Please login to your My ServiceOttawa  account and complete the system registration by selecting the Building, planning and land development service widget. 

Please refer to the My ServiceOttawa’s help page for assistance on how to manage your account. Several Customer Portal user guides have been developed to provide information on how to use the new system. You may find out more about the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting system by visiting the Engage Ottawa page. 

Please note that payment must accompany all applications. Additional costs for photocopies may apply. 

In Person 

Building Code Service counters are open for personal services by appointment only. This includes the submission of permit applications, payment of fees and the issuance of permits.  

There are various methods for submitting applications.

Application Forms: Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish  (For reference only)